When is Yea Forums having a meetup?

When is Yea Forums having a meetup?

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can I bring a gun to shoot all the trannies?

no but you can bring your cock to fuck the trannies.
we all know you want to user

When will other boards meet the diversity quota?

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>that absolute unit in the middle

>meetup filled with memespouting teenagers, bitter oldfaggots, queers and braindead spics
Yeah sounds like a great idea

Did you miss the last one?

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>look at me im a businessman

>pretends to be /fit/ 6'+ aryans with superior genetics
>be this in reality
FFS /pol/, you could at least lift

>A Yea Forums meet up
Not the worst board to have a meet up but still wouldn't entertain that reddit-tier idea by going

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>all of /pol/ is New york

>Yea Forums meeting
there would be only fat mouthbreathers except me

me in the middle

imagine going to a Yea Forums meetup and it's a room full of stacies
haha that would be crazy

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I've been to some board meetups before and they're surprisingly decent. /jp/ at Comiket was especially good. It seems like most of the really obnoxious spergs are too socially awkward to show up to these things, we bitter oldfags are always there in force though.

is this Yea Forums ?

>fat dog
feels bad

Fat angry viking gets me every time.

>even the dog is fat

nah, it is /po/
the chaddest of boards

Jack Black you mean?

I guess i'm just expecting the worst. Never been to one of the meetups

is the nig doing a jojo pose

Fourth from the left in the pink button down is literally a serial killer.

Also that drinking milk meme is fucking stupid. It was dumb of the original writer of the article to fall for milk being racist, but it's even dumber then trying to actually get a rise out of people by drinking milk.

I thought I saw Dendi

>implying Yea Forums users are any different

you need to go back to Yea Forums(nel)

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Post the /fa/ one, you know the one.


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It's SF, that's actually a pretty normal cross-section of how people dress there. I don't know what board/site that meetup is but most of those guys look like they came straight from their jobs at tech/finance companies.

In my experience there's usually one really obnoxious autist but everybody else is cool.

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what race is this

What meetup is this?

which meetup is this?


looks like a cockroach

>be /pol/
>bitter, angry, spiteful
>post edgy, incendiary shit online
>overweight or underweight
>few/no friends/online friends only
>spend far too much time on the internet
>disgusting facial hair
>wireframe glasses
>dresses like an autist (e.g. cargo shorts, sneakers)
>unbrushed/overly long hair/hair that doesn't fit shape of face
>bad skin
>insecure body language
>awkward and embarrassing in social situations
>unwarranted sense of self-importance/superiority
>extremely judgemental due to crippling insecurity
>entire sense of strength/power comes from attacking undeserving people on the internet they view as weaker than them
>thinks none of these things are obvious by what they choose to post here
kill yourself

I think it is just Nosferatu

>that guy doing the zoolander face


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seems like that guy in the middle has a longer neck every time I see this pic

I'm pretty sure it's one of the aliens from the MIB films.

>these are the people calling you a nazi incel

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I feel ya buddy.

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Say that to my face nigger and I will cap you

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imagine the smell

I can hardly motivate myself to go get groceries. What makes you think I'd go out to see faggots?

christ, you don't even need to edit it to make them look horrible. what the fuck reddit

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okay Ben Franklin

ben franklins goona invent a tranny dialater next
wild fuckin times

Post the one with the tits flashing

Naive user, we're all girls here.

Tell the nintendo/smash fags to not cum and it'll be fine

Only trannies go to meetups so you'd end up committing suicide while you were there.

This one need the list of names and what abilities they possess

>Ben Franklin has the best body in the group

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I don't understand why you wouldn't just wear a wig if your hairline was that bad and you were trying to look feminine.

haha, imagine them being shocked that you are a boy.
Imagine if they all thought you were cute and pampered you the whole meetup

Here's a guide.

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>all white
>every shade
reddit confirmed the real racists

Why the fuck would you become a tranny if you're going bald. I mean why the fuck would you do it in the first place but if you're going bald that just makes it 10000X worse

whoa hol up. there's a lot goin on here

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Those girls are definitely high schoolers

even better

I actually am lol

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tits or gtfo

He would just be an ordinary bald dude with glasses otherwise. It’s like they intentionally court mockery, to make themselves feel victimhood.

