ITT: real life boss arena
ITT: real life boss arena
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That would be an annoying gimmick boss.
That's a Serious Sam arena
>you can see under the desk
not a boss office table
looks like the big arena at the end of witcher 2
good thread
>mfw they send a sniper team
>boss is a giant monster of some sort with a mouth full of teeth
>have to move up the stairs as you attack its face while it eats the stairwell behind you
>get eaten if you don't move up fast enough
>action packed fps game
>abnormally quiet when you reach this area
christ cucks btfo
Shadow of the Collosus has a boss in an arena like this
he climbs on the walls and you have to shoot his feet so he falls on his back and exposes his weak belly
pretty easy, but it is an early collosus
Mirror's Edge?
Best part of the whole game
Fuck you talkin about, theres a cross in front stained glass in the aftermath of a fire. This is probably going to be a framed photo for christians
>Let's mosey!
of course EA had to shit it all up
the original mirror's edge was actually really good when you played without guns. nobody wanted to use guns. there is even an achievement for finishing the game without guns
Looks like part of a Quake map
what is this? doesn't look quite real
Reminds me of Kirby Air Ride
This would fit right in with No More Heroes
Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
Having bad things happen to you is the fundamental basis for Christianity.
except (one-hand) gun combat was pretty great when you mixed it with your parkour moveset
Catalyst's combat was just a bunch of forced arenas where "combat" equates to mashing LMB+RMB until the enemy's health bar is gone
Are you retarded?
Sintra could house a whole rpg campaign
>I'm here to take you to the Bloodmoon Ball
a summer camp would make a cool boss area
>rage warehouse
>ire proof
>boss get's up and kicks his desk away
>"I'm going to drop you like a call!"
Isn't that the Ghost Busters building where they fight the marshmallow man?
Post your boss fight music lads
Artorias noises
Looks like the entrance to the 4 Kangz fight
>imagine living in this muslim hellhole
looks like armored core maps
wasnt this used for the mortal combat movie?
I feel like boss of this location would be called "The Silent Monk" or some shit like that.
Not gonna lie, I want to see this place in person
And defile their cube
>statue comes to life
city sidewalk
Pretty badass
Reminds me of the ampitheater in Blood and Wine
>Iudex Gundyr
>ruins of sarnath.jpg
>or that one boss in twilight princess that you fight with the spinning top
i actually saw Chappie just for the scene in this building
pretty good scene too bad the movie is shit
>Mirrors edge sewers.jpg
Why are wh*tes so weak?
Did he died?
this mountain is a wizard, Harry
kek this meme
the only sewer level in all of gaming to not suck
>chest high walls / gears of war.jpg
england looks great this time of the year
>you don’t belong to this wallyworld
it was his father
he didnt survive
reminds me of this
Most of them are higher than a standing person though
>Chi chi in a burka
>Goku with a beard
Reconquista soon
Imagine walking down the road with your father and someone killing him for 20 bucks lmao
>some shit like
>gently falling snow
>deathly silent, the only ones there are you and your old master
>ingame this fight has been building up for decades
>no words, only swords
>fight only lasts for 2 moves, and its over
>virtua tennis.jpg
this the california forest fires?
>Hit ball off the side
>Hits someone on the ground and gives them a concussion
>boss is optional if you leave them alone
Shadow of the Colossus is that you?
>Isn't that the Ghost Busters building where they fight the marshmallow man?
No that's 55 Central Park West.
They made it taller in the movie with matte paintings
>Fire twister announces boss entrance
>Boss rushes at you full speed before it's name is announced
Feels like DMC4
Fucking niggers
>The end is coming September 11
those subterranean stairwells in india are pretty sweet
wanted to post this
It's German, it means 'The Mart'
>need to equip water breathing item to continue exploring
>ringed city
never forget the 6 gorillion
>tfw you forget to equip the covenant
Makes me think of that part in the last season of Samurai Jack.
album art
Jedi archives except brown
>bloodstarved beast.jpg
thats great
This would make a sick FPS level.
