You're buying her game, right?
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
Other urls found in this thread:
If it involves kissing her tummy
but when's HER game?
I'll be buying their game too bad they'll die.
No, gunvolt games kill the cute girls at the end and I can't stand that.
Is this a boy or a girl?
>that tummy cunny
Calm down Copen, you already took over the franchise.
Wrong, cute girls die all the way through the game.
All androgynous Inti characters are male unless their name is Atlas
Could be both.
Saber face under the helmet when?
Disappointed they weren't setting up for some twist about that being GV.
>tummy cunny
Adepts? More like Inepts.
I mean they are adepts. That was a given when they decided to face COPEn the autist.
>That Spoiler
I can understand why they didn't do this. Don't want GV becoming Evil so new character with blade and same power set as GV it is. Maybe we will get GV as a Super Boss for the game.
No, I do not.
But Copen's game looks pretty cool, I may grab that.
that's a belly button user. you can't fuck a belly button.
He'll be an unlockable character, screencap this.
Gunvolt 2's original plot idea WAS a rebuilt Sumeragi being led by an evil Gunvolt that Copen would have to stop, with GV being unlockable after you beat the game. Copen's game seems to be recycling that concept with a not-Gunvolt instead.
Normal humans? More like under evolved waste of space that should just fucking drop dead lmao
Not with that attitude
You can do anything if you believe in yourself.
Kohaku will be erased when Copen succeeds in restoring the original timeline.
not with any attitude.
I think the Evil GV you are talking about is asimov and seeing as how Gunvolt likes to have endings where stuff gets a little better but also largely gets worse. so wouldn't put it pass them to have had an ending where asimov won and started his mission to end all humans.
God Bless Inti Creates
No they literally wanted an evil GV, probably consumed by Joule's death kind of like Leibniz was in BMZ2. Asimov winning was the original idea for the first game.
You can with the right additional fetishes.
Then even more less reason to play it.
Does she die before or after the climax?
Reminder that Asimov dindu nothin wrong and this game will serve as more proof how dangerous non adepts are. ADEPTS RISE UP!
>so wouldn't put it pass them to have had an ending where asimov won and started his mission to end all humans.
That was the original intended ending of 1. Nova's death would mean Japan was unprotected, missiles would launch to wipe out the country, and Asimov would've fatally shot Joule and Gunvolt and given off a satisfied smirk right as the missiles landed to wipe them all out. When that idea got revisioned into actually being able to get a "good" ending, their plans for the second game would've had Gunvolt genuinely going down the villain route himself and Copen having to probably stop or even put him down personally.
Inti may be revising these games to be less bleak and depressing from initial concepts, but with the high cast fatality rate and their original ideas known, it's obvious that they're a drop of a hat away from a bad ending for everyone.
Yes but I want ASG3.
Whoa, is this "cute girls die in gunvolt" thing really that serious?
>tfw she’ll die
What’s the point
The first idea for a sequel they had was that Asimov would kill Gunvolt and Cyan (that would be the real ending), and then in the sequel, he'd attack japan with missiles after Nova's death. Not sure if the missiles were meant to be adepts or not. After the first game came out and they changed the ending to what we got, they had the idea of having Gunvolt being the villain with the 1000 glaives.
We all die eventually
exquisite taste
I just hope that after this GV gets to have a sword and we get to WASH AWAY THE ANGER
You think this is a fucking joke?
The original timeline was fucked with adepts being 13% of the population but accounting for 50% of crimes. So a society funded by those people would never prosperous and sustainable. Easy to see that it's an alternate timeline.
Prepare your anus, Xiao.
GV1: Elise and Joule, so 2 out of 3.
GV2: Desna, Gibril and Joule again for good fucking measure. 3 out of 7.
Literally only 3-4 girls of the overall cast between two games aren't dead, and one of them basically disappeared between games.
Missed Zonda lol, 4 out of 8.
Sounds like a bad PR move.
>3 out of 7.
Who are the other 4? I can only think of Mytyl, Nori, and Quinn.
I kind of miss the ending to GV 1. Lumen and GV together more intimately than anyone, but also a million miles from each other. It was the perfect ending to that game, and I hate how 2 ruined that ending, even if I play it more for Copen score attack
Lola, though technically she's a spherical robot.
>No they literally wanted an evil GV, probably consumed by Joule's death kind of like Leibniz was in BMZ2.
t.b.h I could believe GV becoming a bad guy after that.
I know I read the other replys, still I like that design and hope they use it in game one day.
Yes it is, I played both games. Almost any single cute or hot girl dies before the end (or in some cases after the end)
>Aizu: I think that, at the start of development, there was the idea that Japan, whose defenses had weakened during the prequel’s battles, would be attacked by 7 major nations.
>Tai: That was the scenario draft of the prequel that Tsuda gave me. When you beat the last boss (Shiden) the barrier protecting Japan gets disabled, (Japan) gets missiles shot at it and that’s the end… That was his draft. I told him to drop it because it wasn’t a good end. Instead, we pulled the names from that draft for the bosses in “Saw”, and thus the origin of their names is missiles.
>Tsuda: My draft didn’t intend to be an annihilation end, either. My intent was for GV to stop the missiles and end things in a cool way.
>Tai: But Asimov betrayed (GV) and the story ended with him grinning (at the attack), no? I told him to drop that and make a story in which Asimov was defeated and it ended in a neat manner.
I think it's more likely that he ends up seeing her and the kids happily walking around in the restored timeline with no memories at the end, similarly to GV's end in Gunvolt 2 when he sees the reunited Mytyl/Joule.
Oh yeah, oops
He was very much on his way to at least becoming a total edgelord, then he met Quinn and got better which is the reason why Joule is gets so pissed off at her. She could not heal him and only served as a grim reminder of his failure despite trying her hardest to do so.
Well, what way to turn me off from this series.
She seemingly had lost her human form at the end though since she only had it due to a fragment of the Muse's power, but apparently they've managed to recreate it based just on the data they had gathered.
Is there an interview where they explain why they have a fetish for killing cute girls?
He's a hairdresser too
>Joule again
You better fuck delet this. She'll be back in GV3. She fucking better or at least live on through Mytyl or someone at Inti will pay with blood.
