ITT: video game clothing

ITT: video game clothing

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Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 brap

Fuck.. My dick!

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Is she on a Muslim prayer rug? Don’t think that’s what there meant for.

my favorite kind of video game

Nice feet

She's banging a Muslim. So either she'll convert or he'll cut off her head.

Why do women get angry at men for wanting to fuck them?

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ugly men*

because they have been brainwashed into wanting to BE men themselves

clown world honk honk

>comments disabled

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guys you should try reading this thread on the toilet
im taking a big poo right now and it’s so awesome

I don't want men wanting to fuck me either..

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Dilate tranny

does people really introduce things thicker than their arm in their anus?

they literally don't you fucking dork.

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>Nintendo soi faggot
Gross get this out of my sight

Looks like a regular oriental rug to me

Because they're not attractive.

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ITT: fake female gamers

my pale white fat fucking gut hanging over boxers with my dick hanging out the opening

>Snoy upset over a woman showing skin

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How many levels do you think she beat?

this but unironically



based trans making better clothes for me

>Remember to subscribe and donate to my channel

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We don't.
We don't want 4/10s bothering us all the time though

because if you're hot you get that shit every day
imagine tf2, dota, csgo or wow or some other loot based bullshit if some fucker sees you with a rare thing, they'll probably gonna want to trade you. if it's really rare, you'll get a few of these annoying fuckers a day. to really hot women, men might as well be the fuckin scam bots that start adding you as soon as you get a rare item in your inventory.

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i want to bury my face there

Wouldn't you be annoyed if you were constantly hit on by 2/10 tumblr landwhales? Wouldn't you bristle at the fact that they think they're in your league?

She's wearing that shirt backwards, isn't she?

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They are probably Russian, so yes

To be fair, their arms are really thin

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Yeah well you explore Yea Forums what the fuck are your standards lol

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implying you're above a 5

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Men just aren't attractive.

That's a boy isn't it?

>Wouldn't you be annoyed if you were constantly hit on by 2/10 tumblr landwhales? Wouldn't you bristle at the fact that they think they're in your league?
I don't know man, attention can be nice even if you have no intention of following up

i don't think you've ever spoken to a real girl in your life

You're an abomination, not a woman. No amount of pills or surgery can change that.

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bad posture, inda cool setup tho

women are good for fucking nothing, just fap and get on with your life

Actually I don't get any attention from women at all. I'd be thrilled if 2/10 landwhales kept trying to get into my pants.

This is why I thank god for making me have a thing for fat girls. It's like he knew I'd never be able to attract a decent looking girl.

God I want to donkey kong on her country if you know what I mean

Maybe if you're not used to it, but imagining it happening constantly

I would eat the corn out of her shit

My mom is pretty good at giving hugs


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self fulfilling prophecy, user
look it up

>Girls don't post on Yea Forums only trannies

Women don't get angry at men for wanting to fuck them.
They don't appreciate the cope and orbiting though that comes with rejection. Men are just bad at it.

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Women are hypocrites.

>Had FWB
>Wanted to officially date her
>She fucked two other guys while we were talking
>Mentioned that if you do that, then it's okay for me to fuck other women
>"If you do that, I'll never talk to you again."

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i want to force her to say "oooh banana" in a deep masculine husky voice

I'm afraid I don't follow user. Do you mean me liking fat girls, because considering how my entire family is full of fat girls, I honestly couldnt be surprised I ended up having a thing for them.

"peace out then"

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>wanting to turn a fwb into a real relationship
first mistake right there

This guy on cornhub

These are things you should probably discuss before getting into a FWB situation user
holding conversations and whatnot

>being a woman is so hard!

I like that twerking has caught on with braindead women. It's like a visual cue to avoid at all cost.

this is retarded

>wanting to stick your dick in a hole that other dicks go into
>getting mad that you failed to obtain exclusive ownership of a hole that was already ruined
Never speaking to her again would be the happy ending to this story.

We did. She was okay with it at first, but then she flip script for some reason.


This is embarrassing

if a girl has ever twerked in her life you can basically throw her in the dumpster and not regret it later

How many mons do you thinks she's caught? What generation is her favorite?
>less than 50
>gen 6

I've accepted the fact that all women are sloots. Hell, my mom had me with another dude before she got with my stepdad.

