Bf wants me to play a game with him

>bf wants me to play a game with him
>it's some boring ass game about Japanese mythology/cowboys/empty wastelands

Attached: 1557375714149.jpg (728x899, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself roastie

You must really hate Kenshi then

What was the name of the game?

When are these wojaks gonna fucking end?

Attached: i think i'm retarded.png (297x417, 29K)

be my gf then, we can play path of exile all day long


i would feel great disgust if i found out my gf posts wojak memes on Yea Forums

40%. you will never be a woman

someone post the fat tranny wojak please

der roastie....

>Japanese mythology
>Empty wastelands
huge cringe, drop him immediately, open world faggots don't deserve to reproduce

when the pepes also end


Attached: Rest in pieces tranny faggot.png (604x630, 334K)

When the 40% goes ups

is this the one

Attached: 1553959204938.png (792x691, 299K)

Im gettin tired of all these sexist muslims and thirsty highschool kids crawling out of their holes to instantly hand out (you)s to roasties

After this

You need to know your enemy to defeat them

Attached: albert_pike_third_world_war_ww3.png (631x392, 147K)


Attached: 1557996899704.gif (680x524, 385K)

fuck off, Yasuo

Attached: daiya.jpg (827x966, 97K)

>43856348976523208937456234789562348975234786783495678932452347563457892346578962345789623457123748357623497856234096523078946589723465897236489756230239487562309487562304897561230847561203879456123897456239478562391647853894 replies

When you start making your own OC faggot

Attached: this makes polcucks become the 70 percent statistic.jpg (680x1771, 561K)

>Crushing pepe
>Crushing wojak
>Crushing "zoomer"
>Crushing boomer
>Crushing apu


lol that's pretty funny
based trannies striking back
Wait, while we're at it, can we see the tranny suicides separated between MtF and FtM?

>Crushing trash variants of all shapes and sizes

thanks, absolutely based
here you go lad, you deserved it

Attached: 1434872594650.gif (640x640, 2.69M)

>trannies are still counted as male because they are men
Leave it to a lefty to badly try to hijack a meme

cringe but based

When the zoomers kill themselves eating tide pods.

>mfw janny has to clean it up

Attached: AD7197A0-9502-4703-80A7-D5254D51FF36.png (331x6969, 193K)

I find it weird how trannies always try to beta-test their new shitty memes at /fit/ first

Even better, transsexuals primarily commit suicide due to bullying and harassment, but white men do so because they're just so pathetic and have nothing in their lives to live for. I imagine the pieces of shit who contribute to transsexuals committing suicide are often among the white men who do also. Just vile people with nothing to offer.

Attached: 1559411580030.jpg (728x899, 86K)

lmaoooooooo what the hell does this mean

Attached: 1539274939247.png (300x293, 87K)

>Bf plays the sims with me

Attached: 58373322_2497969756902745_4083614317595852800_n.png (909x890, 802K)

>make oc
>pepe and wojak autists try to kill it with shitposting
>pepe and wojak edits continue

Remember Bowsette and how Pepe posters were butthurt?

>t. Nigger


holy based

Bowsette triggered /pol/tards cause they're obsessed with muh trannies and Bowsette was close enough

But the Sims is single-player.

reddit has a tendency of beating a horse dead and they fucking infest this site. Wojack/pepe is still nothing compared to the absolute rape that trollface/its variants went through, jesus fucking christ.

>It's another boyfriend rambles about inane details about a game's creation episode
>"Why do you seem bored?"

>Real life is an empty wasteland
>Women don't realize this


>Not liking Fallout New Vegas

i just disliked bowsette because it was fotm garbage that needed to be on /trash/ instead of Yea Forums

user you can cuddle and make decisions together

Attached: 1559267676170.jpg (597x596, 57K)

ayy lmao

Fallout New Vegas would unironically be better if it wasn't open world. Josh Sawyer basically wanted to design it like that to begin with. Bethesda forced their hands.

It would have been worse. Look at the more linear new vegas DLCs, they're the worst ones.

Attached: updated.png (738x720, 386K)

Yeah okay that sounds great. Let's make me a scientist so I can freeze annoying people.

