Invaded by dark spi-

>Invaded by dark spi-

Attached: nice try griefer.png (1024x768, 1.03M)


Attached: 20190119215705.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

me always

Generally if it feels like they are cheating, I'll happily alt+f4 so I don't get fucked. (Also if I'm playing a new character and run into players with DLC gear in the first zone, I'll alt+f4, fuck that noise)

If it feels like it's a legitimate player, I'll stick the fight out even if I lose.

>Invaded by dark spirit Navlaan

Attached: routerpower.gif (399x354, 25K)

Why not just play offline you quivering pussies?

I don't get this meme. Why don't you just play offline then?

I like reading notes and seeing bloodstains of other people's deaths

Because with online, players leave cool/funny notes on the ground

there's more stuff then just invading you dumbass and also who enjoys playing the game while getting invaded by fags who obviously use the mule glitch