>try to play gunvolt 1
>it's a mess that doesn't explain any mechanics, up to and including me dying and the game activating HYPER GOD MODE on the water level while jpop blares in my ears
>no variety in dealing with enemies, it's all just activated zaps and nuke them from a distance
>drop it
I don't understand what people see in this series. The music is really good but what the fuck else is there if not the porn potential?
They rose up pretty hard to become the 95%
Shitbrain under developed monkey Copen angry he didn't get sweet superpowers has to prove all minos gotta be put out of their misery for everyone's benefit
Gunvolt 1 was firing a concept off, really. If you played the original 3DS release, then yeah I can see it not going well for you. GV2 refined the design a lot and added Copen, who many fans argue is way more fun than Gunvolt's playstyle.
Not with a normal sized penis.
Character design, Copen's gameplay, and high scores.
And how did you miss the dialogue after the intro stage where GV talks about being revived when on the verge of death?
Oh believe me, I am first in line for that girl getting some sort of happiness (fuck you Inti her being merged back into Mytyl without any memories is basically the same as death, she living on through her is just the garbage GV keeps telling himself to sleep better at night after a second fuck up) but I don't see it happening.
They just weren't playing for the winning team.
God I wish that Milas was replaced with a cute girl who used her septima to become a mermaid.
Its basically MMZ autists and pedos buying this knockoff garbage.
This cutie is 10/10, it shouldn't be legal to kill off designs like that
Watch some speedrun videos to learn how to play. The game is meant to be played that way. Also, if you dislike the OST, that's already 50% of your motivation gone to play well, so it's likely you'll hate the game regardless.
There's a few possibilities imo:
1. After the time dimension fuckery, Gunvolt gets a fragment of hers back or something similar
2. She still exists inside him somehow and will activate once he's in danger (gameplaywise, dies) in the next game
3. They'll change his playstyle to not rely on her. Maybe give him the sword after all. Though he could have the sword and her in the next game.
4. Once the dimension fuckery ends, the blade character fuses with him and that turns out to be his companion for the next game. Though I don't think she'd be his wife (the theory of gemini/sister makes some sense). And he still wouldn't have the Muse's power within.
>Duet Indigo Destiny starts playing
I always looked forward to getting to the bosses. They were the real meat for me.
Acura fights for the Minos, you dumb adept poster. The ones killing the Minos children are the monsters, which will be eliminated before the game ends.
>barely plays it before dropping it
>uh dun ged id
lmao, what a total faggot you are.
I finished multiple levels, I didn't exactly stop playing right away. Stop making assumptions you absolute dipshit.
She's the villain, she needs to die.
How about you stop being a brainlet and learn how to play vidya properly, Gunvolt's in no way a complex game.
Jealous Joule is cute.
>tfw the characters don't slide down walls.
I don't know why but this always bothers me.
GV2's lethal pendant is pretty great tho.
How was Blade Strangers?
Sure with that attitude.
It's more like they have a fetish for tragedy and they like cute girls as supporting characters in their games, so bad things end up up happening to them (and due to being support characters they can be killed off, unlike the male leads, but tons of male supporting characters die too).
It's way faster this way.
Decent but never had any chance of keeping an active playerbase.
go to bed Copen, sleep is good for schizophrenia.
No one buys the idol-in-a-robot bullshit you ramble about like a fag
I kinda felt bad especially with all those dudes defending her and wanting their paradise.
>Eden's members feels like a normal family in which everyone has their personal quirks and talents.
>We have to kill them.
One of them IS a serial killer who drains the blood of her victims so she can use them for her own power and all
>God I wish that Milas was replaced with a cute girl who used her septima to become a mermaid.
How can you not like this chad?
>Visible abs
>Didn't even suffer any discrimination or tragedy
>He just joined Eden because human extermination/adept utopia is a route to cleaning the oceans
Normal families don't plan to exterminate those different from them.
So is this sort like X-men with "superior but fewer mutants being oppressed by the mean human beans"?
Yeah, he's got to go. Oh wait, he's already gone lmao
>No they literally wanted an evil GV, probably consumed by Joule's death kind of like Leibniz was in BMZ2.
leibniz was something else.
i could see them wanting to go that way with gunvolt
1 & 2's story is. Third game has the tables turned with people with powers being the majority and humans are being hunted.
For the first two games, yes. This new game has made the mutants to be majority, probably through time travel fuckery.
>and humans are being hunted
Based. Adepts rise up!
Red helmet looks oddly similar to Zero's helmet. The jelly guy is also blue. I hate Inticreates so much.
Day of the bullet soon, scum.
That was the first two games, basically. (It's a little more complicated)
In this one the mutants are the majority and in control while normal humans are a minority hiding in slums and being hunted to extinction.
>that guy last thread claiming the PC version of the first game got patched with everything from the Striker Pack
>but it has pure 3DS assets with absolutely no HD art at all
Feature wise, it's up to par with the Switch version.
>how dare you save your girl Jason !
>how dare you not suffer like me and gunvolt !
>adepts on top
>under evolved chimps being rooted out and stopped from repopulating
Shame the best timeline has that fucking faggot Copen running around about to ruin it.
>"You know, son, with great power comes great responsibility. Some call it humanity's burden. Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Dr. Kamizono looks directly at the camera
>"The adepts, the mutants, the freaks... It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The day of the bullet is near, Copen. We'll have every adept dead or with glaives within 10 years, and may God have me killed in an electrical explosion caused by one of my test subjects this very night if I'm wrong. God bless humanity."
We both saw the ending of 2. He's doing fine until he saw Mytyl. I guarantee he went home and cried in the shower.
Based Copen will exterminate you adept subhumans.
He could barely suckle the milk out of Quinn's breasts that night. Poor lad.
Is there any hope of this game actually being good aside from fresh cute and funny art
>Zeno is the third (or fifth) wheel
You know he's gonna snap in one of those games and it's gonna be worse than Asimov
The previous two games were good and the character you play as in this one had the best gameplay.
Did you play 2? Then you have your answer. Yes.
That's what happens when you're an ultra-chad instead of a virgin.
>Less bleak and depressing
Yeah I mean I guess instead of Copen's sister dying she just forgets his existence and will almost certainly inevitably be overtaken by Joule's memories and Copen will have to watch the guy he hates most fuck his sister.