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>uhhh, the one with pikchumon or something?

this kills the incel

so hoodies

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she's busy catching something else


She has the face of a frog but those thighs compel me to breed jfc

They look like they fuck black guys

yes, pokemon is shit. Right thing to wear it on your shitter

And later that day, Connor's girlfriend got blacked.


>I put her number on like craigslist, that's gonna be another video, I like pranked her.
Jesus Christ how dumb can you get?

holy shit, around niggers never relax

Are those fucking high heeled sneakers? What the nigger fuck is that? The 21st century was a mistake, I think we all need the plague to avoid such heresies as high heeled sneakers.

With her mouth to black men

>gets jumped by three black guys
>no white man tries to help him

stop projecting

Looks like it's in a high school so any number of dumb reasons that seem like a good idea to hormone-addled teens


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>those 3 other chimps just jumps in
I didn't know this was a ylyl thread.

That's not how hugs work

Is that a girl (male) or a boy (female)?

Nah she's pretty big on IG, that's a chick.

Holy fucking Based. How will manlets ever recover?

>black guy gets beat 1v1
>chimp out ensues
Every time.

Tits or gtfo

hormone addled (niggers)

>Try to help him
>Get put in jail for hate crimes
>Put on a national hate watch registry
>Never able to hold a job again
>Maybe even get a spot in the 24 hour news cycle as "insane racist bigot who attacked an unarmed black teenager preaching the word of Jesus and Allah to underprivileged blind children"
>Potentially get shot or stabbed
Learned helplessness, user.

Not fucking vidya.


I disagree. at least she has a really tight butthole to make up for it

Based anti-racist
Here's your "not a racist" award

Dude, both a black guy and a white guy stop the fighting


White = Japanese > Asian/Korean > Latina > Light Skinneded Black Wymyn > Sand Negresses > Black Wymyn > Pajeets

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But you whiteoids like using guns, so....

In the ass

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It isn't 100% their fault, but I bet she got them because pic related.

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Dude, none of those black kids know how throw a punch but somehow the dorky white kid in glasses has some power to him.

What the fuck kind of bizarro world webm is this?

I think it's really sweet how he films with his boyfriend.

You sound autistic

I take offense to that. I wouldn't fuck any of these pretentious thots unless I was high or knocking back shots.

>They don't appreciate the cope and orbiting though that comes with rejection.

This level of larping is just sad.

She have a plastic face and empty eyes, I don't trust her, it may be a mask and reveals to be some monster alien from another dimension.

Honestly, black and white men need to realize that women are the true enemy.

>White = Japanese
kill yourself

white whores start to look like balding men the second they hit 25

At least it's still just one guy.

I like to imagine she cucks women

That sucks...but the way that guy spun a full 360°after throwing a single punch makes me think that this was for the best. Hopefully this motivated him to take up boxing or some shit.

Blacks have something of a pack mentality because they have a shared identity and experience that unites them. Whites don't really have this, and are taught out of it if they develop it. Truthfully, this is isn't really a good thing for anyone to have to this degree, but the white version of this is even worse because it becomes impossible to defend yourselves as a group.

t.A nigger.

There's no high heels in these. At most, the soles are just thick. You're both dumb.

>White = Japanese

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>Black people
>Knowing how to fight
Have you ever actually watched minorities fight, user. They just sucker punch or attack in groups. Individually they have all the power and grace of a hungry dog. "Rekt" threads on .gif of non-whites attacking whites are full of this. Lazy, loose-armed punches into the heads of old people and unaware idiots who relaxed.

What if you're genetic trash and only the last 3 are in your league?

God, why did we bring niggers to our world?

>White whores
All women are capable of being whores, user. Not just white. Let's not be racist, now.

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You're thinking of Asians , they go from qt to someone's grandmother in the span of a month

Replace 'women' with 'Jews', and you're correct. Nobody wants to be around niggers either way though.

Holy shit you guys are so out of touch

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They hate you for not putting the same effort into yourself that they've put into themselves.

Whites are taught from childhood that standing up for their own race is evil

>Blacks have something of a pack mentality because they have a shared identity and experience that unites them.
Yeah, that used to be the norm for everybody, until they get brainwashed by the media, now everyone is an individualist

Just because they're low on the tier list doesn't mean women in those tiers can't be high tier. Ever seen someone play pro Dan Hibiki?

