Star Wars: Jedi Order

Get in here TITANFALL chads!!!

>respawn first person wallrunning kino confirmed!

Let’s hope EA doesn’t dick this up. Discuss hopes and dreams/ concerns?

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>No wallrunning
What's the fucking point?

>tfw no cute sith Jedi hunter gf

This is EAs last chance to actually make a good game with the Mouse breathing down their necks and the failure of BioWare and Dice.

Respawn is their ONLY good developer left and they’re giving them their golden goose (regardless of how shit the new movies have been we all love the universe)

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Wait this is first person? I was hoping it was third person like the old Jedi Academy and Kotor

>first person
I think it's third person though
There is wallrunning, you see him doing in the trailer

Didn’t you see the trailer? There’s clearly wallrunning

The only difference is that you use the force instead of jump packs

Alright, now you have my interest.

>fallen order

Is there like some Illuminati meme that requires every other property to have "Rise of" or "Fallen" in the title?

Attached: (((they))).jpg (720x526, 23K)

>Expecting anything with EA and Star Wars on it to be good


The jedi always fall apart

My bad it’s third person, NOT first person

Hopefully they can translate their typical gameplay to third

No, it is third person

Star Wars likes it's cliche names and tropes

But, I mean, I can probably name 20 movies and games from the last decade that have "Rise of" or "Fallen" in the name. What the fuck is going on with that

it's just marketing dude
you might be a smart savvy gamer guy but not everyone who buys games is
you gotta use simple words that express meaning and draw attention
when i say "Hey, want to hear about my priest friend who's having some personal problems?" what do you think? probably "Fuck no, that sounds boring."

but if i said "I know this fallen priest who is dealing with demons, would you like to hear his story?" you might think "Damn, a fallen priest sounds interesting, I wonder how he fell? I might have a few minutes for your story."

>first person wallrunning like Titanfall
Fucking gross.
There goes my hype.
Fuck this game.
I was hoping for a third person game.
I'm filtering this shit from my catalog.

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First of all you have shit taste, but second of all it IS third person

Too late, he already filtered this thread. He'll never know.

>another white male protag game
pass for me famalamadingdong

ask me how i know you're from romania

Same. Sick of Parkour. Sick of first-person games.

There are barely any good parkour games. TITANFALL 1 and 2 are really the only games that scratch that itch. All the AC games have moved away from that as well