How do you feel now that someone else posted it? Slightly disappointed because you were looking forward to contributing? Maybe slightly glad because someone agreed with your opinion of the picture?
>farcry fortress
>the boss has an immolation attack and there is a pond in the arena that extinguishes the flames
>boss begins summoning dead jews from their concrete sarcophagi
>music switches to a tenebrous remix
any article on this?
I hope all of those muggers died of dehydration in a hole.
The best conqueror.
>ocarina of time castle garden stealth section
For England, Yea Forums?
posting graveyards with fog is like cheating
old racists deserved it anyway
>statue comes to life
>doesn't fight you
>isn't even the boss
>just watches you fight amongst the gravestones
>morph ball acquired.jpg
>Lying on the internet
Statue mind
>after you defeat the boss there is a cutscene of the statue cracking and crumbling, leaving behind a power up, a legendary item or the entrance to an endgame dungeon
Is this the game where you get to kill all the communist mongols?
I would love a game set in this setting
No...For Yea Forums...
>Dead Rising
Does this take place in an alternate dimension?
what setting, surviving russia?
Good news! It's on an island.
>all important shit is safe
>pic related is kino
>c-christcucks btfo
I'm sure it would be windy enough at that height to ruin the game.
during winter with commieblocks
or just commieblocks in general
>The Fury
have sex
what a waste of space.
>he raises all of them.
>your kill all of them
>final count is only around 1.3 million
really makes you think.
Reminds me of Ace Combat more than anything
Yeah post-collapse Soviet is pretty comfy to look at. Live in? Nah.
Sintra is cheating
Games where I can fight Shiva?
>you realize it double and triple counted for killing the same enemies multiple times
>police arrest you for not getting enough kills
Get ready for the Skelly boss fight!
50% chance it's a forest boss, 50% it's a teleport hub
>all graves are actually empty
>all important shit is safe
>pic related is kino
>c-christcucks btfo
>mars but with green filter instead of red
lazy ass fucks
This ended my 100% Blackrock Depths clear run (Every single mob pack) I forced the poor DPS who were grouped with me to do.
>doesnt know about the "jew" memorial germans have to put up with
yes its very real
thats just the rad sea in fallout 4
reminds me of where you fight the chinese dudes in vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
>Battlezone '98 .jpg
In heroes of might and magic you gained +luck when you stepped into those on the world map.
>what do they eat
Would be a fun Dishonored level.
>disney castle
Some of these places look like a good place for a final boss fight. Like
>circus anomaly
Makes me think of Crysis, jumping from one shipping container to another with MAXIMUM STRENGTH
Someone has to do it.
What is that shiny stuff on the bottom picture?
>what is the point of this thread
>minecraft chunk error
>find empty castle ruins
>sad music plays
>meet old knight in rusted armor, has broken sword
>says he has vowed to his king he would defend this place to his last breath
>turns to dust when defeated
>the lore reveals his kingdom crumbled 300 years ago
>no explanation how he could still be there, could be ghost or hallucination
I was there
isn't that timesplitters 2 with that fucking golem
infinity mirror room by japanese artist, "Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity"
this isn't the Yea Forums building right?
I don't think that's fair when it's already the location of a boss fight in media.
>Hit ball off the side
>Hits boat driver giving a concussion
>Boat hits tower and explodes
>tower breaks and falls
>xi jinping and Donald Trump, who were actually the ones playing tennis, die
>WW3 starts
Still thinking it's a good idea ?
>dominatrix boss
>after you win she becomes a sub
you fight on the small walkway panel in the front
>boss fight end with the large metal object crushing the boss
BOSS get down !
Is this the sniper we've heard of ? Quiet ?
>Lingering Will
It's french it means "live". Live is english it means ライブ in japanese.