At least he gets to be the hero in iX
Yes, the 2nd game gave us a hard mode via an item that fixes the accessibility choices of prevasion and all that health.
Being free from the 3DS is a boon.
But Dr. Kamizono didn't even want them in glaives. He thought it was impossible to really control adepts and that extermination was the only option.
He was right considering that the really strong ones can more or less still use some of their powers even after being restrained by a glaive.
In the worst case scenario, the glaive can choose to activate and release the adept's power without being the unlock signal. That's what happened with Stratos according to side materials.
Did you know that most glaives are created using magical artifacts or legendary swords as a core? Stratos's uses a blade said to have jumped out of its sheath.
Around adepts, never relax.
>GV: "Get the Lumen costume Quinn."
>Quinn: "But Gunvolt..."
Copen was fun as fuck in GV2, so no reason to think this won't be great either.
Gunvolt 1 is weird in a few ways, you need to collect fucking chaos emeralds, you need to beat the final boss twice to get the true final boss and Gunvolt himself wasn't as fun as someone like Zero to use. Also the 3DS localization was fucked hard and had to be restored and fixed in all later iterations.
Gunvolt 2 has Copen as a playable character and he's fun as fuck with an aggressive and fast playstyle and they didn't do chaos emerald collectable shit, you just have to beat the game as both characters and then replay the final stage as one or the other to get a different true final boss for both.
Adept equality is codeword for Human genocide
truly the brightest blaster rifle chad IC has in their games
Man, they must have a lot of mystical swords lying around
she'll be a victim again when Copen's dad tries to force her to use her septima to wipe out most of mankind
So she's their Magneto except what she has in cuter she also has in crazier/hateful and dies for good?
>11 years old
Wew, eat your heart out, Mag
What are you talking about? He's dead.
>lives underground with lolis
Jesus, Copen.
>Overdrive subroutines are now fully integrated into the gameplay instead of being an obscure post-game crafting.
Finally some actual gameplay incentive to get gud beyond the score, it always bothered me that the weeb song did not empower you in any sort of way when activated by having a good score despite everything in-universe implying it should.
>implying Sumeragi actually let him die
EX weapons can now be selected with the right stick like in Mega Man 11, based as fuck if you ask me.
Gunvolt 2 had this already IIRC
Is Copen /ourguy/? If yes please head to the nearest gas chamber my fellow non-adept.
Did it? Haven't played the Switch version yet, even though I won it.
No, but Teseo is.
>No doujin Acura passionately kissing Roro while Nowa pegs him
>hips tripling in size
>Gunvolt don't you dare take my sister into her room
>god dammit Gunvolt you better keep your clothes on
>Gunvolt I swear to fuck you better use protection
>stop holding her hand Gunvolt FUCK
>no don't dare impregnate my sister Gunvolt that's the over line
The Switch version has it. Only up to 4 of the weapons though.
He shouldn't have killed Gibril.
Transformed final boss
Well "final" boss
She can create illusions.
I love the songs, can't wait to get more:
What tactical advantage faking child bearing hips give her?
>there are Adepts posting in this thread RIGHT NOW
I sure hope non of my fellow anons are a race traitor and know Copen is doing a good for the world, right?
>Moniqa and Zeno become bosses in GV3 trying to avenge Asimov
I could dig it.
did you just assume i'm not a ghost
I can see Moniqa snapping and trying to avenge him, Zeno not so much had GV bothered to explain what the fuck happened in Firmament instead of just walking off to the sunset without a word.
Will get on PS4 latter.
>this is official art
>they're also both FUCKING DEAD
Gunvolt joins her is she promises to let him smash. He can't kill you if he's more interested in fucking you.
He didn't want to have their pedestal broken like he did by revealing Asimov was evil.
can i say the C word now?
>GV bothered to explain what the fuck happened in Firmament instead of just walking off to the sunset without a word
So much was lost that day he just didn't couldn't take it anymore. He lost his love. He lost his mentor. He needed to go out on his own.
So is this series any good
>choke me while you fuck me raw
What the fuck was her problem?
I think it has more to do with him being just about done with everyone and everything at that point.
And -50% AGI by forcing your opponent to fight with a third leg
Man the ending for that game was so sad. I felt really bad about it. I think the only reason the second game's ending didn't get me so much was because I watched it instead of play it (I lost my patience after it seemed, for years, that there would be no Steam version -- hope it still comes out though).
Why is she so angry?
yes, also did a dumb voice clip because im bored as shit
But will it have a shitposting memelord?
>Born in England to a weak-willed yet kind mother and a stern, serious father, Gibril received very polarizing types of affection growing up. Her mother loved her dearly, calling her "Little Angel", but her father, who thought highly of reputation, left Gibril's care almost entirely to her mother. Stressed by having an Adept daughter, the man began giving violent "coaching" to his wife, so she would raise her better.
>Then, around the time Gibril graduated from preparatory school, her father struck her mother too hard, killing her. In a moment of fear and anger, Gibril used the blood flowing from her mother's corpse to forge a metallic blade and kill her father.
>Afterwards, she was taken to a reception centre for counselling, but eventually fled using her Septima. With nowhere else to go, she joined a gang of delinquent Adepts, committing all sorts of dark crimes, earning the nickname "Blood & Steel Gibril", after her Septima.
>Some time after, she encountered Zonda, who was scouring the Earth looking for Adepts to join Eden, and challenged her to a fight. After being beaten, she decided to pledge herself to Zonda's cause.
tldr hard life
that's an upgrade m8
>getting the censored version
Look at this, wait till you see th- HOH OHNONONONONONONONONO
She's a womanlet.
Lola's already uploading AMVs of Copen beating Sumeragi's goons online to give the humans hope so they'll probably have someone similar to Teseo trolling them.
Eh, that's a good reason as any to be angry I guess
Hope the final boss is as kino as GV2.
Cry a bit louder.
Copen mocking you in that fight actually cut pretty deep, not gonna lie.
>The muse sings for me alone now. She sings a song too great for your ears, adept!
I'm crying from laughter that you'd willingly allow yourself to be a cuck, like, wow dude.
she has her needs
will Blade be playable? also it's pretty much confirmed, that he is an Azure Striker?
i want to drown her with my cum
>that skirt hiding her thongs
When will this industry move forward
built for tummy fucking
He fucking better be. I NEED MY FUCKING ZERO FIX.
