This guy is fucking stoned
This guy is fucking stoned
Other urls found in this thread:
>the bad ones
What a fucking idiot, is he an SJW now
>the bad ones
I kinda understand what hes trying to say, but to show it through a videogame is the difficult part.
you cant to much with a controller.
He probably shouldn't tweet in English anymore
what the fuck is going on with video games?
Wouldn't a SJW say that "the bad ones" were the ones with the sticks.
>(yakety sax plays in the distance)
Doubt it, weed is very hard to acquire in Japan
Kojima actually has the balls to do something different
Jews trying real hard to control them all
Will this game have a ladder to surpass Metal Gear Solid 3?
Doesn't some intern just translate all the stuff he tweets on his japanese account?
This is not different, the gameplay looks worse than games in the 90s
We've known that for years
It'll have a ladder to the moon.
is he trying to say something about the 40%?
you can always use the rope for bondage and then put the stick up the hole
The ladder and rope mechanics look really cool though. Especially since it looks like you can use them anywhere.
I wish this was a Thief game.
I honestly don't understand why kojima doesn't make movies.
HIs ideas clearly gravitate towards the format more.
This is such a disaster. Faux intelligence at full display. Walking sim shit Kojima, lazy fucker.
The first human crafts were likely the spear and any other blunt object to kill animals who were objectively stronger physically than our cavemen ancestors. Where is this Hollywood obsessed dipshit drawing out ropes from?
there room enough in the video game world for movies games and theres nothing wrong with that
It is different but your hatred against Kojima makes you see otherwise.
Wasn't really the point.
He could save so much time and put out more things if he just stopped making games and solely did movies. He's SSS+ tier at getting funding for his projects, and has a decent resume at this point.
You will be able to tie ladders together with ropes. This is called a "strand".
Because he enjoys making games and they allow him to try weird shit out and fuck with the player in ways that aren't possible in film or any non-interactive medium.
Both Kojima and Norman Reedus are high as fuck 90% of the time.
>Yellow Thumbs up
What did he mean by this ?
yeah different alright
Kojima is ladderpilled user, groundfags will never understand that type of euphoria.
>literally TLOU gameplay
>games going to be wildly mediocre gameplay wise
>but will have a few EPIC moments that will make dummies forget how shit the game is
>2deep plotholes everywhere
>most people will overlook its shit because DUDE SO DEEP AND CRAZY
>kojimbo can continue scamming people
filtered I see
Zig zag strategy is legit, you've obviously never run from predators user
Name a single kojima game that has had hardly any gameplay
This. They've already got the west under control as white people are pathetic cucks but Japan is putting up some resistance.
>game is advertised as stealth focused
>lmao nvm just run through it all
Ladder technology
>Bethesda still can't put ladders in TES games
>Kojima making them look like fucking idiots
Shots fired.
The magic of actually writing new engines instead of bolting on new """"""""""""""""""""""""""features""""""""""""""""""""" to a nearly 3 decade old engine.
>>game is advertised as stealth focused
>"DEATH STRANDING is not a stealth game" - Hideo Kojima
>>game is advertised as stealth focused
Lets talk about that. Give examples.
See that ladder? You can climb it.
>The second tool ever invented was a rope
No it wasn't.
didn't know you were shitposting all this time!
>game is advertised as 3rd person action game and mountain climbing sim
>have to sneak around main threat (black goo of danger monsters)
>don't have to sneak around bad guy group connected to a terrorist bent on stopping and killing you
Nevermind that the first trainer clearly showed it HEAVILY stealthy as you had to sneak past nearly everyone and thing.
But kojimbo realized that copying the Sony™ formula sells games better, and will condition people to also love his shitty writing and story.
it was actually advertised as a movie
Then what was it, grug expert
*hits blunt* Bro, like, video games are just like real life *COUGH*
He's been fucking desperate to break into movies, but clearly can't get funded for anything but games.
It's hard to hide from people on flat terrain. He barely manages to hide for even a moment in the new trailer because surprise surprise, he only has a little bit of grass to conceal himself. The stealth focus in the game will be for the B.T.s since it's established that they can't see people, but they have some way of hearing them or maybe just noticing lots of CO2 from exhaling, not sure on that yet.
ropes are a pretty recent invention relative to our spawning, not sure what fucking opium kojima is smoking.
The second actual new tool was a very primitive knife.
