ITT: Scary video games

ITT: Scary video games.

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Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

There aren't any

Okay, you first?

Outlast 2 made me poop a few times.
fuck these inbreds

Attached: Outlast II.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Dead Space scared me.

Alien Isolation is stressful.

Resident Evil Remake i couldnt play alone

1 was infinitely better

the first half of Resident Evil 7 in VR

Is there another game that mimics Darkwood's night survival?

What's this from?

No. Silent Hill 4 is the closest you come to "your space is slowly being invaded", but it's piss easy compared to Darkwood and not scary.
Man, I just want someone to redo darkwood into a 3D game.

they're both bad

Ha ha dark wood ha ha ha

I keep seeing Darkwood mentioned. Is it good?

you're bad


Attached: knife.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Best actual horror game I ever played.



If you can ignore the crafting component, it's pretty good. It was recently ported to consoles as well.

>Unconscious Astronaut among psycho babushakas
This kind of juxtaposition and confusion is what makes great horror.

OP here, that's my wife

Red Dead Redemption 2 swamps at night are scarier than this game

I don't think so, and especially not with VR


>99% of horror games are just corridor puzzle game 23 or indie first person "woaaaah hide from the monsters dude theyre gonna get you dude xdd" shit

When will Condemned be topped?

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A true masterpiece.
The actual horror is always blacks and hobos.

Does it actually get any better?
Im like 3 levels in all i do is beat up druggies in a shit neighbourhood, more fun than scary.

Is there not enough staring at walls waiting for invincible monsters to leave? Not enough backtracking across copypasted corridors?
Is the god tier level design and varied settings with actual gameplay too overwhelming?

I never said it was bad.
However, so far it isnt scary at all

Fuck that was a great game. My friend and I had to take turns playing it because we were both nervous. Played it through in a night.

>he doesn't find the idea of having fun with video games terrifying
it does get better at some instances by building some good atmosphere and having some nice end game sequences

Is the one that has a bear level? It's shit, if so. Being chased by a regular bear isn't scary in a game

Imagine being scared of pixels on a screen.

That was the inferior sequel

My recommendation

Attached: Call_of_Cthulhu_-_Dark_Corners_of_the_Earth.png (256x362, 168K)

Alright! Posting the recently updated SH PC Guide + links :


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>SH2:EE install tutorial:
[YouTube] Silent Hill 2 "Enhanced edition" installation tutorial (PC)(2018) (embed)
>SH2 Audio Replacement:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

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not him but if you're a based condemned chad i will take your recommendation
thanks user
but it better be fucking good

it's got furries and autism bait gameplay

RDR2 has the best atmosphere that's for sure

his point was that if you have a brain, after you bash the 10th guys head in with a pipe you realize that's pretty much it and the sound-monster metal men at the end don't really add anything to the "horror"

As opposed to what?
Name a horror game.

the gameplay is good, the actual horror elements/muh aesthetic is alright but overrated

Tough boy plays his horror games at bright daylight volume at comfy 5%? Or watches his favorite let's player do it?

fuck off

It's fucking good bud. I was replying to myself.

I bought this a few years ago, but I can't get it to run well on Windows 7. Always runs like shit no matter what I tried.

lone survivor isn't that scary but it's scarier than condemned
condemned is like on the same level as the suffering, or how something like the Evil Dead isn't really a horror movie because the subject matter is a little too goofy

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>Dead Space scared me
hello fellow zoomer

Fuck yes it is.

No. Nice projection btw

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Soma more like Snorra

Fuck off, Soma had potential but it's literally a walking simulator, just like Amnesia

Penumbra is better than Amnesia buddy

>WAAAAAA wHeRE mY ShooDY shOoDy baNG BanG?!?!?!?

Dead space, a horror game with an actual great atmosphere and terrifying creatues, fuck all those walking/hiding simulators like Outlast.

you "tried" but didnt even check pcgw
ok lol

Why are you saying Condemned isn't scary? Name the scariest game. Because the "horror games" that Yea Forums parrots like resident evil and those walking sim youtuber bait games are never scary in the slightest
woaaah dude look at the monster dude its so gross haha watch out its gonna get you
and if it gets you you have to repeat the last 20 minutes of "gameplay" consisting of putting square pegs into square holes haha wont that be an inconvenience haha
also here's a map because we cant make an interesting level to orient yourself in, just look at this 2d drawing instead haha

>Used to be giant pussy, could barely get past first screen of horror games
>Now just see horror games are boring shlock
It's like a switch was flipped, one day I couldnt' touch them, the next they don't raise a single emotion from me
If you aren't scared of a horror game the game's issues stand out a hell of a lot more, now I can't enjoy them.

It's the EXACT same game but with aliens.

>Dead Space: Shooting Simulator the Game

nigga there's no need to be defensive
it's just that the game where the enemy shows up and you get into a fast-paced 2x4 fight in an abandoned building (like 300 times) isn't all that scary, and to me evokes the feeling of like a mid-2000s movie where jet li fights jason statham instead of a horror story

obviously the good silent hill games are scarier, there's spooky point and click adventure PC games like scratches or dark fall, shit like that
please don't start crying or something, because it seems like you're taking this pretty hard

Condemned: Bum Fights the Game

dead space was fucking boring
its only claim is that its a shooter but they fucked that up too
>dogshit mouse control
>dogshit controller support
>dogshit movement

and the level design was just the same le epic spaceship corridor copy pasted over and over and over and over, about 4 hours in I looked up a longplay and saw the second half was exactly the same as what i already played so i didn't even bother to finish it, fuck that boring slog of a game.
nope. for me, it's Condemned. The ONLY horror game. Still yet to be proven wrong, maybe when I play call of cthulu that user earlier posted.

Outlast and RE2 WISHES their stories could be as good as the first Dead Space. They WISH they could be as scary.

But first Dead Space is good.

Congrats you just described RE2 remake.

like how condemned is a grey-brown room or alleyway copypasted over and over

I would say that Condemned is genuinely scary (one of the scariest games period) on harder difficulties, as the combat maintains high stakes and tension while still feeling great to play. I love old-school tank control horror game design but the fact that Condemned is both easy/fun to play while being absolutely terrifying at the same time shows that the genre still has a lot of room to grow, and maybe just looking to the past isn’t for the best. But I would take old-school any day over hide-and-week jumpscare bullshit.


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Don't answer the door

All the "walking simulators" are scary as fuck. If I had guns, etc. it wouldn't be scary at all. This is from Stories Untold btw.

