Scouter biles

>want to play outer wilds
>scared of being underwater
h-how important are giant's deep and whatever's at the bottom of timber hearth

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Very important. I have phobias of the deep ocean AND tornadoes and I could do it, nut up fag

this seems pretty comfy why do people keep saying how scary it is

Wheres the crack

I get some space anxiety now and then, but its not really a scary game.

The black hole is the scariest thing ever.

fuck, man. Was the alpha as dark as this? I feel like everything is a lot murkier

its a friendly black hole

That doesn't make me want to puke any less each time I go through it.

Is your ship supposed to fly off the planet really fast without you?

kys shill

No, it did that just for you.

lol, I crashed into a planet pretty hard and then bounced on back into space. Lost thrust, but I figured I could go out and fix it as soon as the ship would stop spinning violently.
Turned out when I unbuckled there was no ship, it was just a cockpit and nothing else. time to suffocate, lost in space

>solve all mysteries
>know what must be done to end it all
>pick up the drive core
>the extended version of the time running out song plays
This game is amazing.
I am very sad it has ended.

> Get to the end of the game.
> Everything is pointless, and the universe ends regardless.

What matters is the friends you made along the way and how many burned marshamallow you ate.

I'm not sure what I'm doing but I have this bad feeling that this is all going to end terrible when the game is done

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This game cracked? Want it, but not paying for it until it's somewhere besides Epic.

Also, any other good puzzle exploration games like this? Recently replayed La-Mulana to scratch a similar itch, and haven't been able to find those sort of games lately.

of course its cracked...........

It was cracked instantly upon release, don't think Epic even bothered putting DRM on it

Always happy Tim Sweeney has my back to get these games for free.

Feels good not being one of those idiots who crowdfunded this thing, waited 4 years for it to come only to be told
>Thanks for making this game possible guys
>We're releasing the game next month
>But the chinks paid us big money now that we actually finished the game
>So you're going to have a wait a year to play it if you want it on Steam

>tfw you lose your scout at the eye

hurts the most

That is exactly what crowdfund cucks deserve.
But we should not open their pay piggy eyes because thank's to them i can pirate it, also a big thank you for epic games, now even the normies are getting into piracy.

But i had no clue this game even existed, only saw a trailer like a week before release.
Game is boring, it has nice ideas but the execution sucks massively. Reading all this stupid nonsense text from npc's that i don't care about is bad game design.

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Someone in the last thread said that the comfy dude on Giant's Deep teaches you how to meditate(basically kys yourself so you don't have to wait if you want a new cycle).
Do I need to do something beforehand?
I exhausted all his dialogue options but he isn't teaching me anything.

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The devs claim they have so much money that they could "refund everyone and still have money leftover", yet there's absolutely 0 marketing for it. Seems to me the devs had intended on word of mouth and streamers/youtubers to advertise the game for them like with the tech demo whilst pocketing all the money

They killed any chance of that happening when they went chink though. The only sort of marketing they're getting is people mistaking it for Obsidian's game

Any games similar to this that have actual gameplay?



is there anything there?

how do i quantum?

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I thought this game was going to be shit but it is actually great. Why did God do this?

I got the option to ask him how to cope with the loop shit, and he just said "dude, like idk just breathe, lmao. Want me to teach you?" and then if you answer yes, you die. Might need to come back after a cycle.

You sound like a fucking pussy. There are 2 things in this game which should illicit any kind of nervous response like this and the black hole is not one of them.

I got bored after about two hours. This game really needs voice acting. Or just more fucking gameplay. Or both really.

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>want to enjoy the game
>have megalophobia

The sun exploding and the giant tornado connecting those 2 planets almost gave me a fucking panic attack. I guess space is 2 spooky for me

>launch from my home planet for my very first space adventure after encouragement from my friends and community
>accidentally crash into the moon while launching straight up

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2nd dialogue option was something like "how do you stay so calm" which let me suicide meditate

Buy a digital xbone version. You are aware it isn't only on the pc, right?

So who are the 3 people on the loop? The player, the chill Giant's deep guy and who else?

>waiting around on the interpoler for it to get close to the sun
>passing the time shooting probes at things we pass
>somehow not notice that giant's deep's gravity pulls me off interloper for like a minute
>when I do notice, I'm literally in the middle of space heading towards the sun with my ship 2k away from me also heading into the sun

Well, fuck me I guess

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So that is what you're supposed to do? I passed the sun on the interloper and it didn't melt the ice or anything.

I thought the 3rd mask was linked to the probe module. Otherwise, could it be Solinum or whatever his name is on the quantum moon

This could be their actual plan.
Yeah, it was an absolute dickmove from the devs. Yes, nobody want's to work for free but they just saw chinky money and went all in, totally fucking over the backers.
They deserve to become irrelevant, greedy cunts.

It only opens up the fissure on the side of the interloper close to the sun.

don't feel bad user, i somehow backed into the sun without realizing it

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>it released on a store that wasn't mine!?
Yikes, steam drones seem really agitated whenever Epic gets brought up. Finally having someone threaten your monopoly making you nervous?

Is this game anything like it used to be with the banjo playing aliens and the anglerfish and only lasting 20 minutes per round?

I like this game but it needs actual gameplay. How do you guys not get bored?

Nothing there as far as I'm aware, just a way to pick up the quantum signal for future use

It's super boring, all that reading sucks. Game has some nice ideas but bad execution.

>steam drones

The only thing i am a drone of are pirate sites.
Console wars: PC editon is just bad for the consumer in the long run.
But thx to epic, now even more normies will justify piracy.

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reminder to pirate this shit
the dev doesn't deserve money for the shit he pulled
>make kikestarter and say that the game will come out on steam
>pull the game from steam because they were bribed by epic

Yes, that's all there.

so they pulled a phoenix point?

Honestly it's probably more on their publisher. All Annapurna-published games have been coming to the PC as EGS exclusives

>run kickstarter and spend 4 years developing retail version
>has same amount of planets as the free student game
What went wrong