The true patrician taste is qt nerdy black girls. Bonus points if they're thicc.

Actually this is factually wrong and it's all about whether you were born with a good face or not.

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This. Kids are fucking dumb. Black teens can be just as dumb if not dumber. They act like that because of the culture perpetuating the stereotypes upon itself and it's really fucking embarrassing. That being said, I've seen and been in plenty of fights since primary school and this kind of shit isn't exclusive to black people nor white people, I'd say just stupid and/or poor.


>ITT: video game clothing
>anons post /pol/ bait instead
fuck off

>crazy eyes

>0% of men are most attractive
That's fucking hilarious.


That outfit makes me go bananas

white guy's a little hero

>White guy downs him
>They chimp out
>If they black guy downs the white guy
>They'll still jump in
Fuck them

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>Have you ever actually watched minorities fight, user
Idk, if they're from "da hood" or are in a gang they usually know some boxing. Most street fights in general are fought between dipshits who don't know how to actually fight anyways

I'm so fucking depressed and lonely

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>Have a pawg white gf
>She came out as bi last year
>She gets into a FWB situation with her thicc nerdy black gf
>"No you can't join"
>"No you can't watch"


is this a 1v1, a 4v1 or what I can't even who is on what side

>nearly perfect bell curve for men rating women as you would expect
>hilariously skewed curve for women rating men

Man I'm glad all these kids don't know how to actually fight or all of these webms would end way worse than they do.

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dump her 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

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It's best to just stop trying here on Yea Forums.

I've been on Yea Forums for quite some time and if it's one thing I learned, they don't want to accept or think about girls being here. Why? If only I knew.

They also know jack shit about us, almost like as if they've never interacted with females and think we're all the same. Then every day there's a thread about them wanting a girlfriend and then when female anons post and actually give advice or share what they like which ends up similar to their own tastes, they're in complete denial and say only trannies post here, like as if every 2nd person in the world is transsexual...

The longer time I spend on Yea Forums, the more I start to pity a large portion of the anons here. At first I thought it was all just a joke, but sometimes I believe they're genuinely like that.

In the end, it really is better to just ignore them all and pretend to be a guy. Guys on Yea Forums are hopeless.

Have fun being a cuck shes fucking another man

>Want one of these, but they're very rare in the south

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>letting girlfriend fuck someone else without you being there
You deserve it cuck.

>She came out as bi last year
Your dick must've been so awful it turned her gay

fuck femoids


Shut the fuck up you apologizing anglo piece of shit. Come and go to my old Houston high school and see if you're so egalitarian afterwards.

>she fucks others, no matter the genitalia
you got fucking cucked m8

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Install hidden cam

you're literally a cuck. she's gonna dump you and then have MFF with some random guy

I don't know how people get lonely. Dating a bunch of women recently reminded me of why I don't actually get out much because of how awful the experiences were.

Jesus Christ I am gonna start drinking at 7AM today. Anyway, I hope you like your girlfriend getting railed by the black girl's boyfriend since the black girl likely won't have those qualms about letting him join in. Fuck this thread, I am out.

Nah man, she's a bitch for that.

>>She came out as bi last year

you should had dump her but your sex drive was too high and you endured it just be humiliated like a cuck

what do you think she smells like?

Literally cucked.

>literally beats down the nigger
>survives his 3 nigger friends
>walks away talking shit
absolutely based


Angry glassjaw detected.

Black southerner here. No, they're not. There's plenty of girls who look and probably act like I assume she may, you just have to think about where they'd hang out. Even then, these girls are real attention whores for having 'niche' tastes or uncommon interests; it gets a little annoying when they're not genuine.
Also, spend less time fetishizing race and just be content with a person for other things.

t. literals less than 4

I'm black and lived in ghettos until I turned 19 you underaged race-war baiter.

shut the fuck up nigger

He’s totally right. Don’t project your retardedness.

Shut up nigger.

I hate women


Another black southerner here. They exist, but they hide their power levels because of their family and their nigger boyfriends.

>talking shit to the user that posted tits or gtfo
C'mon user, we have to adhere to the traditions.

>looking at the data
>get to men's lowest response rates

You shut up too, coon.

Does the whole high IQ Asian thing apply to Thai / Vietnamese? Where do they sit on the ladder?

What in the solid fuck do you know about being a hot girl?

