Granblue Fantasy Versus

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reminder that ferry players smell

Gran, Lancelot, Charlotta

kat is more annoying than ferry desu

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I love armpits but that looks fucking atrocious.

>couldn't play for first few playtimes
>get into lobby, try to sit down
>brings me to screen to buy ps+

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Next roster announcement?

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How do you deal with lancelot as ferry? My auto combo has shit range and I feel as soon as he gets in I have no tools to push him back, and my auto combo has shit range. If I block the full blockstring he just exs and regains space


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Some dude was asking about Kat's shield move in the last thread. Use it to eat non ex projectiles. It's not super great against pressure because it can only eat one hit.

If they're running in with their fireball covering them it's pretty much a guaranteed hit. If it connects dash cancel it forward for pressure or a combo on counter hit. If it gets blocked then dash cancel backwards and block, or maybe a 2D, 214A if you're feeling cheeky

that full blockstring isn't a real blockstring

What avatar should I use if I want ferry players to sit at my cabinet? I've hardly fought any so far.

Why do I get the feeling this Lancelot guy is gay?

Oh, I haven't really tried poking out of thanks

Hey the Homo Knights are totally not fujo bait.

PC bros...

What did he mean by this?

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Because you're a 13 year old, but also because he's gay.

golem get ye gone

Percy is (You)sexual and Sieg is your dad. Only Lan-chan and Vane are gay

He's not called Homolot for nothing.

Lance is only gay in the doujin


yeah, bros go on picnics together all the time

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>keep forgetting I cant punish a super with a super

He's part of a quartet that people call the Homoknights.

So is Kat considered a christmas cake?

Try putting Lance and Vane in a same party sometimes. They won't shut up about each other.

My husband is not gay

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There really isn't many Ferry players as there was day 1. What has everybody moved on to?

She's 24, so no.

I just hope the game launches with more than like ten characters.

not yet but soon, few years more

Sounds hot

She's 24, just barely safe.

She has more suitors than she knows what to do with, so no.

Never, Sony won't allow them.

Percy is gay for (you)
Lancelot and Vane are gay for each other
Sieg seems to be for fujo

At that age, she might as well start wrapping herself up

(You) are for Percival, you cheating degenerate.

>playing against a fun dude
>lobby starts fucking up and refuses to let us play matches suddenly

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Is there any reason why Kat's 214H can be charged? What's the benefit

Who is the guy on the left? He looks so dreamy

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check out this potato

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probably some counterhit combo

Your husband gets Vane'd every night

Vane. I know literally nothing about him

Reminder that Charlotta's chibi avatar is her normal self.


Whiff punish, Oki

ive been cancelling it to hit people who press buttons after blocking a 5B for hueg combos

Lan-chan's childhood friend and husband. He cooks and cleans for him.

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Vane, his vice captain in the knight group they're in

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Her shield crumples on hit if fully charged, but I haven't found a practical use for that with players who aren't asleep.

I want to fry this potato

with my semen

>been using Lancelot and Charlotta for the last two sessions
>try Gran
>go ham
wow this guy's ez

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Is the sexy old dude from Sanbagarasu in?

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>short ranged melee character
>has no projectiles
>gap closers have zero invun frames
>anyone with a brain will just mash medium and overhead to punish you trying to get in
>specials have lowest priority of all the characters for no apparent reason
Who am I describing?

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Why can't I wakeup DP like all of these other faggots. I get hit out of it everytime

No, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jin (left) gets in if Narmaya doesn't though

Colour 2 potato's cute as fuck

He's kinda Vane to be honest.

wtf i'm gay now

Katalina's normals are stupid

Jake Paul

>mash LLL
>opponent can punish before I can block again
>they mash LLL
>I cant punish
What the fuck is this horseshit

It means that you're timing it wrong, since you need to have it buffered on your wakeup or you'll just start it after frame 1 has already happened, at which point you get meaty'd and hit


How long does it need to charge? I feel like I've charged for over a second and it still didn't guard break. Does it go off automatically when fully charged?

>a fucking fireball beats Gran's super
Holy shit this is actually garbage

She's the ranga of this game. Her 5b is god, respect it.

>about to punish Granfaggot
>pulls bahamut out of ass and blows Kat away

Fuck Gran

Only one I find fun so far.

Then when am I supposed to press it? I have a hard time believing some of these faggots aren't just mashing it

Mashed potato

>first time playing Gran
>spam specials
>throw out bahamut
Holy fuck man

Reminder to leave threads in the notebook telling Ferry players they are degenerate

Cause you suck

There's nothing wrong with being degenerate

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>underestimating a granchad

>find a new normal with Kat (X in air) near the end of the beta
>it's godlike
how did I miss this shit

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How much longer is the final round up for?

Her j2a beats a lot of shit out as well and leads into ground combos.

Do it right during the animation when your character is getting up. You can mash it out, but then you might get a fireball and get hit anyway

2 more hours


pc when?

are there air combos? Charlotta seems to be able to pull opponents in the air but idk what to do other than just doing the same move again

I love playing as Kat. Everyone else sucks

Thanks mate that was real helpful

Well at least she has a banger theme

they finally created an anime fighting game thats good


Ironic weeaboos need the gas chamber.

