Now that the dust has settled, was it really all that bad?
Now that the dust has settled, was it really all that bad?
it was fucking terrible and boring yet i can't bring myself to say i hate it
No but it's not very good either
i always liked it fuck the haters
It’s really really bad if I’m being honest.
it wasn't great but it was better than 15
No. It's a solid title, but has a couple of elements that piss people off. Namely linearity and Lightning.
THIS. 15 was so fucking gay. I felt like a faggot just for playing it.
Bullshit, it was better than 10 and 15. There wasn't a segment of the game that I disliked and I actually bothered to 100% it. Beautiful game with beautiful music. I also liked Sazh.
It's very VERY linear. I don't remember a single section that was hard enough to activate my neurons. It's fun for a time waster but it's not good compared to VII or X.
Lightning is a dangerous predator that needs to be thrown in jail!
No, as far as FF games go its has some of the better gameplay in the series
you cant complain about the difficulty and then allude to FF7
I hated it at first but ended up liking it after giving the game a fair chance.
It's very important to not skip the cutscenes and to read the datalog every time it updates to understand the story.
I will replay it to completion at some point and also will play the sequels.
Most definitely, though it gets slightly less abysmal 28 hours in.
I warmed up to it on a 2nd playthrough years later. The first several chapters are still terrible and a bad introduction to the game.
I liked the paradigm shift mechanic.
I love trilogy.
>story is decent
>XIII-2 has one of the best OSTs in the series
>LR has, hands down, the best combat in the series
Wait, why do people hate 15? I just started it
it's a great game, but most people are still going to say it sucks because the game decided to strip the final fantasy formula into its purest form and removed the illusion of choice the rest of the games had and also the story assumed that you weren't an adderall fueled child who forgot to take their meds and could actually pay attention to a cutscene for more than 10 seconds
since open world games are popular now Yea Forums loves linear cinematic games. when it came out though linear cinematic games were popular so it was shit.
it's new and popular and open world
It is still that bad 9 years later
So much this
Linearity isn't that bad per se, but FFXIII literally holds your hand for 20 hours. They might as well have released a movie that summarizes the story until pulse and then have the game start there. I replayed it a couple of months ago, and by the time I got to pulse I was so bored that I didn't bother to continue.
Yes, obviously
Just think, 40 years from now when they release FF17, 15 will be remembered fondly as a great title in comparison.
Bought the trilogy and couldn't play it past 15 hours. I was so fucking bored. I'm considering just watching youtube of the rest of it and starting on the second game later. The first game was so bad I had to just break it off and step away. Like holy fuck what were they thinking.
It felt like if the starting tutorial in FFX lasted 20 hours and then you wake up and meet Wakka.
you guys sound like fucking faggots.
>no hair
Why should I care about this pit?
>skipped it when it first came out
>when the second game came out there was a deal at a local store where you could buy the second game and get the first for 5 bucks so I said why not
>try the first game for about 10 hours then dropped it because I didnt like it
>still have the second game unopened sitting on a shelf
Thanks for reading my blog
ff 13 becomes good when you get to gran pulse
ff 15 never becomes good
Yes it was bad. If it wasn't a 40-45+ hr long game I'd say "it's so bad it's good". And the game does not become "good" when you get Pulse, it's still bad but less so. XIII-2 is slightly better in some ways, worse in others. Haven't played LR but I heard the gameplay is fun but the story is even more retarded.
Second game is way better, no lie.
Empty open world
Needing a fuckton of DLC to get the story
Hold O combat where you can never die
Underdeveloped characters
such a mediocre experience that I never bother buying any of the DLCs