Professor X got a tan

Even that is fine, you just wear a wig. I mean, wearing a wig sucks, yeah, but not as much as that does.

show tits or gtfo

Nice legs.

I feel like 2-3 of these guys would be absolutely alpha as fuck. If they were 5 inches taller.

tits or gtfo

>going to a brony meetup at a mall
>see five heavily overweight guys surrounding something
>instantly know these are the guys I'm supposed to hang out with
>sneak closer
>the five guys are surrounding two 10-12 year old girls and are asking them about ponies and Pokemon
>something in the back of my head tells me that unless I walk out through the door and never look back I'd be making the biggest mistake of my life
>leave without ever attending
>never watched ponies after that day
There were couple good lads I still keep up with whom I met in those circles but they were in the minority. I don't even know how those kids heard of the meetup.

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You’re like 2% of the population then

>stealing pictures of your niece
tits or gtfotits or gtfo

This is a blue board tho

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He actually does. Don't have the webm but everything from the neck down looks like a legit girl and it's unsettling.

/o/ has excellent meet ups. Glad that board is still pretty isolated


Where the fuck is the Penis

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The post it on Imgur you tranny

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What the fuck happened to Pickles?

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tits now or gtfo

Oh quit it. Here’s your (You)

Updated guide

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nice bulge bro

no its not
only thing that getting blue is my balls
now post your tits

why is almost everyone fat
holy shit even the poor dog
fucking americans

>be any average white male
>tired of niggers like you

Fixed that for you

Muh nigga yakub in the middle

They are 13-14 years old. More than enough to be fucked. Here is one of them

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lol ok pedophile

Being a teacher in high school must be hell these days.

>not a landwhale
>no penis

what the FUCK

Tranny fingers typed this post

As an American, I find these hilarious

thanks user, appreciated.

I’m 18

I know. I'm disappointed too

...except this one is clearly edited

not pedophilia retard

why does yellow shirt have brenton tarrants face shopped in

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>being such a cuck you think 3 people can make a baby

You know the rules, whore.


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Someone post the /int/ meetup where the spergs kept getting lost and sperging out.

who /ottawa/ here?

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t. pedophiles

Where's the comic?

Ya’know, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of those meetup pictures with the funny names added, do people still make those?

Minor blog post but me and my online buddies have been planning a Japan meetup (or Evo meetup) for a few years now, kinda hope it happens

t>hese are the people calling you an incel and a tranny

t. ranny


/cgl/ meetup

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Children this hot should be illegal

there have been multiple /pol/ meetups and they were all filled with mulatto larpers you twat

>he didn't lose his virginity at 13 years old
hahahhaha fag.

You wouldn’t fuck this thot? Are you some kind of faggot?

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Most teacher get over the bone phase since they see how the kids act all the time. Pictures are hot, when the kids keep cursing you and calling everything stupid not so.

Looks like a lineup for mass shooters.

Post yfw /ourboy/ finally debuted on WWE television this year.

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Testosterone makes you go bald. If you start taking the pills early enough, the damage done to your hair by testosterone can be reversed. Obviously that tranny started too late

t. mutt

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Have a folder of like 20 of them on my PC.
Too bad I’m away from home and posting on my phone.

Isn't that the thot that tricked /pol/ into giving her their money?

Too bad he's going to be a jobber for life with that physique.

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i never lose

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This image reminds me of that surprise Yea Forums meetup in Akihabara. Legendary stuff. Hope all those lads are well.

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Photoshop a rife squad behind them.

why is sid from ice age there?

Always found it surreal that a fucking titty streamer showed up to a /pol/ meet up of all things

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what's up with Ronaldo in this pic?

Maybe she's autistic? Seen a handful of qt autists at /vp/ of all places

if she was successful she deserved it

t. retard who doesn’t know pedophilia is

No way that neck isn't shooped

Teehee we are so wasted and horny! Come drink with us old user!

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Fuck, that's the old Anime LA location. I miss it so much.

