Well? How do you respond?

Well? How do you respond?

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Other urls found in this thread:


*unzips dick*

If you have to doubt your masculinity I have bad news for you.

Make him watch pic related

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was Kanji gay?

No way fag


It's a social construct. It doesnt have an actual meaning, it's an amalgam of whatever the people around you think it means. Any answer is correct as long as the social mind deems it correct, even if such answer would have been rejected 20 years ago by the same people.

Are there ever any shadows that represent hidden goodness that an otherwise evil person is trying to cover up?

Metis is the closest thing to that being the good parts of a person they want to repress.

in general, manliness is the tendency to disregard art and comfort for functionality or purpose. feelings and emotions are not as important than what needs to be done, while creativity is good, reliability and strength is better

I don't think he was gay and more that he was insecure about his masculinity because he liked doing things that weren't considered very "manly". That's why his shadow appears so gay is that he's trying to make himself appear as manly as possible to try and compensate for something he was insecure about. Kinda like Shinjiro in a way but more bothered by it.

no, he wasn't

>being a man means becoming a chaosfag

no. this and naoto being trans is just sjw propaganda

>"I see it now, I wasn't afraid of girls, I was just afraid of everyone."
Nah he's just antisocial or intimidated.
This as well

what are you talking about

Guy just loves tomboys, he just didn’t know that they are actually the best girls.

w-wait a second, does this mean trans folks have been reinforcing gender norms this entire time?!?!?

If your fetishize tomboys you're just a gay in denial

there's nothing wrong with desiring a partner that has similar tastes in what you do together, or even alone. it has nothing to do with sexuality unless you make it about sexuality

imagine being this insecure. the only person on denial here is you, friendo.

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The language we use to describe empirical reality is a convention and neither true nor false. Empirical reality itself is not a social construct. There's a reason language could be created without it existing beforehand: we can address things that have not been addressed by a formal language yet.

The concept of "man" arises from the need to differenciate humans with a masculine reproductive system, high testosterone levels, more body hair, stronger muscles, etc. from humans that have none of these things. Social constructs are not arbitrary.

he was living in an enviroment that encourages excessive masculinity, so he starts doubting himself whenever something in his life goes against the principle he was forced to accept. i think, or maybe i'm just projecting

For the last time, no.

People who interpreted him as a homosexual when he was.obviously struggling with appearing manly in front of his peers and hiding his "girly" hobbies obviously didn't play the game.

I fucking hate you philosophyniggers

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jeez kanji you're so gay haha
get away from me you homo jk lol

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Ironically yosuke was the closetfag of the group AND he had an actual twink living in his closet.

He wasnt a homosexual
But he was still a fag

Tfw Persona 4 menaged to take issues of gender roles and society expectations without being sjw propaganda

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imagine thinking calling your friend a faggot isn't normal
you a tranny?


Obviously not. Bi-curious at the very most.

This one is one that struggled to cross cultural boundaries to idiots. Ironically the West thinks it has a glass ceiling problem, but when they encounter commentary from a culture that actually does it flies right over their heads.


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well they at least reinforce the two genders thing

games that couldn't be made today

You act like those who think Kanji is gay actually played the game.

>it's not propaganda if I agree with it!

Being a man means...

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Namatame's TV version outright stated that whatever you, the main character, see, is what everyone will see. You think he was gay, and the TV version fuck that shit up. In other words, he was never gay, but you, the player, shove that shit onto him. It annoys the hell out of me that people back then think that this represent the gays, when in reality, Kanji just want to make cute keychains.

I know they never fucking play the game, but they control the gaming sites, which lead to many miscommunication.

>The wikipedia page for Kanji
Fucking why

just edit it.

You fight an army of Wikipedia autists with a clear agenda.

they can fight what they want but they cant change the game
thankfully it was a different time without a pink haired localisation staff with the mission to change the japanese wrong thinking

Being a guy means gaming and being oppressed, rising up and getting revenge on Veronica.
bottom text

It's funny how the SMT wiki page lists his whole character, while wikipedia just talks about his sexuality.

so, how does that dialogue fit in with their propaganda

>Kanji is gay!
>Everyone just ignores his crush on Naoto, that continues far after realizing she is in fact a girl

Yes, he was super into Naoto even when he thought she was a guy. He's fucking gay and it isn't up for debate. The game beats you over the fucking head with it.