>be /pol/
>bitter, angry, spiteful
>post edgy, incendiary shit online
>overweight or underweight
>few/no friends/online friends only
>spend far too much time on the internet
>disgusting facial hair
>wireframe glasses
>dresses like an autist (e.g. cargo shorts, sneakers)
>unbrushed/overly long hair/hair that doesn't fit shape of face
>bad skin
>insecure body language
>awkward and embarrassing in social situations
>unwarranted sense of self-importance/superiority
>extremely judgemental due to crippling insecurity
>entire sense of strength/power comes from attacking undeserving people on the internet they view as weaker than them
>thinks none of these things are obvious by what they choose to post here

>be big man
>gf cuddled with me in winter because I was really warm
>lost her 5 years ago
>haven't got any other gf
>can't remember the feeling of cuddling
I need love bros

Attached: 1528159260281.jpg (540x540, 72K)

holy fucking SEETHE

Why are her teeth flying out of her skull?

70% Cope, faggot

wow i'm glad you edited wojak yet again to express this meme
what a fucking shit website this is

>has the emotional experience to feel love lost
God I envy you.

This /pol/tardetty is boiling harder than Kevin Nash's asshole in the wet hot summer of 92

They are counted as white men because most trannies are white.

You just need to find a good bf

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More like bowsette spammed the board and made it unusable for weeks while Yea Forums did it's usual bitching about pepe

kek what a bitch


I'mn sorry user
I'm sure you'll find love soon

>gf doesn't shitpost on Yea Forums with me

Attached: 1558242090256.png (205x246, 4K)

bowsette pissed me off because it was another half assed 'monster' girl I.E. human with cat years, give me a real turtle bitch.

>be you
>need to project and self insert
>40% rises every minute
>the majority of your suicide claims are done by tranniggers
Never gonna pass

Attached: This is you.jpg (500x599, 48K)

Getting tricked into jerking it to trannyporn is legitimate rape.

Lemme check what type of person falls for this kind of bait.
Ah, most of it is counter-bait.
There's some /r9k/ though.

Wojaks will stop being posted when people stop being baited by them.
So long as the two words of "have sex" get paragraphs of replies, they will be posted.
If you feed the troll, it multiplies.

Me right now

Attached: terrible game.png (1024x683, 711K)

Jesus Christ, npcs really cant meme


Based but bluepilled

>this thread

Attached: 1547673322279.png (1281x431, 120K)

Have sex

Post body, I want to see if you pass

>Complain about "Can't Meme" shit
>Using meme as a verb
>Using "X Can't meme" Unironically
>Calling anyone else an NPC

This board is a degenerate cesspool.


Attached: quote-women-remain-children-all-their-lives-for-they-always-see-only-what-is-near-at-hand-arthur-sch (850x400, 73K)

Imagine taking the time to make this image

trannies literally are white men though

The ones on the GameCube aren’t!

women get mad hot dripping when they play ero sims

enjoy the herpes

who is she and why do i love her

Have sex, incels.

Attached: Pointing at you.gif (600x338, 2.47M)

daily reminder this is what this guy was like before he died
>When the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by the Prussian sculptor Elisabet Ney in 1859, he was much impressed by the young woman's wit and independence, as well as by her skill as a visual artist.[203] After his time with Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."

I empathize immensely, although I'm not really big, just warm probably because I worked out a lot.
I also miss it a lot, but if we've found a girl once we can find one again mate, it's just a matter of time and effort.

Don't worry, kys and every problem will be over

NOOOO, he got cucked BROS


Schopenhauer actually had a very balanced view on women, which is why all the things he said is true

Women are children, mentally, but it's not at all a bad thing

Alright fuck this I'm off to /vg/

Why are almost all trannies into anime, more specifically moeshit?

Pick a fun one then or shut the fuck up

ever notice how discord trannies are also wrestling fans?
i guess the relate to the pretending to be something you're not aspect

40% of A doing X is not the same as 40% of people who do X being A

Yea Forums is the best board of this website. Are trannies based all along?

because the cartoonishly exaggerated femininity of it represents everything they wish they could be. moeshit is the ultimate tranny fantasy.

Yea Forums is the /mlp/ of Yea Forums

Shy dorky kids watched wrestling as kids and are manchildren that can't give anything up, including wrestling


That's the spirit!!!

Both of these are right.

why aren't
>Have sex
wordfiltered, or even better, insta-bans yet?

How do you do this without it getting flagged as spam?

>but if we've found a girl once we can find one again mate, it's just a matter of time and effort
I think the same, thanks man, best luck to us

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paying for a Yea Forums pass
makes you pretty much immune to moderation

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