Be an American

>Be an American
>Trespass into a dirt poor village and start mowing down peasants with pitch forks

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Pretty based


self defense

>self defense
He barges into some random dudes home and shoots him when the dude(rightfully) attacks him for defending his property

>break into someone's home
>he tells Leon to fuck out of his home
>Leon doesn't leave
>he rightfully defends his property and attacks the intruder
>gets shot
>entire village start a revolution against tyranny

>defending his property

From what? A gringo asking questions?
nigga please

>ay caramba, its anudda san juan hill

The villagers were infected though

Why are american obsessed with trespassing and muh property?
I mean, those are also things elsewhere but only in america did I hear about someone shooting his neighbor's dog because he was "trespassing on his property"
They all have these open front yards but it's like sacred ground or something.
video games


Fucking based. Reminder to all the Euroshits and the like that every country belongs to America.

>A gringo asking questions?
Hey, one thing leads to another.

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Leon was about to leave after the dude told him to screw off

Only thing Leon did wrong was not knock

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>Hey have you seen this girl
>EL TACO BUENO *swings fucking axe at you*
>Hey don't do that I'm warning you
>LA CUCARACHA *doesn't stop*
>*gets shot*


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>Be unamerican
>Trespass into a dirt poor village
>Peasants with pitch forks start to attack you
>"Guns are harmful. Bin that knife"
>Still act smug

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>(rightfully) attacks him for defending his property
Don't all of your cucked countries have "duty to retreat" type laws?

>Welcome to the 21st Century, you inbred backwoods muthafuckas!

>Single man with a gun can rule a thousand men with none
If Leon were of a different frame of mind, he could have become their god

I mean OP's got a point. Rather than go around invading other people's house abroad he could have stayed at home and done something more productive, like building his own farm and starting a family with Claire, or something.

Can someone explain why RE4 is so replayable? I never really replay games but I've completed RE4 about 25 times.

Low IQ

What's duty to retreat laws?

Replayability is a key design feature of all the (good) RE games. RE4's just paced so well as an action game. I do think a few parts drag though.

It's weird comparing RE4 and RE2.

Name one game that requires high IQ

I thought it was only American who confused Mexico and Spain, but Japan did it and did it way worse.
Fuck Japan.

Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training

If the villagers didn't leave ammo scattered around Leon would have ended fucking dead
Also remember that one at the beggining when he got cornered in a house and everyone left just because the chosen undead rang the bells


Excuse me, sir?

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That was a giant centipede parasite monster man

I played it and am brainlet

It will be very difficult considering half of the country can't get up from their chairs


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They deserved it for breathing.

I think they did it on purpose?
I mean, they even got the currency wrong because they swapped to euros a few years prior the release of the game, it's more like the game doesn't take itself too seriously

>What's duty to retreat laws?
Self-defense claims will fail if the prosecution can proof that there was a legitimate and available way to run away from the situation, regardless of other circumstances. Guy in California got 20 years for Murder 2 because an attacker broke into his home, cornered him in the basement, and the guy shot and killed him. The prosecution proved that he could have escaped out of the basement window. This is in spite of the fact that the guy didn't think about that, and also his wife and child were still in the house.

And? Earn your slot as the dominant power and you can too.

It's faggy non-American bullshit that says if someone is attacking you, or breaking into your home, you are LEGALLY REQUIRED TO TURN YOUR BACK TO THE THREAT AND ATTEMPT TO FLEE rather than protect yourself.
You actually have to put yourself in MORE danger often times.

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At least they can breath
The average american needs artificial respiration because the fat prevents their lungs to get enough oxygen desu


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I've never seen anyone in Spain speak like that except for some latin americans

>thinking that genociding Spaniards is remotely wrong
t. half spaniard


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>Be an american
>Attack other country
I think they got it right


Did anyone see that old RE4 youtube video, it was called something like Leeve Assley Outta Dis.

Man it's a shame that seems to have been taken down. Although it was no fesh pince.

Then do us a favor, go commit die and stream it

Um sweaty, I think you missed the part where they were all biomutant zombies. In case you're that ignorant, Spanish people aren't normally like this.