I mean, she's not wrong.

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I can't stand her

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eugh. no matter how much a loser i am, i feel comforted knowing that i'm not at that level

I hope you didn't play the game, because if you did your stupidity is beyond help. The TV versions have nothing to do with what you project onto them, but what their own insecurities are. Thats what the whole fucking game is about, them getting over their own insecurities, not you changing your mind about them.

this is the most disgusting thing ive read all week, fuck you.

That's why Namatame's confessed to being the killer and Mitsuo's was all "come and get me", right?

It's all about how people around them see them, alongside their own insecurities.

He wasn't straight. The inner him was afraid that he was full-on hard gay, but liking masculinity in people doesn't mean you're a flamer.

Japanese sensibilities when it comes to homos is odd. An anti-LGBT politician was very open about how she had a crush on another female student when she was in school, said it's normal, but it's something you grow out of.

I can't stand you

>arguing against canon literally stated in game
Shut the fuck up retard

She's right
When it comes to gIrls at least

No. His issues steems from the fact that he like "unmanly" things and he was scared of being mocked for that so he had to put a tought guy act.

He being gay and the naoto trans shit are just social justice niggers being obnoxious retards.

Class S is dying for a reason.

Taking responsibility for your actions and using the power you have to make the changes you want.
Having willpower, and refusing to let your emotions or your impulses interfere with your goals and your obligations.
Being consistent and firm in the discipline you show to others, to be the rock of stability to anchor them.
Getting rid of your excuses, and getting good.

The complete opposite of what people who post sadcats and shouting Ryan Gosling are.

Is he the best villain the Persona series will ever have?

>Nuanced take on social issue for young, lonely men years before it would become culturally relevant
>Motivations are woven into the core his character, subverts audience expectations at every turn
>philosophically clashes with protagonists and is never proven wrong while still being a clear villain
>sympathetic despite abhorrent, irremediable crimes

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I would say yes if P4AU didn't redeem him

Never played this game but liking girly things doesn't make you a faggot, liking cock makes you one. But that other guy with the longer hair would probably bottom for the protagonist because he looks like a bitch.

He isn't really redeemed, he still killed two people and has his general mindset. He's just more matured from before after the IT brought him dow to reality when confronting someone like Sho and it Shos.

the answer is clear
there is not other jrpg villain still discussed regulary after all these years
he was literally ahead of its time

>Yes, he was super into Naoto even when he thought she was a guy
doesn't that just mean he's into Naoto, rather than a man or woman? he didn't get turned off when he found out she was female and he never went after any guy before

The channel shows what everyone wants to see. It showed the shadows because everyone wanted to know more about the people who appeared on TV. That doesn't mean the shadows themselves are fake at all, they're still the real insecurities and fears the characters genuinely have

that was the second part of my post agreeing with you. I just said you were dismissing the first part when it was true in some cases like Namatame and Mitsuo.

He still gets attracted to Akihiko and Yu in Arena, and he's okay with the gay marriage with Yu in PQ. He's anything but straight.

The discrepancy of the shadows can be easily summed it as what you see on the midnight channel (what people want to see) versus what people actually witness in the TV world.

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You know what is a construct? The "crime" "rape", now get your ass over here, boy. Anyway, words have meaning, your just a dumb relativist.

>What does it mean to be a guy?
>Does liking feminine things automatically make you gay

His entire character arc was already summarized in the OPs pic user

>a man.
>having or denoting those good qualities traditionally associated with men, such as courage and strength.
"looking manly and capable in his tennis whites"

I'm pretty thats just the American translation team paraphrasing what he actually says.

this, yosuke was the only real homo in the game

Still doesn't excuse his other not straight moments.

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>Peoples image of you has nothing to do with how your insecurities develop

I hope you've never taken a psychology course because them not failing you would have been an embarrassment

If you actually played the game youd know he does that because hes easily intimidated by others. But whatever validates your gay propaganda I suppose.

there are aesthetics in nice muscles. men can look at muscles and not be gay just like women can look at scantily clad women in mags and not be lesbian

having feminine traits doesn't automatically make you gay.