I was at the Comiket 91 meetup, it was fun, especially going drinking and karaoke in Akiba afterward. I wish I could've hung out more but I was in Japan and at Comiket for work so my schedule was pretty tight.

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Hearty kek

Think so

have sex

This is why I am scared to be around children above the age of 14.
They are literal succubi.

That would just make my dick even harder oh god have mercy

I love how all the normal people look kind of disgusted with it all

u offering?

So were there any Japanese anons or were you all literally English teachers?

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I wouldn't doubt it, I've never met a girl through vidya that wasn't mental or at the least autistic

I doubt anyone lives near me.

Ok fag your acts up I know exactly who you posted. She’s fucking 16


Is that really him?


16 is legal in quite a few states

What is the point of meetups?, I don't want to know every faggot here. I just want to shitpost anonymously, that's the whole fucking point.

thats a tranny body with dick chopped off.


Yea Forums does, they’re called smash tournaments and they are banned in most places because Yea Forums is too smelly

fucking kek

Still waiting on people in my state to frequent Yea Forums

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tits are too big.

>Yea Forums meetup
>Harry Potter is there

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>meme-spouting normalfag meetup with trannies

He fucken made it bros

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yes trannies grow tits with hormone replacement therapy.

Not long ago I went to a club and apparently missed that they were hosting a 15+ event that night. That was absolutely madness and fun I’m 24 by the way.

wtf I love trannies now


not tits that natural and big faggot

Not when that pic was taken, it’s quite old now

When you have no frens it's nice to meet people you know you'll get along with

Tfw Ohio but people in the Ohio threads are never near me

This is the so called "Master" race?


What's more magical this or /k/'s cum brownies?

pol keeps proving they are the dumbest people on the internet

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just google tranny tits faggot

I miss big boss jesus

not going to lie having a Yea Forums meetup and then going back to a hotel so that everyone could have a turn fucking my boypussy and mouth would be fun

Neither actually. It was like 2/3s anons on vacation and 1/3 people with real jobs in Japan, working at Japanese branches of Western companies and stuff like that. I was actually AT Comiket for work, at the time I was consulting for an anime industry company that was considering opening a North American branch.

I am not a gay like you m8.

oh shit it's that dude that hangs out with great black otaku

What part of hormone replacement therapy do you not understand, retard?

and jackie eightchan too.

>the faces of supporters of an ideology that has an killstreak of more than 100 million and, to this day, is the source problem of a lot of third world countries

At least the middle one with glasses is cute, would starve together.

Taking Hormones aren't going to give you C cups that nice you faggot

Most kino meetup picture ever made

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At least that's more realistic than something in a third world country

/srg/ has meetups at speedrunning events, closet thing you'll have to a Yea Forums meetup.

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I don't think any autist would have the courage to show up in person and start spewing "cope" "seething" "tranny" and all this kind of stuff to anyone's face

>great black otaku
Fuck off Brennan. Nobody even remembers you anymore.

No those are the guys saying JRPGs are deep because you can speedrun them

Those weren’t pol meetups, you just believe that because the text said so. Don’t believe everything, retard

>you'll get along with
I thought that everyone here has social anxiety.

One non fat/skinnyfat guy. That's all i ask for. This is just pathetic.

*lynyrd skynyrd starts playing*

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what board is this? /fit/?

Why are they all fat? How many got shot?

Yeah that one too, thank you

/pol/ during the "He will not Divide us" thing


People actually use these words in real life?

>mfw I live in small nonexistent town in flyover America
>can’t moblie post when at the laundromat because there’s some other user who also mobile posts and they are a massive lefty shitposting troll who is banned all the time
>so now there is a range ban on the one and only ip range in town

why won’t the shitlib poster in my town just move to California already so I can post from the laundromat again?!?! that fag just spams interracial gay porn on all the blue boards and spams black ed shit on pol, what makes a lib continue living in my comfy red county conservative town?!

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Boohoo keep whining

/pol/ during the First Season of HWNDU

It's easier with people you know are like minded.

>'Dude China is so much freer than the US because there's consequences for me saying retarded shit in the US (which have nothing to do with the government itself)

What kind of retard is this?