>inb4 b-buh muh Dragon Marked fo-
It fucking sucks shit, fuck off.
>10/10 art
>2ds pixle shit
fuck this shit
Post the rest of them because that's the only way PS4 cucks will be able to see them.
Trailer says he has electric Septima so pretty much confirmed. As for being playable or not we still don't know, could go either way if you ask me.
Why you heff to be mad
or spanking
I'd bet you are, but it's not too late, pre-orders haven't even gone up so you can still get the game on a real system that doesn't cuck you.
No I'll get the PS4 version later.
>Gunvolt trying to explain what could be happening to Joule and Mytyl
This guy just doesn't fucking get it, does he?
Quit getting mad at video games
never. that series is over. rare enough for MM
Its a shame Dragon Marked for Death ended up being shit. I'm glad I was able to have some fun with the witch when the online was active.
After I pirate her other two ones
Not the thread, but how is the game itself?
I have/had hopes for it, but haven't heard anything beyond Yea Forums's usual 'it's shit' commentary.
>single player's shit and grindy because it's balanced for multiplayer
>local multiplayer isn't split screen and requires everyone to won a Switch and copy of the game, basically not even there
>online's dead
What the fuck were they thinking? And they brought the MMZ artist for this shitheap, what a fucking waste.
It's hard but decently fun gameplay, if repetitive
>user mentions the usual "it's shit" commentary
>proceed to respond with exactly that
Have some self-awareness for once
GV will be in the game in some form, whether they recasted him for Blade or not.
>asks question
>gets answer
What the fuck is your problem?
if you don't care for postgame stuff, then it's pretty fun in single player
>What the fuck is your problem
>says the one who is literally furious over a video game
When is Inti Creates just going to release a Mega Man clone that doesnt have a weird gimmick that fucks up the whole thing?
> New Gunvolt takes place in notGunvolt land
> Stars Copen
> Has to dash in to things to do trigger special attacks
> Luminous Avenger iX
> Luminous Avenger 9
why was this game just so shit?
it had so much potential
Thanks guys. I guess I'll wait for it to get cheaper first.
It's fun but holy fucking shit is it grindy when you start doing high level quests. The drop rates are atrocious.
If I really like the bosses in Megaman games but find the actual sidescrolling level bits tedious, should I try this series?
>says the faggot who didn't even as much as look at my post
>let alone read it
Why are you dodging the question?
Mighty Gunvolt Burst was great and pretty much what you described.
If anything happens to her I will burn Japan to the ground and personally slaughter any survivors.
God bless the Japs
You're going to like the bosses but find the actual sidescrolling level bits tedious.
it can become fun
I guess that's a decent answer, thank you
That's a cute girl.
>that shiny ZR
I have no idea how that came to be, but it is my favorite visual ever
Ahem, fuck the ground.
>some brainlet in this thread trying to compared this kino to MN9
God, I can't fucking wait for GVC.
So how did Roro get the Cyberdiva back? Will Kohaku have any relation to Cyan?
Oh sorry, I meant the gray haired one.
I used to be able to play like this, but I'm fully prepared to feel like shit once LAiX comes out and I inevitably discover I'm out of practice and can't do it anymore.
He gets it, he's just at the point where he gives zero fucks about it. He even admits as much. The fight still makes more sense as Copen to me just because of how fucked up it is then
>Finally kill your rival, the one guy that always fucked your shit up
>Suddenly your sister gets up from being dead to defend him and your AI waifu gets ripped out of her shell and forced to sing to power him up
>Now you have to take him out again while he's in bullshit anime mode
If there's any shred of emotion in him at that point that isn't bloodthirst and rage I'd be shocked.
That's also gonna be me when I finally start replaying the game but on the Switch this time.
I just think he is too pissed off to listen at that point.
post your favorite songs
oops posted the ant sized one.
>Inti Creates made another Sheep Man
respect him, for he is GoatZ
Some people were pointing out that probably some time fuckery was done by Xiao or it's an alternate universe thing, so it could be a number of reasons.
What's this little shits end game?
They really nailed it with Indigo Destiny.
Nothing bad, he promises.
He probably intended to fix things by making everyone Adepts and fucked up along the way.
I think Indigo Destiny playing at the final fight really made this song stand out
I still trust him, even if he's a soulless chink.
>GV says the most based thing
I guess Copen caught him being a baaaaaaaaaaaad boy.
Kill me.
cyanotype for lumen
multi-universe and vast circle for roro
indigo destiny duet for both
>yare yare
Even has the standard laidback personality you'd expect from a sheep person.
Absolutely, the three of rising up before the guitars kick in followed by vocals is such a good moment, I couldn't ask for anything better.
Nice one.
Look at those hair spikes, he’s gonna go fast for that evolution.
That's a old woman. She doesn't have a cunny anymore.
The new trailer says that it's just that she has the ability from "analyzing" the muse septima (note that this is different from the GV2 explanation where she had part of the Muse power). Although considering how there is an entirely new form too there might be another explanation.
He is a very baaaaad boy, seeing as he's a death row inmate.
His name is リぺリオ. Riberio, Libelio, Ribelio, or Liberio. Possibly with an H thrown in somewhere. Take your pick.
Didn't expected that. Thought it would be a console exclusive.
You can use EX weapons in the final battle even after you lose the shards because Roro still had the data on them so it makes some sense that she'd be able to do the same thing with the Muse sptima
No you can't. There's nothing cunning about that game, brainless retard.
Since he represents the Libra zodiac sign, I guess Liberio will be the localized name unless they completely change it.
>that cutie on the left
Might as well fap to her while she's still alive.
Why? This is far from the first time Inti released one of their games on Seam.
Okay, so they're not making games for 3DS any more. Why don't they step up to visuals past SNES and do like MMX4-level shit?
Aw why do people hate Dragon? Game has been so much fun online.
>has the hair of your lion anime character
>turns into a sheep
I kinda expected it after the blaster master zero announcement like last week.
that girl with the glasses looks pretty cute and her other form (the one next to the sheep) in looks nice too.
Online is ded
This is her boss form.
