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alright i dont care about this retarded tranny shit, just post the pic where the guy gets fucked by the guy with the thinking face

you're only posting this thread because you want someone to post the porn edits of it

god, i wish i had a bf

wtf i love man ass now!


Honestly this thread needs to be ban on sight at this point.

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Honestly, when people make up a fuckton of excuses for something as trivial as playing a female character, I get the vibe they're hiding something. On the other hand, when people ASK about something so trivial in the first place, I suspect them of thinking it's a big deal for some reason.

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If you don't properly relieve the AGP urges by playing as a girl in games, you'll eventually be compelled to play as one in real life by cutting off your dick

I choose female characters because it makes me feel I'm adventuring with them.

>staring at the player character's ass and not whatever the player character is supposed to be actually doing
People who make that argument don't actually play video games

If you play a female and you think you are straight heterosexual male. You are wrong. you aren't dealing with some form of confusion about your sexuality and then you act on it in a video game. That's all there is to it enough already

If someone who plays a female secretly wants to be a girl, does that mean a dwarf player secretly wants to be a hairy, drunk midget?

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post the ahegao edit

somebody post the other one i only made this thread for the porn

>you played the girl character you are clearly a tranny my son off comes the penis
>pink and blue shirts
This faggot is not even trying to hide his agenda.

What about players of female dwarves?

I don't have it

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Do you realize how much of boring runs from point A to point B do games have?

I guess they wanna be fat, hairy, drunk girl midget?

then call an user who does
of all the anons here someone's hard drive contains the desired image

do they even exist?
In all my years of having played D&D with a lot of people nobody ever made a female dwarf character

This. Ironic that he says people that make the argument don't play video games, when it's obvious from his "just focus on the game lol" response that he himself probably doesn't play a whole lot of video games.

hahha funny think face XD

ok yeah i have the porn now you guys can stop talking in this shitty thread

Post the full version

It is a big deal
You don't just play as a female character

there's more pron we have to just ask the right user to post it
user COME TO US!

That doesn't mean I suddenly start looking at 3D rendered ass. It means I use fast travel or whatever is the closest thing to it (rolling across Hyrule field or whatever). The urge to beat vidya and the urge to fap are two different impulses.

Dwarfs are usually joke characters
Cute girls usually aren't

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In that case you stare that the environment. If the enviroment is static and uninteresting, then you can literally just look away from the game

So where are the full images?

Why do people ask in the first place? What's the expected response? "Because I'm gay?" That doesn't even make sense, why would a gay guy make it a point to play a female character?

>If you are a hetero man, you are supposed to use male characters.

Then let's give one step beyond on this logic.

>If you are white, you are supposed to use white characters.
>If you are black, you are supposed to use black characters.
>If you are gay, you are supposed to use gay characters.

This idea sounds like identity politics. It sounds like shit.

what if its a fighting game and the female character is a top tier

why would you post this?

he's a tranny fetishist trying to ride the TRANS RIGHTS XD wave, reverse search his shit and then look through his twitter and you'll see his shit alternate from "blatant fetish porn" to "TRANS RIGHTS XDD"

Uh it's because I want to have sex with them. It's stimulating.

I think OP will suggest to go full identity politics and become transgender in order to be able to use the character.

the real answer is either
>I'm transgender
>I'm a pervert

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Cute traps and "passing" trans don't really exist outside of 2d.

A game with a roster like fighting or racing is different.

where's the love? where's the tenderness?


You can stop arguing now.

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can we get an "understandable, have a nice day" edit?

"Because they're cute" already implies "I'm a pervert."
Like no fucking shit. I've never met a man who wasn't a pervert.

Also using Ryu doesn't make you become Ryu himself.
Western audience have the obsession of self incarnation in videogame.
For real, I would not be surprised if a game require to scan your face and voice to put it into the protagonist in the future western game.

>If you are human, you are supposed to use human characters.

being unable to separate your fetishes from your hobbies is a personality flaw
it's particularly unforgivable when you're playing an online game and other people have to constantly be exposed to your thirst

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>Sees mortal kombat.
Now literally no one can play with Baraka.

because its true.
source: know guy who is now a disgusting trans, looks similar to trigglypuff.
they have an ava VERY similar to what was quoted. these images dont just crop up for no reason, its usually making fun of a trend the majority of these abominations follow.

based and waterpaled

Yes, I do.

I know this is a bait thread, but I'll reply anyways.
I pick the girl if I played as the guy before, or if the guy looks like shit. Look at the guy here. He has fucking meme anime hair.

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Heck, you can't even play Zelda.

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And the girl doesn't? Single sidetails are the biggest meme in existence in anime hair, they look like absolute ass IRL for any girl over like 6 years old. Combining it with that swept front on the other side is full retard. Guy is actually okay in comparisom

What now

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Does that mean that playing any Tomb Raider game makes me the big gay?

Actually, there are some loud as fuck trannies and fat women over Twitter who keep bitching about Nintendo having to add Linkle alternative in Breath of the Wild to make it "playable". And speaking of Breath of the Wild, despite it being shitposted often, lots of trannies ended up being offended by the whole crossdressing segment because it was ultimately a joke about male dressed as a girl.


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It's funny, people also complained about Linkle for not just being a female link.


This needs to be edited so the thinking dude is black.

A crummy female? He should be playing a pail of water!

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basically incipient trannyism, or trannyism as a fetish rather than as a mental illness
ERPers are autogynephiles


There is only one game I play a female character and that is Splatoon. It's more like a daughterfu to me than anything. There's kind of a bad rep around male inkling players.

Everything else I play as a male character.

When it comes to Japanese male protagonists, you either have "wacky anime hair" or "basic hair with bangs."

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u gay?

It's fine as long as people keep in mind that it's just sexual a fetish for them and don't go around cutting their cocks off. It's also most likely much more common than men admit, by just looking at popularity of porn starring no men at all.

Can someone explain to me why normalfags never play girl characters? I tried to ask them why but they always say "i don't know".
What goes through their brain to refute even the idea to play a female char?

>inb4 homosexuality
they have gfs

I want to be a lesbian anime girl.

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I mean, Bayonetta and Tomb Raider have sold tens of millions of copies, Kitana is one of the most played MK characters, etc.

I've read a post claiming that lonely people are more likely to feel that they play WITH the character, not AS the character, which makes sense.

I could be your bf

One of my friends is an ultra normie, but he always picks cutesy girl characters.

I want to be a girl, but am not delusional or dumb enough to think transition does anything. Playing a girl in vidya is a nice escape.

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post butt