>kept playing against the same man for 3 hours


Armpits are like the most normie fetish you could have.


Liking what I dont like makes you an ironic weeb

You're damn right

>started beta as Ferry gent
>Katalina is new love now

What happened bros?

Ferry continues the trend of fighting zoning characters to be tedious and annoying, like fighting a legion of mosquitos.

It keeps happening to me too. Feels good to play against someone who's as equally skilled as you

You developed top tier taste.

Get a personality, stop being a pussy and doing everything ironically because you're scared of how people might feel about you.

So is liking thick thighs but ironic weeaboos are fucking retard.

the character I find the most fun
too bad she's annoying to play when you're against a ferry or a kat

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>he keeps getting good
I still win though

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Gotta make use of that counter. Ferry is hell to fight though.

>doing everything ironically
If only that was true

I'm just waiting for Zeta

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She has a harem.
She'll be fine.

Uh what this isnt the file I chose

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You grew up.

What's the best ways of ant-airing

What if there is nothing ironic about it and people have just woken up the glory of pits?

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Then I respect them and welcome them with open arms.

Watch Arc Systems Works legend LordKnight if you don't have access to the beta.

>only enjoy charlotta
>kat and ferry are SSS+ tier and stuff out everything she does at all ranges with more plus frames and better damage
i just want the character i mesh with to be good for once. also, why the fuck does dash have recovery? you can dodge or sway out but they can be stuffed or read with a throw. they have recovery too so dashing is a commitment. pretty stupid

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the counter doesn't work on half of their moves so

How do I kill ferry as Kat?

There really needs to be some kind of fucking push block or else this game is gonna get real unga real quick

Other than DP or Lancelot teleports, I think everyone's 6C (forward heavy attack) has good anti air range. At least it is for Kat and Gran and it has a lot of plus frames on hit, less so on whiff

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are detailed armpits really necessary?

I just DP. Gran's down heavy is really shit

>sf2 style
>needing any kind of fucking pushblock
holy shit

At long range, yeah but I keep catching people mashing hard in my face

I've been there since 2015. I welcome the people who have woken to the glory of Erune pits and backs.

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Wanna know how i know you didn't play sf2


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It was $37 for a full year at massgenie. Its going to be $40 at all retailers due to e3. Stop being a cheapass.

5B and 2B alot from 3/4 of the screen and hit all of her extended hitboxes, also when you get on her keep up the pressure hard because she has jack shit to deal with anything

Push back is there but not for the auto combo because your characters moves into each attack whether on block or not, but it's there for 2A mash. I've already seen people do it a lot on Gran because you can push people out of range of their normals or stagger it enough to be just in range of his proximity 6C if the other guy pushes a button

>being a ps+ paypig

Oh, and fullscreen fireball alot but dont be predictable about it

>paying $3 a month to use your own internet connection

Rather I think it's 6B not 6C, I can't remember and can't check


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Watch LordKnight vs SonicFox right now.

this was so disappointing

any tips against ferry? she feels so stupid fucking strong if you're charlotta

Japan gave me so many fetishes it's not even funny anymore

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>he doesn't know

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Don't mind me, posting the superior girl

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Wait for the balance patch I guess, Charlotta has few tools to handle ferry at the moment.

Evade/dodge command and stuffing her whip with your normals works.

Really dislike proximity normals. Stupid that I can hit cl.B on someone to be plus, then try to blockstring but instead I get some ungatling-able far normal. Just seems like I hate everything about this game

who wears their crown to the bath?

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Haven't tried Granblue VS yet, but I did use to play a lot of GG Xrd, how similar is Lancelot to Leo Whitefang?

r8 n h8

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how longer

I'm not seeing your ringed SR Ferries, bandwagoner.

Gotta keep that illusion of height

Try to dodge. Hope she doesn't know how to stuff it. Ferry just beats Charlotta right now period. It's a beta. Hope they nerf the fuck out of Ferry because she's busted af

What's a proximity normal

Pray that the Ferry is retarded

I didn't farm enough nuggets, but she's my first Beginner Draw Suptix

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All those guy choices are good
blue hair and seraphic skins arent happening

Different normal comes out depending on your range, so there's a close 5A and a far 5A.

I am pretty sure everyone in this thread would actually lick sniff and huff that pit

>not liking close normals
let me guess sf5 player ?

Holy shit there's a punchgirl in Granblue? We need her in NOW


Does Gran have the worst X in the game
I have literally yet to see a single one use it


>punchgirl in Granblue

there are girls who punch but she only does that one punch. She uses a naginata.

so it's literally just wait for the game to get fixed or hope my opponent is retarded

No, I fucking hate SF5. I don't dislike close normals. I just outright dislike the concept of proximity normals. Give me a 4A, not a close and far 5A. It's just retarded getting the hit or applying pressure in neutral only for the game to arbitrarily decide I'm .8 nanometers out of range and will instead do some uncomboable far normal

my nigger. I voted for him on the survey

You can cancel charging it with another button which stores the level. Doing when you get a knockdown is really good to make your opponent try to hit an unsafe button on wakeup since you can block immediately after canceling.

