Dreams needs a PC release
Dreams needs a PC release
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>it's another ''game fails because you can't mod it'' episode
I don't disagree. Why not just PC/PS4?
what could mods even add to Dreams?
tbf it's being held back by the hardware it's on
everything that mods added to gmod or even mario maker
to be honest this thing should only be a modeling software on PC, rest of the features are not comparable to actual game engines but it'd be nice as a sculpting tool to use for other engines, after all on PC you really don't need to have a single package that tries to do everything
wasted money on that piece of crap. fuck media molecule.
Such as?
it's like Blender adapted for console controls rather than an actual game. I still haven't found a single creation in Dreams that plays like a proper videogame, they're tech demo tier at best.
Unity is already on PC you dolt.
1. stuff is not made by professionals
2. people obviously aren't willing to put as much effort to something tied to some small ecosystem with no monetary insensitives
3. limited in scope by the game, thermometer fills quite quickly
4. you don't have teams of people who making coordinated shit
it's just a gamejam simulator
Unity doesn't let me sculpt a goldface in minutes using a shitty controller without knowing anything about 3D modelling
Okay, allow me to point you to the shit loads of shitty 3D modeling sites that Yea Forums has fucked around with in their
>Make it video game related
microsoft paint does let you draw better wojacks
perfectly summarises why the concept is so stupid
I hated LBP. Is there any reasonable for me to have any interest in dreams? It seems even less interesting as a game than LBP was.
5. shits ass with the regular controller and I doubt most would be willing to buy those dildo controllers and a webcam for their playstation
with clever editing of the games files, you can change the sounds of some of the guns. That's about it
Little Big Planet is a video game at the least. This is not.
It's basically a 3D LBP. How is it not a game?
windows literally comes with 3D sculpting/drawing software out the box these days that is ironically more intuitive than dreams
LBP is a platformer, this is not
this user summed it up LBP was a platformer at its core, whilst Dreams is 3D sculpting at its core with really awkward tools and a system that's notoriously time-consuming and tricky to learn properly.
Story mode is coming when early access ends. Will it be a game then?
sure and a very unfocused experience all over the place when it comes to the community levels
Why? It's just a shittier version of something like Unity.
Samefag and cope
Haven’t seen the workshop in a while have you
You mean GMOD?
PCpony seethe and cope
Dreams is an example of sony fans will praise any game if it's exclusive, it's literally just unity/unreal engine, but shit
>when you're so desperate for games you have to make them yourself
the absolute state of so(n)yboys
Dreams is an example of PC gaymers will shit on any game if their $3000 gaymer rig can't run it
Considering Sonny is censoring some player made content it seems it's the only way to unleash it's full potential (plus mods)
it is, just compare the remake of P.T in Dreams compared to the one in Unreal
Unreal's is actually playable for one
when will so(n)yboys finally have sex and search themselves a job?
When will ESL poorfags stop being poor and buy a PS4 already?
>le goldface is allowed
>but pepe is banned
Proof that Sony visits and shills on this board
The virgin Snoyfan:
>pays $60 for a shitty creation engine
>then has to pay $9.99 monthly to upload creations
>struggles to make recreations of N64 games where Mario looks like a barely-recognizable blob
>almost loses job at McDonald's because he's late again after jacking off to the Hatsune Miku upskirt level he managed to snag before Sony deleted it
The Chad PC Gamer:
>downloads Unreal Engine 4 for free
>creates beautiful upgrades to classic N64 games that play as well as they look
>gets hired by Nintendo and lives on easy street the rest of his life
>is currently fucking a girl cosplaying as Hatsune Miku
>Dreams BAD
>Super Mario Maker GOOD
Man, this game really gets people upset.
nice shitpost but you don't need PS+
The board has a giant hateboner for Sony. Guess that's what happens when you fall for the Switch meme and endure your 3rd year of drought..
nobody mentioned mario maker lmao
>he bought a Pii U
The original MM might as well not exist.
I wonder why, maybe it's because they're the biggest current cancer in the video game world??? Gee
that's only for creations that are publicly uploaded to MM servers
you can still privately share any creations and be fine
Why does the game try so hard to look/be "surreal"?
I mean shit like dreams should exist just for fucking around, you know?
well mario maker presents you with nice platforming challenges and is a consistent experience :)
still very limited in my opinion, creative related media should be in the most open, less censored environment possible, and current Sonny it's not (none of the consoles are to be honest)
ESL niggers have their own home and make money, so(n)yniggers don't
you can change the look and textures to be literally anything you can create, the surreal look is just the standard theme
Many of the levels were made by the Mm team and theyre still tech demo at best.
Will Yea Forums make a game or is the learning curve too steep for you fellers?
shits looking like some asset flip unity demo
I was talking about menus, UIs, and that weird starting segment.
what's the issue
There was literally only 1 instance of censoring, and it has since been reversed and caused Mm to rework their moderation policy.
>man i wonder why this board hates sony but FUCK NINTENDO FUCK. THEM.
>Many of the levels were made by the Mm team
Literally the opposite is true.
>platforming character demo stage level takes like 1/3 of the capacity of the level
how you supposed to make the game if you're limited so much?
Why? We have UE, Unity, Godot and much much more.
Wrong. Pepe sculpts are being removed, one of the devs (a tranny, of course) has even been reporting them live on stream
that was made back during the very limited time beta, before the early access was even out
expect things to only improve when people get more time to work on what they are making
source that shows it's still ongoing?
Now thats dope af.
wake me up when it's fun to play shit in this
>hating on Dreams
Why does Yea Forums hate fun?
