What went wrong with Riot Games?
What went wrong with Riot Games?
Resetera always wins, bay bay. Deal with it.
Thinly veiled /pol/ thread. Not video games.
So these people opening wine bottles at 5:30 on work hours are the ones so terribly oppressed by crunch and harassment?
riot game was never good, they just stumbled into a blockbuster. Happens more than you'd think
Twitter Screencap is my favorite video game.
Converged, like all other western development studios
>enough women that a bottle of rose was gone in 60 seconds
>average bottle of wine pours about 5.5-6 glasses
So about 6 women?
If some dumb cunt opened a bottle of wine at my place of employment I'd chew them out.
>work ends at 5:30
what a lucky bitch
am i supposed to care about this? nothing "went wrong" because they were *always* godawful, and you're a retard if you think women existing had anything to do with it
>narrative designer
Absolutely disgusting
sjw non-sense literally killed them lel
A bottle of what?
Google's telling me it's a form of alcohol, but you wouldn't drink while working. What's she actually talking about?
>only women can drink rosé
Uhm, sexist much?
>narrative designer
There's this notion that the video game industry is only doing right by its employees by giving $80,000 allowances to people who do next-to-no work at their 30 hour week daycare, and then it's a shitstorm when the top brass sees what a money hole it is and cuts them loose.
they hired females
It's a humorous measurement of amount of women, because the stereotype is women love rose
What went wrong!?! WHAT WENT WRONG?
Some professional offices do allow drinking under some circumstances. Like Friday after lunch offices have a staff party when they drink in moderation. Not everyone works at McDonalds or retail. Engineering firms, architect's offices, lawyers, etc.
>Another female narrative designer
This is just the new HR position isn't it?
It is the least offensive bottle of wine, and everyone fucking loves it. Winos are such fags they don't even know what they like, they just wait for other people to tell them what they like. Charles Shaw(Formerly 2 buck chuck(currently 3 buck chuck)) has won multiple international blind wine tasting competitions stacked up against the most expensive wines on the planet. Unlike Cigars or beer people don't even know what to look for, they just use their fucking imagination to pretend they know Jack shit.
I really dunno why LOL, a game with no story, needs 500 narrative designers
A control freak would gladly trade 90% ownership of a forest for 100% ownership of its smoldering ashes.
As a result, things burn.
She's right, you know.
Umm no sweetie, if you want your game to win awards, it needs to be a well crafted movie, and that's why you need us. :)
Silicon valley in all of their infinite wisdom are retards
>have maybe 1 narrative designer
>she would probably spend 4
2-3 hours a day actually working and the rest browsing Facebook or Twitter for inspiration
>somehow decide that you need about 100 more for a game that has no fucking narrative except every decade you release a new cg trailer or comic that doesn't even expand on story.
>I wanna go to this restaurant but I hear it's run by mostly black dudes
what exactly does a narrative designer do and why are there so many of them in one company?
ideas girl
Seems like a bad idea to me, encourage your workers to have their working impaired. But then again I guess I'm not a company.
yes, but alcoholics use extra big wine glasses, so maybe 3-4
i fuckin love rosé why it gotta be a girly drink
So is riot hurting now that fortnite is the new kids game?
Or does the generation that started playing LoL still feel invested because they already spent so much time/money on the game?
explain to me why they won't just move their companies to africa or asia where they can get nothing but nonwhite applicants instead of complaining about white males in white majority countries
I do not drink alcohol but I am interested in learning how you can tell a casual pleb trash-taste alcoholic apart from the REAL alcoholics.
>people don't even know what to look for, they just use their fucking imagination to pretend they know Jack shit.
This is very common with women picking boyfriends in addition to women picking wine.