There is though

Anila uses a spear. She's punching in her uncap art because all the zodiac characters do supers from SNK fighters as their charge attacks


that only uses punches

He's literally me and I'm not gay

Basically. Fighting games are almost never well balanced because of the different playstyles. Charge characters usually struggle against zoners to begin with, and ferry is simply really powerful right now as well. ArcSys usually takes a few versions to get their heads out of their asses.

its not arbitrary though its just proper spacing

>not just dping every time she uses a normal and instilling the fear of god in her
Doing it wrong

how nuch time left?

What character does KMR want in?

No it seems highly skill based in finding moments to get your unique attack charged up since you can cancel it have the previous charged be stored. So when you knock someone down you can get either try and do Okizeme or get 1-2 charges or sometimes both. Cancelling it into something else can bait people but it's online beta with lag so it's hard to do

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about an hour and 25 minutes

hour and a half

What's the verdict of this game? Is it good/better then some games or do they still need to work on it more?

are we posting?
I know very little about granblue

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Can Sony hurry up and go fuck itself for not allowing ps3 fight sticks to work by default on ps4 hardware holy shit.

I see, thank you for educating me

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pretty fucking fantastic. just needs faster walkspeed and a slightly larger pool.

Here's your only punching girl

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What makes it so great when its charged up though?

super armor maybe

>Lamretta and Ejaeli

Interesting choices, why them? Are you banking on Lam being Lei's drunken master style with the fakeouts and shit?

>proper spacing in a game where dashing has recovery and can't be canceled into block
hey alright, how about you just let me decide which normal I want to input instead of being an autopilot casual game with literally 0 exeuction?

Sounds good. How does it compare to Xrd/UNIST in terms of gameplay mechanics?

you decide it, with proper spacing

Gran mains RISE UP

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Getting into the right range is execution scrub.

Lamretta's doujin was hot and she has a nice design, along with probably making for a fun pseudo-joke character like Platinum. Ejaeli because she has a really neat design and I liked her character concept

Katalina. They are everywhere

Where's monki?

It becomes an invincible attack and it has a certain amount of forward movement. So you can hold on to it as an option of reversal or as an option to I frame your way through an incoming special. I think it entirely goes through EX moves

No its like cvs2 without the broken stuff

Some good shit, if there's gonna be an eternal there'd probably only be one. My guess would be either Siete or Sarasa

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Do tell more user.

not enough slots on the template

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i dunno user, if arcsys doesnt do costumes for characters and they wanna go with dj being the overpowered max level player as her gimmick, i dont think eternal blue's out of the question

Jojo Vyrn is neva Eva but if it did happen, the unique match start dialogue against Gran would be hilarious

Actual Granblue player here, this is the ideal list. I assume Vas/Metera/Zeta/Percival are already in so I didn't list them

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great taste

Six has decent chances too, he seems fairly popular.

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I think it is all a bit too simple still. No part of the game really excites me cause the options to deal with anything are pretty limited. There is no oh I want to learn that or I should start using this here. There aren't even command normals. The coolest thing I saw was Gran comboing off anti air.

Even for a casual fan or someone wanting a simple game I see them getting bored after a while.

If you block Ferry's 5M at full range, roll forward. It will go through pretty much every follow-up she has. She can punish it with super or if she does nothing then do another 5M, but not on reaction, and even then it will make her more scared of cancelling it into the hitgrab special every time so it's still useful.

Quick rundown on lancelot

>Why yes, I really like playing Charlotte, she`s good character.

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You are not a real GBF player

Unironically git gud

Does anyone have more webms of the midget?

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All these neverevers

It's literally nothing like either and is at least 100 times more simple than either. No universal mechanics, no comeback mechanics, meter is literally only for supers, etc. There's a pushblock in Instant Block but all it does is BARELY push them and reduce chip -- it doesn't affect frame data at all. EX DPs and supers are 100% invincible. Gatling combos do not exist, you just hit 5AAA, 5BBB, or 5CCC autocombos into a special or an ex special for a wallbounce, which then lets you 5AAA again. Game is extremely, extremely basic, but it's not all about "footsies" like people are saying. It's all about pressure and stealing turns. Don't be fooled. When this launches, it's going to play NOTHING like what most people are playing it like now. It's going to be OPPRESSIVE as fuck.

Charlotta still feels like the worse so far. She wants to get in your face but has to charge half her stuff, has no safe, reliable way to get in, and her specials all push her back on block. I really want to play her but damn if the deck ain't stacked against her.

>crown bends

tfw all ive been fighting is katalinas and i hate it

>punching girl that is a maid
Give me them and Bea

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Simulates motion

If you wakeup super I hope you get fucking ass cancer

Character revel after beta calling it now

They're wishlists, not "I legitimately think these characters could get in."

She's easily the worst of the current 5. She has no safe way to chip or get in. If you play her, you truly realize why this game not having dash block is retarded. She's straight up objectively inferior to everyone else in every way.

why does no webm of this include the freeze frame of her falling afterwards

What the hell are ypu suuposed to do against Katalina when you're in the corner? I'm just trapped. Lancelot's teleports and DP have too much startup for me to get out.