>close shut the jaws of oblivion
underrated kino
>have to stop some crazy anarcho-primitivist from destroying the last hope for humanity
>first phase is short and outside of vault, boss rages and breaks open
>the more hits you take the more ground he gains inside,have to minimize the damage to the seeds
>if you suck you may end up beating the boss but with everything destroyed
Didnt know that BF4 map was real damn
>All these replies
>Not one mentions The Everfall
The Gurubashi chest has spawned !
Maybe I'm thinking it's a better idea now.
But I need to clarify.
When I say island.
I mean "it's technically surrounded by water."
Not deep water, mind you, because this is the Middle East.
You can wade to the mainland.
Based and redpilled
I'm surprised no one posted it yet
Leprechaun gank squad.
Funnily enough, it's in Killer is Dead
i thought you had to wear a suit or mask in that cave because it gets dangerously humid
this is the inspiration for multiple boss fights in Dragon's Dogma
read the thread newfag
>at the end there is an explosion and the structure shakes
>your character is walled in with the seeds
>there is a final quick time event: press [SPACE] to eat the seeds
>time goes in fast forward, a clock spins wildly, one day passes every 10 seconds, your character visibly grows a beard
>after 10 days of not pressing the button you win the game, your character is shown as a skeleton with a gun still in his grasp, sitting and frozen upright, guarding the seeds
When we visited this with our school my friend got in trouble for saying it would make a fun CS map.
imagine bumping into this by accident in dim light
>The Chinklets and Grandmaster Pooh
Don't know, but I don't believe it's accessible anymore; it's been allowed to flood with water as it originally was before being found.
>nintendo knew
Only here, niggers are the boss that always wins. Oh sweet south africa
>you need to sacrifice a ring slot in order to access the boss area
just how humid is dangerously humid?
>you have to chase the boss jumping between boats and sinking them to be able to fight him face to face
L Oehl
I heard when the humidity is 100% you can't even breathe
we kinda climbed on them and had good fun on this day
>skulls for the skull throne
what's the boss name?
Like 90% or more and 60°C. The humidity means you can't really drop your temperature by sweating so it'll keep raising until you die. But I'm not sure if it's the same cave, I remember the crystals being even bigger in the dangerous one.
>party member who betrayed you at the end of Disc 1 appears to see if he feels regret
>[please insert Disc 3]
>ancient priest lifts his staff and vines start growing over everything
>vines envelop the priest and he becomes some giant elemental plant golem
Hans Volter
>throw optional item to the boss to stun him
>it's a cartoon stuffed animal
europe is scary
Ah, that makes sense. I know how awful it feels to be in super muggy weather, it's like you can't get cool at all.
crackdown anyone?
Oof ouch the mosquitos
>As the siege dragged out, one by one these heroic men started dying of hunger, but not a single grain was eaten.
>using guns in ME
where is this?
>First guy
god I wish that were me
that's not a boss arena, it's the room with the save point right before the boss arena.
Saw a couple getting it on here
you have to fight a different kind of mini boss on each floor until you reach the top
>Mr Trump? I'm PRC
Gruyères, Switzerland
This is the image of the Mexican Pokemon League
Giger Bar in Gruyères.
It's the room that looks like a save point but when you try to save a boss crashes through the circular stained glass.
Lost Kingdom - Ace Combat 7
lol I live near that place
diablo 2 outer cloister
based, cheers anons. you been there? what are the drinks like? how much is a pint in Switzerland?
honestly the spaniards were worse.
I live kind of close, I don't remember the prices but it's probably a bit more expensive than normal bars. 0.5 liters is usually between 5 and 10 CHF, depends on the bar and the beer.
ok, Ahmed
Honestly no they weren't you literal retard.
What did you mean by this?
Yes, they were.
>bro food
is that david hoggs shopped on christian bale
>Stuffer Shack HQ.jaypehg
>Boss has many henchman who fire rockets at you
>You have to use the staircases as cover to fire rockets back from
>Staircases break when hit
>Your cover gets destroyed
>Main boss shows up and you have to spam rockets at him like an absolute madman to win
The Sneed The
Yes, and I think it goes rather well.