Your reading comprehension needs work.

im not a manlet, but thats good, im tired of seeing men dressing like kids because the adult clothes doesnt fit them.

Have sex

It doesn't matter. Listen kid you don't want to see my other side. I have a wolf inside me with a muzzle on, but the muzzle is about to come off. You broke her heart, and I will break yours. She is a nice girl, how dare you use her like this. How come people like you get to date her? Then people like me have to sit in the shadows and be the shoulders to cry on. Listen Kid, I don't have time for FUCKING games. I am a nice guy, but when you make a nice guy angry; the world shakes. Don't do it again.... You will regret this the next FULL MOON. You mess with me you mess with the pack bud. FUCK you. Get ready.

Literally impossible

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Even /pol/ can't deny that nerdy black girls are patrician.

Well at least they pulled them off at the end

holy based

Women say they aren't attracted to men as a default, though, even if they are, and will only say they're attracted to men if other women do, even if they aren't.

I don't find black "girls" attractive at all. They are the least feminine women. Their attitudes are also awful. And, frankly, the skin tone and facial structure is also unappealing.

>china that high
the only thing that makes this less credible

>Why do women get angry at UGLY men for wanting to fuck them


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cause they look like apes

kek fucking chinese I fucking will never believe you

you are not, unless you are fucking both, asshat.

video game clothing

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Niggers literally destroy any culture they make contact with

fake as in trannies?

wut. china has always been top on these charts. Even when they were giving IQ tests to random peasants in the 40s.

I can’t believe all of these fake gamur girls appropriating gamer culture. They never had to endure wedgies and getting shoved to a locker for playing their game boy in public, they didnt have to endure having dog poop (poop!) thrown on them for attending their local smash bros events, they have not suffered as gamers have, yet they think they have a right to wear our clothes, wear our culture!? I think it’s time to rise up

>You mesh well with a girl, have similar interests, and can talk about anything
>You find out she's engaged

why are all incels niggerlovers?

Okay so if I did the maths right my kids should have an IQ of 97.

I can live with that.

My gf has the same hoodie

I just asked what were your standards huh, no need to get all insecure about it


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Because blacks and whites get metoo'd. Like, why the FUCK would you try to metoo Morgan Freeman?

secondhand embarrassment for all involved

I'm not denying trends or anything, but I think there is something dangerous about threads like these where people get hung up on horrible, individual instances of things that feed into the cognitive biases of people more than willing to allow these individual instances to shape their worldview. Radically, even.

>Why do women get angry at men for wanting to fuck them?
Why do men get angry at women for not wanting to fuck them?

you're boring
getting engaged also makes you boring
therefore engaged women are itnerested in you because you're both very boring

Because inceldom is the biggest issue to them. More than race, gender or national sovereignty. And races other than white can be incels.

Yup I wish the people who say that were only joking but not everyone on Yea Forums is terrible

The true enemy of any man or woman is themselves.

only whites get metoo'd, niggers are always guilty

>White = Japanese
yeah, no, white bitches leave them to degenerate animals like niggers and sand niggers.

funny how people who post this are usually anti semites and ignore that ashkenazi jews are #1

What about Cosby?

Do you think someone gained a fart fetish because of brap-posting?

This is how I feel about chestlets

Elliot Rogers was a good looking kid too. It's all about personality.

Don't try and reveal how much of an echo chamber this site is to betas or they'll try and better themselves mentally/physically and make it more difficult for the more adjusted people worthy of being called human. You're gonna fuck everything up, user.

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Another black southerner here, where the fuck are they then? The only time I ever saw them was back at college, outside of that I havent seen a single one in neither of the places I've lived.

Im sure they exist, but they might as well be rare with how hard it is to find them. especially if where you live have pretty much nowhere to go for people like that

He was a twinky looking fuck. Girls don't like that. They want men, not boys.

>hey, are you living in London
top kek

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Why get engaged in the first place then?

imagine being influenced by the internet in 2019

You faggots get back to the salt mines.

Plenty are.

same reason they get married and then get a divorce

How do I become less boring bros? I know I'm not ugly, but dating has been really hard in the last few years, I still have Tinder hook ups on occasion but those don't really do anything for me anymore

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>cherrypicked the asian
oh boy

Cosby got set up because he tried to challenge the Jews

Queens are the best and you're objectively wrong.