>getting hit by something so predictable


Guys, it finally arrived!
Can anyone tell me what the moonrunes say?

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How bout you stop mashing your shit oki like a scrub when the other guy has 100 meter

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Your Aigis/Naoto/Noel hybrid bro

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watashi ni something

>try to pressure when I get someone down
>they mash and I lose my turn
I suck at this

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

This. You should only super she you have somebody in the air.

Redpill me on arm pits, why are they (considered) sexy?

>excepting draphs

People are just being ironic retards

The pressure really reminds me off SFV. It is really strong despite being so simple, but there are holes where you wouldn't always expect it and it is very easy to lose your turn if you don't go unga when you can.

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>tfw snoy won't allow draphs
It's not fair bros...

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Potato's height complex is so cute.

How do I make Charlotta vs ferry less cancerous?

Here's the secret tech, it's nigh unbeatable unless the other player has an average IQ(unlikely)

>knock them down
>dash at them as they are getting up
>immediately crouch block

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if metera gets in then anything is fair game

dodge forward alot

The best ways to get in I found were to get a knockdown using 2D or 5M -> [4]~6M then dashing in on their wakeup.

Armpits are usually hidden and are fairly close to the girl's breasts and face. It's sexiness by association. The smell helps too.

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Who are you playing as?

That's the dumbest question i've read anywhere all day

huh... This makes it sound like the game is pretty awful once people get into it. I guess when the director is a person from Cygames then all balance gets messed up

This games pressure is mad

Oh shit it worked!

2 of them have female heads.
Like, not anime-ambiguous-gender heads, but full on female heads.

I find it hard to believe Naru of all people won't be in honestly. She's the go-to waifubait character.

The absolute state of Yea Forums

It's just GGs against a Kat or Ferry that knows what they're doing though and dash isn't safe either. Charlotta had to make too many hard reads to get in against characters that have any kind of long range, fast poke.

reminder that if you want to get better punch yourself really fucking hard in the chin after you lose a game
if you keep doing this then you'll not want to lose so you win

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After Ladiva, nobody knows what will happen

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you could just think about why you lost so you can get better and also not get brain damage

No one really likes them, its a meme

>rattling your brain

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Im a secondary, but if this Forte girl gets in ill buy your game.

Yea dash not being safe is just retarded. All you can do is sway or roll and both are hard commitments that can easily be stuffed. Charlotta just suffers the most from this because she has no safe way to get in and no fireball

Half of it is this weird ironic meme. The other half is that they're attached to the breasts.

Is it me, or is this is kind of like when normalfags refuse to believe there are people who are virgins past 20.

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I really have just one complaint for this game. Just fucking one.


>know they're gonna fucking jump
>do a DP
>it goes under them
Fuck this

yeah I don't see a problem with this, based cooking with poster

Main: Danua
Secondary: Forte
Tertiary: Naru

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I don't like it. There really is very little to dig into outside of pressure becoming more and more real. Your tools are very limited for situations, the combos are a joke, systems you'd expect to do more like instant block just give more meter which is so pointless when you will always get full meter by the end of the round normally. The best thing i can say about it is at least there is a solid base their. Projectiles are real, invincible moves are common and jumping is generally punished. It is a functional base but feels like half the shit is missing.

Anyone who said this was like ST has never seriously played that game. There is so little pushback in this game and your walk speed completely destroys the chance at a good footsie game. It is going to become very aggressive despite being so simple if their aren't some big changes.

Air to air them or air grab

>slowly kill yourself in an attempt to beat a potato obsessed kid or armpit sniffer online

I mean I guess you can do it

Everything is good except SSB Djeeta, another Gran and the useless sheep.

Absolute patrician taste coming through
Literally none of these characters will get in

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>Cug, Six, Albert, Anira and Orchid
Yup, hecka based.


>You gave me a present? Fufufu, I'm glad, dancho.
>I got different things from you
>thus I can be Zooi...
>thanks to dancho, Ruria and tokage
>blah blah more thanks
>I want to stay with you forever in future

I'd trade three potential waifus for Nick

Completely agreed. The hot take is that this game is anime street fighter, but some of the non-retards are coming to realize exactly what you said. This game's pressure is going to be insane as soon as there's a lab, and we've already figured out the combo system and limits of it. This game is a bust.

Why does Ferry need a DP? Let alone an invincible one?

Grea and Orchid have decent chances. No I don't think Grea being a RoB character actually matters because Cygames uses them for everything anyway. Orchid is technically a RoB character too but she's vital to the Granblue story.

Ferry players are such fucking apologists jesus christ
>ask why her mid 3/4 screen hitgrab that forces people far away is safe and can hit jumping enemies
>ask why she has a move that hits both sides of her, is safe, and pushes the enemy super far away so that literally nothing in the game can beat it
>lol you dont understand fighting games clearly
fuck off you're just not accepting that you're playing an OP character

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Is there literally any reason to super if it doesn't kill

>old hag
Actually pretty based list.

to get the damage


Yea but then all your skills go on cooldown

>still memeing this
Cygames doesn't care about draphs, retardbro. Check out how many female Draph SSRs have come out in recent years compared to all other races.