>Having bad things happen to you is the fundamental basis for life
is that oc? it needs a bit of work, make hogg's face a bit bigger
Are you mental? It shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
>Boss has the ability to wipe events from your adventure from the game's memory so that you never tried to reveal his evil plan
>Stops taking regular damage in his final form
>Use childhood toy on him before it gets deleted
>Causes critical damage and insta-kills his final form
>How much of your game data remains depends on how quickly you can defeat him
Pure, unregulated kino
Sauce on this place?
Reminds me of that one place in Dark Souls 2
Reminds me of Pandora's Tower
There is a supermarket level, boss fight is on the roof.
chappie is kino
This sounds like it belongs in an Eastwood movie rather than Walmart.
oooooof, that's not even a pint. is beer this fucking expensive in Switzerland? It's literally halfthat here in the UK.
The church at the top of Mount St. Michael
The closing stage of a lenghty level
Lost Planet
That article's not amusing at all, i'm sad as fuck now.
Hi edomite
In '75 there was little difference between the two.
Literally the end boss area of Dark Cloud 2.
>Gimmick boss revolves around chasing some fucking monkeys around rooftops
Fuck Sekiro
As I said it depends, you can find comfy bars and pubs where beer is 4 to 6 CHF but the closer you get to trendy city centers and touristic areas the higher it'll be.
greentext it?
Area B7R
It's the Ectofunctus
Truly men of integrity, there are very few like them today.
This is like a perpetual mental and moral assault on the German people.
Why would they allow this?
cheers swiss bro
good job.
>framerate drops to 0
>africa level
Fits perfectly with Shinra theme.
Merci, docteur.
What the
does anyone else think this could be good for a horror game?
This is the peak of jewish art
>all the retards falling for ovvious bait
Reminds me of New Vegas or FEAR 1
Fucking Crash Bandicoot
I don’t have any arenas but here’s a boss
imagine a fight on that balcony
The worlds largest satellite dish if I remember correctly, it can only be used in the direction that the earth turns in
based user triggering the /pol/tard religicucks
>You would dare interrupt our ritual? Little do you understand that this fated moment has been my people's deepest wish for a myriad centuries! You shall not steal our salvation as long as I draw breath...N̫͙̜̯̠͜o͔̯̱w͖͖̯̖͎,̰̞̼̘̯̜̰ ̦̥̙͖̼̖̪j̵̩̥̟̱͜͜o̱̼i̶̸̠̱n̡͇̭̱̩͟ ̯͙̗̘̪t͓̩͍̙̮̘̖h̤͙͝͞ẹ͎͚͚͈̀ ̜̞̼c̥̘̫̩̭̘ͅy̻̖͜͝c̴͈͖͡͡l̤̕e͖͎͞!͍͍̺̭͈͓̝̞
>his eye is *FIXED* on rivendell
>Boss breaks out of the ice to fight you.
his boss arena
This reminds me of where you fight that one boss in Shadow of the Colossus, probably due to all of the ridged pillars.
Please don't post my waifu
formally chuck
>yo dawg
Been here before, really cool.
Pics don't do it justice, it's way bigger than it looks
days Brazil
I appreciate this post and I appreciate this poster.
Perfect location to have my eyes stabbed out.
>september 11
cope, no one is triggered
Oh oh oh oh oh~
god isn't real, hernandez gonzalez
Probably something like this with lower tone and more guitar
>The victims of a brutal mugging last year in the French Quarter had pleaded for mercy to their attackers
>fat-guy-on-roller-skate music intensifies
Jedi Temple.
You and the boss are both falling while fighting and the winner uses the loser's body as a cushion to survive the floor
>skull tower (1&2)
>skull rack
Close enough
>boss sets off stage hazards
I played DeS maybe 5 years ago multiple times to platinum and I can't for the life of me remember this boss.
