Japan game good
West game bad
Japan game good
West game bad
Good thing you already posted a picture of yourself, now I don't have to.
So the joke here is that people who post NPC wojaks are exactly what they claim to hate, right?
West game good
Japan game bad
who do I believe?
This is not good content.
Japanese people are literally NPCs. It's kind of pathetic how much the war fucked them up.
japan game graphic bad
this but unironically
the /pol/ one
No game good
>west console game bad
this is unironically true.
The one that is true
>are exactly what they claim to hate
that's true for all the electionbabies, yes
but western people don't admit that children are sexually attractive, so west are npc
anime bad
superheroes good
>Communicating in memes sign of low IQ
>contrarianism good
>peenus weenus haha
t. NPC
Only good taste is weebshit and capeshit.
How many Japanese do you actually know, user?
>regurgitates tired meme
>isn't an NPC
truly makes one think
t. NPC
This one actually irritates me, people are okay with comic superheroes and watching capes hit but can't understand the appeal of anime
How about there are good and bad games from everywhere and you shouldn’t care where a game is from?
Based and chadpilled
anonbot is broken he's posting the same thing over and over again!
Japan game fruity
West game faggy
Because plebs don't care about animation, they only like capeshit because it translates better to live action.
>west game good
>japan game bad
>NPC Thread
>Not Rising up
t. NPC
Not that guy
I know some Japanon they suffer through 2 hours or longer trips on train twice a day. They could only playing a mobile game of some sort
Even ads on the trains for mobile games
Really big following over there.They can't even play PC games.
based and redpilled