>character designers design characters creating backstory
>narrative designers should design how these characters interact with what the character designers presented
>no characters in league interact in any way whatsoever except rengar and kha zix, not through dialogue but through a Stat buff
only niggers care about "girly" drink or "manly" drinks. I actually had someone try to tell me that a dirty Martini is a woman's drink, and Hennessey was a men's drink.
the monetization method relied to much on adding new content or forcibly changing the meta. when this should be kept to a minimum in a competitive game. Adding seven hundred new champions a season and reworking the items, map, runes/masteries every week turns off a lot of players. Like if I just want to play a quick game. I will pick a champ find out masteries are totally different and have no idea what to take. Then I will lane against a champ I have no idea what does and have no idea what items to build. the game really isn't fun unless you know meta game and play at least at a certain skill level. But that level is impossible to maintain unless you play all day everyday, which less and less people are doing. Then you get the problem that not every change is a good change. forced meta changes are always dogshit. and tonnes of champs did not make positive contributions to the game with their addition. some even being flatout bad. seems to be still doing well though. Just has alienated me specifically.
Also OP please do not post random twitter accounts here. they are nor videogames and you look like a massive whiny faggot for caring.
>what does a narrative designer do
Well they don't write the story, as that's already been done. For Riot's games, a "narrative designer's" role begins and ends at writing the text for those character backstory boxes which in years passed would have been done by a programmer or creative lead.
>clearly thinks that she's a "game dev" despite being a "narrative designer"
It would be like working as a school janitor and calling yourself a teacher.
I will just come out and say it - women have no place in game design. Their mentality is not conducive to crafting a game. As a whole, they have corrupted the industry. Mediocrity is celebrated, the audience cares more about the sociopolitical message or how exposed a character is than about the gameplay itself. Interest is fading because the industry is going nowhere.
Typically it's the end of the work day, so they get the rest of the day off. It's a morale raiser and boosts camaraderie, they don't tend to work like that.
Why do modern women drink so much? They sound like borderline alcoholics whenever I overhear them.
all alcohol is girly drink. People drink to dull their shitty lives; real men face every hardship head on.
*western women
Funny how Wolf & WD season 1 which had the least writers also were the most memorable..
>oy vey stop paying your employees just hire Rajeesh and Uzman from East India
Because it's not California where all of them want to live and then be surprised if they end up with no job and money once the company goes bankrupt since it's one of the most expensive states.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>talk to your girlfriends
>they have 10 orbiters when you only have 9
>get sad and drink a bottle of wine
Life is hard for women nowadays.
False. There is manliness in getting blasted drunk and walking a balance beam anyway.
The question is if you're using alcohol to hide from your own emotions or not. MOST people use alcohol for this, but trying to complete a task while impaired is decent competition.
I mean, you're free to announce to the world that you're an idiot just like anyone, most of us are smart enough not to do so.
If someone opened wine at my place of employment they'd probably be fired and escorted out of the building
t. government employee
They stopped focusing on making the game fun and started catering towards esports and making the game "balanced". Basically, they were blinded by the want for more money. Tencent could be the reason behind it, but I'm not sure if they're really the ones to blame since some of the original dev team members were already doing some shady stuff beforehand after they left the DotA team.
I don't drink hard liquor but for beer if youre familiar with tastes and smell you can usually after a sip know some of the major ingredients used. Beers with a nutty, fruity, crisp pine, chocolate, bready taste you can kind of taste the beers story. Wine is not so much because there's a lot of very strong flavor with fermented grapes/fruits, if you don't live in Napa you probably can't pinpoint where the flavor is even coming from, hence why Charles Shaw beats expensive wine in taste tests, winos drink for status. That's not to say there's shame in enjoying wine, or enjoying a particular flavor, but once you hop into wino territory much like hopping into IPA territory people are generally just talking a bunch of shit they don't understand.
Uzman not Indian name
It obviously doesn't, this is a dire sign of the company's best years being behind it and Riot bosses turning it into a socialist enclave welfare program for their LA friends while it lasts before it starts bleeding money and Tencent fires them all. Fun fact, Riot's revenue is $700M down from its peak a couple years with no sign of profits or its playerbase going back up. Fortnite is fucking killing League of Legends, Riot's only notable work, that almost none of its employees are actually developing. 2,500 (TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED (TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED) people work for this company, the amount it takes to put out a AAA game like Red Dead Redemption 2, and they're all doing LITERALLY NOTHING to generate profit.