Idk about these other guys saying it's a meme, I've genuinely been attracted to armpits since I was a kid, and it blossomed into a full on fetish as a teenager. Most of my friends ridiculed me for it and I'd never been brave enough to bring it up with anyone I've been with which I regret now. Blog post aside, it's just how some people are wired.

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>based Yngwie

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I want Nick or All Cummings because Im a giant sucker for specials that turn characters into super modes.

I think its a great foundation and having a big roster will be the real selling point for me.

The dedicated dodge button reminds me of the assault button from UNIST. Its an important universal mechanic that adds most of the depth. Cooldowns remind me of being GRD broken, or down a burst. You can intentionally GRD break yourself strategically for a temporary gain.

There's no real comeback mechanic, other than the fact both players get their super meter around the end of the match. Super animations are fucking long I don't wanna see that shit every round goddamn.

Movement is slow but deliberate. An inch goes a mile.

>getting my ass kicked by a ferry in general
>turns out he's just decent in general as he swaps to gran and kat

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Not gonna make it.

What the fuck is wrong with you pedos?

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You're not going to get honesty out of our scrub level players that we pretty much all exist within. No one wants to admit that they're playing easy mode, just wait for pros who don't really have a stake in the game to comment on it.

bro just play katalina and shit on ferry

can you safejump?

If they fix walk speed and add pushback, this game goes from 6/10 to an immediate 9.5/10.

I haven't played against Katalina but I disagree against Ferry. Sure she has the advantage at the start of the round but some of her stuff is more punishable than it appears and all you need is one knockdown. Once you have it you get run a train on her. I think once we get access to training mode and we get to really see what's safe and when she'll get more manageable.

My wife Korwa will be added.

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Kek, I remember when he was new and waterfags were expecting some new waifu character. The saltiness was off the charts.

Based potatochads

Will they use the weird localization names? Nick is clearly called Shirou in JP, I always wondered why they thought it needed to be changed for burgers.

>discord gets fucked over by potatos
I see no issue

Based potatoes.

"""Child Porn"""
Or Child Porn?
>Giving a fuck about discord

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Yeah I know, pros are already saying shes the strongest/OP but no one is listening because "its too early to tell"

If the Ferry knows how to properly use geegee and the grab you have literally no chance as Charlotta, bro. You're playing bad Ferrys

>seiyuu announced indefinite hiatus
you'll never see her again

They did it for the MechaNick pun. Mechanic = Mechanick

Where's the survey again?

was perfect until Forte

>An inch goes a mile.
Oh fuck off, an inch doesn't go a mile cause the slow ass movement means you can't easily move in and out of ranges to bait buttons and punish them.

>The dedicated dodge button reminds me of the assault button from UNIST.
Why would you compare it to something completely different, and not SNK games that have rolls? Neither of your UNI comparisons work at all honestly.

Of course they will use the shit names.
People always defend Nicholas because of the shitty mechaNick pun. But the Jew10 name changes are fucking literally retarded. Why would you even do that?

Can I catch up on Granblue characters and lore before this game comes out? I rolled some good stuff during the anniversary event to start my account, but haven't really played since. I'm kinda lukewarm on mobage in the first place, but I like the characters and world a lot.

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I wish Ladiva made the beta. I wanna see what the implications for a slow balls game like this are for a grappler

Based potato saving us from the discord menace.

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user cygames themselves uses their bizarre fucking names. Its not the retarded SEA for once, cygames insists on using them.

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Damn bros, it's not fair.
Korwa is the most beautiful Erune and my wife.

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I know literally nothing about Granblue as a franchise. Is this a good intro to it? I'm a fan of Guilty Gear so this looks like it might be enjoyable.

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Aren't they using Fastiva instead of Ladiva?

>change a name entirely for a pun
Well that is certainly some top level dedication.

This game has the coolest clash battles of any fighting game

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>I wanna see what the implications for a slow balls game like this
The game isn't slow though, it is very pressure heavy. Also just try Zangief in most SF games

I keep hearing both juutenshu names so often now that I don't even know which is the original. Is it Song or Tweyen?

stop listening to that retard when that girl is still in Code Vein

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The ferry discord had the same shit happen yesterday.

I compare roll to assault because Roll loses to lows but beats mid/highs. Its like reverse assault which would normally crush lows.

I dunno I was playing fun footsies where I would shimmy back and forth than dash in and spot dodge. Running is a big commitment in this game it gives a fuck ton of meter too

imagine paying for online like a fucking retard

BASED harvinchads

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Are the real ones. The shitty ones are the SEAmonki ones.

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Based Charlotta mains

Geegee is only useful in the corner, the "grab" can be blocked in neutral and if she uses it after you block a normal, you can roll through

The translators are in house. They might very well just want to write the JP name, don't know how to romanize it, so they ask the translators and they go "bampy = vania"

Nips cant just into romanization in general.

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This game is nothing like Guilty Gear, it's more like a street fighter game in terms of mechanics/speed/neutral
no air dashing

It's Street Fighter Turbo except [...], just setting your expectations low now.

