What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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Can someone explain why they are like this?


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please dont post that video of the mother telling her son to take a shit.

Why don't Nintendo make Nintendo themed deodorants?

Nintendofags are autistic manchildren

you tell me

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wait what?

Literally me and i'm happy about it

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deodorant doesn't work when you're already musty. You have to wash your underarms first otherwise it's just like trying to coverup funk with cologne which makes it worse

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>Mfw I can shower right before i leave the house but I sweat so easily that after 10 minutes I smell like a dumpster anyways
This isn’t fair bros

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>A fiver for a deodorant
What a scam

Deodorant is fucking bad for you skin fucking retards holy shit how do you not know this?
When you grow up you will learn.

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this is a problem in any kind of game tournament. people sweat a lot when they're competing in action games.

I meant be wrong about this but I don't think it's necessarily that they don't shower and/or use deodorant, but that a lot of people do not clean their clothes properly. Doesn't matter how clean your skin is if you have shirt and shorts holding weeks of body odor and sweat

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smash players are those kids in highschool who wear the same hoodie year round 24/7 wear it in gymclass then go to the computer lab reaking of shit.

>run/cycle/do workout
>smell my pits
>start feeling horny

is this normal? am I gay?

I bet you think daily showers are bad too

I used to think stick antiperspirant was a meme but I put some on the other week because they had no aerosol in the store and it works ten times better.

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deodorant isnt going to make you smell good
take a shower you fatties

Go take a showers, smelly boi

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That’s actually a good business decision. However the joke of Nintendo fans smell will never go away.

Alright Yea Forums what scents will Nintendo make? Peaches and daisys scents?

only the ones with antiperspirant are actually bad for you.

This is how I dress. I hate being around nerds. They smell bad and dress poorly.

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fresh sweat is not stinky you fucking fatass
clean yourself properly
its the old, unwashed sweat that the bacterias are taking care of

no you stupid faggot, everyone likes their own smell

Have deodorant

Nobody asked you /fa/ggot

>no socks

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i think its more the fact that its a large enclosed venu often full to capacity its a hot environment in general. the think is smash stench goes beyond BO or sour pits, its like slow boiled unwiped asshole and wet gymbags.

Post what you wear

They wouldn't make enough and people would start scalping them.

Brushing is bad for your teeth too

have shower

yeah some people don't that BO is 100% a build up of bacteria making the smell.

buy anti bacterial soap and scrub properly.

It's all in the looks, put a nerd in these clothes and he'll look like shit

As long as you don't start huffing used jockstraps it won't become a problem.

this shit really doesnt look that good.

I wish smelly people was a nintendo exclusive but i've been to yugioh events.
>Yugioh: a childrens card game
I don't want kids around these fucking people

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I use this stuff. My girlfriend liked the smell so much she started using it, too.

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Aerosol is the real meme birthed by axe body spray. It does fuck all but because of "cool" ads retards keep buying it.

I dress like this
I have 12 pairs of the same white button up

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second from right is ok

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When people see commercials like "Axe Effect will work for 72 hours" their dumb asses believe it.

I only like the last two
>no socks
Imagine the smell

do you really think these advertisers would lie to us?

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The one where you can hear him shitting himself? God how do you not put your kid in a home or some shit when they’re like that? That shit would wear me down so fast.

Second from left dresses like my Economics lecturer lol

Second one looks like he's from Hufflepuff.

Do note that showers and deodorants aren't enough. You need to remove excess oil that's on your skin. Using any rough object would be enough. Using a soap on top of it helps too. In addition to personal hygiene you need to brush your teeth and have clean clothes.

You have 24 button ups?

Yeah but how fat and ugly are you

bath for cleaning, deodorant to help against new sweat

This. Its not deodorant. It’s a complete lack of showering.

What does that mean? I'm not familiar with that.