It's all genetics. Statistically at least a few anons on this very thread would end up with a c cup if they went under hrt. What the fuck makes you think that tiddies are just going to get bottlenecked to a certain size because they're trannies?

>y-yeah but they weren't the TRUE pol meetups because i said so! don't believe it bro it makes me look bad!

nuggets, "brwonies" and dakimakuras
still /k/ meetups are probably the best

i miss that /pol/

Well as I asumed /k/ is full of Americans

They all look like retarded normalfags, the "ironic" kind of normalfags, except for the guy in the middle, he looks pretty based.

/pol/ hasn't been browse able since /pol/harbor

It's the same board.

Attached: k brownies.png (1862x1536, 633K)

>nou I’m right
There it is. And since you’re so desperate, that pic came from a reddit thread which also had the same objective but had clearly failed.

Trannies get small shitty tits, that’s why they need implants

Well, it is NYC

>/pol/ is the most racially diverse board
>every other meetup is nothing but skinnyfat white nerds

>It's easier with people you know are like minded
If you say so.

>a few anons on this very thread would end up with a c cup
Now when you put it like that it's almost tempting

Late transitioning trannies actually tend to have bigger tiddies than the average woman because their bone structure they got through male puberty gives them a boarder chest to facilitate having bigger tiddies. It's just basic anatomy.

That’s so funny and classic

Not that user, but there absolutely are trannies out there with big and perky hormone tits. Obviously they're rare, but it's certainly possible. Check the tranny section of chaturbate every now and then and you'll find some eventually.

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But they end up with hideous facial features compared to someone who starts before puberty

>Check the tranny section of chaturbate every now and then and you'll find some eventually.
I’ll just take your word for it mate

OP is not a faggot.

Pretty much what I expected.

Is that Norman Reedus?

Me on the left :3

You know what's terrifying. If this dude had AIDS he literally could have infected everyone who ate his brownies. How shitty would that be. To die of some user's cum brownie AIDS.

I can't believe they got norman reedus

>those qts
How about, fucking no!!!

Why does this keep being posted? This wasn't a /pol/ meetup, it was at some weeb convention, so of course you're gonna have these types of people there

hope it goes well, i met up with mates i've known on steam for 8 years now for the first time last week to go to comic con together, best weekend i've had in ages.

The guy in the VIVA shirt has a really long arm

No wonder why that board is so bad, the only person I know who browses Yea Forums is a fucking DUDE BRO WEED who listen Hip hop.

Scared you might get a stiffy looking at trannies?

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If you are really a girl and not a tranny:
Nice legs

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It's literally /pol/ retard, they met up at the hwndu thing.

that's not how aids works

That's what facial feminization surgery is for. It's kinda funny though, poorfag trannies opt to get their dick chopped off first then maybe get the facial feminization surgery after. Shit son, most people aren't going to see your mutilated dick. Go fix your face first.

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Why can't a tranny have nice legs?

Get laid.

>complain about bitter and spiteful people in a bitter and spiteful way
being a radical liberal doesn't make you a better person

>Getting aids through oral consumption of something that was cooked

Are you an idiot?


this person will never be a woman

What is even the point of a meetup outside of something like a con where you'd be there anyway?

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I have only see like one fuckable tranny in my life. All others have very easy giveaways, especially the nasty voice and obvious manface.

holy shit imagine cumming into water supplies and giving a whole city aids

I guess it's nice that each of them got to have a friend for one day
Then back home to a life of mocking others with wojacks, alone

AIDS having faggots falseflagging so they can infect unsuspecting negs with their dirty poz seeds.

>normal looking people browse bad boards
wtf, am i normie now?, where is my gf?

What are the differences? It’s clearly a dude

what would Yea Forums even talk about at the meetup with each other? It's not like we talk about video games anymore

is this the 80s or something?

What company, and since you said was, why did those plans fall through?

You probably are.

>t.shit-stabbing faggot in denial who got infected for too much bumsex
eat a cock.