Attached: Stories Untold_2019_05_31_02_49_40_744.png (1680x1050, 577K)

Shit taste

>Mannequin department store
>Street level outdoors
>Abandoned house in the middle of nowhere
>Office blocks
>Underground subway

If a game is only scary because you "don't have guns" that's a failure by game design.

It sounds like you should have played on a harder difficulty. Never played on Normal but on higher difficulties combat is tense because enemies can take you down in just a couple of hits, and are extremely aggressive.

>dark grey

Are you 17 years old

Answer the door.

>walking and and bulletsponge hell on top

Played with a decent headset

Attached: Darkwood.jpg (600x800, 168K)

S: Silent hill 2, Ecco Defender of the Future, Darkwoods, Stalker SoC
A: Call of Chuthulhlhuthu, Nosferathu Wrath of Malachi, Stories Untold, Exanima, VtmB, Silent Hill Shattered Memories
B: ECHO, Inside
C: ZeldaIII, Zelda Ocarina of Time

is there some law saying he has to be afraid of video games?

Maybe my instincts just work better than yours, because walking through a dark hallway into a pitch black darkness should scare a normal person.

I just played Condemned a few months ago and I was disappointed desu. It felt too repetitive in that every location was some drab run down area with hobos 90% of fights. The general story was meh

just like that shit game breakdown
that game was about as scary as condemned, too
especially stunlocking enemies, some real horror there

Legit felt more terror and claustrophobia running from a twitching screaming necromorph than from big bubba in outlast.

God speed you user.

There's nothing scary in dead space lmao

The enemy design alone shits on everything in Outlast

The duality of man.

I never played outlast, but i do believe you

knock knock.

Walking simulators are shit because they have no failure state
Every single spook you can just walk straight into because there's no reason to care. No reason to avoid it. Unless it has a monster that you have to hide from, which is even worse, because you just have to stare at a wall waiting for an arbitrary timer to count down so you can keep playing. It kills the immersion and reminds you you're playing a game.
Likewise, old school horror games that rely on wasting the player's time kill their immersion by having enemies/bosses that can kill you without the player having any real control of their characters, i.e. every tank control game ever.
Condemned gives the player control AND gives them a reason to control the game's danger. When you open a door and there's a zombie there, in a walking sim it won't matter because you just run away from it until it goes, or you run into it because it won't kill you. In a tank control game you just vaguely control your character to lock on and shoot the thing until it dies.
In Condemned it's an enemy, and it will charge at you, and you have to pay attention as you sidestep it and cave its head in with a sledgehammer. Just because you have actual gameplay in a videogame doesn't "cancel out" its horror. That's such a retarded fucking idea. It's a game and gameplay should come first. The idea that gameplay in a horror game kills the horror is so fucking retarded, because it's not a horror game then, it's just horror, but without the context of a game the horror on its own falls flat.
FUCK walking simulators
FUCK old school tank control shit


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Reminder that all walking simulator haters are autistic as fuck. They can't feel tension.

What's the op img from?

I don't think zoomers are old enough to know what Dead Space is desu

Are you fucking 13?
You spam attacks on hobos for 90% of the game and then a trenchcoat wearing retard with a metal jaw is the final boss.

P.T is a walking simulator and easily the scariest game ever made.

My own opinion, although this list is what I think of the horror aspect of those games, not necessarily how good they are as games. Might be a little unfair to the ones lower on the list cause I played them a lot later and I feel like I'm almost numb to horror at this point and nothing really gets me like it used to 15-20 years ago.

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>Walking simulators are shit because they have no failure state
Actually, it depends on how broad definition of a walking sim you have. Games like Amnesia, Outlast, SOMA and even that pretty terrible Kholat games did actually have fail-states, yet they are viewed by many as walking sims.

Is this Death Stranding?

Unironically 10/10 for about 75% of the game, drags on by the end.

>the subject matter is a little too goofy
That's how I felt about Lone Survivor honestly. There are disturbing moments in it, but the more you play, the more it devolves into some whacky, nonsensical game where it seems like nothing you did previously really matters.

>yet they are viewed by many as walking sims
Because those people haven't played those games.


that's "scarier" than constant melee battles like it's an elder scrolls game

Dead Space succeeded, because the creatures were just that based. Took the concept of zombies, mixed them with The Thing with some lovecraftian shit thrown into the mix and made a life form x10 more creepy. Dead Space was the game to make me say "hey, you know maybe normal zombies aren't that bad".

>whataboutism sycophancy

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Woman hopped up on super mold are definitely dangerous

As opposed to holding R1 and spamming X in Resident Evil/SH, or staring at walls in Penumbra/Amnesia/Outlast/Alien Isolation?

if you're going to be a contrarian faggot and shit on Condemned, you need to name a better horror game.

And that's why it's better

I've played this for about an hour and it's nothing special so far.

If you want old school classic horror, I think Penumbra (Overture and Black Plague to be specific) did a fairly good job. Amnesia never immersed me nearly as much as Penumbra did, but wasn't terrible.
Alien Isolation may be one of the best classic style horror games I've played in recent memory. Very, very good, even if the last third is weak and the ending terrible.
Soma has a fine story, but it never felt scary to me.

If you want more unorthodox horror, you might want to look into something like Cryostasis (if you can get your hands on it). It's mostly an action game but has very tense moments.

The two games I think that scared me most however were curiously enough not actually horror games. It was the original Pathologic, and The Void by Icepick Lodge. They both included scenes that actually messed with your head in a way not seen in other games. I'm curious if Pathologic 2 has anything comparable. So far, the game has been very tense (much more than the original), but there wasn't any pants-shitting moment for me yet.

>Alien Isolation is stressful
People play Alien: Isolation wrong. You're supposed to lower your gamma significantly and let the amazing lighting do the work while turning off the music entirely.
>Flashes of gunshots letting you barely see the Alien lunging at the guy shooting at you from the other side of Medical
>Working out the silhouette of a Working Joe and seeing his eyes turn red
>Necromorph blending in with the Hive environment and darkness
>Chaotically sprinting away with only the light of the Molotov you've just thrown to illuminate your escape
Fucking horror KINO. Best part is that there's tons of little moments like these that are completely unscripted.

