Did you remember to sign up on patreon Yea Forums? The second tier gets you a steam key

Did you remember to sign up on patreon Yea Forums? The second tier gets you a steam key.

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Die shill

pathetic incel

literally who?

I don't play unfinished games because by the time it launches and some of the bugs are fixed my interest in playing it is already over. I'm not going to play the worst version of a game just because I can't wait. Beta testers used to get paid. Now it's just outsourced to you cucks for free and games are worse off for it.

>More content is locked behind Patreon.
I remember their last stream in February was all about not wanting to do Patreon because they didn't want to put their fans through that shitty practice.

seething tranny

What game

>chromatic aberration

Thicc but no way in hell il fall for the patreon bs

have sex incel it will solve your problems

League of Maidens

See, this right here. This is why Yea Forums is a crapshoot.

I'd pay to play but anyone who thinks it's ok to restrict their game behind a patreon can die in a ditch.

Yikes sweaty, have sex once, ok hun?

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But can I make masked qts?

go dilate

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yes. its a crapshoot for those who don't buy into your marketing shit.
If the thumbnail didn't have giant legs I wouldn't even bother replying to you.

It looks pretty awful desu

youre telling me you dont buy games because of fap bait? youre a fucking faggot thats killing Yea Forums

>Spend the budget in making another shitty multiplayer instead of good porn which is obviously your main selling point
I don't understeand, are the devs ashamed of just doing porn, so they try to justify the sexy models with a game?

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Maybe they just genuinely want to make a game that happens to also be lewd

Cause people don't buy porn as much.

kys degenerate straightfag

Her hips are ok, but her face looks ridiculous.

Porn has shit gameplay and shit budget, even hardcore consumer of porn games know this. Nothing from illusion would be "playable" without the user generated content. Not a single company has ever released half the as good of a porn game as user made content for illusion games and skyrim.

Release when? Before or after Bannerlord? Right now these are the only two games I’m looking forward to, but I think they’re both NEVER EVER

Weird choice then as it's a very distracting and condescending aesthetic, on top of just making the players want to close the game and jerk off to actual pornography, at which point the lewd art won't be as attracting as an actual consistent and more fitting art direction for an action game.
But as we say here in Spain, it's his game, and they can fuck it up however they want.

Looking a porn games patreons this art could get money easily for much less effort, on top of being a more honest and focused work.