>Using antiperspirants
Enjoy your yellow stains

>tranny leaks fluids from his wounds
>gets disqualified for the foul smell
Wtf this is prejudiced!

Not fat. I'm 5'11 and 160 pounds.

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Friendly reminder to use castor oil on your armpits to kill off any persistent odor-causing bacteria.

Soap and water are too expensive.

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I got like 10 black polos for my job, but they’re basically synonymous with me to my friends so I’ll usually wear one off work too.

Aerosol isn't antiperspirant. Antiperspirants clog pores so you can't sweat. Aerosols are perfumes.

I don’t know how many I have exactly. My laundry room is filled up with multiple button ups of various colors, because I suck with fashion and don’t know what looks good except tee shirt with open button up.
Also don’t help that I’m kinda color blind.

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>it's only smash players!
>implying it isnt the whole nintendo fanbase with poor hygiene manchildrens because the only reason they ever go outside is for smash

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Hello I'm here for SEX.

minus the girl of course


Have a long shower before that event.

Raf Simons, Rick Owens.

Aerosols can contain antiperspirant. Deodorants are perfumes, aerosol is just the delivery mechanism.

They dedicate so much time to playing smash bros thinking they can be a pro that they don't spend time doing basic chores like cleaning themselves or washing their clothes

Not him, but how to avoid stains?

There's gonna be a gaming con here for the first time I can remember in this shitty area and there's gonna be a Smash tournament.

I'm morbidly curious how bad it will smell.

Don't piss and shit yourself

Reminder that this happened


this and oldspice are my thing

You are what you eat.
If you smell like shit right out of the shower, it's because you're profoundly unhealthy.
Try eating a vegetable once in a while.


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The phenomenon of Smash players smelling bad it kind of funny when you think about.

People with spectrum disorders (autism) usually have bad hygiene because they lack the social grace to understand that smelling like ass is a bad thing.

People with attention defect issues, namely executive function disorder have trouble keeping habits like showering regularly.

People who suffer from depression also have issues with hygiene.

Then factor in people who are just bad at taking care of themselves, hot cramped venues, and any other factor and you can see how shit adds up.

Timber from Old Spice is my jam.

They’re either gonna ban the smash stuff next year or make it mandatory to shower and smell decent before hand

i still dont understand this don't smash people say every year that they don't need evo?

Definition of trying too hard and I'm laughing at those toothpick legs.

>only the ones with antiperspirant are actually bad for you.
Most brand name anti-perspirants contain aluminum which has been linked with alzheimers disease.

Get the ones that say deodorant only

I can explain this since I do something similar but with eating in general. It's a psychological effect where you spend your time more on things that are "important" to you (in my case, video games and work) and don't want to waste time on unimportant stuff (in my case, skipping dinner and lunch). In terms of smashfags, its more important for them to keep training on Melee or Ultimate than showering and wasting 5-10 minutes tops. Furries are extremely rich this way because they don't spend much on stuff and concentrate on their important matters like fursuits and OC requests

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feel bad for the mom.

Its the aluminium reacting with your sweat. Just use a deodorant without anti-antiperspirant anyway

And un-brushed teeth.
An area could start to reek just if it had several people with halitosis all breathing in one place.

If you're coughing up these things you need to drink less soda, less milk, and eat less corn (including shit like cheetos and corn chips)

Take a Goddamn shower then

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>Not tactically shitting your pants during a crucial moment to get your enemy off-guard and punish
A pro uses all the tools available to him.
A scrub whines and complaints.

MY NIGGA that's my scent too. It's the best.

rude mom desu

You dress like a faggot in everything except the far left pic

so why are smash tournaments the only ones that appear to have this problem?
because americans make up the majority in smash tournaments

>implying it isnt the whole nintendo fanbase
>implying it isn't the ENTIRE FGC
I walked into a local game shop that I didn't realize was hosting a Street Fighter tournament on that day.
I walked right back out the door.

