Who is the most well written and effective villain in all of vidya?

Who is the most well written and effective villain in all of vidya?

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>Kira over Valentine

Valentine was boring and gay.

You, the player, in Undertale

Unironically, Delita.

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Griffith is more complex but I'll pick Kira because I can sympathize with him.

Alma probably, you're never real sure if she's out to get you or a child throwing a tantrum or helping you at different points and more you learn about the more you find yourself routing for her
If the player can be than Caine from Drakengard and Darth Revan are up there real close

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You sympathize with a sociopath that has a fetish for hands?


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Adachi takes the cake for one of the most realistic

He just wants a quiet life.

Mario from Donkey Kong Jr.

Having to fight a bunch of retards with broken stand and manage to not get beat up in 2 minutes is quite impresssive

while he murder countless people for no reason.
If he wasn't a retard he would never have gotten in the fight in the first place.

Keicho is sympathetic; Kira is relatable.

I like him since he's the most "normal" of the Part villains so far. Doesn't have a supernatural ability, his stand isn't (initially) too overpowered, barely has any followers (if they can be counted as such), etc.

>Calling other stands broken when Kira has four times the amount of stand abilities, including near-foolproof time manipulation

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you can't calculate for every outcome ever, the encounter was a gamble that he didn't even know was made

The anime hasn't gotten to part 7 yet

Though whether he's a villain is arguable.

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I wish that moment where Kira felt a legit attachment to Shinobu was expanded upon, but having that moment at all really made him feel human.

Kira was also cocky and assumed he was the protagonist and that he would win.

He should have never deactivated Bites Za dust
If he just took the beat down he would have gotten they would have died.

Valentine only if you are murican

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Air bombs is not an ability native to Kira.

I don't think he really was a vilain but still.

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>part 4 stands not broken
>one is a mary sue that can do anything from fixing people's bodies to reverting the state of matter
>other is irl scribblenauts with 3 forms
>za warudo but better
>one with limitless potential and absolutely the most broken stand besides GER tied to a retard
>these aren't broken
Killer queen is not even that busted, punch something and turn it into a bomb, a homing bomb and a savestate are kid stuff compared to other stuff.

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Isshin is a villian tho. Just because you meet him as a old man doesn't mean that all the deaths during his conquests didn't happen. And everyone that died by his blade was purely for his own glory.

I’m sure he thought they would kill him if he didn’t defend himself, even if they didn’t intend to I doubt he’d risk it

>Isshin is a villain

>Crazy Diamond, Heaven’s Door?, ?, ?
I forget the stands in Part 4

Wasn't he only concerned because something happening to her would've draw more attention towards him?

Shit I forgot Heaven's door. That's a reality warper right off the bat. Kira was pretty good considering what he was up against.

No, that was how Kira rationalized that feeling towards her to himself. He clearly felt something for her there.

>literally returns for the dead just shit on a small kid that wants to be from his Isshins shitty clan just because he wants a good fight
you can't get more scummy than that.

Yosuke's can repair anything or restore anything to a past state except his own body.
Okuyasu can manipulate space. He mostly uses it as a way to bring people close to him, but I can imagine it being extremely overpowered if someone with 90+ IQ uses it.
I don't remember much about Koichi's, but I remember that he could write sound effects on people and that thing would happen to them.
Rohan can read people's minds and has a super death note if he gets into melee range.

>If he just took the beat down he would have gotten they would have died.
He didn't know that. This is one of the faults of Bite Za Dust. He had to guess about the outcome from Hayato's experience.

None of your shitters even come close to this chad of a villain. He's got literally EVERYTHING a great villain could ask for.

An understandable cause where he's doing what he believes is the best for everyone, the willpower and personality to never give up, a tragic backstory where he loses his own home and forced into a situation where he must fend off for himself, people he cares about motivating his conquest of destruction, charisma to lead, power that he slowly and surely builds up and earns instead of asspulling it out like Kira. His own family and friends oppose his evil ambitions, his own girl opposes him, yet he continues like a true chad, not only walking right through every obstacle, but also taking everyone back to his side.

And unlike both of those shitters, he actually succeeds in his ambitions. Like a true chad of a villain, he's perfect all the way through, yet believable, earns his perfection through hard work, perseverance and sheer force of personality. Hell, this chad actually builds up and trains his own army by himself. Unlike those shitters, who just have demons follow them because they're gods or have their father go around stabbing people with arrows to build an army.

This is a pinnacle of all villains. And he is rewarded for it. He ends up having it all again. His lost home, his family, his friends, his girl, his life, his future. He lost everything, and like the chad he is, kills multiple fucking gods and destroys a world to take it all back.

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>thread doesn't work on Yea Forums
>"i know I'll just repost the exact same one in Yea Forums except change 'anime' to 'vidya'!"
Commit fuck

>posting pizza cutter

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A monster, but they managed to humanized him enough to make him feel like a good character.

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he looks like a fucking nimrod btw

is this game worth playing for the story alone. I don't want to be spoiled but i keep seeing this fucker

It's a game worth playing for the gameplay alone. It's a really fun SRPG, with a really fun job system that really lets you customize your team.