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I wish someone would make a good co-op horror game but I don't think it's possible for such a thing to exist


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because shooting at a monster doesn't remove tension as much as literally beating some guy with a pipe you just yanked off the wall
alien isolation is garbage, I've never played amnesia and I don't like outlast, stop making strawman arguments and sperging out like a child


>old school horror games that rely on wasting the player's time kill their immersion by having enemies/bosses that can kill you without the player having any real control of their characters, i.e. every tank control game ever

I bet that you believe that Dark Souls is also a big time waster where you have no control over your character because everything can kill you very fast? Just git gud at the damn game, fag

Attached: blast.gif (500x292, 853K)

>crafting menu
>hear footsteps next to me getting closer
>nothing there

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Tfw Finally bought darkwood after playing on the piratebay file shared by the developpers at release. Feels good brehs, acid wizzards really came up with the best true horror game of the last 5 years and they eventually gave it away for free. Absolute madlads. They're absolute bros

How is there tension holding one button and spamming another without your actions having any impact on the world? How is that immersive?
>Well, I'll just sit here and press these buttons knowing the game will have given me enough ammo to progress to the next cutscene.
>And if it didn't, I guess I have to reload my save haha
Totally not immersion killing.

>wasting the player's time
you mean like having to 3 shot sixteen meth addicts in a row with a piece of wood before you can go to the next place where you repeat the process?

More horror games should have these describing texts.

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>He thinks he has control over a game where you can't strafe or turn around
Are you a consolefag who has never played a game with a mouse and keyboard?

That's not scary, that's startling.

Post examples of well done jump scares.

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Heard that observer_ has the same vibe as condemned but cyberpunk. Bought it on sale on GOG, I'm starting it tonight

user let me tell ya, it's some BS.

>Videogame has gameplay
Who'd have thought?

it's more immersive (and I'm repeating this again because you seem to be autistic) than having junk fights with an army of hobos
I am not making hyperbolic statements about what the scariest game or most immersive horror experience is or whatever the fuck you're trying to say through your tears, I'm saying condemned isn't that scary

>Outlast 1 - Normal guy hiding from freaks without weapons he can use for protection
>Outlast 2 - Olympic athlete sprinting from Hicks the entire time, refusing to pick up countless pitchforks and machetes on the ground

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>gameplay is so ridiculous and repetitive you're no longer afraid because it's the 40th time a guy has sprinted around a corner

unironically outer wilds

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>he thinks every horror games should be first person plank-assault-on-hobo simulator

Condemned is a horror game.
It has gameplay AND horror
Why are you bitching about the horror game having gameplay? Yes, Condemned has gameplay. It also has horror.

Routine is coming out soon, guys; any day now! I can't wait, I bet it'll be a lot of scary fun! I've got my preorder down at gamestop!

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Its gameplay destroys the horror. It's not a horror game. Beating people up is not scary.

the school flashbacks fucked me up
link related

>ITT: scary video games
>"dude Condemned is the scariest, I was really on the edge of my seat crying for mommy when I bashed a junkie with a lead pipe for the 75th time"

Fug... any chance for it to be alive?

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>lmao dead space 3 (even in F tier)

It had a good thing going for it, but then they had to end the demo with pickaxe lady castrating you, and then have her be pretty much the first enemy you encounter in the main game itself
Way to make basically nothing else in the game scary.

I think it's dead in the water, Jim

I think "thriller" is a more accurate term for Condemned but we don't really acknowledge a thriller genre for games. If it was film it'd definitely be classified as a thriller and not a horror.

>He wasn't scared when he went through the abandoned house hearing footsteps from behind

>another mildly interesting game given the big suck by China
*unzips TPB*

The AI in condemned does make it scary at first though, at least for me.
>get ambushed by hobo around the corner
>smack him in the head
>he reels back and runs off all of a sudden
>turns out he's prepping another ambush somewhere deeper in the level
It's even worse with the fake mannequin enemies that don't make sound. You can always bolt after them and kill them before they do these things though. Learning how OP the taser is killed the horror for me pretty fast anyway.

>He wasn't scared when he went through the abandoned house hearing footsteps from behind
No. Because that happens in EVERY LEVEL.
And the solution to that problem is either do nothing because it's not an enemy, or beat it up because it is.
Neither of those things are scary.

name a horror game then you colossal faggot
you literally can't, there are no other horror games
just walking sims with no gameplay and corridor tank control puzzle collections with no gameplay

just pirate it, sweeny already paid for your copy.

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this shit, not because of its jumpscares but the overall creepiness

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Stories Untold

If they have a large fuck off knife, you bet they are.

look at this unimaginative faggot

by your standards red steel is a horror game
and by your standards chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay is a better horror game
you sound like such a faggot, jesus christ

Devs were to release it on steam originally, piracy it is

Could say the same about you.

>says gameplay destroys the horror of resident evil and silent hill
>"but just use your imagination when that happens in condemned"

Damn i just pirated observation (epic exclusive obliges) it looks lika a god damn interesting game

It's best to go in blind, hope you didn't spoil yourself already.

>literally walking simulators with no gameplay
I said horror GAMES user

Those have plenty of gameplay. Are you okay user? Should those games have guns because you can't enjoy your games without shooty shooty bang bang?

learn to draw inspiration from the environment
if you can

the argument of combat comes way later

power-drill massacre

no he thinks the pinnacle of horror is beating people to death with a 2x4

Why play some shitty game when you can get scared absolutely shitless for free just by going outside?

Only do this when you live in a very safe place. Nothing will happen to you 99.9 of the time but you will have the best horror experience you can get.

1. Go out to the woods or some other place in your area that is completely devoid of human beings at night. Places with tons of options to hide like in the woods is the best. 2 kilometers removed from human civilization is more than enough.
2. When you're there pretend that you're hunted. You can imagine whatever makes you feel the most scared. In a remote place at night where you're all alone the atmosphere will be so dense that you will get scared no matter what the moment you're pretending to be hunted. it doesn't matter how mentally strong you think you are. The absolute real situation coupled with real uncertainty and the minimal chance that there is really something will break you.
3. Run and hide to your hearts content. If you're lucky you will see some harmless humans and can hide from them to pretend that they're serial killers.

I did this 4 times and it was always so extremely intense that I cried literally every single time at some point because I was so scared. Literally no video game can even do anything to me at this point.

i know what it's about, what you are and that it's a puzzle game. nothing major i think

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>run through corridor
>run through corridor
>run through corridor
>pick up the green triangle and put it in the green triangle shaped hole! aren't you a clever gamer haha
>here's some more corridors to run through! ;)

What is that?

"People" who dislike "walking simulators" have no imagination or sense of tension. They think that horror games should all be action games with horror elements because the sense of action is the only thing they can detect.

Same with horror movies. The psychological horror movies are the scary ones, not the Halloween and Friday ones.