>Creator of legendary '80s and '90s hit games
>Famously hard to work with/for
>Becomes obsessed with Hollywood movies and the idea of making them
>Next game is heavily criticized for being mostly cutscenes and not enough gameplay
>Thrown out of his own studio for spending too much time and money trying to austistically perfect his next game's vision
>Now, freed from publisher pressure, is working on a hugely expensive white elephant of a game that looks like it'll focus heavily on visuals, locations, and cutscenes, but hasn't shown much gameplay promise, and which is full of Hollywood names.
Is Kojima the Japanese Chris Roberts?
>invent a stick
He's saying that a stick was used to thrust away , people deemed harmful to society. He doesn't necessarily that this good or bad, but just that it's true.
this shit made me lose interest in the game
goofy looking combat
this is definitely a bruh moment
>very primitive knife
I'm glad that you specified that it was very primitive. I thought cavebros might have been running around with state of the art tacticool blades with scopes.
>Next game is heavily criticized for being mostly cutscenes and not enough gameplay
>Mostly cutscenes
Ha. Too late to change it now, user. People are convinced they're right.
that whole sequence doesn't make fucking sense though.
You're capture on sight/kill priority, and you're going to out-run them on foot with ~50lbs of shit on your back through miles of wide-open fields while they have vehicles?
Games have budgets just as big as movies, if not bigger
No. Chris Roberts successfully made a Hollywood movie.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure the game will be alright at best (since it's a fucking video game) but I do enjoy how enigmatic it is and I'm more excited than I usually am about upcoming games. It fills me with a burning desire to know and understand.
Ya'll niggas missing the point.
I meant 4.
>reading comprehension
That's wrong, second human invention was a wheel
>let's make room for a product that despises the medium that it's in and actively wants to remove the one element differing it from movies and books
>No. Chris Roberts successfully made a Hollywood movie.
He was only a producer on Lord of War.
He didn't make the movie at all.
There's a lot of technology in the game's setting. I think there's even a preorder bonus that's named speed legs or something, I think Sam is able to augment himself that way.
why is that?
>producer != director
Products don't want anything, they don't have a will
>get your rise of ripping off shitty hollywood movies
>"games" are more loved for their absurd and over the top plots and characters than the actual gameplay
>jerk off to movies and hollywood throughout your career
>make "friends" with b-c list actors
>make "friends" with directors
>constantly jerk off to western culture
>barely talk about games
>spend most of your time talking about new movies
but nah, he DEFINITELY doesn't want to make movies.
based and cavepilled
And the Wing Commander film, but we don't talk about that.
given it involves trafficking items to and from different cities you very well might be able to steal shit. IF not from said cities, definitely from the guys in the hazmat suits who were after sam in the trailer, we saw them drop items, so we know they carry them.
1) Chris Roberts ran a production studio for over a decade.
2) The guy you're replying to is making fun of Star Citizen.
easily, you will see, you all will.
So this is a world with tanks, rifles and modern weaponry and yet they still decide to chase him with some weird looking electric staffs?
Every game he's ever made
He directed a movie too you fucking retard. Look up Wing Commander.
it's an exoskeleton. There's probably going to be all round, speed, defense, and attack. We know all round and speed exist from the trailers, so it only makes sense the others are the other most common stats.
looks like BoTW
does it get tiring viewing literally fucking everything through your sjw outrage lens?
You wrote "successful".
It's extremely taboo. Japan has an absolute zero tolerance policy for drugs. You will be locked up for years for even a tiny amount.
Producers have a lot to do with making a movie, and he was a real producer on Lord of War, not an "Executive Producer." (Which really means somebody who gave/raised a lot of money to make the movie but wasn't involved in production on a technical level.) That's not something they can bullshit in the credits either, there are very strict rules in Hollywood about stuff like that.
That aside he really did inarguably make the Wing Commander movie, it wasn't any good and it was a flop but he did successfully release a finished film.
>So this is a world with tanks, rifles and modern weaponry
After a fashion.
You know what I mean, smartass. Kojima hates gameplay in the medium and just wants to make movies. That's why every single game he's ever made was pure cinematic trash.
This is all anyone really needs to know about Kojima's motives. He can't get funded, because he's shite. They won't trust him with a big budget and he's too up his own rear to ever go indie. And even if he did, he'd be jst another Uwe Bowl.
So he plays it smart. If he stays in vidya where gamers are fucking illiterate and think FF7's writing is Shakespeare, he can remain a big fish in a little pond.
whaaaaaaaat?!? bro just fuck off with your snoy hatred.
