What games make you feel nice?

What games make you feel nice?

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old games

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I want steve to slide his MRE inside my heat pack if you know what I mean
no homo btw

I want some girl loves me like Steve loves 50s fresh ciggies

Fighting games

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Even if you are homo, the guy is a painfully average looking dude that eats spoiled ration all day and shits out radioactive sludge afterwards.
I'd like the think the average person can do better than to settle for that, goddamn.
I mean he doesn't seem like a shitty person, but he often eats literal garbage, his body must be falling apart.

I watched the video where he reviews that Nazi chocolate and you can just tell it was like crack to him, his hands were trembling and everything

Really made me want to eat that Nazi chocolate real bad

He looks surprisingly good for someone whos gotten botulism multiple times

good games

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You just jelly of his biceps and his panty-dropper of a voice, fag.

Have you even seen Steve? Dude is in great physical condition. And he doesn't eat expired food. He tries the shit that's still confirmed shelf stable, such as crackers and chocolates/candies. Very, very rarely will he eat anything absolutely gone.

The MREs he actually eats are all still very fresh and not expired in the slightest.

You can see him balding in the new episodes. Should look good bald though.

is that Chad Nickelback?

Dude I love asmongold too!

>Games that make you feel nice
Drawing a blank here

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nice hiss!

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>eats 100 year old meat
>not expired in the slightest

>Watching Steve, Townsends and Babbish all in the same night

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>watching Steve, Ross and Ian in the same night
It's gotta be the hair.

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The only reason Steve blew up is because he very good looking. I'm happy for him but no woman would watch a fucking MRE channel otherwise

Gamer fuel?
More like 2008 French Special Forces MRE Freeze Dried Combat Ration while partaking in an electronic interactive medium.


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dota 2 techies while not caring about winning or losing

who gives a shit what women watch

>co-op game is nice
>would be even more enjoyable with e-friends
>randoms eventually ruin any enjoyment of the game

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If you watch korean war and winter survival MRE unboxings youre not a woman

Bullshit, he's fucking eaten food from the 1800s several times before.

have you seen the Chinese MRE's he's eaten? Green fucking pork

It isn't. Did they not teach science at your school? Or did you learn everything you know from the back of a poptart box?

Food doesn't go bad because it is old. It goes bad when bacteria, mold, fungus or other outside factors get to it. Sealed off or dried foods can last essentially forever. Since your nation's education system apparantly failed you, allow me to explain in detail:

People once believed, as you apparently do, that foods spontaneously went bad. This idea was called spontaneous generation. In short, people believed bread would quite literally magically sprout mold, worms and flies with no outside factors at all. Beer would ferment simply because it did. It would simply happen. Louis Pasteur rather definitively proved this concept false with his experiments with the swan neck flask. Essentially he boiled soup in a flask with a curving entrance to it. So that the soup was still exposed to air, but no microorganizms could actually reach it. After heating it to kill off any bacteria within it, he left it to sit. And it would not spoil, because obviously he was correct. Foods do not spontaneously generate bacteria or mold or yeast, those are living organisms which will grow when they are introduced to the food.

Not that he did not get sick from 100 year old beef, but did from 2 year old Ukrainian rations.

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Wait how does microogranisms not get through the swan neck? Wouldn't the air carry it over along the path?

MRE's are far better for you than fast food and the shit people in low income neighborhoods eat. I know from experience.

They do not. They get trapped in the curved part and do not make it all the way. This is why when you tilt it over, it will get bacteria into the mix.

If you put it outside in the wind or in front of a fan they'd probably make it through, but inside a house there's no air pressure forcing them in.

Fair. However i think the soup would never be 100% unspoiled because there have to be some suckers who made it through.

Also makes me wonder why don't we see some sort of this swanneck thingy on the cookware market to prevent spoilage. Ppl can't just put a whole damn pan in the fridge yk

>Townsends and Babbish

>some old preserved food with some starch on the surface
>radioactive sludge

aw did mommy make you eat leftovers today sport

>Hating on Babbish
Would you prefer Sorted or Bon appetit?

Maybe a little Matt Stonie?

bacteria do not just 'crawl' along the glass walls of the flask, they have to be propagated by a force of some sort, such as an abnormally high air pressure as mentioned before.

Everything you just mentioned in your post is reddit-tier aside from stonie.

>Everything I don't like is reddit

who's ross?

There are still some flasks from Pasteur's original experiments on display in museums in France. 150+ years is pretty good
>Also makes me wonder why don't we see some sort of this swanneck thingy on the cookware market to prevent spoilage
It's pretty impractical. If it had a lid, as soon as you open it, it needs reheated before storing again. If you pour out the neck, it still needs reheated to kill anything that washes back.

Interesting. Not the same guy, but I never gave to much thought on how bacteria interact with different surface types. Don't most bacteria have modes of self locomotion, but they must be in a fluid such as air/liquid?

Yes. Two issues. Bacteria are small. They could move for an eternity and they wouldn't make it. Most also require a wet environment. They all die before making it.

afaik they do but the relative distance over surfaces is relatively far, and a dry sterilized surface is like a desert if you feel what I mean. air and water facilitate their movement with more than just an easier medium. Food on the way, for example.

is that like his catch phrase or something?

army moccacino with coffee instant type 1 and chocolate beverage powder


>redditor in tears

Keep thinking that.

Soul Blazer. There's something that feels really nice about restoring the world.

Please for the love of god stop memeing this man. You make his fans look like unbearable autist thus make people new to his channel get scared away by his fans. This is how bad fan bases are born.


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Ross Scott, the Jesus looking guy obsessed with obscure old games and under constant attack from mold.