Attached: Zen Cat.jpg (962x813, 109K)

>run through corridor
>beat up hobo
>run through corridor
>beat up hobo
>run through corridor
>beat up hobo

man, you and your faggot boyfriend having a back and forth in this thread sure are annoying

Video games have no true fail states at all because you can just reload a save or restart the game. All you really want is fear of the tedium that entails.

probably the best horror i've played
no jumpscares, just really sick atmosphere. best played at night plus weed

>Walking simulators are shit because they have no failure state
>Every single spook you can just walk straight into because there's no reason to care
This is kind of disingenuous. There’s no failure state in a movie or book either, but those can certainly be scary. Not having a proxy for death available to the person consuming the media does not detract from the fear of a situation, at least if you have the 7 brain cells required to use your imagination when experiencing a piece of fucking fiction.

It’s fine to chide walking simulators for their lack of meaningful gameplay alone, they’re not exactly the best thing to recommend for someone looking for a GAME in a strict sense, but if your primary criterion is “I want to be scared” they’re perfectly capable of that

The Moon Sliver was great, though The Music Machine wasn’t. Well, it was okay, just not scary.
To an extent Yume Nikki (the original, I never played the reboot) and to a greater degree, .flow

These sorts of games represent peak “scary game”; they’re not strictly “horror” but they’re unsettling and weird and fairly nerve-wracking.


it isn't that good. gameplay is okay, but the horror element is kinda weak and it gets repetitive, but the game is worth a play anyway

how old are you

the monsters and scripted shit ruins it
it was super interesting finding out the story but the enemies fucking ruin it

Most of those games are shit. I'm playing Call of Cthulu and having fun. Alien Isolation was also good. Outlast was terrible.

They added a mode where the monsters can't kill you.

For a light experience you can also stay at home. At night when you're alone at home turn everything off and just pretend there is something there. You can borrow old dolls from your grandma and put them up somewhere or use other props. I did this a few times and couldn't sleep because it was so scary.

Yep, sounds like gameplay to me

the gameplay of beat 'em up, maybe
not a horror game

It wouldn't be a horror game if it didn't have gameplay, retard

No, it's

>run through corridor
>solve puzzles, find out more about the world, get immersed
>run through corridor
>solve puzzles, find out more about the world, get immersed
>run through corridor
>solve puzzles, find out more about the world, get immersed

by your definition resident evil has no gameplay

after 20 minutes of gameplay you can cut the atmosphere in your romm with a knife

The only gameplay horror games can have without eventually becoming non-horror are games where your most interactions with the world are solving puzzles and finding out more about the world through things like notes, NPCs, etc.

I like stuff like that more than beating everything up.

This is one of the worst cases of OLD GOOD NEW BAD I've seen in a while

I know outlast 2 gets shit on a lot, but i fucking loved it. American religious cults as a general theme really appeal to me, and the game was so bombastic in how gory and fucked up it was that i wanted to see what would happen next. It also looks incredible, those graphics are fucking tight.

Agreed with the first two have not played REmake 2 yet

this is all me btw. Sorry but you have to hate Soma! It doesn't even have guns.

I don’t understand why taking a walk through a creepy place doesn’t count as gameplay. Even if the game is essentially just a big fucking maze and the entire point is just to get from one end to the other, it’s the setting and atmosphere that make it creepy and therefore successful.

You could make a very successful horror game about being lost in the woods at night and trying to find your way out if you peppered those woods with bits and pieces of stuff that hinted at a larger and more terrifying story around you. There wouldn’t need to be anything to do but wander through the woods. I would play that.

I agree 100%.

I know but that doesn't change that it's fucking stupid
there's that one scripted sequence where you literally just have to run from one of them, the one where you literally cannot sneak past because an invisible trigger makes him spot you so that they can have a scripted sequence where you yell for her to close the door and that one with the monster guarding the battery or whatever it was that literally will not fucking move no matter how much you throw shit or try and bait it out.
even the normal enemies just make it boring hide and seek
the bottom of the ocean was a good place and I just think soma is pretty much the example of wasted potential, the story is legitimately interesting and the part where simon gets copied into the diving suit is one of it's better moments
god I hate people like you

I know its exactly not what's it's going for, but i want a mode like Concdmed 2 that gives you a gun. I want to RP as a street filth cleaner/ dirty Harry. I just love street scrum as an enemy and want to be able to shoot them

Which RE? RE1-3 have no gameplay
No horror either, nothing in those games is scary. The only fear in them is the fear of repeating the last 20 minutes of monotonous corridor walking because you didn't fucking activate the typewriter often enough. So immersive
RE4 has gameplay, but it still lacks horror. RE2make game so close to having gameplay, but it ruined it with its shitty damage RNG/adaptive difficulty, which hugely overshadowed the few scary moments it had. Plus, the "puzzles" were fucking retarded and immersion breaking

>Solve puzzles
they're fucking shit puzzles, they're either so easy its insulting or so vague you'd need prestige 10 autism or an internet guide to figure out
Not gameplay
>Find out more about the world
I'm here for horror and gameplay not to read fucking lore about a world I haven't been convinced to care about
>Get immersed
Yeah nothing is more immersive than looking at a 6 square grid thinking how many of my arbitrary grid slots I need free to pick up some arbitrary keys to get to the next cutscene and activate the next typewriter so I dont have to repeat the same bullshit over and over

I kinda liked stories untold until the reveal after the final chapter.

Do anyone know of any good horror/spooky games with fanatic cults involved? Already played RE4.


>RE1-3 have no gameplay
you're an actual child

darkwood is real fucking good but I disliked the night survival shit its just barricade walls and use the closet to completely hide

>user is in charge of making a wild rollercoaster ride for some quick thrills but instead makes every person that got on the ride to regret life and become emotionally stunted until suicide is the only option

He's been shitposting the entire time for (You)s, you dummy.

Oh shit, thanks. I actually got the whole outlast collection a while back, but I never really got into the first one. Do I have to play it to play the second one?

Doom 3.

How is running through corridors over and over and over and over again gameplay

I agree with Soma being up top. People who don't like it I feel havnt finished it. It's not scary, but its disturbing as all hell. Meme to say that, sure, but it's the truth.

>Lost in vivo
Great enemy and sound design. Took me completely off guard

I like Condemed. A lot. But that said, you're a fucking idiot my man. If you think Dead Space is dogshit, I have lost respect for you and your opinion on nearly everything else becomes devalued. The fact that you didn't even bother to finish the game and looked up a god damn let's play only solidifies my thoughts of you.

