Kojima: "See that mountain? You can climb it."

Kojima: "See that mountain? You can climb it."

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why would i climb it tho?

Horizon New Dawn is looking great.

Honestly it's the feeling I got from the two latest trailers. That Kojima aims to make the "See that mountain over there?" meme a reality. Hopefully it works in the final product.

t. woman
you simply cant understand

>Game set in America
>Use Iceland as a reference


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Powered by Decima

>unfortunately Sony would not give me resources to model the entirety of North America
Hack fuck

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Kojima is a hack

Expected. Horizon had barriers too. Let's see how Kojimbo hides his boundaries.

So something Breath of the Wild did over two years ago.

ice wall

I think its because the monsters create moss, they live in it because it stores the timefall rain. You can see in one of the trailers that their steps create grass.

Nintenlards unironically believe BoTW was the first open world game.

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so did skyrim 11 years ago

You mean what Spider-Man 2 did over 15 years ago

ok but whats the actual gameplay

Stormy ocean, like The Truman Show.

watching movies

>literal town
>"open world"

It's like MGS, you sneak and shoot shit.

Name another open world game where you can climb that mountain

No. I mean it let you go more or less anywhere if you tried. YOU COULD CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN.


I hope you can climb anything from any point and there are no predetermined points/paths you have to take.

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you cannot climb mountains in skyrim without jump abuse and glitching through rocks.

Play more games, nincels.

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skyrim did it in 2011

Wait what the fuck? That huge big ass one? Kojima is based. Get him on the next Elder Scrolls. Skyrim isn’t even close to that mountain.


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It's your job as an amazon Prime delivery man

yes you can you climb the mountain as part of the main quest

name another open world game with a climbing system like botw and as interesting of a physics system.

>You can see in one of the trailers that their steps create grass.
They "create grass" because the timefall accelerates time, so it isn't creating life just accelerating it. Not only does the grass grow when they touch it but it also ages and dies in the same scene. You can see it happen here to a human:


no, you can follow a pathway that leads up the mountain. you are not climbing the mountain. It is not the same thing you sperg.

To hug the mountain

body harvest for n64

>That Kojima aims to make the "See that mountain over there?" meme a reality

Skyrim already did it very poorly and BotW already did it well but without enough unique rewards.

yes it is like when you climb the stairs to get to class in your high school. climb just means you're going up it doesn't matter how you do it.

Just Cause series

They ripped that shit from SOTC you fucking retard. And only because they got too lazy to have actual platforming in the game. Sort of like how they had weapons break after two swings because otherwise the combat becomes piss repetitive.

You fell for literally the cheapest trick in the book. Retard.

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Shadow of the Colossus.

Oh yeah, thanks for correcting me

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sotc only lets you climb on approved surfaces

Yeah because the devs actually bothered with actual platforming and level design. And not some piss poor DUDE JUST CLING TO EVERYTHING LMAO solution. Again, you fell for the cheapest trick in the book. Congratulations.

>They ripped that shit from SOTC you fucking retard
And where did SOTC rip it's ideas from? And then where did said source rip those from? Such is the pattern of human innovation, it's all just evolution of a prior concept.

they didnt rip it from sotc, sotc only has specific surfaces that can be climbed. No other game applies those climbing rules to nearly every surface in the game. that cannot be debated. I don't even really like botw. its a 6/10 game. but you cannot ignore the amount of TECHNOLOGY in the game.

so your example doesn't match what was asked for

Just Cause 3 is like the "empty world" BotW meme except real.

I still enjoyed it but there's so much fucking nothing and then shit like "find all 20 prayer spots and press x next to them to unlock a car you don't need".

ITT söynyggers söything

So you couldn't actually climb that mountain, is what you're saying.

SotC sucks and its original framerate makes the "platforming" nauseating.

But I'm not the one claiming SOTC is the starting point of it though. I'm pointing out how retarded Nintenfags are for pretending BoTW is some sort of revolution of game design. And every time nintenfags say it, it's just obvious how fucking ignorant they are on this medium outside of their little Nintendo bubble.

The Hunter

>No other game applies those climbing rules to nearly every surface in the game
Play Spider-Man or Just Cause, nincel.

this game has every dindication of being bad

it isn't a revolution necessarily but it is different and innovative. denying that or saying it's the same as a ubisoft game is just dumb.

I do hope there is stuff between these two points It maybe looks like a resource node is right infront, but I see no bandit camps or POIs. Its one thing to promote exploration and just a cozy delivery service game and another to make it so much of the game that a potential 30-60 minute area is just nothing but unfold ladder, go across, fold ladder, unfold ladder, go across, fold ladder etc to move across that rocky area

Absolutely seething nintenfats.