There's the rub, you had to get in right from the Japanese release and I'm so shit at video games I'd just be burden to any team
Like pre-rendered environments? Nah, fuck off.
Are you blind?
He's Aries you dimwit.
Should've put fake Zonda on Nova's side for the true 4D chess loli experience.
Then they gave him a rather confusing name. Do we know the names of any of the others?
The sprites are pretty much MMX4 tier, it just lacks the cg animated backgrounds.
Yeah but they also were pretty displeased about GV1 bombing when they released it on Steam (I know it was because it is/was a shitty port but still) so it's still surprising.
Yeah, but Azure Struker Gunvolt 2 wasn't released on Steam though. Maybe they'll release it in the future...if ever.
Hmmm. They should be releasing more of their games on PC.
Not that I know of.
X4 was actually not THAT filled with pre-rendered, there was plenty of spritework. X5 and 6 are a different story.
speaking of DMfD, playable Rivalis and Amica were teased
>while she's still alive
Easier to do afterwards tho
How about they tease a fixed single player and local multiplayer mode instead?
I don't think so considering she'll explode.
>"portion of population being exterminated by an all powerful establishment"
>"young girl (good with computers) who acts as a leader of a group of people resisting this establishment"
>"mysterious powerful man known as the "savior" for this young girl and her group"
why does this sound so familiar....
Don't think you could fit single-system couch co-op that easily, but then i'm still wondering how the fuck they're gonna do couch co-op for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles without up to 4 Switches for individual inventories and shit.
so Roro is a Cyber Elf?
>Don't think you could fit single-system couch co-op that easily
What are you on about? Just do what Sonic Mania did, ezpz.
I've been having no probs finding lobbies. Just open a room and wait or just up and join.
Why do you say that? It's not that hard getting good equipment for majority of the game. I'd play with you user.
I'm mad hype for them coming. Going to be some good DLC along with the expanded weapons and moves for other characters as well.
Sonic Mania didn't have to balance RPG systems with important hud elements, loot, boss fights in multiplayer and other matters for its split-screen.
I want another catchy banger like pic related:
The first Gunvolt already took the plot from Mega Man Zero
>beings that are more powerful than humans are being oppressed by a pro-human government that is run by members of the oppressed group
>there's an energy crisis that the government wants to fix through oppression
>long-haired main character is part of a resistance group
And the second game had
>a blonde antagonist who dresses in pink that wants to kill the humans
>a cybernetic fairy that drastically increases people's powers and is used by the antagonist to transform into a giant butterfly with crazy hair
Those ice swords seem really overpowered.
Reminder that the Muse has some similarities with the Mother/Dark Elf, everyone and their mother is chasing after her.
>making a girl dependent on you dress up in lewd outfits
What's his REAL endgame? Cutting out the competition?
Morpho sounds so weird in vast ring.
>there's an energy crisis that the government wants to fix through oppression
Is that a thing in the first game? Sumeragi wanted the Azure Striker because that shit is basically infinte free energy but I don't remember an energy crisis.
They are against mooks that are vulnerable to them (most of the foot soldier trash and some of the big ones), it doesn't showcase it here but some enemies receive very little damage from them.
She really wants to show Copen her "appreciation" but he's murdersexual to the point that even his AI can't seduce him
They're the most fun to use, but there's a bunch of enemies that are nearly immune to the ice blades, like those robot enemies that the guy in the video shoots instead of slashes
Maybe Acura has good taste and is into milfs instead of lolis.
Did they add new abilities?
Would you buy a Lola onahole?
I seem to remember an energy crisis being mentioned as the reason for their adept research, but I could be wrong about that.
So is it confirmed that this game takes place in an alternate timeline or something?
Next update will add weapons with different movesets.
They look so cute.
That's NOT a cunny, fucking ironic weeb.
Nah, it's just people speculating due to the quote about butterfly effect and how different the status quo suddenly got.
No, they haven't said anything specific yet.
No but I would get one of those pillows. They look soft.
What they are currently bringing next/working on can be seen here. Not sure how long it's been since you have played but every character currently has three different elements to choose atm.
Some people are assuming because jumping from "adepts are persecuted" to "most of normal humanity is extinct" is a pretty fucking huge leap for a couple years at best, among other strange oddities and things that don't match up along with the Butterfly Effect motif, but it's speculation.
Stop using so many LED lamps everywhere, problem solved.
damn i want empress to stab me
Nah, just an assumption due to the situation being so utterly inversed and fucked that Copen is the defacto hero and Gunvolt is either missing, dead or brainwashed (Because Blade seems to be an azure striker).
It's just kind of boggling how things could get to this point and nobody knows when it happened.
Sumeragi is another oddball, the Cyber Diva Project was meant to sniff out all adepts and bring them under Sumeragi's control because they were deemed a threat to public order and now they're suddenly recruiting them and having them exterminate non-adepts? It doesn't add up.
It's likely repurposing an unused story concept for the second game where Gunvolt was going to take over and rebuild Sumeragi as the new villain. If ASG3 is really a separate game from iX and currently being conceptualized or pre-pruduced, it's entirely plausible for this to be a What If storyline.
Nova's dead as shit so it's possible the adepts began to take control of the Sumeragi Foundation and in turn experimented with a way to turn humans into adepts like them and if they were incapable or unwilling they'd be executed firing line style.
jesus christ my typing is deteriorating lately
Depending on the sequence of events with ASG3 this could be after that game timeline wise and the end of it would lead into ASG4 and the reason it lacked Gunvolt in the title was due to Copen having the only leading role this time.
Tsuda is still suffering from a severe case of writer's block, please understand. This is pretty much its own thing.
What do I do until September?
Get those elusive S+ ranks
Because you fucking killed her
Because she's a disgusting adept and needed to be purged
Hey hey, if she wants to go apeshit and deplete her last health bar on her own, that's on her, not me.
Because she's too good for this world
Is Blade based on Omega?
Asimov seems more Omega to me, being the guy with the same abilities as you but more powerful
>even when i get good with Copen having the fear of getting potshotted by something never went away
>the more score i have the tense i feel
just looking at this makes my heart race and i have s+ the game multiple times in the past
literally The eclipse from berserk equivalent in moe, Copen being Guts.