You make me sick.

both are pretty scary desu
condemned mostly because the bum don't make much noise until they're on you
and dead space because the music just explode and you don't know where you should be looking

silent hill 4 just paralyzed me I couldn't get out of the room
silent hill 3 was ok though

Убивaй кocмoнaвтoв oни лeзyт нa нeбo,
И дeлaют, чтo нe дoзвoлeнo Бoгoм.

tank control RE´s have turn180° button....

fucking outer wilds, that's what

>memed into pirating it, looks like a cozy little space game
>get in my rinkydink spaceship, boost into space
>love it, mega hyper giga chill
>land on a planet
>its moon is a volcano
>put my suit on, hop out for a spacewalk
>exploring for a while when suddenly the volcano moon shoots a fucking flaming boulder at the ground
>ground under me gives way, I fall
>instinctively kick in jetpack to try boost back to ship
>barely miss it
>look down
>in the centre of the planet there's a terrifying looking black hole
>slowly fall into it as my jetpack doesn't propel me hard enough
>zipped into empty space
>can see the planet I was on, plus my home planet
>too far away
>drift in silence until I suffocate

Not to fucking mention
>pic related, ocean planet in a perpetual storm with tornados that will toss you out into the atmosphere or push you down into the depths
>weird fog planet where lights guide you but some of the lights are giant fucking anglerfish
>generally realisation that you and your ship are fragile as shit
>sometimes the sun explodes

fuck this game

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You're fucking autistic. Grow up and unironically have sex.

No, that's RE3. RE1 and 2 don't unless you mod the PC version.

No shit it's easy to dab on monsters in a walking simulator, Retard, we don't need an essay from you describing it.

If you can't immerse yourself past knowing a game is a game , that's a failure of imagination on your part.

>1680x1050 image for a line of text

you're a fucking dumbass

>horror game thread
>the thing not posted once after 300 replies
The state of Yea Forums

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semi related, what are games with super high level of ambiance and immersion like Stalker? the use of sounds, atmosphere and aesthetic always suck me in but I am so used to it that it is lessened nowadays and I know the game back to front.

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>RE1-3 have no gameplay
you are legit retarded

You do not have to play Outlast 1 at all (although there are minor references to the Murkoff Corporation in notes in the second game).


You fucking unbearable loser, I like Condemed but the fact that you're a part of its fan base makes me want to chuck the disc off a cliff

Hasn't even been 250 replies

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That shit was scary but I mechanically hated that game something fierce. It all seemed so TECHNOLOGY and shit but the execution got so bad.

>Condemned on A
>Eternal Darkness and RE2 that low
>RE2make, RE0, and code veronica that low
>RE4 on par with homecoming
>Haunting ground that low
>SH4 and 1 at the same tier

ds 3 packs a lot of action and only "stressful" moments, not horror at all

but lorewise it is scary tho, the dlc included

is it actual horror i thought it was some dumb tps

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Alien Isolation
Amnesia: Dark Descent, maschine for the pigs
Call of Cthulhu
Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the earth
Five Nights at Freddys ( part 1-5)
The Forest
Fran Brown ( meh)
Little Nightmares
Penumbra:Overture, Black Plague, Requiem

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Lol what the Fuck are you pulling my leg m8

Does it have to be an FPS, or are we just talking generally?

This user gets it

>condemned is the only horror game that exists?
What? Am I being baited or has retard-rage taken you over so thoroughly that you're making outrageous claims like this?

> FNAF 1-5
Now I dont want to be that guy. But he really could have stopped at part 3. Would have wrapped everything up in a nice little bow. But then again scott has apparently found a perpetual motion machine of pure profit so I cant really blame him

Play SOMA, play Observation.

yep the last parts are a real horror, like they are shit. Didnt try VR though

You can play the second one as a completely separate experience my man

If you are like-minded, recommend some other creepy walking sims? I'm about to start NaissanceE for the first time.

looks bretty gud

I try not to pretend that books and everything afte 3 dosnt exist. Im also angry I havnt made as much money as MattPat has made spoon feeding us none sense

Slender: The Eight Pages has got you covered, bro

Thanks, m8.


I'm amazed by your continued lack of taste more and more the deeper into the thread we go.

The NPCs get so afraid sometimes they blow their own brains out. It was a squad TPS ahead of its time

Slenderman never did it for me. It's all become to meme-y at this point, I don't think I could ever really enjoy it. Sort of like any SCP game they make. Even if the content is good on its own, I can't take it seriously because it's fucking Slenderman. That breaks down my ability to invest in the story.

any other games like darkwood? rich in atmosphere and dread?

>resident evil remake
Why? What's so scary about that game?

You are faster than all enemies in the first game as well.

It's not even a good game. Too ambitious, badly made.

even a 5 yold with a knife can be dangerous, knifes are dangerous by themselves, you know?

Observation, SOMA

i thought oblivion was pretty scary, everything looked inhuman

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whatever happend to those guys?

Hunt Showdown is also pretty scary.

Love and hate this game so much, but always come back to it.

Clock tower first fear, SH 1-3, REmake, Fatal Frame 2, Forbidden Siren
Fatal frame 1, and 3, Manhunt, the Thing, RE2, RE4, REmake 2, Silent Hill 4, Eternal Darkness, Forbidden Siren 2, Haunting Ground, RE outbreak 2, Dino Crisis, Clock tower 1
Alien:Isolation, Obscure , Clock Tower 3, RE3, Code Veronica, RE0, RE4, Rule of Rose, RE outbreak 1
Outlast 1-2, Amnesia, SOMA, Cold Fear, Obscure 2, SH origins

My problem with alien isolation is mostly about how utterly broken xenos are. i mean, i know they are way stronger than me, but at least the big ass revolver should stun them a bit or something, i dunno. the moment your hitbox collides with his, it's game over.

Thoughts, opinions? From people who have actually played it?

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Goddamn, you must be easily scared

I wish I was at home so I could pull up my library. My memory is so terrible.

I'm going to assume you've played Soma, because you ought to have. I actually have never heard of NaissanceE, what is that?

I know there is a game set on the bottom of the ocean where you're in a diving suit where you get oxygen deprivation hallucinations but I cant remember the name of it...

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is not scary at all, but it made me really fucking sad at certain parts and made me think life is rather pointless

nobody played it

>> Cold Fear
was fucking great

I liked it, but its not so much horror its more the atmosphere.

But it has almost 2000 reviews on Steam.

haha what if they ripped his astroman suit off and starting sitting on his face

REmake can be unnerving when you're low on ammo and you don't remember how long its been since you killed that one zombie without decapitating or burning him

they're fake

Despite RE4 being one of the most memed games in existence, no one talks about the ost or the first time a farmer's head exploded into a parasite.
first part of RE4 is pure horror material.

The final area is absolute kino.