Give it to me straight, did they gut him?
I played League with a few mates in something lik 2011 or 2012, and he was the only character I actually enjoyed the fuck out of.
because drinking is fun. Only Americans fear alcohol. but being American isn't cool any more.
>Their mentality is not conducive to crafting a game.
Women are viable game designers. They tend to bungle the implementation of how the game's systems interact, but have more whimsical ideas about what should be included in the first place.
To support one, you must temper their flights of fancy and remind them that ideas which cannot be implemented are crap ideas.
Women are conducive to crafting a game if your staff will tell them "No, your idea sucks" if their idea does in fact suck.
If, however, your staff RESPECs WAHMEN then yes women are a resource drain and a cancer. But that's hardly the woman's fault. Women need guidance and discipline, and if you're not going to give them that guidance and discipline then you shouldn't blame them for wasting resources.
They turned him into Malfoy,fucked his transformation.
There's also Vi, Caitlyn, and Jinx if we're taking buff interactions into account.
Developer bloat is quite an issue, Blizzard is a good example of this, like 50 people made World of Warcraft, yet Blizzard now with 4000 people make something pathetic like BFA
>narrative designer
And I thought all the absurdly retarded skins they've been churning out recently was because of Tencent.
Lo and behold they're trying to squeeze as much money as humanly possible by playing it safe.
This greatly explains why women were such hotshot back in the days of point and click games. Lots of excellent ideas when you don't have to worry about the game having good gameplay
The sad part is that the game did have an interesting story and then they gutted. First they removed the in game newspaper that served the lore then they just gave up on the world they built and threw away the entire summoner association and thus tossed away all the framework for the game and character interaction so now all you get is separate vignettes for each character and occasional stories with a few of them together during a minor world event
They're still good too if you remind them that good gameplay exists and that their job as designer is to help create it.
>team of 50 DnD nerds holed up in a room making an experience exactly how they want
>4000 transwomen who don't even play video games because that's 'like, toxic'
Bait but 2nd nation in consuming beer and like 4th for vodka
Nothing ever went right with Riot games. It's an inferior DotA clone sweatshop that made a deal with the red devil.
Now, it's finally paying the price for it.
Men in charge of modeling, programming, and game design. Women in charge of art, narrative, and community management. Sounds equal to me!
Have sex.
>Mediocrity is celebrated, the audience cares more about the sociopolitical message or how exposed a character is than about the gameplay itself.
Then your complaint isn't about women, it's about the "I shouldn't have to get good" mentality.
>having emotions
Woman detected
They are characters in their own world living and doing stuff an' shieeeeeet! They have that pretty website with all the moving stylistic stuff and marketing-ready concept art an shieeeet! I know metal bands and card games with more cohesive lore implementation than fucking LoL.
That's not how it works. You give a woman an inch, and they take a mile in those circumstances.
She's probably stepping on everyone's toes and successfully wrestled actual game design away from the rest. If they protest, she'll scream rape.
Why save this as a png when it's already artifacted to fuck? This is intentional, isn't it?
Get laid, seriously.
>drinking any kind of alcohol
>employ clowns
>get a circus
>emply white 'women'
>get a toastie bbq
So how would you go about calling out a pretender/poser?
>sucks jewish dick to get job at riot & do nothing
>bitches at white dudes who actually work & calls them entitled
modern white women everyone
You have reading comprehension issues and mental illness. I say this unironically, seek help.
are you posting your memes at random?
>hooters but a bbq restaurant
do go on
this is the state of Riot, it has way too many useless employees
per capita.
It's pretty lazy
unitonic yikes are so baffling
Damage amplification is bad so they removed that.
Mana regen is bad so they removed that.
Ults have to have long cooldowns so they tripled the CD.
