I completely forgot about and missed this GDQ side project, did any good runs came out of it?
I completely forgot about and missed this GDQ side project, did any good runs came out of it?
most of the runs had no camera or mic
I typed "females" in quotes just like that in chat and got banned
What do you think?
"trans woman" is fine however
Couldn't tell you I didn't watch Trannyfest 2019 either.
>oh my god guys, can't wait for frame fatales
>so many girls who play my favorite games
Not once did I hear a single female voice.
>spotted hyena as mascot
it's not a coincidence
Why do these ugly people feel the need to post pictures of themselves on the internet?
Dont complain, we get to laugh at them
I looked it up and found this:
>tranny shows tranny friend the announcement tweet to expose toxic gamers
>something something wymmyn despite none of them being wymmyn
>look at tweet's replies to find toxic male gamers
>there's actually nly sjw's shitting on the organizers for xyz reason
>bonus: antifa flag
You can't make this shit up. Why is the speedrunning community so tranny infested?
Because they're "women", and that's what they do, right? If they don't act like thots 24/7 would they even be trying?
Because playing the same game over and over again like that for internet attention brings out all your latent mental illnesses.
>Frame Fattaleez
What did he mean by this?
There were few female commentators and during my on/off observation there was one runner I think was really a girl (Super Meat Boy).
Do they even speedrun? I binge watch every single AGDQ and SGDQ and I've never seen a single trans person actually participate besides organizing and other social shit. Why are they even there?
>Why is the speedrunning community so tranny infested?
The very concept of speedrunning is "I want my 15 minutes of fame". Once someone else finds the best strategies to do, all it comes down is execution and repetition. Anyone who has a lot of time and something to prove can play the same game over, and over, and over again until they get recognition. Then they're in the spotlight and have enough "credibility" to where other retards will listen to the soapbox speeches.
It's prime breeding ground for both autism and attention whores.
Damn bro that's epic, you owned them.
>when you're so fat even the pozzed out artist that did this commission can't hide it without people calling it out
Bottom right actually looks like a regular fat woman
Bottom right actually looks like fat ugly women I've seen.
>dress up as female
>identify as trans
>go to event
>BTFO all women
>women whine
>cry transphobia
>turn all women into terfs
that hivemind
It's a "safe space"
Which is just marketing, in terms of GDQ.
wonder why
>Women aren't equally represented in the main event
You wot?
Fuck bottom left, marry bottom right, kill all others
Too bad nobody wants to put in the effort to do this.
Incels are always up to it user.
Fucking cant stand listening to these faggots and their broken words
Yet nobody does.
>Probably because when you're a woman in speedrunning you'll be sexually harassed
Trust me, no one wants to touch you, you were not a pretty man - you are not a pretty girl.
About 40% of them succeeded. They're no longer with us as they transcended.
So, when is the men only event, without women and trannies? Since they get their exclusive event, in the sake of equality, surely men can have one as well, right?
>fucking Proto
I'm sure they have a diaper fetish.
They are doing it in sports right now, so gaming is going to follow up.
Only the mentally ill ones
When are we getting a week of ONLY penis boys running games? I want to watch that.
>user you say you hate trans people. Surely you don't hate them all
Of course I don't hate them all, All the good trannies are dead
This fucking tranny freak looks so damn funny, seriously he's fucking ridiculous, how can he possibly expect other people to take him seriously with that fucking purple wig? He literally looks like a character out of those old "stocky man dresses as woman" tropes in comedy.
What is the tranny obsession with polyamory?
they're going to make it a different category as soon as an actual woman dies
I haven't watched this shit, but I assume all of the "women" "speedrunning" were men in drags.
It went and came like a tranny's leftover dick in the wind.
I saw wario land 3 (definitely a guy) and mario 64 (definitely a girl).
I know this because the wario land 3 runner didn't even try to sound less manly and the mario 64 runner not only sounded like a girl but was pretty shit at the game compared to other runners (her time was like 1:15 where the WR is like 47 minutes and other runners are around 50-55 minutes for 70 star).