>gross women
>chad dude bros

Trannies, niggers, /pol/, ecelebs, our waifus. There's plenty to discuss.

trannies and politics

Nice projection there bud.

two old guys talk about quake or homm3 or some shit while everybody else gossips about the seething trannies they found on twitter

>Chad dude bros
Really? They all look like greasy weed smoking school dropouts.

>Yea Forums - Twitter Trannies

Most of the time people you meet at meetups end up becoming a friend for life. That's the whole appeal of these things.

>two old guys talk about quake or homm3
/vr/ meetup when, fuck

>with someone who admits to using Yea Forums on a regular basis
that sounds horrible

theres no way thats a Yea Forums meetup. there are girls there

I'm a neet KHV who plays only jrpgs and VNs.

theyd talk about how much they hate trannies, and half of them would also be trannies

If you regularly use Yea Forums then frankly you don't deserve to have any friends other than people who regularly use Yea Forums. So it kinda balances out.

kys newfag, it's always been a containment board for retards.

Only trannies and stormfags would have time to type all that shit up

this. the only friend i have is a chad who doesn't stop checking on me to make sure i don't spend all day inside. he doesn't even know much shit about the internet, i don't understand what motivates people like that to go out of their way to be kind

The fucking girl on the left looks exactly like my megaliberal ex

Went to a couple of Yea Forums meetups. Most of the people were there were pretty fucking normal. There were a couple of neckbear sperglords, but past that they were mostly regular dudes.

One of them I stayed in contact with, and actually fucked his sister for a few months. Him and I are still buds. His sister's a massive cunt though. (Sorry Alex, she is.)

Won't say the company, but they're mostly in merchandise; figures, artbooks and boxsets, character goods, stuff like that. I left the project because the company was run by people who really didn't know what they were doing and didn't have a coherent business plan, they wanted to open a US branch mostly for the prestige that would've come from having an international presence but they really didn't have any clue what they were going to do with it and I couldn't get them to agree to any kind of reasonable business plans that would've resulted in anything other than hemorrhaging money. Had the plan gone on I would've ended up running the US branch and I wasn't ready to be held responsible for the obvious results of their bad decisions, plus I really wasn't qualified to handle a lot of the stuff they wanted me to manage anyway.

Alpha males are kind and helpful, beta males are angry and resentful.

he wants to fuck you. you should let him

Chad is always kind, doesn't need to put others down, because he's already perfect, no one can compete with him. Only imperfect subhumans try to bring others down.

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Do you have a singe time stamp to back that up

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>falling for halo effect
You are a shitty person.

I'm certain that there are a few here that live in around arklow.

So are liberal beta males that are scared to offend/upset anyone.

everyone is too attractive to be from Yea Forums

how do we fix the horror genre?

its hard to take any of the opinions on this website seriousl when you remember these are the people behind them

>Anons being total pieces of shit to fellow anons

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>not a muscled chad woodworker.

t. has never personally known a Chad

My online friend was basically a virgin in a Chad's body. Average-above average looking guy that was really into fitness but kinda had low esteem issues and had trouble with his relationships. He ended up joining the army and becoming a Chad in a Chad's body. Got married, had a kid and a decent job. I stopped playing video games with him around the time he had his first kid because I felt guilty that I was taking up his time that he could be spending with his family. Also because I felt guilty that we both promised to get our lives together and he followed through with it but I couldn't.

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look at the face of the woman with the dog on the leash

you just KNOW

>does the exact same
Case in point

these wizards manage to get fat on the forehead and cheeks

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You are thinking of Bryan which is like an evil Chad.

>halo effect
is the /e/ person a female(male)? regardless i want them.

But they are very hateful against others. Like al-right, nazis, whites, capitalism, etc. You said that they SCARED, but deep down they would offend and upset other people.

>This image kills /fa/
funny how despite being shopped in, Dylan still has the best fit and looks most natural

How so?

Kinda funny how the alpha-betas are in the forefront while the regular betas follow behind them in the shadows.

Attached: Thats+not+an+actual+fa+meetup+_d23d976b739e854c9b8a579322277e52.jpg (1000x847, 233K)

that guy with the big gauges would be really hot if he didnt have those gauges

*walks toward you*

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