Arbitrary cc effects are good so they put that into his passive
>I deserve a treat for sitting on my ass all day
>married to Max (((Grossman)))
Of course.
they have to continually dehumanize the people they exploit. anything to block out guilt
post reeks of frustration
>Working with women.
Enjoy your fucking never-ending nightmare. I actually feel sorry for game devs, I don't think they signed up for baby sitting as well.
They didn't "stumble" into it you absolute retard, they have regularly updated and kept it fresh for over 10 years and outlasted dozens of these blockbuster games that were supposed to be the next biggest thing but died within a year or two.
I mean it's up there with only a few other games in terms of longevity and popularity.
also wasn't trolling. Americans have a really unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
Easiest way is a blind taste test with a false precedent. Gordon Ramsay does this all the time. He'll prepare a dish with tuna, call it beef and see what people say. Give someone a Pabst, call it a Wheat porter and see what people say
>R&D Team
lmao the literal equivalent of a diversity think tank.
once the investor jews get tired of burning money and supporting clowns, she's on the streets.
Yea, it reads like a shitpost.
League is just not at its peak of popularity but is still the top grossing PC game in the world and the most popular esport.
They drink to cope with the guilt of killing their babies.
>*takes Monday off because of a migraine or tummyache*
>"Alright everyone, we're behind deadlines coincidentally correlating with Kat's workload, so I'm gonna need you all to stay an hour late today."
It's truly baffling, I thought they were destroying the lore to save money but then they just have this fuckhuge lore department that does basically nothing
Bros, how do I get a job at Riot?
Not anymore, even it's $2.1B peak from a couple years ago would be 2nd to Fortnite but it's dangerously close to falling another several places behind other games nipping at its heels. Bad news with such a bloated workforce, expect hundreds of layoffs soon.
Oh those! Those are fucking hilarious. It never fails to amuse me. What's doubly hilarious is that the more "shitlord" (discriminatory and having high standards for who has value to society) a person is, the more likely they are to pass those bluff tests.
It makes sense, because telling good stuff apart from bad stuff is what a supremacist tries to do every day so they get practice, but people get so ass blasted that their circlejerks have no sense of taste, it's great.
be a minority woman or a regirock
Be a girl
>they fired the only girl in pic responsible for the onyxia cloak quest shortly after
>Be quiet and just want to do your job.
>Suddenly a thousand sexual harassment allegations against you.
Fuck them, for real.
Why are so many women alcoholics? I see women constantly talking about drinking wine. It is supposed to be some stereotype that men drink beer all the time, but the only people who I see really talk about drinking constantly are women and their fucking wine.
Now the "diversity council" at Blizzard is over 100 people
What does a "Narrative Designer" do? Honest question that google gave a weird answer I don't understand.
>a council of 100 people
>4000+ hours a week
>for a job that would take 15 minutes and then be phased out
Who wants to get rich? I'm starting the international diversity council, companies will fly us out for 3 weeks to keep an eye on staff payrate and race and then they pay us a shit load of money to receive a paper that says NEEDS WORK that they can hang on the front dokr
Good deflection and disinformation reply. Allow me to refocus:
The "I shouldn't have to get good" mentality is what makes a jealous entitled woman think she deserves the same respect and attention as Chun-Li or Mai Shiranui. "I shouldn't have to be a valuable person, people should just value me!"
It's also the ideology behind every single goddamn diversity message on the planet because rather than earning rights by fulfilling responsibilities, they should just be given to you because you lack them.
Demographic groups with lower IQ not getting as much success in society, or groups with a much higher rate of promiscuity having trouble finding a happy partnership? Well, try to donate that stuff to them for free!
Earning your rights through fulfilling your responsibilities is SO meritocratic, ya know?
And the gameplay part is obvious.
People who have the "I shouldn't have to get good" mentality don't like gameplay, because gameplay rewards you if you get good.
Honestly don't understand why they don't just hire ONE person to discard white male applications. It's literally all there is to it. Why spend so much money on so many people.