Huh? Is Ferry supposed to be a loli too? She isn't, is she? I really like her design, but she kind of feels like a petite woman to me, not a little child.
There are some really fucking good lolis in gbf, though. Monki and Scathatch are the fucking best.

>Geegee is only useful in the corner
EX is useful everywhere
> the "grab" can be blocked in neutral and if she uses it after you block a normal, you can roll through
Which can be grabbed

tell me, is this an anime fighter or a traditional 2D?

Hello newfag

Air block
Air grabs
Chip damage kills
Slow move/run speed
Meter for move run

It has guilty gear elements

>Cygames wants to add pic related just to see how the west reacts

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>I'm a fan of Guilty Gear so this looks like it might be enjoyable.
People really have no idea what they are looking at with this game do they?

Is the GBF anime any good? I like what I've seen of the world and the characters but I don't really have the time to grind the mobage.

Little of both I guess. There's no air dashing and movement is slower than most anime fighters, but it still is in essence an anime fighter.

Untold chaos.

I laugh every single time people say this is like SF2 or ST.

The joke character slow would be completely wasted on Yaia.


this motherfucker said chip damage killing and air grabs are a guilty gear element

Shes a 100~ year old ghost of a 13 year old girl.

anime sucked
watch the 1st season of Bahamut instead
it shares the some of the characters
also don't watch S2 ever because it doesn't exist

>having a good time seeing the west react to charlotta age

It looks nice enough.

It's average, it covers the worst parts of the main story (the beginning) but season 2 is soonish and will have the better parts

I legitimately don't see how a 6 year old with like C-D cup tits flies in the west. I don't even understand draphs in any sort of biological sense, I just know that my dick likes it.

Yeah, if you're a fan if Guilty Gear than most anime games are not going to please your tastes. I'm just waiting for a new GG already instead of this low depth no combo 1 button skill garbage.

is there air blocking?

You know im starting to appreciate how this game is outing all the scrubs saying shit like this

Still don't know if I will put Ilsa, Apollonia or Shirou in the survey.

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Wait can you taunt

It was about as good as the story it adapted, the early parts of Granblue are pretty bland, but it covers the basics I guess.

This game is fucking garbage absolutely zero variety shit is so boring.

>been fighting the same guy for 4 hours

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Draphs are cow people.

Super jump and j.A until you get her into the corner then abuse the shit out of your plus frames and frame traps. You can flash kick out of her midscreen oki setup because the pushback makes it a very unreliable and very weak punish for Ferry and there's not enough time for her to roll if you do it fast enough (though that might just be a netplay thing)

I think that matchup is in Charlotta's favor once you learn it, but people are severely overestimating the potency of Ferry's 2C and air-to-air options. Her 2C has trouble catching people with normal hurtboxes, it's extremely finnicky against Charlotta so her only option is to hard read air-to-air with j.B (which is extremely minus on block) or ex DP. 5A/5B/5C have very poor vertical hitboxes to catch people who start jumping, and the slow run speed makes it difficult for her to run under people.

I think people are forgetting superjumps are a thing in general. Either that or they've never fought Nu, you have to approach the Ferry matchup in a similar way to her.

By the way, don't forget her whip has a massive goddamn hurtbox. If someone keeps doing round start 2B/5B/5C you can DP it, which can easily win you the round off of one guess alone. The hurtbox also extends long before the hitbox one some moves, for example Charlotta's j.A will beat Ferry's 2C clean.

I think Ferry right now is extremely strong but has extreme faults. It's just a difficult environment to learn the matchup in unless you have friends to run sets with.

what are the odds Ferry while actually be nerfed to being a reasonable character

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I know, but she doesn't look like a loli to me.
She's also outside loli age range, she's literally a teen.

Can't Charlotta just go parry+block to safely approach Ferry/Katalina?

The parry seem pretty safe, so if you hold block button behind that well, they'll have a pretty small frame window to actually hit you with, yeah?

t. just watching footage

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Do it

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I think I'm done. I don't know who's idea it was to have a charge character that has no safe options to get in but it's beginning to sour my taste for this game. I really want to like this but they got a ton of work to do because add it is now, it's really unbalanced.

Arcsys is easily the worst dev when it comes to balance. Do not expect much.

>EX is useful everywhere
Yes but that's on a cooldown

>Which can be grabbed
If you're rolling through her hitgrab, you're not in range to be thrown

You mean ferry and kat right?

I mean "the west" has called 16-17 year old characters who look their age lolis.
Dont think too deeply about ironic weebs and outrage culture

>smooth Embrasque
Shit taste.

depends if ferry is a chosen character
arcsys likes to have strong characters

Yeah but why are the males fucking huge? Some serious sexual dimorphism going on there, the poor males must be absolute dicklets to compensate for the tiny frames of their females.

I pray they never nerf this move

thats a good thing?

>Can't Charlotta just go parry+block to safely approach Ferry/Katalina?
Sure but you still take 50% damage, and are probably only a little more positive. You only get the slash on a close parry

Arcsys balances to make the game interesting, not to make all of the characters even. Trying to balance everyone makes games stale.

