Get shat on

get shat on

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As a consumer of Sony products, this thread deeply offends me.

Based as FUCK.

wtf is that thing on the bottom left? An escalator?

Fucking owned, They'll never recover

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page 10 save rave

lol jewny

get knocked the fuck off

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was this intendo?

Do they never clean their windows or something?

The N said no and left.


>tfw there's eagles constantly taking massive shits on my yard

Attached: this is goddamn bullshit and you know it.png (494x402, 12K)

Only soiboys and trannies clean their windows

N said the N word and was taken for re-education

Even the birds are mad by the censorship. Holy shit.

Is this the next stage of console wars? If so I approve of this.

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So they clean them a lot?


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extremely based
sonygaf's gonna lose it

at least post the real one

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>yellow grin face
It's the Sony mascot at this point

respect the lore please

>nincels think this is funny

So just as soulless as the OP then.

I'm just respecting the lore, that's all.

While I do understand you user sometimes you gotta remember that humor comes first.
While the golden face is usually a sony thing its not like people havne't used it for other companies. See Thats part of the point just switching shit around so much for fun.
And plus if you REALLY cared about the lore you'd make it an onions face, but then that ruins the point of the pic since its just insulting Nintendo despite it being meant to be aimed at Sony.
Sometimes a hat is all you need. That hat can be the wojak edit of it however so we meet a nice middleground and everyone is happy

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I feel like you made the original pic so I'm going to respect your artistic integrity and leave this as it is.

I don't agree in using the yellow grin but you made the pic so I don't have the right to edit anything.

Sony? More like Shitny, am I right bros?

imagine residing in the a designated bird pooping area in California

how much wrong can you go

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So its fucking clean in a second then.


Nope, it is older than that. That Snoygger just forced meme it as a sony thing.

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please off yourself trannie

Holy kek who took this pic and made this edit

>Only niggers and other subhumans don't clean their windows