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Don't listen to the poster above me. It's actually a watered down version of FFT and you should play that instead.

i'm a storyfag first and foremost sadly user, but that does sound like it'd be fun playing.

He just wanted to be with his daughter, I think Nier is one of those weird games that the more you think about it the more you start to see that both heroes and villains were on a grey area.

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They're both worth playing, you dumdum. They're not in competition with each other.

>It's a game worth playing for the gameplay alone.
Maybe if you're 12, but it's utterly shallowed compared to Jagged Alliance 2 or Enemy Unknown.

Not if I can help it.

>My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm Japanese. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

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There is a Final Fantasy story there. The main character's world is suddenly changed into this fantasy one, and he has to figure out why, and find a way to fix it. While encountering people that don't want to go back to the previous world, because their lives sucked there. It's Final Fantasy, so Crystals are there too. It's fun. At least that's how I remember it. It's by no means Final Fantasy Tactics level, but still fun.

Yea Forums is gay aniways.

At least he died with a boner which can't be said for most

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Goblin quest series was stale by the third installment tbqh

i'm going to out myself as a dubfag, but
how can he not heal his grandfather or okuyasu from somewhat minor damage, but he can revive hayato from fucking ASHES
unless okuyasu actually does get healed in "shining d (diamond) is unbreakable part 2"

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I love how Araki pretty much gave this demented serial killer three abilities, all of which could be a standalone Stand on their own.

Fake spoiler. Gay. If you want to imply his death at least show the time it actually fucking happens

In Jojo you're considered dead when your soul departs for the great beyond unless you're Joseph

Either Kreia from Kotor 2, or Jin from Xenoblade 2

t. hasn't held a nice hand in his life


Sup, shitlords

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For me its handsome jack

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Kira is such an entertaining villain. No mustache twirling, no mastermind shit, just a fucked up dude who wants to keep doing fucked up things and you get to watch all the pieces of his carefully constructed murder-fueled quiet life fall to pieces under his own hubris all while he's saying "No it's chill I can fix this, I can make this work" up until his final moment.

He started healing Hayato in the moments he was blown apart. His Grandpa had been dead for several minutes.

Basically it turns out there's a grace period where Crazy Diamond can still revive someone shortly after their demise.

I hate that they made him look like such a faggot.

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>Hates when people look like fags
>watches Jojo anyways

The faggotry only really started in the 3rd season.

you can sympathise with people without having to agree with every single thing they do, you actual retard

Valentine wasn't a villain.

>The pizza cutter meme character is a guy
lmao really

NieR absolutely, objectively should have submitted to the Shadowlord. However, at the same time, that does not mean i would have wanted him to.

Name a single sympathetic quality about Kira
He is an egotistical sociopath that murders women at random. He has no fucked up backstory making it sort of understandable that he is a serial killer.
Hitler is unironically more sympathetic. At least he stood for his people and country.
Kira only stands for himself

>started in the 3rd season

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That weapon doesnt actually exist in the game he's from

there is no faggotry in jojo besides Pucci.

The audience, forcing the game to continue

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Did you just not read Clash/Talking Head

several minutes? he went in and saw his grandfather as soon as jotaro told him to go back in the house and get aqua necklace
that had to be, at MOST, 1 minute

>Hitler is unironically more sympathetic. At least he stood for his people and country.
Hitler deliberately demolished his country once he knew they would lose the war, because he thought if they were losing then they aren't actually Übermenschen and should perish.
Hitler only stood for his own meth addicted, narcissistic, insane self, and nothing else.

Valentine was shit

Yes, Tiziano and Squalo aren't gay
Did they change this in the show or something?

Still not literally as it was happening.

Araki plays fast and loose with his super powers, they're for making cool shit happen, not for autistically pouring over power levels. Jojo has never and will never be about the particulars. The only time it's worth complaining about is when it hurts the writing like with Golden Experience and Requiem stands.

cool normalfag thread

They spent the entire arc hanging off one another, they were massive fags.
Even still, there was Sorbet and Gelato before them.

>Eric Sparrow
>no results found

Y'all are just mad you aren't good enough to go Pro.

That was like a singular thing, not the norm. But that tranny getup is the typical character from the 3rd season and on.
I meant the design, not the actual sexuality of the characters.


They weren't fags either, Jesus dude, next you are going to call Johnny and Giorno fags too.

Unironically this


>Hitler deliberately demolished his country once he knew they would lose the war
Hitler was dead by the time the Russians took Berlin.
He tried to push back til the very end, even if his plans were pants on head retarded.

yeah, but it was literally jotaro who said "psssh... sorry kiddo... but your grandfather's dead forever...", despite why couldn't jotaro just start his heart/brain again?
whatever, it's just an action manga/anime, i shouldn't worry about it like you said

Johnny has a wife and children, there's proof.
Giorno could pull pussy but he's too obsessed with being a gangstar.


Sorry, he beats both of them by miles

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