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Her parry is legitimately detrimental. No clue why it exists.

great so i'm gonna have to deal with hearing about fucking armpits for the first year that the game comes out because everyone is gonna play her due to how braindead simple she is and how strong she is

>Pit pussy
I will now play your game

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This is your mind when you play Charlotta lads, don't do it!

Some things are. Without training mode it's just sort of finding out whether things hit or not. Air to air normals appear to be blockable, supers not so much.

>some faggot in every room posting a request for people to play Pokken.

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She's not a loli at all

What did I say that was factually wrong, bitch? see me in rev 2 pc RIGHT NOW


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does anyone have that lancelot clash webm

the parry isn't as fast as you think and you still take 50% of the damage and you can get grabbed out of it

Super stretchy onahole vaginas.

Yeah but isn't that 50% baby damage? It's not like 50% of a normal that isn't allowed to combo into something is going to end the game or stop your momentum forwards

Anyone have a webm of ferrys win animation? And P2 intro?

I still don't get Light Wall. What's the point. Can I combo off it? When can I dash cancel?

GBF wiki has a tier list where most of the big characters are actually at the top so you can click on them and read the lore pages

Don't say that word, po-k-k-enfag will appear and start telling us how great the game is

I legitimately forgot that game existed.

no they very clearly patch for balance. they just fucking suck at it.

no, because just blocking means you take no damage/chip damage
you end up taking more damage by successfully parrying an attack

>Yeah but isn't that 50% baby damage?
It is more than chip, and if you fuck up parry you take full and the combo. For no real benefit

I've seen LordKnight use it to open up Ferry's far normals.

Ferry gets super cucked if you get in though. Which honestly just takes a bit of patience.

so how is the gameplay for this game? i didnt enjoy dbfz because every character felt way too similar and the mechanics felt like a dumbed down version of marvel. this game looks more similar to older Street Fighters or KoF, im kind of interested.

>baby damage
Uh no, everything in this game does ridiculous damage. Anti air ex dp does like 40%, 5AAA autocombo into ex special does like 30% at least

I can't seem to figure it out either. It has to have a purpose, but most of the time I find myself just ignoring it unless I'm like fighting a Lancelot who runs behind his projectile. Seems pretty limited, but I'm not very good so I'll wait for real fighting game players to figure it out.

This is more like Koihime Enbu desu

The niggers shilling their twitch channels are worse

>budding breasts
Oh, yes, that's the stuff.

so how many of you developed a back fetish after seeing ferry's win animation for the 100x time?

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If you didn't like DBFZ because you thought it was "dumbed down", there's no chance in hell you'll like this game. Way more basic and casual friendly

Played against a Lancelot that did special string/grab mixups and even those simple mixups were ridiculous pressure-wise. Not a fan of the game honestly, pressure being too strong makes the game boring when your options are so limited.

>Anti air ex dp does like 40%
What character are you playing that does this?

I'm not sold on autocombo for everyone, it makes the combos pretty samey and boring. I really hope they allow for an option to eschew autos, let me unravel the fucking puzzle myself please.

Gran and Kat both

I had a back fetish already, but that certainly didn't help.


This shit is even more dumbed down. Everyone have the same auto combo and you are forced to use auto combo.

Kat can do some pretty solid EX combo damage with little effort. She seems to be very powerful so far.

welp fuck that. guess its time to pick up unist

How do combos even work in this game? Standard anime magic series didn't seem to work. I wish there was at least some kind of training mode available so I could figure this shit out.

Are you sure it's not just you sucking at footsies tho?

>i didnt enjoy dbfz because every character felt way too similar and the mechanics felt like a dumbed down version of marvel
It has a similar issue. Less so that the characters are too similar, but more so that every aspect has been overly simplified. You know how people complain that SFV is too simple? It is lower than that, SFV has a more complex combo system than this. You have more choices in neutral and more uses for meter in SFV.

What is "brand new games discord" even supposed to be? Just some fan made discord channel – for Charlotta in this case? Or was it actually an official Cygames or ArcSys endorsed platform for Charlotta gameplay discussion?

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I play Gran and I've never done 40% with a DP

>no medusa

Combos are very samey for most of the cast, they do play neutral quite differently because of how much the game focuses on pokes and move interaction.

>Fighting games are almost never well balanced because of the different playstyles
Which isn't really a problem at all. Some playstyles are just favored more than others, and finding out what's good and what isn't is really part of what fighting games should be about. I wouldn't want to play a balanced fighting game.

I'm so out of the loop, can someone actually explain to me what the fuck Granblue is? I know nothing about it except it produces tons and tons of porn. It's an anime, right?

Literally just mash the same button. Autocombos are the only combos in the game. It's 5AAA, 5BBB, or 5CCC into special or super.

what the fuck, that's dumb

Didn't know Lancelot had follow up dashes.


You just push your light, medium, or heavy button over and over and it combos for you. It seems they want people to focus more on normals and okizeme/wall splats, but it gets pretty repetitive.

It's a browser/mobile game, like FGO.

>tons of porn
in 2016-2017

Browser MMO

>tfw beta is making me want to go back to SFV in the meantime

Getting weird new appreciation for fightan without long ass strings and air dashes

you can't vary between lows and highs in blockstrings either?

it is street fighter but shittier

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It's a mobile game that plays like a soulless Korean MMO, but the art and music is great. Honestly I'm just glad they're branching out into real games instead of pumping out more awful mobage, I hope ReLink is good as well so I can just avoid GBF proper entirely.