>gay propaganda
Not that guy but lol

>Using spinoff garbage as accurate representation of the original characters


You wouldn't blush if Yu stared deeply into your eyes?

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Yes, mentally ill sjw are quite funny

what are you trying to say? use your words

It's so sad that we encourage people to change themselves to appeal to their illusions.

It never ceases to amaze me that to this fucking day people still don't understand the themes of Persona 4.

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>Gender stereotypes are bad and we shouldn't be forced to act a certain way just because your a boy
>But if you don't abide gender rules then you totally want to suck cock though XD

This is why /pol/ has an active userbase

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I already mentioned he has gay thoughts in the other games, and I'm just posting examples. And you can still like feminine hobbies and still be gay, or at least bi in Kanj's case.

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You feel bad for him a little, but not too much, which is a good mixture. He could have always had a friend in Dojima and embraced the rural police life, but he was so insistent that he deserved something better because he thought he was just so damn special and better than everyone else. He's peak Yea Forums, so he's up there as the best for me.

Or...they chose to make the same shitpost-bait threads everyday for suckers like you,

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Discussions about Kanji remind me of I think it was Arnold Schwarzengger who had posters of bodybuilders on his walls as a teenager instead of hot models and it made his parents think he was gay. You can appreciate things for their aesthetic value without being sexual attracted to them, especially when it's for the purposes of emulation as a goal to aspire to. Kanji's entire character is about people thinking he's actually gay just because he appreciates aesthetics.

so his mind is always in the gutter, okay. whenever someone says something ambiguous i like to point it out and ask if they meant it as a sexual entendre. it doesn't mean i'm gay. words don't mean anything, actions do. he hasn't gone after any guys seriously, but is put in those scenarios you pointed out because it's running gag.

Because you find stupid reasons to infer retarded shit? You're looking for things to get hateful about, I don't think the problem is them or /pol/, only you.


>Stega are a complete joke by the end of the game
>Ikutsuki fucks off from the game the moment he's revealed to be a villain
>Akechi is ruined potential the character
>Shido is more forgettable than almost every boss enemy in the game
>Everything else is just forced god bosses thrown in near the final part of the game

Looking back he was probably the only good villain in the series

Kanji is bisexual at the least.
Most of you are just homophones and don’t want him to be gay.

He wasn't redeemed, he was just willing to admit to himself that he had a few people in the world that he cared about and that maybe the IT weren't entirely wrong.
His redemption comes when Shadow Ops recruits him out of jail.

Naoto best girl hands down

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>Recruits him out of jail
when did this happen? They may have needed his help at the moment, but he quietly slips back to prison after the events of the game. Prison can't even hold him forever because the legal system cannot 100% prove his murders and how he did them regardless of what he keeps admitting to.

I'm talking WHEN they do that. Shadow Ops was formed after Arena with the purpose of combating Shadows and Adachi can control Shadows to a certain extent, that's far too useful of a tool for Titsuru to ignore.

fuck off faggot.

Mitsuru never explicitly said she recruited Adachi. She didn't even know who he was when they met.

Why was everybody's problems in P4 sex related?

And now they have met, his incredibly valuable ability was demonstrated, and any potential redemption arc can occur. You're taking a spoiler shitpost really far and killing the humor here.


>based retard projecting out of nowhere

If he's into a person regardless of their gender, he's bixexual or pansexual (if you believe thats even a thing).

If he's into someone who he totally thinks is a man, but he can still feel attraction to women, he's biseual. He actually hasn't explored his sexuality to know for certain, but Kanji is most likely bi. However its hard to know for certain, and that grey area is important to the character.

Only faggots obsess about sexual orientation. Just like who you like.

He's mostly straight but had some homosexual thoughts as a result of his gynophobia.

>"that other me is me"
Well fuck.

He was bisexual. Its pretty obvious but homophobes don’t like to admit it.

Everyone? It's just two protagonists and the villain.


They're right though.

>White hair
>Brown stubble