BoTW is a dog shit game where they didn't even bother with level design and platforming. Instead they opted for a lazy as fuck stamina bar that depletes so the freedom ends up being artificial as fuck anyways. Not only is the mechanic blatantly stolen from a superior game (SOTC), but the level of freedom fucking pales in comparison to games like Just Cause.

> play söyderman
no thanks you can keep you gay capeshit sonyger

It's only innovative in the way that it allowed them to bypass conventional level design.

It's like calling QTEs innovative because devs finally found a way to make boss fights without putting in an effort.

>he thinks I'm talking about PS4 Spider-Man
Are Nintenfats demented?

you were asked to give an example and your example doesn't match what was requested, that's your fault not mine.

The actual mechanic is the same. Only SOTC does it way superior because the devs also bothered with level design. Nintendo went way lazier and just had Link stick to everything. A mechanic they stole from Spider-Man.


>another open world meme
Didn’t he learn his lesson with MGS V?


the actual mechanic isn't the same though it's very different.

Yup. The stamina bar in BoTW alongside its durability system are cheap tricks to bypass actual level and combat design. And Nintendofags fell for it like the fools they are.

It's only "different" in that SOTC does it way better with also an element of platforming.

I still don't get it. Is it an open world survival game ala BotW or is a more narrative driven linear game?

that must be why it is universally acclaimed and widely regarded as a design masterpiece.

I've played both games you ape tier IQ retard.
Spiderman is a city setting, not comparable to mountains and landscapes. Just Cause is not climbing. it is a glorified web zip that you can abuse to get to places. Its not climbing, its attach points. and its buggy as fuck too.
>if you say a single good thing about botw you are a nintendie nincel etc next fotm combination of insult and nintendo that a 12 year old could come up with
obnoxious shitposters should burn.

Holy fuck who even likes this guy and why the fuck do people keep giving him publicity and smug-fuel? The literal only noteworthy things he has done in years are hire recognized people to sexualize in his games and become a pretentious faggot video-game-movie director
Why do normies absolutely LOVE people who fit the hip cum-guzzler Hollywood director trope?

Yup, just like how QTEs used to be loved.

it only matters that it's different

>Spiderman is a city setting, not comparable to mountains and landscapes
How the fuck does that change the ACTUAL MECHANIC, you useless shit? You're arguing textures, not gameplay mechanics.

Also BoTW isn't really climbing. It's more Link sticking to everything like glue.

Yeah, Shenmue was awesome.

There's another human being up there.
You don't wanna be alone, do you?


The game would be completely broken if you didn't have stamina.

Spider-Man can climb indefinitely and is not affected by slope or weather like in BotW

It has secret collectable on it somewhere

>I'm pointing out how retarded Nintenfags are for pretending BoTW is some sort of revolution of game design.
Pattern of human innovation guy here. I understand what you mean. But I will say that Nintendo being a major vidya software player has plenty of innovation under it's history. In today's age you don't really see many crazy advancements from big AAA titles, think about how many iterations of Assassins creed we've had since it was announced as a spiritual successor to PoP. In comes Nintendo with a new Zelda title and boom you got an evolution of open world design. In that time we had Horizon, botw and a year later AC origins all 3 mayor open world games with large budgets all 3 hugely successful in terms of sales but when it comes to evolution and innovation only 1 rises above the other 2.

Personally I enjoyed all 3 & I'd rather this not revolve around console tribalism but seeing how tired and samey the ubi open world formula has been for 2 console gens botw really did feel like a breath of fresh air. Just my 2 cents.

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It wouldn't if they bothered to have actual platforming. But instead they opted for the laziest, easiest solution in the book. BoTW is cancer for the genre.

I don't get why people talk about Skyrim in this, Oblivion and Morrowind were already like that way before.

I don't want to climb a mountain

i get your point here. why does a game need platforming? most zelda games don't have it.

>calls an actual stamina system for climbing that drains at a rate that is dependent on the angle of the surface you are climbing, the weather, and multiple other factors sticking like glue
>but spiderman, the actual character that sticks to any surface like glue indefinitely BY DEFINITION is unique and special
You really are stupid aren't you

same energy

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There's a yu-gi-oh collector card.

Morrowind had short draw distance so you couldn't see the red mountain in the distance and then go climb it. oblivion has mountain areas but not a full tall mountain that you can climb.

I feel like the appeal of open-world wore off quickly and after a few hours I ended up missing actual level design and actual platforming. I climb a mountain, I get a shrine or a seed. I find a rare weapon, it breaks in two swings. It's very unrewarding form of open-world. It has some neat physics but so does MGSV that released a few years prior. And that game atleast preserved its stealth gameplay despite the open-world approach. BoTW took too much from Zelda to compete with modern AAA games. This is why I don't like the game and why I'm pissed with how much praise it gets everywhere.

Not sure why console tribalism still exists. I honestly almost never see it anywhere outside of this shithole or whenever Dobson posts another "opinion" of his. I understand not being able to afford multiple consoles, but it just seems ridiculous at this point.