>t. poo-flinging Spaniard

ITT: a bunch of fat incels giving hygiene and fashion advice

I thought this was a fuckin meme until I went to my first weekly. Holy fucking shit man, people were not kidding when they said the smash community fuckin smells.

Smashboy sure is upset.

>If you're coughing up these things you need to drink less soda

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>when even incels begin telling you that you reek

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Have shower

I think that might be a smash 'ma'am'

Letting layers of crap accumulate in your armpits is worse for your skin. Clean yourself up, stinky Smashfag.

>Gaming Disorder isn't a real mental illne-

>Can afford to play Smash 8-12 hours a day.
>Can't afford showering.

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get a fucking bucket of rainwater with a sponge then you fucking hobos

>Tfw only drink water
>Eat healthy
>isn't fat
>brush teeth every days (even if i neglected that a little when i was younger, not anymore. )
>take a shower every day
>Still have a shitty breath and acne

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If you're in such dire financial straits that you can't afford to shower regularly then maybe you have bigger problems to worry about than being able to participate in a video game tournament

>kid shits pants playing video game at tourney
>claims the whole venue reeked of shit and people left
>he stayed

What is wrong with him?

he was mimicking the elusive octopus.

Roll-ons of all kinds are vastly superior to sprays, also last way longer too.

Jesus christ

This is why n-words hate white people.

are they really nintendofags if they only play smash

if you are over 15 and take smash seriously you likely have brain problems and thinks like hygiene are complicated for them.

it's not, it takes a long time and at least at the ones I've been to everyone is smart enough to bring sticks or spray because they understand the underlying issue but Smash players are fucking lucky to understand why it's gross to wear the same clothes at your venue for days straight.

It's not just BO that half these people contend with due to lack of showering. Most of them don't have the common decency to just slap some soap on their hand and dig deep between their ass cheeks. You gotta cleanse the interior glute walls or it's just gonna fucking reek of shit flakes being brewed by body heat and sweat.

>We don't need Evo, even though they're the whole reason we made a huge comeback
>We can survive on our OWN!11!
>Evo drops them

Fucking man-children

I read the same shit on Magic tournaments, wouldn't surprise me if other ones have the same problems.

>I read the same shit on Magic tournaments,
MTG tournaments are full of cringeworthy autism and cheating- and favoritism shenanigans but so far nobody has shit their pants and KEPT PLAYING THE GAME.

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The only reason it's "bad for you" is most deodorants use aluminum particles to clog up your pores and stop you from sweating. Which yes, is bad. That's why I have an aluminum-free deodorant.

It's every competitive scene. Even in the higher age group communities that know the importance of cleaning yourself there's always that one dude who smells like Axe body spray and sweaty ass.

Brushing your teeth wrong, research it. And showering too often can make your skin too greasy as your body overcompensates. Google it and experiment with your showering/teeth brushing. You can also do things like change your pillow cases more often and try to get more sun on affected skin

The whole smash players smell thing is a Melee problem, hence, s"melee".

This only works if you're already thin and handsome.

Yugioh actually added an official ruling like a month back saying that judges can refuse to let a person play if their hygiene is ruining the experience of those around them.

aluminum free deodorant doesnt do fucking shit though.
its just spraying yourself with bad perfume at that point.

I was at Momocon, right next to where they were holding the Smash stages, and jesus christ there was like a cloud of stink hanging in that corner of the room

why the fuck can these people not wear deodorant

god damn you stink like shit you slob

>Brushing your teeth wrong, research it. And showering too often can make your skin too greasy as your body overcompensates. Google it and experiment with your showering/teeth brushing.

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>smash players smell bad
>just so happens that smash players have the worst opinions

I swear to god these people must have that autism thing where they latch onto something and only care about that thing. Like they're bumbling retards but they are insanely good at one thing.