Negative. I said he successfully made a movie.
I understand he really likes English and wants to use it, but it's like my attempts at using Japanese. It just comes out all wrong, and then my Japanese friend has to tell my dumb ass how awkward it sounds. Does Kojima not have any friends like that? Nobody around to tell him he made a mistake?
Kojima, Hideo, and David Cage.
You are no one. Kojima is someone. People have no problem telling nobodies that they fucked up. People won't tell somebodies that they fucked up.
Thanks for the laugh user
does a game really have a concept when I can see the trailer and read about it and still have no idea what the concept is?
Narrative works can say things, though. And those games say/infer gameplay is beneath them.
Policenauts is basically a VN. Still great though.
prove me wrong
but the japanese are so little, how will they lock me up? blowing a whistle wont help....
>Kojima is someone.
Kojima is a nobody, just like everyone else. lmao. Have some goddamn self-respect.
>thumbs up gay crab
what could this mean
also i don't think it's accurate to say we invented sticks
All i've gotten since the last E3 is you walk around an empty wasteland while randomly running into ghosts you can only detect with mechanically-assisted babies.
He does have all sorts of lackeys around him. People like Geoff Keighley, who claims to be his friend, and a dozen actors he proudly takes selfies with. Don't know how close their friendship can be, since they basically lack a common language.
He thinks you're black. Therefore unworthy of taking seriously. All while unaware White Southerners have always spoken like that. He may also obfuscate, saying Southerners shouldn't be taken seriously, to cover his bases.
>pure cinematic trash
Not really in case of TPP and PW
Does anyone have the pasta about beating the shit of Kojima just because you can?
>fold ladder
have played either of those games? if you had you would know that kojima games always had the best and most responsive controls possible, while the last of us has the most sluggish controls you can have.
they are both third person but thats about all they have in common... tlou aims for realism while kojima always lets you know its still a game you are playing.
>not in the case of TPP
you're a nobody
kairi belongs to the darkness now
you will be ashamed of your words and deeds so as said.
Ah yes, watching cutscenes is always a good example of responsive controls.
Nigger detected.
Let's see you achieve half as much as he has and say that, user. Everyone unironically has the opportunity to be someone, the only thing stopping you is how much of a lazy sack of shit you are
Joke's on him I'm white and I live in Ohio.
>5 hours
now how long does it take to beat the game? Certainly more than 5 hours, user. come on.
cherry picking is always a good base for a conversation, you have been proven by the fucking way.
it really does
you can instantly skip any cutscene.
yesss give me goofy mgs combat
>starts talking about responsiveness
fucking what
are you ashamed yet user
It's y'all
Double niggers
6 hours
>now how long does it take to beat the game?
depends how you play. most missions can be beaten in a few minutes
>you can skip the cutscenes, that's not representatitve of the gameplay!
And what gameplay do we have to look forward? Why, going down a hallway for hours on end!
Kojima is literally just japanese molyneux.
Only you trade grandiosity for pretension and a slightly smaller scope.
>i-it's okay when Kojima does it!
>it's not okay when David Cage does it!
shut up, hypocrite
>making games
Death Stranding
He tries so hard to philosophize about ladders and rope being important in his game. The way he goes about it reminds me of some of the once intelligent people I've known who have fried their brain on meth. They have that same lucid way of speaking about big concepts in ways that make no fucking sense.
yeah cause the gpu is what is bottle necking consoles right now
Not always. Though this tweet is Kojima's attempt at translating his own tweet, which on occasion he does. The original tweet makes more sense. I think he should keep using English as much as possible. He's in his fifties. Most men in that age group aren't interested in learning anything.
>Yea Forums
>talking about games
>3rd person sony game = TLOU
>that tittie behind his head
He's quoting from a book you fucking numbskull.
>Main Story: 45 hours
>Main + Extras: 82 hours
>Completionist: 163 hours
wanna know how I can tell the color of your skin from your post?
snatcher and policenauts are interactive menus
>163 hours of walking down corridors
wtf I love cinematic experiences now?!
Games often cast you as the aggressor and often you are killing enemies. That is what he's implying. kek it's really not that difficult to interpret, even at face value. Are you legitimately stupid?
The guy also doesn't speak English so there's that
There is nothing stopping him from doing both. In his announcement for Kojima Productions he said that they will make whatever they want whenever they want. Manga, anime, games, books and movies. Kojima Productions is just him doing what he wants. The only reason this came together so fast was his relationship with Sony. I'm interested in whatever they do.