I think I had a mission to kill a guy here in Wildlands.
Damn changelings.
South America has such steep edges.
isnt that where you gather the ectoplasm in runescape?
>ogre/giant with huge club climbs over wall into arena
Took this one myself back in the day. One of the most atmospheric places I've ever been in my life, felt like walking into Inuyasha or some shit.
objective: have sex
Makes me think of Space Harrier.
fallout 3/4 boss arena
What is this place? I always come across pictures of JAV actresses in this room.Or at least a similar looking room.
Give. Me. The key.
>”Listen up, you goddamn eurotrash piece of shit.”
And a more recent one, could be a fight location in Persona or something.
>have gun
>swing it at enemy
First boss in shrine of storms, he's super easy
based user making a joke and people taking it seriously like idiots
I had no idea this was a real place. Let alone in Italy.
underrated post
Maybe that's why I forgot him, I just remember the rolling terminators and the flying manta from that zone.
The most memorable bosses for me would have to be the giant fire demon from the beggining and the end of the mines and the real final boss not the tree slug.
Sauce? This picture makes me feel some type of way inside
>No one would miss me
>That's not true, my data plan would
>arena has stage hazards
user, that statue is of Guan Yu, not Genghis Khan.
Damn lunafreya's wedding is gonna be shit
Is that where Die Hardman works?
Probably just a nearby local pool in a town with a lot of porn production.
RIP crazy place
Maybe you fucks shouldn't have massacred us. Suck my circumcized cock
I see they finally figured out how to properly cool an NVIDIA eGPU
>statue is dlc boss
They made a statue after a Dynasty Warriors character?
>I've been waiting for you... friends...
>particle effects: very high
now this is cyberpunk
shut up chilchak
So it's vasquez rock, but for pussy?
fuck i kekked so hard at this even as a kid the voice acting is just horrendous
>Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity
I think I played that game, it was that one really /fa/ RPG with guns.
So that it never happens again
kek you from SoCal or is Vasquez Rocks that famous these days? I used to go there with my parents when I was a kid.
I just know about it, not from there
Final act of Shadowrun: Hong Kong takes place here.
then don't use the fucking guns? dumbass
The otomi cultural center is absolutely a video game boss stage it's too big/complex to post in a single photo, though
panorama of the ceremonial center
I find it funny how everybody posts this and the articles it comes from as evidence of them being evil sadistic savages when if people actually read the articles rather then just reading the headlines, they'd have seen that up to 75% of the skulls were from enemy soldiers and that the actual amount of skulls that would have been despoited annually is leagues of order smaller then what the spanish report, and even going off of, say, Cortes's inflated totals, the amount of total people sacrificed even over a century would be less then single religious purges and genocides we have totals from from both Europe and thew Middle East
Can post math/numbers/more info if people want
another shot looking up from the center from another angle for scale
Pretty much.
That would be a good Tony Hawk/Skate level
another a bit more to the side
Bayonetta has so many of these rooms
and a view of the "bleachers" or whatever was taken from
To be clear, in case it's not obvious, this is not an actual complex built by an acneitn civilization, it's a modern one built as a sort of cultural center built to celeberate the Otomi civilization, of which there's a number of indnngiouis people still in mexico today (Most ancient mesoamerican civilizations still have some indigenous people left)
dude it gets better, follow along
I can't bear this pain any longer..
A shot over the wall there showing the gardens below to the sides
This does not look like a good idea in any way
A view from below in the garden/park area
This is fire emblem background
concrete jungle OO OO AH AH
Back up top, another panorama in the arena area, looking down on from midway up
>after you win she becomes a sub
why ruin a perfectly god dom?
entranceway up to the arena area
shot of whole complex from the front
>Tranny boss
>Only Tops
>gambling boss
and an overhead shot of the whole complex
nobody gives a FUCK
>Push left skeleton upright to open secret door