Didn't watch any other runs but I assume they were also like this.
there were some actual girls and trannies that actually passed. But there were also the usual SJW types as well.
but overall it was kinda just...forgettable? It was a usual hotfix so no one actually gave a fuck about it.
1 woman already died and i think there's another but that one i haven't confirmed, nothing happening yet.
>definitely a girl
(X) Bad Cop
fug, what league was it?
Those will be the categories, calling it now.
are you kidding? brianna wu gets catcalled at least 8 times a day at gaming events.
>No face cam to hide the fact that it's actually men running
>They don't even try to sound like women
I'm looking forward to the main event tbqh
Reminder NASA starts on Monday.
Thanks for the reminder user, NASA was pretty good last year
I watched the whole thing, there were a lot of actual female runners, but the commentators were really obnoxious and often talked about things that were not relevant for the run or the game.
Holy fuck it's tranny armstrong
*Kicks transphobic display*
i lasted 4 seconds.
I met a black trans furry at momocon a few weeks ago. """She""" made no effort to hide """her""" man voice.
Good fucking lord. Reminds me of Anita's art for her podcast or whatever it was with the three ogres.
That's fucking sad.
My mistake, i thought she died. No death then.
Tamikka Brents vs Fallon. Skull crushed, but survived.
Just a curious question, how many out of the runners were biologically female?
I wasnt able to watch it
you have to be mentally ill in the first place to play the same game over and over that much.
the best run ever happened
check it out, just reset the game because something didnt go your way, and end the run
Post it
Speedrunning is mostly about grinding through a game in a mind-numbingly manner so that you get more and more efficient at doing it. You know who likes that ? Socially awkward retards who likely are bordering on mental disorders, whether it's autism or something like clinical depression. I'd also wager those are the people who're not leading a great life, and as such would rather find the "easy" way out, "if I don't feel good personnally, it MUST be because I'm the wrong gender !", which helped by trans rights propagandists confuse them from having a shitty life and undiagnosed medical conditions, with having something completely different.
I'm not saying I have proof of that, but my "experience" with trans people seen on the internet seem to be that they're almost always people whose life is kinda shitty, and wants an easy way through.
Basically, mental illness misdiagnosed through the prism of trans activism, which spreads like wildfire in a community with mental illness issues.
How do actual females feel about these male impostors?
The event was good, um... have sex incels. :)
51% or more of women voted Trump when this shit wasn't happening to the extent it has picked up in the past 3 years.
I'm thinking Trump will have even more female voters in 2020.
>51% or more of women voted Trump
I call bullshit on that
Scratch that, it's 53% of white females who voted him.
Though with a certain black female being insulted by white Democrats and in Congress, with Mexicans getting hated by Blacks because they are replacing blacks in every area and Democrats put more focus on them due to voting numbers, and with legal migrant Mexicans shitting on Illegal migrants, AND Asians being proclaimed the same as whites as a privileged class to be shat on, shit's about to get skewed even on the minority scale. Enjoy.
It was 18 minutes into a run so not like he lost a lot - I don't know how that game works but if he fucked up something and it meant he couldn't finish the game no matter what then ofc he'll reset but if he just stopped entirely then idk - maybe he's not allowed to retry?
I will bro, can't wait.
I think some of these "trannies" are just guys (who don't actually identify as female) with sick fetishes who want to push things as far as they can, just to see how much they can get away with before someone finally pushes back a little. Especially the ones who force their way into women's sporting events. Those are the fuckers looking for excuses to beat (up) women.
They're not catcalling "her", user...
I watched part of it but 1hour into sekiro in I realized this is just like women's soccer, or women's chess; I wish I was watching the real thing the whole time.
What was the biggest trainwreck of the marathon?
desperate need for validation and attention to distract from their feelings and put off inevitable suicide
they get into behind the scenes spots and attempt to take over the organization
They hate them. They absolutely hate them. These cross-dressing faggots want to barge into women's restrooms and locker rooms to talk about tampons and periods (look up Jonathan Yaniv for a disgusting example -- he's preoccupied with young girls, too), and barge into women's sports to dominate them and their records.
