Crystal Crisis

Have you played this yet, Yea Forums? It's Puzzle Fighter but faster and with unique supers for everyone. How do I unlock Isaac?

Attached: D22vM1XUgAED6JL_1.jpg (1016x1658, 594K)

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Is that fucking obama

President Thompson from The Tempura of the Dead, but probably based on that time Obama fought zombies.

Some of the alternate colors are pretty neat.

Attached: D77H-QJXYAAHWoQ.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Sorry but i can't stand this 3D shit artstyle.

I didn't even realize it was out.

Thats pretty neat, not gonna lie.

>swaps your board

Attached: akuji.png (426x443, 316K)

Is that the naked titty princess with the Giant sword from that 3DS game?


>Johnny Turbo
Holy shit

That's bullshit.

What the FUCK.

this seems overpowered

Into the trash it goes

>based on that time Obama fought zombies.
It's a shame he was bit. but it was nice to have our first Z president.

They tried to balance it by making it a level 3 super and making Akuji's pattern combo into itself on the sides.

Attached: l6c3q96a1h131.png (910x833, 198K)

And he's voiced by the guy he was based on.

So this is one of those games where you just play bejeweled while the characters fight each other on some other part of the screen?

>every nigger is Obama
user that's pretty racist.

have you ever played a puzzle fighter?

Clearly not or he would know the answer to his question before he asked it


It's more complex than Bejeweled, but clearing blocks sends a sort of timed garbage blocks to your opponent's board. Offensive supers have various effects such as changing blocks on your opponent's side to something undesirable, scrambling their board, or freezing them for a few seconds. The character animations are just eye candy.


>umihara kawase
>astro boy
what the fug i am interested

is this like a side game from that fighting game that was recently (relatively) released or does it only share some of its characters?

it looks like ass and I hate the remixes in the game.

Only shares some of the characters as far as I know. They're both published by Nicalis, but I don't think the stories are related at all.

It only shares some characters. Blade Stranger's guest characters are from other indie companies, while Crystal Crisis' guest characters are pretty damn out there (Astro Boy, Black Jack, Johnny Turbo).

I think they wanted to have a Belmont in the game, but Konami didn't agree to it. Hunter is guy with whip and his supers are holy water and morning star.