It's a gacha game.

SFV has dumb pressure as well

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Characters are really different to play like a good 1v1 game compared to DBFz.
The problem right now is the lack of combo paths because there is too much of auto combo.

The fuck am I supposed to do follow w the down+ special

No. You cant gatling anything but the same button. So no 2A>5A>2B.

No they aren't. Shit isn't deep but there is more than that.

>Arcsys balances to make the game interesting
How does having 2-3 characters lording over everyone and several characters being basically fucking unplayable make the game "interesting"

saiko powah


>matchmaking for 15 minutes after lobbies end
thank you god holy shit, fuck these lobbies

You have to reset the combo to switch between highs and lows. Which has the effect of, after playing the same person for like a dozen games, you both just taking turns absorbing the same fucking blockstrings you have become totally acclimated to over and over until someone fucks up an input and gets punished for it.

Name these characters, I'm in the mood for a laugh


guess you've never played blazblue?

You must not play DBFZ. What he said has applied to that game since launch to this very second

unist is the best fighting game out there.

Try fighting a good lancelot, you'll find yourself constantly blocking and grab teching just to get out of pressure.

The ArcSys way is to just release something, observe which characters are good, then nerfing the fuck out of them so a new group can take the top spot, rinse and repeat. Noel in Blazblue got fucked pretty hard after her time at the top for a while, but not quite as bad as Rachel and especially Makoto.

>grans face
>lyria grabbing his arm
Its the little things

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i play charlotta, she has 0 options to get in that ferry can't easily beat

What do girl pits smell like

I remember getting bodied by Akumas putting me in the corner because demon flip turns my brain off and I can't react properly. But yeah I just like the idea of countering moves with normals, into more neutral play that turns the heat up when you're pressured in the corner

Ladiva is a legit pick because Ladiva is a wrestler

How would you react if after evo they announce that grabble versus will be available to buy right away after the event

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Is the beta over? I have an urge to play suddenly.

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needs to triple the fucking cast before that

My bad, I thought it was specifically about Guilty Gear, the game they actually care about.

if it would've been ready at that point it would've already been in EVO.

deeply concerned

Shame about the terrible net code and bad lobby system that makes it almost unplayable casually

They butchered Xrd with their last update too and I have no idea why

And play a good Katalina and she'll just keep you out and hang you out to dry all day

This, I wouldn't be satisfied unless there's at least like 15 characters.

Not barefoot

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10 minutes left of lobbies, then 15 minutes of matchmaking, then over

What a poor copout for being wrong lmao

Why is it a general trend that nip netcode and lobbies suck

Nah, Seig is for lonely housewives.

Its a November release at the earliest, probably more like december

What are the key criticisms of the game that I should put into my survey, besides more pushback faster walking and adding dash blocks?

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>terrible net code
I get playable matches with people on another continent, why do people keep saying this? Lobbies do suck though, but it's basically a glorified doujin game anyway

>barely see any ferries
a billion fucking kats
hows your experience where you're at

because most nips use netcode to play right beside each other in an arcade or in the same city. it's not designed for the west where you can be 8 japans apart in the same country

You shouldn't have easy options to get in on a zoner, that eliminates the purpose. It's very easy to end the round if you knock down Ferry once.

Tournament level gameplay right there. Hope it supports Viramate as well.

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Fucking disappointed. Im expecting this beta test to be a data gathering of sorts to see if people like the setup of the game's mechanics. The game having limited roster announced with no release date should be a flag that they're still going to change a lot of stuff. Them announcing a final date would be gravely dissappointing because that would mean the game we have during the open beta would more or less be the final game. If they really want this game to succeed as an E-Sport they'll be changing boat loads of stuff from its current form.

Because they don't have to give a shit about netcode

For me at least, the lobbies have been terrible. Connecting to matches take ages, and half the time it doesn't even work.

isn't it the same net code arksys uses in all games?

Stop playing on the german servers

Yea, and they don't seem to ever learn or care that it's actual fucking horseshit

make the game fun.

I wish big bad cinematic super was one per match instead of round. I really don't mind much else about the game. It feels distinct right now.

Don't know how to cover large geographic areas, Japan players get only 1 frame delay

3F delay being the normal really sucks since it always shoots up to 4 at different times but the lobbies are the worst part

i was on the french servers
i wonder if other eu countries are the same

>tfw was asleep during all 3 periods of the beta test
I missed it all...

More freedom in combos, auto is very limiting and unsatisfying. Maybe if you mash out the same button you can auto, but otherwise allow for different buttons to branch to different combos.

yes but not every single option that the zoner has should be safe AND put the enemy far away from her


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if im forced to watch this shit every match im going to be pissed

Can Lancelot go from teleport to his air dash?

How can you say this game is about "footsies" when the walkspeed is so garbage you can't even space properly to bait and punish a whiffed normal?

kat's supers feel like im fucking watching a movie

>only fought ONE (Uno) Gran the entire beta.

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