They're literally forcing themselves into every legitimate "safe space" women have established for themselves where traditionally they could hide from perverts and abusers. Now those very same abusers have figured out how to get around these vaguely-enforced social expectations to invade those spaces.
Women fucking hate them. Make no mistake.
Isn't female an offensive term?
>mrs doubtfire
>They're literally forcing themselves into every legitimate "safe space" women have established for themselves where traditionally they could hide from perverts and abusers. Now those very same abusers have figured out how to get around these vaguely-enforced social expectations to invade those spaces.
Including prisons!
I swear every time I see a pic of this dude I get a whiff of something foul smelling
>Why is the speedrunning community so tranny infested?
Because you have to be autistic to do speedrunning and trannies tend to have a cocktail of mental illnesses.
did you really have to ask?
of course it's autism. a bunch of degenerate men with no sort of female attention so they fuck up their lives looking for some sort of miracle answer that will make them feel like they fit in
sHE beLIEveD
just watch normal gd-
>and trannies
I remember reading about a convicted male rapist that declared himself female and was therefore transferred to a woman's prison, where he predictably went on to rape nearly every woman in said prison. I laughed for a solid 10 minutes after I read about that. This shit is better than tv.
I'm legit surprised none of these perverts have been brutalized or killed in a women's prison yet. Sure, one-on-one they can easy overpower a woman but in a group setting with enough of them pissed off, it's amazing they haven't just ganged up on one and taken care of things that way. It's not like women's prisons are violence-free, after all.
Prisons in general are about cliques and attaching yourself to a strong group, and what recruit is stronger than a man in a womans prison?
>most of the runs had no camera or mic
Why do so many trans people never try to pass? I mean, it's just so blatant that they're just some ugo man-woman in girls clothes.
And somehow you're the bad guy for telling them they don't even pass a little bit? Somehow you're bad cause you don't let them delude themselves into thinking they're right?
>Lizstar tge Goblin
>that tryhard voice on the first one
>that not-even-trying voice on the second one
I honestly dont know which is worse
Yes. Women prefer to be called holepersons.
I got banned for asking if a real girl did a run yet
I don't mean this as an insult, but do you have any idea how difficult it is to turn a fully grown, sexually mature man into something that even resembles a woman? Almost every facet of the body fights against this process. Take body hair for just one example, yes women grow some hair on their limbs and face, but it's nowhere near the level of men. Hair on the extremities of men grows thicker, darker, and faster when compared to women, and it grows in more places. Many men have hair all over their body, and even if they shave it, they'll have visible stubble within the next few days. This continues despite lower testosterone levels in, for example older men. So naturally it continues in transsexuals.
Maybe you don't have to shave your entire body every day, but women's clothing tends to show more skin than men's clothing. So to even look presentable in one aspect, body hair, requires a herculean effort compared to normal standards of grooming. They also have to consider gait, posture, facial structure, makeup, shoulders, voice pitch and tone, and a myriad of other small differences that appear naturally between men and women in sexual maturity. All that effort, just to end up looking like something that your average person will recognize instantly as a man anyway. Because the human brain is adept at picking out fakes and imposters. So most of them give up. And rightly so if you ask me. Why put in all that effort just to fail anyway? It's easier to just cut out all the people in your life who don't play in to your delusion.
It's amazing how after years of virtue signaling and the constant, unending pushback they've gotten from their audience about their tranny shielding, they've still learned nothing and stick to their "worship the tranny and ban all the nonbelievers" shtick instead of stopping to think, just for a moment, "hey, maybe these people have a point."
>Though with a certain black female being insulted by white Democrats and in Congress, with Mexicans getting hated by Blacks because they are replacing blacks in every area and Democrats put more focus on them due to voting numbers, and with legal migrant Mexicans shitting on Illegal migrants, AND Asians being proclaimed the same as whites as a privileged class to be shat on, shit's about to get skewed even on the minority scale. Enjoy.
sounds logical
i dont even care about trans like the rest of Yea Forums does, but the women event is like 90% biological male and I just wanted to know if a biological girl ran something lol
>Almost every facet of the body fights against this process.