Who /2 for $5 Speed Stick/ here?

based. lmao @ all the seething replies

put away your fucking video game and anime hoodies you bastards

autistic savant

Is this an issue with Americans specifically? I haven't heard of European smash players being like this. Autistic Americans are typically incredibly disgusting in general, and they do gravitate towards Smash more than other games because of BRIGHT COLORS, NINTENDO, POKEMANZ!

I don't live in the US and I've been to some local Smash tournaments. No stink anywhere, everyone was clean and wore great colognes or had no odors. I don't wanna start some shit but I legitimately think this is mostly an American smash player thing.

That's it, forgot there was a real term for it. Sucks that there's so many useless things for them to latch onto these days.

He's right about the burshing. Don't only brush the teeth, you need to softly brush the gums too.

Mutts are greasy, obese slobs?

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What if I'm thin but not handsome?

No, it's all Smashers. See Meleefags are just the most obnoxious fanbase so it's more noticeable with them.

Is personal hygiene really THAT much of an inconvenience for people? What the fuck do you gain by being a disgusting pig?

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Being well dressed and having a good haircut that fits your face/head gets you a long way.
Also being thin is better than being fat.

This isn’t even a joke anymore

deodorant is only part of it. smashfags 100% don't shower, wash their clothes or wash their sheets either. and more importantly, they're oblivious to everyone outside their smash bubble and don't care about being courteous to them.

Do they sneak into gamer clubs and play Smash there? How can you afford a game, but not a regular cleaning?

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The squad

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My hair looks like this.

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I don't know about showering often, since I shower every day and my skin isn't super oily or dry, but shampooing every day is definitely detrimental to your hair. I've reduced to shampooing 4 days a week and my hair definitely is less oily than before.
Also, conditioner is really good for you.

You have good hair then but cut it shorter.

i think peaches scents would be too "sweet" but I would unironically use a metal mario scent, i can almost smell it

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When you take a shower, don't just put body wash on your skin and rinse it off.

Put the soap on a wash cloth and scrub that shit in.

But short hair sucks.

I meant more as in every other day rather than daily, not monthly you spud

Konami is kicking out those who do not shower in yu gi oh tournaments

>Poo fight
What the fuck?
No one in their right mind would do that

Precious game time is not being wasted on showering or changing cloths.
We WoW chads know this well

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>Nintendo fanbase
>stinking neets
How is this new?

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Those guys were drunk as fuck for sure
No way anyone would do that unless they were high or drunk

A log of people like to pretend Smash is not a real game or a baby game, but then stuff like this happens. How the fuck can you dare say they aren't real gamers?

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That reminds me of Cartman

There are only two kind of people who smell easily after a shower
Fat fucks and people with a fuckton of hair, and both cases have solution

Hair doesn't matter.

and your tongue, thats were the worst smell comes from

lmfao you look retarded, I've never seen a person dress like they're in a 1950s college drama

you look like the memes black people on twitter post about white people food

I want a date with the GEOMETRY BOI

That's how it is in the FGC in general.

The kid sounds retarded

no, it's just smashfags.

What is up with baths anyway?
Every time I take a bath I feel like shit and stink like shit

I only enjoy showers

or....you know....the people there don't know how to take a fucking shower

How can people even live without showers or deodorant?

It's almost like bathing in a small amount of uncirculated water is kinda gross.

Only women and faggots actually take baths
Such a waste of water and time it doesnt even feels good



You're meant to scrub yourself clean before hand and rinse outside of the bathtub, bath tub is to relax in. Why are westerners so retarded and can't understand this concept that has been done in asia and europe since ancient times.

This is what geek gatherings are usually like in general.

Because unlike Street Fighter, Tekken, etc. tournaments, Smash doesn't have as much normalfag appeal, therefore there's less well groomed and clean people to cancel out the smell . Try going to a D&D tournament or a furfag convention, it'd probably smell just as bad.

Do these people know what they look like to others? This looks fucking horrible and over the top. No one is going to think this looks cool