I hate those drones that throw yellow rings, they fucked me up many times. Desna herself is one of the easiest Eden adepts, at least.
>wanna play these games
>don't want to see cute girls suffering
What do?
>still not posted
Dog shit taste, all of you.
oh i hate them too cuz once they enter your field view they start attacking so due to the stage layout you sometimes see them before you actually get close to them so you are walldancing like a baller and them this stray ring comes out of nowhere and snipes you
Has the artist done any NSFW stuff like the Etrian Odyssey artist? I can't find any of his stuff like I can on Himukai (assuming he has any).
>people dissing Copen for not listening
>meanwhile GV
Nova: *reasonable argument about why Adepts need to be put on a short leash*
The art is so good
They're giving Copen shit he doesn't deserve but GV is watching this guy mindrape his waifu and use her as a shield as he talks about this so it's not exactly unjustified rage either.
>Asimov: Bro, just join us again. You can fuck your waifu and be the King and Queen of a world only for adepts
>GV: Ahem, first off fuck you.
Gunvolt himself was an adept fighting living in peace with humans and so was Joule, whom Nova was holding captive. He had also experienced in person what Sumeragi did to adepts. Meanwhile, Gunvolt had proven to Copen several times that he didn't mean any harm to him or Mytyl, yet Copen still attacked him just for being an adept.
GV just wants his waifu and shoots the guy who's taking it away from him. Copen goes reeee against someone that either did jack shit to him or just finished killing the Adepts that took his sister away, depending on who you're playing as.
*fighting for and living in peace with
You sound like an adept user. I don't like your tone.
Hatakeyama Yoshitaka? I don't think so, all I could find was Inti stuff.
And that's a good thing.
Yes but all adepts go on tard rage killing sprees. if they haven't done yet it, they will do it eventually. Even Nova did it once he went into his final form.
Adepts have proven time and time again they deserve nothing but the rope
Copen doesnt harm humans, he has only killed adepts and those barely qualify
Witch is the best character that inti has ever made. It's depressing that she's locked into an online game with a dead community.
>if they haven't done yet it, they will do it eventually
Show me the tard rage killing spree GV went on that wasn't out of self defense or taking part in something much bigger. Go on, I'll wait.
Copen is such a dumb name.
When will Copen kill his sister?
Yeah, Acura is cooler
incestual childbirth
Ahem, first off fuck you you under developed chimp. Second you should be kissing adepts feet. If it wasn't for one of them you'd be dead two games ago.
Sounds like adept talk to me.
Yes, they should've undone the 8-4 garbage translation remants on the second game.
No matter what the first six stages happen in parallel, the only difference is who makes it through EDEN and beats Zonda in which case
>Copen walks in on Gunvolt next to his sister's fucking corpse after adepts abducted her to use her as an energy battery for a loli
>Copen snaps after being too late to save her from Zonda and Gunvolt walks in on him grieving to tell him that it's a-ok when he knows damn well Copen already has a seething hatred for adepts that aren't his sister
Imagine the guy you hated most trying to comfort you as you cradled a loved one's corpse and tell me how much you'd give a shit if he were right in what he was saying or not.
She's a naughty girl.
A primate would think that.
Day of the bullet is coming, scum.
Sauce me plz
A weeb poster and an adept apologist. The day of the bullet can't come soon enough for you.
>Yes, they should've undone the 8-4 garbage translation remants on the second game.
Amusingly, it seems like some of it has seeped into the Japanese script now. I was watching the Japanese version of the LAiX trailer and the narrator also calls the psychic energy "Septima". I remember it simply being "Seventh" (from Seventh Wave) in Japanese in the previous two games.
Calm yourselves, monkeys. You should focus on surviving until your head chimp bites the dust in Chronicles.
Honestly I don't mind septima. I don't remember how they call the people with powers in the japanese version, but adept isn't that bad. The name changes are fucking retarded though.
what the fug, that's disgusting
if Copen actually nukes his little sister ill like him even more for how deep into the rabbit hole he is willing to go for his ideals, havent seen a Character so bent in genociding a whole species since Jin Takayama
>I don't remember how they call the people with powers in the japanese version, but adept isn't that bad.
Both Septima and Adepts were Seventh in Japan. Maybe that's why they decided to change one of the terms now.
Delete this, Nova would never support adept supremacy
ベルモンド魚住 on pixiv. donmai and gelbooru display him as beruzumi-m.
GV's always been the exception to the rule, Asimov wanted human genocide, Nova wanted to take away free will and become a god, Zonda wanted to glass the planet except for adepts and they're always followed by other adepts for one reason or another. GV is a really shitty defense for adepts not going on rampages, he's just one of the few who hasn't grown some kind of complex where he believed his powers gave him the right to lord over others.
Nova was on the humans side idiot he wanted both to coexist and knew Adepts were pretty crazy
Copen has already spared her and GV once. He's not that much of an asshole (yet).
Septima always makes me think of the word septic
>kill his sister
>or watch her get fucked by his rival before starting a family
Can't catch a break.
he will thoe he just didnt had the balls to do it yet, he probably wants to let her live a little before dropping the hammer
Watching the trailer again, Adepts aren't called Seventh either, they're called Septima Holders. Minos are called Minus (pretty much the same thing), Copen and Lola are still Acura and RoRo and other terms that got changed in English are still the same, such as Blitz/Bullits. Conversely, I noticed on the English website that one term that was changed, Flashshield, has now reverted back to its original Japanese term, Flashfield. Guess there's no chance for it to get mixed up with Gunvolt's own Flashfield since he's not playable here.
I love her voice acting. Tends to get a random laugh out of me because it's so silly sounding.
GV's Flashfield was Raigekiri on japanese, right? Kinda funny how that translation came to bite them in the ass in the second game when it was pretty inocuous.
Copen's entire existence is a long series of things going wrong
>Father creates means of human evolution
>Adepts fucking murder him even though he created them
>Goes on path of vengeance
>Some ponytailed asshole keeps showing up telling you that you should work together with him
>Your little sister is outed as an adept and abducted by adept terrorists
>You fail to save her just to have that asshole from earlier act like he's your friend
>Finally kill him just for your sister to come back to life suddenly defending him and hacking into your AI buddy to control her
>Have to deal with the fact that she doesn't even remember you anymore
>And now most of the world is adepts trying to genocide the remaining human population
I think it could only get worse for him if he were somehow turned into an adept during the events of iX or his botfu got her data erased somehow.