It's almost as if nature is trying to *tell* us something. Hmmm...
>It's easier to just cut out all the people in your life who don't play in to your delusion.
Doing this is a big part of why the 40% is in fact 40% -- they cut out many (if not all) of the potential social support they have just for the sake of punishing people for not playing along, isolating themselves and making their issues worse.
I tuned into a Sonic 3 "run" for a few minutes and it just looked like a casual run. They weren't doing any of the cool glitches and the estimate was a time I could get (like an hour longer than other runs I've seen).
I really don't understand.
Yeah, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for "talent." It's part of how so many trannies get into the event now. Nobody legitimately talented wants to bother with GDQ anymore. There are other better events to attend instead that aren't flooded to the gills with wokeness and aren't allergic to fun.
To be fair there's really not a lot of good sanic runners in general, but the fucked up part is there is a pretty decent one who is a tranny but they went with someone who doesn't even know the fucking route instead. Very baffling.
>you'd think if oh we really care about womeeeeen
>you'd do a little more than host another marathoooon
what does this person even want
who cares
this doesn't even really look like a girl and it's still closer than trannies could ever hope for
What happened to realistic representation of "women"?
I just wanna talk about how the name makes no goddamn sense. You aren't worrying about saving frames in a normal speedrun. That's only in tool-assisted speedruns, where often times the difference between competitors' best times IS just a few frames. And sometimes the new best is just a few frames lower. You don't have that shit in normal speedrunning, played with human reactions. You might try to save a few seconds here and there, but not a few frames. This name makes no goddamn sense.
It's probably just in reference to frame-perfect timings which is a normal thing in plenty of runs
The WRs for some really optimized games like Super Mario Bros. actually are determined by a few frames
>You aren't worrying about saving frames in a normal speedrun.
Yes you are. Are you retarded? That's literally how movement optimization works in most games.
It has happened multiple times in various sports events recently.
There's actually less than there seems. Fred Flinstone is dedicated to throwing as many trannies into people's faces as possible; i heard some other tranny runner was like the only person complaining about it so zxyhe was excommunicated from the church of autism. On some level i think it's more motivated from trolling people than some kind of perceived acceptance.
Is there anything more autism revelating than speedruning?
Track and field. It's literally running in a straight line a billion times with no variation.
>You might try to save a few seconds here and there
Yes, and seconds are made up of anywhere from 24-60 FRAMES
Posting on 4channel
>look up artist
>lots of gay commissions
>anime avatar
Runner constantly try to save frames, user. Especially in small movement optimizations that add up to many seconds across runs. Arm pumping in Super Metroid, for example.
Right. But you're gonna say SECONDS. Nobody says their new best was 180 seconds faster, they say it was 3 minutes faster.
>Why are they even there?
cheatsheet for the question "why?":
there are literally no other answers. think on these two possibilities before asking "why?" and you'll see they fit every single time
It's always amazing how even other transsexuals find GDQ absolutely pathetic nowadays (or for years now).
"catcalling" is saying shit like 'hello sugar', not screeching like a feline being strangled
>But you're gonna say SECONDS
No you aren't. If you see dust on a rollout in SM64, you lose frames, not seconds. Runners literally watch their videos to add up frames lost in small movement error, especially for IL runs.
oh i don't need you to tell me to do that
o ho ho i am going to enjoy the SHIT out of the fireworks regardless of result.
fucking this. why do people here know so little about speedrunning yet feel they're entitled to speak with absolute authority over it?
I'm sure some of the women in there were glad to get a dicking and sided with the man
nigger did you just equate seconds to frames like you equate minutes to seconds
are you retarded
Hello dumb dumb
Women are only gamers for attention since there's lots of desperate virgins who will not only boost their self esteem, but pay to do so. Also fuck trannies, that 40% rate needs to triple. I want people even thinking about becomign a tranny to off themselves.
Am I supposed to believe that those things were actually chicks performing that speedrun? Yeah, they've lost their damn minds.