It's still the same open world meme. And now you can have a good draw distance in Morrowind and do exactly that.

Funny thing is that you can actually climb the mountain in skyrim. But its the only mountain that isnt there to stop you on the border

if you can't see how it's different then i can't help you. maybe try playing the games.

Kojima the genius created an empty open world narrative game. I can't wait to be bored to death and rush the story. I'll try to immerse myself but seriously, he's going into some walking/climbing simulator territory and that's fucking lazy as hell.

Noooo fuck you Todd Obsidian deserved that bonus!

I did and they're all on the same engine for a reason, it's the same shit.

This, honestly what the fuck are you people even arguing.
I loved botw but the climbing in it is retarded and nonsensical, and it is comparable to sotc because the exact same fundamental climbing mechanics apply, except sotc only used it in very specific spots that actually made sense. And frankly I'd argue that sotc has better tech because Wander's animations are actually reactive to what he is climbing. Physics also apply to him. Link just sticks to literally any surface with all four of his limbs and is immovable.
Its like they created one a specific kind of surface and just laid it over the entire game world like a blanket and everyone acts like its the most impressive shit ever

But the game isn't a platformer? It's an action adventure game with focus on exploration and creative problem solving. Having resources like stamina to manage limit how much a player can explore and therefore force the player to come up with solutions in order to continue their exploration.

I know you're a shitposter, but are you literally retarded? BotW's basic game design is pretty easy to understand. If you want a freeform, open ended platformer, Nintendo released fucking Mario Odyssey in the same year.

>See that Mountain?
>No recall or intervention will work in that place, there is escape!


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yeah just like how street fighter 5 and ace combat 7 are exactly the same


Kojimbo also fucked up MGS4 pretty bad, which is pretty much the polar opposite of MGSV.

>If you stray too far a huge BT comes and gets you just like the sea monster in Jak 3

There's a difference between UE4 and the bethesda engine. An engine can be created with plenty of possibilities in mind like UE4 or Source or just for a specific thing.


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That won't work, especially if you're fighting them. You never fight the fish in Jak, so dying in the water never feels cheap.

yeah sure

What could work is that if you go too far outside the boundary, there's more and more BT to the point that you have to die.

You won't with that attitude.

I got bored of Horizon like 10 hours in, but that game looked amazing for a console game. I Death Stranding really is an open world mailman simulator, it's probably the best engine you could pick.

Why anyone wouldn't be an idort is beyond me. I can't imagine constricting yourself to one source of media.

And Daggerfall did two decades prior

see this in context is interesting

the babies protect you from the time warp shenanigans (it looks like here a bt sends you back to when the sea was there) and then it causes a crater after its done doing a time jump

>I'm Hideo Kojima, please buy my game. Did I ever told you that I'm Hideo Kojima?
Pretty much this whole game run so far.

because it's there


BotW had climbing, but it was boring climbing that was too easy where Link was like spider man. Not to mention, the mountains in BotW are small and you never really get a sense of huge scale or dizzying vertigo, especially because you always have your glider that can easily fly. Im excited to see a game that takes climbing a bit more seriously and gives you a more intimate connection with a mountainous landscape

Just say Elder Scrolls Arena, then.

>le v is one man meme
No argument

yes todd sama, it was part of the main quest.

of course there is, it's a fucking videogame.
as long as it's not just invisible walls, then good.

Part of what I liked about RDR2 is the actual minor vertigo from being high up on cliffs, so yeah I hope they get that with this

have sony
have sotc
what is rain during approach to zora's domain

>It's an action adventure game
It's a shit action adventure when both action and adventure aspects are a joke.

damn that quake 4 stroggification reference...poor girl
what the hell IS up with japanese rpgs anyway?

To search for new creatures to fuck, that's the nature of the human race.

Kojima retweeted Ape Escape yesterday. Probably nothing, but still. At least someone remembers Ape Escape...

it was the first one done right, if you think it's anything like an ubisoft game is because you haven't played it


>it was the first one done right

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how so? can you provide some examples of games that do a better job?

Death Stranding is what happens when a game dev ignores everything except for the environment of the game. It's literally a boring walking/driving sim. Everything else they've shown is awful looking and boring.

you mean the first one you ever played, because you literally refuse to play anything outside of nintendo consoles? Kill yourself.

>No other game applies those climbing rules to nearly every surface in the game. that cannot be debated. I don't even really like botw. its a 6/10 game. but you cannot ignore the amount of TECHNOLOGY in the game.
This. The game might be a glorified tech demo but it does a damn good job of showing off that tech.

in terms of being a game that dropped you in a map, let you loose and explore and figure everything on your own, it did a pretty good job. Morrowind and maybe Subnautica are pthe only things I can think of that comes close.

