2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten

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I still remember Aniki. I remember everyday. Why did you have to go.

He's been immortalized as a twitch meme. At least he'll be remembered by future generations.

I still see some pretty solid gachi remixes posted every now and then youtube.com/watch?v=E6shjMBbgIs

Sodomite will burn in hell for all of eternity.

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Can I get a non-meme answer about the gachi stuff? The video clips are funny, but is it popular because it's like a meme among gays or what? Why do people spend so much time making heavily edited YTPMV-esqe content from it?

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why did you all worship this gay guy


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It's a niconico meme. Japs started really going at it, and when Aniki encouraged them it exploded. Now we have great gachi makers here in the west too. God bless.

Noone did. It's just the homo lobby of Yea Forums all samefagging, probably with some mods and jannies sprinkled in.
The fact these threads never get deleted is case in point. Just ignore and ____ in all fields.

I will never, ever forget aniki. He taught me that we're all gonna make it, bros, each and every one of us. All we gotta do is try.
Ass we can, dudes. Ass we can.

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I think its the obviously phony wrestling moves combined with the gay trash talk that just makes it fucking hilarious. At least to me

>Posting a screenshot of a reddit post
Turn around, go back. Pass reddit, pass ifunny, and go join 9gag where you belong.

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KEK. No he won't. You sound like someone watching some turn-of-the-century playwright who makes a comical and time-specific reference to something and saying "surely, this tiny footnote is to he remembered for generations because I'm amused by it today."

he was too sweet for this planet


>14 year old edgelords are now puritan catholics because fedora atheism got too mainstream

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>they hated him because he said the truth

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Fuck, dude

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Where’s the *whiirrrrr* sound fx

He should be in smash

Sleep tight Aniki

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Fun stuff.

>There's gonna be a time in my life when I'm 100 years old
>I'm gonna be a very old man
>This is the time in my life I will look back on
>And it's a gift

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>puritan catholics
???????? Do you know what a Puritan even is?


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Don't open this picture.

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I should have said puritanical but you get the point

I need to go pray.


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Aniki would have forgiven people like you


Aniki forgives them as he looks upon us in heaven

>This gay porn actor got a sticky on Yea Forums but not BasedBiscuit

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Don't even try to meme him down like that. There's like at least one sleeping aniki thread a week, gachimuchi vids are still made, and Aniki is coming to TFR

Mike Matei?

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>tfw tomorrow is a year since departure.

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What is it with autists and pigs fucking people?

You mean this based gay star got two stickies on Yea Forums and stickies on Yea Forums and /jp/.

>A literal screencap of a reddit post
The 2016'er revisionists are getting uppity. Go back into your hole

>I'm going to be an old man of 100
Give me a minute bros....

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I never got to see this.

.. I miss him. His positive outlook should still be allowed to change the world.

user, it's already over a year. Aniki died March 2.

Get the fuck out of here, don't even joke about that. I will never forget Billy.

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>all caps kek
Stopped reading there faggio, don't you ever talk to me again.

I remembered someone here saying the weebs vs gachi wars started when both sides try to outdo each other in cancer music.

I like both anyways

>march 2, 2018
>march 1, 2019
>over a year

pretty based

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It's june, user.

>march 1
Fucking time travelers

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nah he's not

What are you going to about it faggot? Cry.

shit, my bad.

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E-excuse me? What is this picture? That's Moot, Touhou, and aniki all together? And they're skulling beers together? What the fuck? My life is fucking garbage, I don't get to do this shit.

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never forgotten


How did you even mix that up?

user if you and I lived near each other we'd go out for beers and shit, I promise you

i still miss aniki. he was so nice despite the fact that gachi was making fun of this old gay porn. he was truly amazing. rest in peace aniki

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and then you'll fuck him

I still miss him but he's watching over us from the Great gym in the sky, he's free now, he's happy now, thank you Aniki for giving me the push I needed at my lowest point

i'm drunk atm

blessed image

You won't like this one then

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>The Drunk bastard got off free
Why is this world so cruel, Anons?