So are you saying that biomutan zombie Spaniards become latinos? That's pretty racist by Capcom.

>is actually american
every time

He's not wrong
Two years ago here in Spain some fuckers assaulted an old man's house, beaten his wife and stole from him
The old dude got a gun, killed one and hurt another iirc, and now he's facing a prison sentence because he did something anyone would have done in his place
If someone assaults your house and you defend yourself, better make the body dissapear because some laws are retarded, even some cops suggest to do so

Self defense only applies to Americans. Third-worlders need mowed down and put out of their misery. Leon was in the right.

>Not third world
Keep deluding yourself

> B E A T E N

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maybe so
but I still want source on the california thing, can't find a thing about it anywhere

Beat the meat


I don't know dude, I think I explained it quite well despite being esl

>that are all members of an insane cult
>whose leader kidnapped the president's daughter
>and they're all infected and controller by monster parasites

Leaving out some important details there.

Your home being invaded isn't a free license to do whatever the fuck you want. Depending on when he shot them would be enough to rule out self defense.

Can't find the article. I remember this happening in 2005 sometime, but while googling, I found tons of cases of home-defense being turned into murder cases.

Unlike other cucked countries like Canada where a person can be under direct attack by molotov cocktails, not kill anyone, and STILL be arrested for threatening with force:
America usually has Castle Doctrine rules, where a person is allowed to defend house with lethal force if they believe it or family inside to be in danger. The problem with California is they're also cucked, so despite also having these laws, they outright tell the juries that they should only consider if the person is in IMMEDIATE danger, and not potential or future danger. If I remember right, the case I was talking about, the prosecution stated that the wife and child were upstairs, and not in "immediate" danger, so therefore it was unjustified.

Meanwhile, places like Florida have "Stand your ground" laws, which is far, far more lenient.

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He only found that out after killing a few dozen of them.

The way God intended.


That's ok in my book

Its a different culture dude

>Be an old man
>Go back home
>First thing you see is your wife fucked up by some thieves
>Get fucked up moments later
>Reach for your gun while they are cleaning your house
>Shoot at the first motherfucker you see
>Shoot at the second one you see
>The thieves who managed to escape sue you
>The law protects them
>You can get arrested in any second for defending your property after being attacked
I don't know what you think, but I would have done the same in his place desu

That's what they get for having gold-backed currency

>t. baguette

Can such a shithole be found in actual Spain, though?

Heres the thing, if some fuckers invade your house, make sure to kill them all. Dead people cant defend in court, the only witness are your own family, just make sure your story makes sense before talking with the help of a lawyer

Just kill them and hide the bodies to avoid any issues

t. *nglo

Non as in "not" American, as in other countries, not "un" as in not America like, you retard.

Maybe, you'll be surprised to find out how many countries have some hidden shithole like that

If they were about to go away and the guy shot them for revenge then that's not self defense. Should cut down on prison time though. It's cucked but it's how it is.

>t. chris

You're not talking about this are you? Because this is retribution, not defense.

>be american
>unknowingly raise another man's child

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>Creepy atmospheric village, player struggles for supplies, enemies are actually intimidating
>le gray castle corridors but with robed cultists that erupt with ammo on death
>le gray lab corridors but with doomsday preppers that erupt with ammo on death
Truly the GOAT.........................


How do you know they're sweaty?

if I was American, I'd only ever use rubber bullets
right to bear arms is great but I would never want to kill anyone

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You guys did unlock the ending where Leon fucks Ashley, right?

No way fag

>if they were both going away after raping your wife then you are a criminal for shooting them down after the deed.

God just end this planet

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I would love to use those at a 5v5 party. Seems like it would be a good way to train with bros for a real riot scenario.

>Shoot them
>Drag them into your house
Boom, legal
I've had an actual cop tell me to do that

America isn't going to last another ten years without a civil war

The mestizos as salty as always

just as god and the founding fathers intended

t,Self-hating Spaniard

sounds about right


lol, the human eye can only see 60 fps

Good thing Leon can die dead space style in the game

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Gotta give Americans an escape from their realities