>spending an hour on every mission
sure, and mgs1 has 40 hours of gameplay too, because i left the game on overnight a few times
It's DEEP user.
more like 163 hours of rescue interpreter #45 and extract highly-skilled soldier #98. mgsv is not a movie game, it has gameplay but the gameplay is just really boring and monotonous.
never seen a tit before irl, I take it?
I think it's because he's spent his life on it already, he has the skillset for vidya, also you have to realize he has the chance to pioneer the medium in ways he just couldn't with film. Also fuck Hollywood. I think he has his calling.
>You will be locked up for years for even a tiny amount.
Even better, you will be locked up (with no trials) just because someone else (that you don't even know) sent you some drugs by mail and it got caught while crossing the border. It has your address, so you are a drug dealer (obviously) and will go to jail.
I repeat, you don't even know this guy.
If you want to fuck with people that live in Japan, just send them drugs. It will ruin their life.
Main story: 11 hours
Main + Extras: 12 hours
Completionist: 15 hours
Nice try.
fucking GOTTEM
and now the name calling and shitposting begins, because they have ZERO actual arguments against that kek
>sees a tit
>never seen a tit before?
Are you a moron? Legit question.
He actually made another post that basically said that a clenched fist is like a stick for violence while an open extended hand to grasp another is like a rope to connect people, and it just depends how the person chooses to use them. The game is about connections, and a lot of the time that means literal contact.
What a thrill...
However you cut it, it has too many cutscenes for my liking and the gameplay that is there doesn't justify it.
>but nintendo
Isn't that the guy who showed off a kinect game which never came out? At least kojima delivers
No newfriend, he's an ideaguy that delivers unfinished games with overbearing idea-guy concepts like kojima.
So? Does it make him smart or “sophisticated” for doing that? What is it with quoting books that makes NPCs so moist? We've gone from actually thinking about what philosophy means to “oh my god, you quoted Nietzsche, you must have the I.Q of 200!!” The absolute state of society.
People who got rejected from making movies flood to video games to tell their garbage fuckign stories.
Yeah he did you newfag, it was called project milo.
Our federal agencies have been doing this with niggers and crack for decades. The CIA literally invented crack to ruin niggers' lives.
It has a much lower cutscene to gameplay ratio than most games so that's objectively incorrect. tell me your favorite game since mgsv came out and i'll compare.
That's actually pretty good desu
>tell me your favorite game since mgsv came out and i'll compare.
Try 4000+ hours of gameplay to 0 hours of cutscenes. Can MGS even compare?
that was just a tech demo you fag.
number 2 needs more fog
No it was a real game in development that never came out, fuck you
terraria is an incredible game
terraria 2 has big shoes to fill
that's not remotely the same type of game, and regardless even with the cutscenes mgsv still does not qualify as a movie game, it's just a mediocre game with mediocre gameplay.
I can't believe no one ITT saw that Kojima misspelled his own fucking game.
>it's just a mediocre game with mediocre gameplay
Alright, alright. I guess we can compromise on that.
That's really sad but funny.
It's the best TPS available though
I'm not an amerinigger, don't assume everyone is.
No it's not. Not even remotely close. and TPS is such a vague genre that I wouldn't even put MGSV into. There's not even emphasis on shooting, you're usually incentivized to remain undetected. I'm pretty sure the game even rewards you for not shooting on a mission.
Kojima was never 'thrown out' or fired from Konami. He quit. When his contract was coming up he decided he wouldn't renew. He didn't like the direction the games division(mobile/pachi/slot machines) was going in. The division that he was the VP for by the way. He said that he was about to make a move that might make it so he could never make games again. People thought that he was talking about something in The Phantom Pain, while in reality he was talking about leaving Konami and starting his own studio. The problem with making his studio lied with healthcare. In Japan it is illegal to open a company without health care for all employees. The chairman of ITS Kenpo (health insurance company) is also a director at Konami. Konami's deal with Vegas is done. Osaka is going to be the "Vegas of the East" by 2021. The anti-gambling laws keeping this from happening have been changed by Abe's diet. This partnership with Vegas makes everything else Konami does look like fucking chump change. If you ever happen to find yourself in a Vegas casino count how many slot machines bear the Konami logo. Please for the love of god spread this shit around. I'm sick of having to type it.
Spoken like someone who really hasn't played the game extensively. There's a ton that can happen, gameplay is very dynamic, and the controls are amazing. It is definitely the best TPS on the market still. Nothing "vague" about the genre either, it's a third person shooter. The objective and scoring system is irrelevant.