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I bought it for 60 and immensely regretted it despite finishing the game. Not scary, broken gameplay elements... I should have waited for a deep deep sale because there IS value in it, nust not what I wanted

I actually never played Soma, maybe I should. I won't really enjoy it if there's much more to it than taking a walk, though. Maybe light puzzle-solving. It's not that I have a problem with action-oriented games, but what I'm looking for is more passive and surreal. Basically if I can die in it, it isn't what I'm talking about.

I don't know much about NaissanceE except that it's about navigating an enormous black superstructure alone. I feel like it was recommended to me on the grounds of its similarity to House of Leaves but, again, I haven't played it yet.

Resident Evil remake has some spooky moments like your first crimson head encounter but silent hill 1 and 2 were games that made me very uneasy. The atmosphere and the sounds make the game super fucking creepy. You gotta play them by yourself in the dark with headphones cranked up for maximum spoops

Original Doom 3 is the game that scared me the most

>using a hand in any way after you just had a knife through it

SOMA has safe mode which makes all the enemies harmless. Definitely play it. It's great. Stay away from spoilers.

Dead Space 2 is a million times better than the original Dead Space. Don't even try to argue with me.

Then you'll love it because it's exactly what you're describing. It's a walk simulator with light puzzle-solving. Most of the game is just atmosphere and its story.

Which horror game has the best and or creepiest twist? No twist spoilers though.

They would sure have shown him my man xD xD xD

That sounds like something out of a Terminator movie lol

The real issue with games like amnesia is that they're not video gamey. I can play resident evil or silent hill multiple times because there's shit to unlock and the gameplay feels rewarding but with something like amnesia or outlast or the millions of retarded unity games, it's basically like a horror attraction at an amusement park. It's fun to go inside but there's no reason to do it again

phantasmagoria 2

Stasis has a good and dark story
same for Darkwood
Call of Cthulu got more endings

Close this thread and buy Soma immediately. Avoid spoilers. It is EXACTLY what you need. You can turn a mode on that disables enemies even. The story alone is worth every penny and the environments are pure kino.

>walking simulator
>not even puzzles
>hide and seek
Those are the worse.

They're basically totally different genres so i'm not sure it's fair to either to compare them. One is a horror game, the other is an action adventure game with a few horror elements.

How can you successfully make a horror survival sandbox

Play Darkwood and instead of the game music put this on

Why is that?

agreed. but to each its own.


jump scares

>i never watched terminator

and as you make you way to the final altar
you can see the rifts in the sky peering into the deep space and the thunder occasionally casting shadows of the huge tentacles of Cthulhu

pure kino

>Clock tower first fear

breath of fart iv. navigating those towns with that camera is pure horror

Are there any other games and/or movies that do something similar? It was cool as fuck.

This. At this point in RE4, I was still hoping for the rest of the game to be soon turning into old-school RE. A more horrific tone, exploring old abandonned facilities, laboratories, discovering that the las plagas has been made by remnants of umbrella still in buisness, etc...
I was surprised to see it devolve instead into pure, unbridled B-movie schlock nonsense, even by RE standards. But still, what a good game that was.

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Downpour kinda tried that. I liked the open elements 9n TEW2.

join my spoopy gejm gais

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I was hoping the whole game would be like this. Of course the best area is only 5 minutes long.

jej ima try it

lol the fuck is this? are you to poor to stream on something legit?

streaming is the cancer of the internet btw

does anyone else get turned off immediately by first person? logically it should be more immersive and horrifying, but I always lose interest in these games quickly. maybe it's just because I grew up with third person games like RE and SH and am a nostalgia fag for the cinematic camera angles.

What's some good VR Horror?

Resident Evil 7.

Any hype?

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But Dead Space 2 is scarier than Dead Space 1

never found one

The Forest can be quit good, but i always had problems with the controls, especially with the bow

don't think so
then again eldritch horror is very tricky to play on as it hugely depends on the viewer

nu-Godzilla comes close to the final setting desu
huge monster standing on the sea lol

Resident Evil 7 my dude.

more hyped for pic related atm

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is this the game where you hear someone whisper "hey you're going to die."?

Only thing that made me poop my pants was taking a wrong turn and having to do the entire sequence over again.

>tfw too pussy to risk patrols kicking me out of state parks at night
just kill me familia

Shin Godzilla? Because if so, yes, lovecraftian as fuck

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Play Observation. It came out a week ago. Pirate it if you don't like Epic Store. Go in blind.

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okay fag

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This user is on the right path. Puppet Combo Games is making some great stuff, and not just some jumpscare crap, though they do the best jumpscare crap. The Glass Staircase is pretty much a playable giallo.

All the interesting features were an illusion. Many a player got annoyed when they found out infection was scripted.
>Give guy blood test before entering building hes fine
>Do it after waiting 10 seconds and walking in he isnt
Great concept for a game but the world wasnt ready for it yet.

And they have the nerve call people degenerates?

>something spoopy is telegraphing its presence
>better hide

i dont really get the appeal

Tell me more about these guys.

I live in Texas. This is not a thing.

if you don't like pixelated games:

Lone survivor
Lost in vivo

also, like everyone on this thread, yes Darkwood is great.

Also Stasis (pic related) is great

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You are not a real Texan cuck

Hide and run from them. It will make it more intense.

i loved this game when i played it 12 years ago. does it still hold up? i forget what kind of hidden collectible shit they had in the game, are they reasonably findable without a guide and is there a reward making them worth finding?

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Theology, also choice between flash light and gun

>Country on high alert due to strange string of obese neckbearded men sightings in national parks nationwide. When approached by park rangers the men let out an unsettling 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEE' and scurry deeper into the woods. So far park staff attempts at apprehending the men have failed, the only known lead they have are strange spaghetti trails littering the parks

Fuck, man. I mean, I honestly predicted the ending and felt annoyed because of it. My friend directed a short film back in high school where this guy lives in a limbo because he had been driving drunk and got his friend killed. That being said, I fucking loved this game. All scenarios were thought out well and I kept hoping for it was about aliens or some other shit instead of the sad truth I saw miles away. And the atmosphere. I had goosebumps 24/7 while playing that. I've had a recurring nightmare about being in a distant observation center in Antarctica with this huge towering building with a blinking red light on the top of it, sending this wailing siren through the ice and snow. That scene got me really bad. Fuck Devolver though. Fuck their greedy asses for selling Observer to Epic. I can wait. It's only a year.

And what about bull testicles?

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One guy that makes PS1 era horror games. Most have an 80s feel to them, as he's trying to capture the feeling of his games being one of those direct to video horror movies that were so popular in the 80s. Even has an option in some for VHS distortion, though I'm sure Yea Forums will call that hipster crap or whatever buzzwords they wanna though around. Games are on the guy's Patreon.
Honestly, $5 isn't a bad deal for them.