>Before: Humans with super powers were hunted down or used as experiment.
>Now: Humans without super powers are hunted down. I presume outdated human beings have no value to do experiments.
>The protagonist is literally the Willian Stryker of Gunvolt world.
I'm expecting people get butthurt for that reason. (grabs popcorn)
Yes. But I think it's more likely that the Japanese writers just liked the term Flashfield used in the English translation and used it themselves for a similar feature, also forcing the translators to work around it.
wait i though Adepts were natural, didnt Asimov said the first one was found on south america or some shit?
>Just imagining Uncle Copen ranting at the gall GV has naming him the godfather of his children.
Adepts are natural, but some people can also be artificially implanted with septimosome
I have no clue, that might be the case but I recall Copen's father having something to do with them, either that or he designed the Glaives the Sumuragi group used, I know Copen got his "Fuck Septima" bullets by working off his dad's blueprints but it's been a while since the dead dad thing even got brought up so memory's fuzzy.
They are natural, Kamizono just worked on replicating it, shoving Septima into regular people and forcibly removing it from Adepts.
Which Witch VA?
Copen's gun is from his dad but the septima nullifying bullets were made by Copen from Carrera's septima.
>spics are the next step of human evolution according to nips
By "fuck Septima bullets" you mean regular ones or Greed Snatcher supressor BS? Because the later was just him making a smarter use of Carrera's septima.
While we're at it, it would be fun to have Greed Snatcher as a postgame unlock, just to be even more hilariously broken than we already are with Copen.
Alright. Still my point remains, everything that happens basically makes Copen more and more pissed off at just about everything so there's no way iX ends without figuring out some new way to fuck him
teach her a lesson by dressing her in silly outfits
Maria Naganawa, has the cute jumping and attack voiceclips.
>that one random SF reference because Inti likes doing random Capcom references on their games even when they no longer work with them.
Greed Snatcher should have been Copen's version of the Dyaus Clip, instead that shitty infinite WE item that takes up too many slots
Greed Snatcher, as you can tell by my hazy record, my memory of specifics isn't great. My initial run of GV1 was pre-fixed 8-4's bullshit and I only played it one more time since with the Striker Pack.
Curse her with the very weight that she despises!
wait what? i played SF and i didnt notice any what was it?
The first Azure Striker adept being found in South America is a reference to Blanka who can generate electricity.
Blanka has electric powers, the original Azure Striker was found in a South American jungle, you figure out the rest.
>first Azure Striker was found in South America
Inti still operates as if they are part of Capcom.
man im fucking dumb, it went past my head
true suffering and very cruel
probably turns her on somewhat
so female adept who has a love boner for Copen and keeps escaping her death by him and pesters him 24/7 fucking when?
>true suffering and very cruel
probably turns her on somewhat
probably does, also Desna is hot.
She's been with him all along.
That's literally Blade, screencap this, he will turn out to be a she.
>GVs face when he names one Copen and introduces him to his uncle
It's like the exact opposite of those Chris Redfield memes.
So the first two are on 3DS, right?
Does it run well on Citra
Milas is hotter!
I wish tomboys were real.
The first is on PC so there's no reason you should be emulating it. No clue about the second, but I imagine if there's any game Citra can run it would be a 2D indie game.
He had a whole pixiv of lewd stuff he did years ago that got nuked only a little while ago. Did some Idolmaster doujins that never got scanned. The saddest thing is there was some nice stuff he had there that wasn't uploaded elsewhere. Chingisu on danbooru.
>Copen's shield in the first game was foreshadowing his cockblocking tendencies
I like tomboys too! But what the gap in her attitude made me adore her much more!
You must understand! For how much time did GV and Joule has been together?
>The first is on PC so there's no reason you should be emulating it.
ah, thanks
Fucking kino.
That's some good stuff.
I'll give you that he is at least very good looking.
Here's also this thing. What does the board say?
Luckily he doesn't have to worry about that. Gunvolt is for Morpho alone.
*Fuck Adepts*
>Gunvolt brings her to bed and gets ready to try and bone her
>Copen fires off Greed Snatcher at him and makes him incapable of getting it up before kicking him out and threatening to kill him if he shows up again
>Copen commits Incest just to avoid GV dna inside his little sis
This thread made me want to play Gunvolt, especially 2 because Copen sounds fun as fuck both from a gameplay and personality PoV.
Any way to play 2 on PC? Only 1 and this spinoff seem like they're on PC. Is 1 worth it?
Another cute Gibril!
GV1's good but the second one's way better, mostly because of Copen.
You can probably emulate the 3DS version
So it was this guy. I already liked his art but the one in these games is something else.
Your only bet would be the 3DS version running on Citra unless they port it between now and iX being released.
Besides loli, Zonda is another hottie.
dumb gerbil
Maybe even the Switch version?
I'll look into it and pick up 1 on Steam. Thanks.
Too poor to think about getting a Switch, unfortunately.
do you think Loli Zonda fucked her big bro, i mean she had to get all that sexual shit from somewhere
She's gonna fuck an adept alright. Eat shit Copen.
>Too poor to think about getting a Switch, unfortunately.
I meant emulating that version.
I think he means emulating the Switch version via yuzu. Don't remember how far in development that emulator is, though.
Worth looking into. Does it have stuff the 3DS version doesn't? About to jump into 1 on PC right now.
Lucky faggot
>he doesn't know
Switch has 60 fps gameplay and shortcuts for EX weapons/GV's skills (technically 3DS has it too, but requires the use of the touchscreen).
She went on the internet one day to search about 'love' and things were never the same.
Not if I have something to say about it and I do, I'm gonna say the _ word.
I got nothing, what would a slur for an adept be?
Switch version's 60fps, while the 3DS one's 30fps.
Copen is dumber.
>younger more innocent Zonda masturbating for the first time
Oh fuck
Well until he starts asking how you feel about death with that smug smirk. Dude is a psychopathic death ram. Even has a scythe if the silhouettes are to go by
Gunvolt 2 was disappointing for me, I didn't even care enough to play through as Copen after finishing it, there's no way I'm going to bother with any new ones.