>Pepe sculpts are being removed
You act as if this is a bad thing.
politically motivated censorship in a creative sandbox game is a bad thing
Because Dreams isn't fun if you're the one making it. Once people realise that then the fun will drop too.
>muh political censorpship!
I actually figure it's the opposite, shits cool to make but the end results kind of shitty and not fun to play
>reeeeee its not fun stop enjoying things!
The difference is everything in it, including every piece of animation, was made by the user.
Nothing you see in this is found readily made in the game.
you can link multiple levels together, each with their own thermometer limits
it can be done pretty seamlessly if you hide the part where it loads new areas in doorways and such
You're proving my point. All those levels mocking Trump are still up while a simple pepe asset gets taken down. Snoy is run by californian SJWs now
It's gonna be like all other toybox creation tools.
First couple of weeks or so people will play it and make awful shit while they are figuring out the tools, then when they realize making stuff takes time and making something good is hard they will stop or just copy paste whatever gimmick is popular. While a tiny tiny tiny minority of people make stuff that is actually worth experience.
that looks like shit
dreams also pushes the idea of asset flipping though
that was the original,
so it's not ongoing
Brutal Dreams
>Censorship is fine as long as it doesn't affect the things I like
Sad to see you Americanos falling this low
To be fair Mario maker and LBP stayed for a long time but at the same time they made creation somewhat simple.
>mocking Trump
>all the 2020 levels and Wall levels
Quit your bitching. Your green frog sculpt was shit anyway.
Thats one of major features of it but my point is that even with people remixing other peoples things someone had to make the original.
Everyone starts off with the same tools but no one is forced to make anything from scratch and can just build things using community made assets.
You're just mad because your Pepe was removed.
True, but 99.99% was still unplayable garbage or shit like "self playing level #6454353".
That is one of the unfortunate things about creation software with a low barrier to entry, it attracts the people who shouldn't be making stuff in the first place. Just look at what happened with indie games when Unity blew up.
>enter a map
>"alright this is kind of neat"
>wander around for 4 minutes and leave
>enter another map
>"alright this is cool"
>wander around for 5 minutes and leave
>enter another map
>"Oh, it's a recreation of Kokiri forest, doesn't play well, but an effort was made"
>wander around for 2 minutes and leave
>enter another map
>"this looks unfinished, guess I'll come back if it's ever completed"
>and it has since been reversed and caused Mm to rework their moderation policy.
is there a source on this?
How is that different from a Unity asset flip then?
>liking Pepe
Bet you have some dank Wojack memes too, huh?
What kind of tags and description does this have?The other one could have been removed if the guy just wrote "Fuck Niggers" over and over in tit.
From the Dreams Reddit.
>Hey all, Tom (Mm’s Community Manager) here!
>We’ve decided to reinstate the content in question we feel it appears in an appropriate context. As we learn more about how Dreams is used in early access we will define our moderation policies more clearly and refine our in-game systems to both protect our creators and players whilst letting your creativity shine. For example, we are working towards adding in player gating so that users can actively moderate their own content.
>That pending, please keep in mind this is a 12+ game and consider the audience that might see the content you’re creating.
>As always pornography/obscenity is not acceptable in Dreams and that kind of content will be moderated.
Anyone who could actually make a decent game in dreams will be better off making their own game and not bothering.
doesn't explain why they censored Pepe or the mexico border wall level lol
People sometimes do things for fun you know.Dreams gives an easy way to create and publish wahtever you might come up with, you dont have to start every project with profit in mind.
Because their creators probably had political shit in the description, tags or in the level itself. See the Pepe sculpt posted above thats still in the game.
when the tranny devs find that other pepe sculpt it will be gone too
The keyworld here being "decent game". Making something decent requires a huge amount of effort and willpower. Playing around for a couple of hours making a meme level does not.
>remove political shit
>leaves in anime tiddies
Dreams bad!
they already backed down on removing political shit
and they only really remove full on porn and nudity
what you posted is fine
"""Ultra Ralistic"""? KEK what a shit show this is
unironically I always find this fetish super hot
try to make pic related nude, let's see how Sonny California keeps it
why would you ever want to play this cuck shit?
>try to make porn in a E rated game and see what happens!
Are you retarded?
>try to make porn on a T rated game
>wtf why would they remove it?! REEEEEEE!
Some of the VR modeling software lets you export your creations to other game engines.
I would had preferred another little big planet
this game is fucking nothing but walking simulators and pretentious ART levels with names like "A C R O P O R A"
I'm so fucking mad that MM has been working on this shit since 2013 instead of making a proper LBP sequel.
they could have added sculpting of 3D props and 3D painting into LBP 4, instead they're wasted on this shit.
the """""games""""" are more broken and boring than half assed garbage you'd find on gamejolt.
>b-but give it time!!
nothing will fucking change
>censorship is okay when it's something I don't like
You can do that, just share it privately with your frie- oh... oh, I'm sorry.
user, did you know that the games are made by the community?
You can't blame MM for that.
Have you considered the fact that most people have no idea how to make games?
this game is modding itself
I blame snoylets
that looks comfy af... why isn't this aesthetic used in a real game
Literally impossible
This games only exists because of the following concepts:
-locked hardware
-platform holders
-good developers
-sales numbers not being the 1st priority
PC straight up lacks 2 of those 5, and another 2 are very hard to get.
I'd settle for keyboard and mouse controls on ps4.
>sales numbers not being the 1st priority
>not caring about sales
They wouldn't have funded this thing for so many years and through countless engine rewrites if sales were the only thing that mattered. Most other publishers would've cancelled it or forced to ship in a broken state years ago