Sorry. Yes. Also sorry about spoilers if there's someone who has not played Stories Untold.

hahahaha no, I don't want to get arrested

Dead space was not scary in the slightest. 3rd person and you had enough firepower to just blast everything.

Are you stupid? The environments are amazing. I haven't played it since like 2017 and I still vividly remember the mall level with the guys disguised as mannequins and the train tunnel where you encounter the fast methhead hobos.

The games look interesting, I think I'll play them.

Give it one more try without music so you can appreciate its sound design though.

>Chains rattling

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Only Patreon I support, but it's worth it.

This artwork is really amazing. Seeing the guy in the futuristic hazard suit being brought down to such primitive levels of savagery. The savages that are all female for some reason with their weapons just seconds before they're going to rip trough technology and minimize the person in the suit to the same kind of bleeding human.

My only gripe is that the women look too fuckable. Nice legs and the one at the right doesn't even really give a fuck.

I feel like the fact that it has a "disable enemies" mode demonstrates that it's more balanced around survival than exploration but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway because everyone seems pretty keen on it.

On a mildly related tangent, NaissanceE, though. Anons. I spent 30 minutes wandering what was essentially the Navidson House (but less dark) solving puzzles with light sources and then I rounded a corner and this happened.

I don't know what the hell this game is but I fucking love it.

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This game honestly managed to scare me more than most horror games.

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Video games can never be scary for two reasons. The first being that they don't fully use what the medium can offer and are often a cheap cinematic point of view instead of being a game first, a horror experience second. You see nothing but jumpscares that often give you the illusion of being in a tense situation, but it's so scripted that if you were to just put the controller down, you'd see how poorly implemented these scenarios are. The second reason is intentionally poor game design. This goes back all the way to titles like Clocktower and Resident Evil where you're limited in your ability to even control your character.

The only game that I'd consider scary is the first F.E.A.R.

Was going to post this one, looks pretty interesting.

the giant spiders are scary

>Press shift to win the game

That's a thing in spain

Me making no-save runs through it

what the fuck was up with the birds?

>I feel like the fact that it has a "disable enemies" mode demonstrates that it's more balanced around survival than exploration
There aren't really any survival elements, it's mostly just exploring and occasionally having to avoid an enemy. The environments that you get to explore are great though, and you can find a lot of interesting details about the world by reading or witnessing things off the beaten path. The atmosphere is amazing as well. Be warned that you may have existential crises at multiple points throughout if you are prone to that sort of feeling.

Subnautica has been the only game to consistently scare the shit out of me without jumpscares. Unlike in regular horror games where you're basically immune to scary shit by the end I was still getting creeped out up until the end.


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Games where you have gun scare me more. Games where you can't fight I know that run/hide is all I can do

They're extra-sensitive to the bullshit voice-based magic the cult was using to cause the mass increase in violence. This was causing the birds to die. Also, handy collectibles.

fear is a good game but it isn't scary

SCP can be pretty scary, makes intelligent use of sound and environment to make you feel locked in and on your toes. It’s a bit faulty and not perfect, but for something that’s free, it’s pretty good.

Also the blink mechanic is pretty unique.

Superb sound design.

What the fuck is SCP? I've heard that so many times in the past 5+ years.

Correct opinion. Alien Isolation is highly underrated because people were too afraid to play it and couldn't admit it, and those who did muster up some courage cowered in the shadows and didn't get anywhere and complained about "poor pacing".

Ffs, how is it the game's fault that you're snailing along for the entirety of the game?

Sneed's Crop and Prop

Does turning off the music also make it so that the monsters don't exclusively pop out of identical air vents?

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anyone else download these? are the links safe?

And in the span of five years, it never occurred to you to fucking Google it?

My hot take on existentialism in videogames is that I thought Nier Automata was boring and terrible. I doubt I'll be "affected" in that way. I'll still give the game a shot though. Thanks for the recommendation.

Some of them come with a screamer malware, but they're easy to remove once you've found them.

When I was underaged I couldn't bead HL2 because of ravenholm, I was too pussy to even get trough the level. Then I used to play HL2 an walk around city, throwing cans at soldiers etc and then quitting when Alex sends you trough that tunnel

People used to listen to the radio

I really loved Outlast 2. More than 1.

stop being a pussy, pussy. use a virtual machine if you're that scared

Honestly, does it rely too much on its shock value?

that's really disconcerting lol

I honestly couldn't play that game because I was too scared lmao. Had to watch some youtube playthrough

Good point

Soma is kinda unsettling sure, but in the end its just a walking sim with a dose of babbys first transhumanism that is hindered by the main character being retarded.

>ending is only as depressing as it is because Simon GladoS'd Catherine by being too much of a Wheatley

I’m not sure that’s a detraction from their value. It’s like a book; you finish it, and then do something else. After some time has passed, maybe you read it again. I’m all for replay value but I don’t think every game needs to have it to be good. It’s about value for money, and a lot of the games you’re talking about are like $8 buys, not $60.

lel m80

>observation in A
fucking netflix: the video game as anything other than bottom-barrel, youtube-movie, G-grade feces.

Amnesia was the scariest game I've ever played, until I did the mistake of looking up what the monsters actually looked like. It stopped being scary after that.

seems more like

aight i'm back, played 2 hours
it's the shit, it's great
mix of thriller detective story, horror and cyberpunk
tons of references, very tense, i recommend

Bioshock 1 on ita first playthrough was pretty creepy
>the intro getting your wrench
>all of fort frolic
>first encounter with Houdini spilcer
>the splicer who appears starring at you from behind like an inch away from your face
>the stone spider splicers
>spilcers randomly jumping out of closets
>the creepy sounds coming from the apartment complex level that goes unexplained
Some areas are atmospheric as hell

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Usually SCP containment breach

>volume at comfy 5%
jumpscares are not horror you dumb fucking idiot. horror is purely atmospheric. now fuck off to your five nights at furry's containment threads

freeware game based on a retarded paranormal wiki. i doubt it's any good.

You have to have your volume high to hear things like footsteps, which are part of the atmosphere, you stupid fuck.

lol how can old games with shitty graphics even be scary?
lol this shit caught me good

also this

it doesnt even seem that scary on video but they put these moments right when you're focused on something else

That rating was basically on how much they managed to scare me or induce dread. Homecoming was trash. Probably the least scary Silent Hill game. RE2make really isn't that scary either, but that may just be years of zombie games that made me kinda immune to it. Mr. X is kinda stressful the first few times you encounter him, until you figure out there are some rooms he just never enters.