I played over 100 hours of it in September and October the year it came out. It was mediocre game that stood out in a year that was full of great games.
>the bad ones
He means the gays
>I played over 100 hours of it
>It was mediocre game
thats a big part of gameplay my newfriend.
With the schedule that he had playing games was out of the picture. Modern games take require a large amount of time, while a movie generally only takes a couple hours.
>design game before trump becomes president
>game is about "staying together"
big yikes big hack chingochoongima
big yikes
can you? ich bin arischer deutscher du kleiner hurensohn, wetten das hast du duemmlicher drecks kanacke nicht kommen sehen.
Because his storytelling is heavily reliant on interactivity which only games can provide, dumbass.
People have played 22k hours of fucking clicker heros. That doesn't make it the best game ever, or even a good game.
Hour counts are pointless.
Are you pretending to be retarded?Konami shut down a Silent Hill revival just because they feared giving kojima even more popularity,then he left them behind rather than getting used in a sweat shop or fired.PT proved that if Konami stopped being a cunt and using their ip's for pachinko machines they'd still be relevant.mgs survive also proved that without Kojima they can't make games that people actually want.are there actually shills trying to say kojima can't make games on here?
>carrying highly precious cargo
>dead bodies attract rape demons from another dimension
>durr let's blow him up with a tank!
Thank fuck this game isn't being catered to people like you.
shit bait
death farting doesn't even have a cartoon look to it
post more Kojima memes
It gets tiring seeing them try for inches and feeling obligated to try and halt them so I can enjoy my country a little longer.
All of Asia is very strict on drugs
Yeah it stood out because it was among the best that hear
nice lack of self-awareness
they look like stun staffs, maybe these enemies attempt to capture you rather then kill you
>it's their fault im paranoid and see sjws everywhere!
Whatever, fag.
Want to know how I got these scars?
idk man I'm baked and that still made no sense
>Man invented stick
wtf japan
Im fairly certain the second one was a sharp rock but whatever
kojima did not work on revengeance in any capacity
Number 1 also needs a tranny.
those are not scars sweetie, just stretch marks
I literally cannot understand how someone with more than 2 braincells can literally play Metal Gear and not understand that interacting with the game and the surreal and blunt homage to 80's action flicks & anime is a key part of the experience.
>So? Does it make him smart or “sophisticated” for doing that? What is it with quoting books that makes NPCs so moist? We've gone from actually thinking about what philosophy means to “oh my god, you quoted Nietzsche, you must have the I.Q of 200!!” The absolute state of society.
Not what I was going for. I'm just saying that he was quoting from a book. People were losing their shit over it. I never said that made him intelligent. Fucking Christ. He was using the quote to show where the concept of the game came from.
what a pretentious faggot
Luckily, after this KojiHack will never work in the industry again
>game is about uniting america against weird foreign threat
are the drawings with the DS characters on the lower right from Shinkawa? Looks good
>Fold Ladder bound to OPTIONS
what the fuck
>twist a ladder
>get a rope of DNA
>SNES Minecraft
Well, that explains the autism.
>are the drawings with the DS characters on the lower right from Shinkawa?
how long before this retard dies by the 1000 cuts by sony hired yakuza?
The Hardman
You need a high IQ to understand this tweet
Its your fault for not seeing the greatness of Kojima's mind
High Darkman
If this is real I can't take this game seriously anymore.
Youre getting older and more jaded. Must suck to buy a bunch of new games and be incapable of enjoying them.
This post deserves more (You)s
WTF, just put N.mans in the game and a Spear. Easy as that.
1st of June... I am forgotten..
Yeah but why is it shit every time?
What a fucking idiot.
Someone post the fucktarded sniper bitch squirming on the ground of Mother Base during the rain for some stupid reason.
I think it was that cutscene that made me start hating MGSV
>kojima is a dumb-ass
This is news to you retards?
>play 10 hours can call it mediocre
>haha you barely even played it :^)
>play 100 hours
>well you played 100 hours you must obviously like it :^)
Fuck off
No. It was the 2nd most disappointing game that year behind Fallout 4.
No he's basically the new George Lucas, off his rails with full creative control and unlimited funding and now he'll basically be revealed as a hack who's a steam indie game tier dev
This is literally just an MGSV mod
>looks exactly the same as all other shinkawa art
Gee really makes me thunk