>anyone who dares disagree with me is a single console nintentard
kill yourself. Im an idort and im sick of your rampant shitposting.

The mountain looks like it has a face

>I can't argue so I'm gonna shitpost and throw out baseless accusations

Not even him, but seriously you're an idiot.

>open world thats way too big with nothing in it from kojima
Where have I seen this before?

Dragon's Dogma

Red Dead Redemption

Mafia 1-2

Mad Max

Ass Creed Black Flag

Shadow of Colossus


Far Cry 2

Prince of Persia 2008


Just Cause 2


The absense of game direction is not the presense of quality. BoTW's design is downright lazy. You quickly realize how redundant most of the game's systems are on your own yes.

why even get up out of bed, user? clearly you've given up on life from your post.

>>I can't argue so I'm gonna shitpost and throw out baseless accusations

yet he literally just posted his personal opinion without reinforcing it with any substance. That's hardly better than any "baseless accusations", you brainless retard. Learn to identify proper arguments.

Retards will fall for this bait

>Dragon's Dogma
DD has a similar philosophy to BotW but has an actually empty world unfortunately
>Red Dead Redemption, Mafia 1-2
GTA style linear action games with an open map. RDR2 does reward exploration pretty well though.
>Mad Max, Ass Creed Black Flag
Ubisoft style games with a bunch of repetitive objectives scattered across the map, doesn't really reward exploration or force the player to think creatively
>Shadow of the Colossus
Empty map with nothing in it, game is basically a bosh rush anyway
Another GTA style game. Basically linear, but has an open map
>Far Cry 2
More Ubisoft design
Empty and one of MGSV's biggest flaws imo. Although it does have an open ended approach to problem solving similar to BotW
>Just Cause 2
Pretty much a halfway point between something like MGS, AssCreed and GTA. Not bad, but feels a little torn between different modes of gameplay and is also a little bland and empty.

BotW has the most complex and interactive systems of any game ever made

i can't believe how no one else points this out. it's obvious they put in durability because the combat is so fucking boring on its own, and that would be obvious if you were just using the same sword the whole fight

You're the one saying he's never played another open world game other than BotW and insinuating he's a nintendo fan because he's disagrees with you.

Please stop posting, people like you make this board even shittier than it already is.

I was hoping for comically long, ladders. Kojima didn't disappoint.

to take those cocks

because you're a man

DD has instead of shitty shrines and seeds, actual monsters to fight instead.


>everything is empty because they don't waste my life with useless ass shrines

>it's a Truman hikes thirty miles to deliver a desk lamp episode

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I don't give a fuck about the story or cutscenes. If I wanted that shit I'd watch them on youtube when it comes out. Show me someone playing the game. MGS V was easily the best MGS and it had the least story.

Listen I love DD, but the game is a rushed mess with a small, empty map. Alot of the interesting encounters and areas of the map are mandatory and accessed through the main quest anyway. There's really only a few areas that actually reward exploration like the Hydra cave and the big Bandit camp as opposed to like a good 70% of BotW's map. Also the fact BotW lacks alot of proper rewards for exploration is a problem, but doesn't take away from the great map design and satisfying gameplay loop.

Memes aside I thought that I’d hate HZD but it’s a decent game for what it is not outstanding in any respects though

>gets btfo
>t-there's a d-difference...


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>It's another "open world with nothing to do except boring busy work" game
Did Kojima really not learn from MGSV? Not every game works in the open world setting. Cool, I can make huge ladders, but for what cause? It's an open world walking simulator is all, big deal.

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Did you even read my post? This isn't an argument you fucking retard, neither of us ever insinuated a proper argument to begin with, so it literally doesn't fucking matter what I assume about him, it's all in good natured banter anyways, and not to be taken seriously. You're so fucking dumb user, jesus christ.

Kojima is dead. This is simply Todd wearing his face.

why not make the map a fucking island like GTA you retarded piece of shit

>what a thrill

name a game with better mountain climbing than rocky and Bullwinkle on genisis

>but doesn't take away from the great map design and satisfying gameplay loop.
Which both are lacking compared to any other games, which is why you're very insecure comparing it to other games itt

/out/ here, you fags should go to climb real mountains also that video game mountain looks like shit.

No way that’s boring

Yall niggas just wait Todd is in the shadows watching and learning and the next elder scrolls is gonna have the dopest climbing mechanics ever!

Me too this is something most games should be using now I mean cmon

Incel please kill yourself

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is it confirmed to use iceland as a reference? because that view in the OP picture could easily be part of the rocky mountains. in fact iceland doesn't really have any big mountains

That's cool. I always go to mountains. I hope there's different environments and not only that gloomy stuff, but there probably isn't since it's like end of the world or something.



Where's the gameplay webms? Trying to make a point to a mate.

I don't need collectibles everywhere.
A nice view is reward enough for a challenging climb.