Its strange, because I really loved the first game, but 2 just felt like a step backwards. I felt that the equipment was shittier, to the point that I don't think I even changed more than one piece of equipment, the music wasn't super amazing or anything in the first game, but that at least had a couple bangers, 2 had nothing for me there, and lastly I felt like the bosses were shittily designed, its seemed like they got lazy and just made attacks unfair as fuck to dodge because "lol they can just abuse prevasion anyways".
I honestly can't even remember anything about 2 beyond the issues I had with it. I can't remember a single boss, I can't remember a single music track, and I can't remember anything about the story beyond the gender swapping guy turning into a loli.
>shortcuts for EX weapons/GV's skills (technically 3DS has it too, but requires the use of the touchscreen).
Honestly the 3DS version did it better, you have to press the right stick to use skills in the Switch version and sometimes I accidentally change the skill right before using it.
>I didn't even care enough to play through as Copen after finishing it
There's your problem. The biggest problem with the Gunvolt series has always been Gunvolt himself. Why do you think they've kicked him out for this title?
What a delicious fucking midriff
Top quality
>he didn't even touch the best part of the game
I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest of your garbage post.
How can you even say that the boss' attacks in 2 were unfair to dodge when fucking Sunshine Nova/Refulgence existed in 2? The only BS one in 2 is Tenjian's Seven Slashes and that shit's designed to hit you the first time.
Yeah but, I liked playing as Gunvolt in the first game, I didn't have any problems with him there. Would Copen really make that much of a difference? Is the game just more designed around him?
>fucking midriff
As in, a midriff for fucking?
*in 1, damn I'm dumb. Also you skipped on the best part of the game gameplay-wise.
>Tenjian wakes up mid night being ride by Young Zonda
But of course
I get what he's talking about. GV2 has a lot of really bullshit attacks that you can't possibly dodge the first time you see them, and every fucking boss has at least one attack that overheats you (Which doesn't even affect Copen).
Sunshine Nova is very hard to dodge, but it's slow enough to react to and it's just a matter of micrododging correctly.
the biggest bullshit move to dodge is the fatrobot adept's ultimate, and even them you can kill him before he is allowed to use it if you kill the robot in a smart way
I found it funny how the initial translation went WAY out of the way to say it wasn't blood but her septima taking form or some stupid ass shit. They tried real hard to cover up that she was a bloodzerker
I dunno, I can consistently dodge pretty much whatever the bosses throw at me and I still manage to get hit by Viper's crap despite knowing exactly what he has. Never had much issues with GV2 ones in comparison sans the one thing I mentioned.
Sunshine Nova is legit impossible to dodge for me i want to smack the asshole who came up with such stupid move
>How can you even say that the boss' attacks in 2 were unfair to dodge when fucking Sunshine Nova/Refulgence existed in 1
That attack was easy as fuck to dodge dude, all you had to do was nudge Gunvolt slightly to the left and right, and then you just have to alternate between standing to the left/right of the guy and under him. When I would replay stages and attempt the boss rush, that attack would never even hit me.
He has entirely different set of stages and bosses aside from the final ones.
I know how to dodge the blasted thing, it's still harder than whatever the bosses in GV2 throw at you unless you count DLC.
>still no GVxJoule vanilla doujin
>or Zonda doujin where she transforms between her loli version and older version pleasing her followers
He has different stages excluding the final ones in EDEN and his playstyle is completely different to Gunvolt's. So yeah give Copen a try before dismissing the game
You want to stay under him since GV's hitbox is more tall than it is wide. If you're using septimal surge (or playing hard mode) you can also deal enough damage to end the attack early if you tag him just as he jumps out of the fire pillars.
>Shovel Knight bonus boss
Why is this fucking asshole so hard to beat?
In adept city, I bet there's a zoo that has normal humans as one of the animals on display, with a stone age environment for them to live in. There would be a concession stand nearby that sells bananas for adepts to throw into the habitat.
Have a cat Joule, if that'll help.
Give me a lolidom + role reversal Zonda doujin and I can die a happy man.
Its one of the easiest supers to dodge in GV1, hell all of the supers in 1 are easier to dodge than in 2. All I remember from 2's boss fights was getting hit constantly by damn near everything the bosses did, I'm pretty sure I never figured out how to dodge a single super in that game and had to just tank every single one.
There's also this.
Just throw some quarters into the pin and see what happens.
And this.
Just for reference, which ones are harder in GV1?
God Joulumen did things to my dick.
So Azure Striker Gunvolt: Paradise Lost then.
Azure Striker Gunvolt has a lot of shit that reminds me to Kamen rider
Not him, but I could never figure out how to dodge the final boss's skill without infinite jumps.
Also the Elise triplets were probably the worst boss for me overall.
>Joule could've been watching GV shower and fap
>implying she isnt the one to try to get him to shower or masturbate
Elise reminds me of someone. But I can't put a finger on it. Hmm...
Elise dies too quickly to ever be an issue for me, even on triplets mode. The final boss you can bait the chains to leave a space below for you to hide in if you jump with the right timing (it is harder than Sunshine Nova to figure out, I'll give it that).
>bump limit
Farewell friends. Its nice to have a GV thread from time to time.
Jesus Christ. I want to gather up a bunch of anons, lay this girl on her back and just bukkake the shit out of that tummy until you can't see her belly button and cum is trailing down every single crevice.
I want to gather that bunch of anons and throw them off a cliff while I have my way with her on my own.
I think the hardest one for me in GV1 was the green guy's super.
Also I did a little digging and found an old online post of mine from when I first beat GV2.
I had played up to the final set of stages at the time of release, dropped the game for a year, and then finished it. I made comments on how I couldn't remember jack about 2 after a year, but could remember most of 1 after 3 years after finishing it (at 5 years now and my memory of 1 is much foggier)
Something I had completely forgotten that I also disliked about 2 were the in-stage dialogue sequences, because the dialogue would block your view of like 2/3rds of your screen, and if you turned it off you'd be missing story (which probably plays a part in why I don't remember shit about 2) also the singing was retarded and practically didn't function. I was thankful that I could just blow into the mic, but still it was a very stupid choice to make it a mandatory part of the game.