Oh, you've got no idea.

Attached: faith.gif (650x407, 743K)

>first night
>tapping on windows, sounds of something walking around outside
>whoa thats pretty spooky actually
>door opens

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Yes they are, and nobody is falling for your pretentious posturing as an intellectual

Man I really need to get back into this. Gotta make a new weapon since I threw all my upgrades into durability, but it turns out it's much easier to repair than I thought so I wanna throw some into damage instead

>"He's still alive" locker scene

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There is no game that has been able to replicate what Team Silent did in terms of sound design and atmosphere. Those guys could probably make a fucking scary game with NES tier visuals if you got them back together and told them that's all they have to work with.

I can't stress that enough. Darkwood has exceptionally well made sound design and its nights are fucking oppressive.
>all of a sudden your aggregate generator shuts down even though it had plenty of juice
>you've got to go outside to turn it on again
I've played that game for hours and I still feel really anxious to do that shit.

What are the chances we get Silent Hill repacks? Konami has been releasing Castlevania and Contra stuff

I'm a massive Alien fan so my opinion is probably biased but fuck me it that wasn't the best horror game I've ever played

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haha imagine if it looked like the were gonna sacrifice him but they were just gona cut his space suit open so they could suck his dick haha

>Best horror game is a flash game

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yeah but that's a more realistic primal fear, alligators are fucking dangerous. If you were trapped in this house you'd probably legitimately not move

Imagine being such a faggot child that not only do you get scared by something that doesn't exist, but you get triggered by the fact that there are people out there who don't.

>getting scared by video games
w-what are you 12, user?

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the visit in Innsmouth is the highest point of this game
it's all downhill from here but still midly enjoyable, had a bug and couldn't finish it though

Wait, what the fuck? That can happen? I think the worst thing I've been hit with is some of my lights being forced off.

yeah it starts happening later on.

It's view of American religious cults was hilariously misinformed. For some bizarre, unknown reason, the cult is catholic in nature. It figures though, as the devs are french-canadians.

Ho boy.

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Yeah, what he said:
It's the worst, really.

I put lone survivor in the same category as darkwood, probably a few notches under, but it's probably one of my favorite indie horror games just because of how well it captures silent hill better than any of the post 4 games could ever hope to.

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fear is misclassified as a horror game, when in fact its a first person action shooter where you play as the the terrifying angel of death thats making all the poor little baby incel npc soldiers shit themselves and go home crying to onichan

Yeah but then alma comes to fuck you in the ass and make you humble

Does this mean a game being scary when you HAVE a gun is the peak?

Condemned always made me wonder if real life subway tunnels and mole people are as scary

just watched this yesterday, fucking great movie but it needed more godzilla
about to go watch king of monsters

>I don't know what horror means
Every fucking thread.

>blink mechanic
alone in the dark inferno did it first

Would you play a 7-10 hour horror game where the character blinks every 5 seconds?

>that first time you hear Martha and she appears out of the fog at the very beginning of the game

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What have been some things that have spooked or unnerved you in any game?

For me I've gotten spooked by a mole rat i didnt notice till VATS whipped my camera around and it was lunging at my face. Also Fuck WW redeads.

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Fuck no

What's up with Yea Forums pretending some silly ass pictures are scary?

based, outer wilds is game of the month

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Whats a scarier set up for an enclosed map/building? a completely dark building with a very shitty flashlight, or a pitch black place with only the doorways/important things illuminated?

What a fucking pussy. I hope you are not male.

>pitch black place with only the doorways/important things illuminated?
100% this, bonus is adding in extra lamps and other light sources so you can try and illuminate areas

I can never find a torrent of these so I cant even try them out. I will support him if I could get some gameplay, Night Shift looks great.

Recently played Visage. Pretty good.

>SH2 that high
>EW2 abd Dino Crisis that low

Feel free to off yourself anytime.

>the Earth Temples atmosphere
Shame BOTW didn't have spooky shit outside of its Guardian concept art.

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Watched the movie few days ago and its overrated trash.
Are the games any better?

idk about classic re, but I know for certain that sh has strafing and a 180 button, and 2 and 3 also have a non-tank control scheme as an option, have you even played these games?

EW2 was pretty shit, especially compared to 1


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He's got fungal mutagens in his blood

Plus, has a kino ending song.

Pathologic 2

Tried to play it sever all times, always stop after a few hours. I also got killed by some dude very often. The physics and Ice effects are very cool though. Should I try again?

>EW2 was pretty shit, especially compared to 1

Hilarious contrarian opinion.

Aye. Dunno how avilable it is these days.

This, visage is always ignored and it's pretty fucking good considering what its a product of.

>autism bait gameplay

what do you mean by this?

He probably means the fact there's crafting and the top-down perspective.
I fucking hated Darkwood, but the dude is obviously b8ing.

As it should be?
Well its not like they can build anything off of that considering we are not getting a sequel.

i remember laughing my ass off when the dog enters pixel perfect in the elevator closing its door.

I'm happy to see stasis being mentioned, thought it would be something nobody would played. I only played because i was trying to find a good point and click adventure.

Is there any other gems like this? Something like darkwood or soma is good enough too.

Generation Z started after 1995

It's pretty good game, but the game always froze at one point during the ship part. I've tried going through it like 6 times from the start and it always happened.

>buy resident evil remake games
>too much of a chicken shit to play them because I hate horror game

why me


these fucking bugniggers man

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This is pretty legit, we went into a graveyard in Kyoto at night, absolutely fucking terrifying.
There was nothing there, but fuck I almost shat myself

I'd sperg out the second it came time to get out of the car. I really want to like horror but I am a massive quivering faggot.

both wrong, the date is 97/98

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Oh brother, this guy STINKS

Yeah I held off on it. It seemed a lot like Vampyr where it's decent if you can pick it up on a steep sale, but not worth full price.

Is that the one that went Epic Game Store exclusive?

Bro it's literally $5 and you get the most of their library. Five dollars. How fucking poor are you?

what made darkwood so good is the sound design. Play it user youll like it.

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The developers uploaded their game to TPB for anyone to download, so yes, give it a try.

I can think of at least three better things to do with those than fry them.

I hate walking simulators because it takes away normal human abilities. I worked at a haunted house and a lot of people's first action when scared is to punch it, which sucked but made sense. Taking away movement abilities just to be scary is fucking annoying. I want full control and still be scared.

Scariest game series: Fallout
When it bugs out and just surprises you with enemies or characters or murder tornadoes is the scariest shit of all.

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