Attached: 1eje0KA.jpg (670x883, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Lol gamers

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nothing wrong with this, dont know why its posted in a lol thread


Attached: 1506971559662.png (744x1052, 331K)

For the love of god please don't post c*nny here, i just want to laugh at funny pictures.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190411-010755_Lightning_1.jpg (1080x2146, 460K)

hee hee

Attached: IMG_20190403_180504.png (899x899, 241K)

>having a drivers license = driving as a profession

Attached: IMG_20190516_203003.jpg (1600x2048, 529K)

lol i hope those socks aren't sweaty and stinky from training

Possibly the only time I've ever lol'd in a lol thread.

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If someone went to college for driving, I would expect them to at least have a rudimentary idea of how to operate a bus.

i could be posting the expected material, but id rather just share what i never get to use

Attached: 1533862028268.jpg (3024x4032, 1.34M)

That's because he took it straight from reddit

Don't you dare using reverse psychology on me nigger

Legit made me laugh


please give proper credit next time


Yeah, that'd be awful

Attached: IMG_20190502_194122.jpg (1136x1600, 77K)

The subtle edits aren't that subtle.

>unironically caring
thats pretty cringe bro. yikes

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I'm just making people aware that a better community exists out there, without c*nnyposting tr*nnies

Attached: IMG_20190523_164915.jpg (939x1669, 284K)

dota 2


shut up faggot and crawl back to the shitty site you came from

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wow you're so fucking based pretending to be retarded
epic humor you ginormous fucking shiteating faggot


god i want that bird to fuck me

You got it pal

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Loliposting is literally the best thing on Yea Forums(nel)

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I never got this one.

Attached: 1557111923846.png (839x1259, 237K)

this is peak

hoo boy it's getting hot in here


>highlights in her hair
>highlights in her eyes
it's soo goddamn beautiful

I dont think that counts she is a dog after all.


Attached: 1532820908679.jpg (2250x3190, 1.35M)

Attached: 1531755807134.jpg (640x480, 90K)

sauce me up senpai

Does this ends up with headpat?


Loli posting is best posting

Attached: 1559292082061.jpg (584x800, 121K)

Headpat posting is better

Attached: 1549491016193.jpg (700x747, 90K)

Remember when the joke of loss was the retarded decision to have a miscarriage story in a video game comic and not "lol is this loss (i already know that it is because it clearly is but im going to ask anyways heehee)"

>2008 was 35 years ago


Attached: ce4d2524faf00cd617f564caf84ef662.png (1029x755, 359K)

>unzips dick


seething tranny falseflagger

Lolis make trannies seethe, what the fuck are you talking about

they're just responding to "thing they don't like" using whatever the newest phrase is

Holy shit Dobson never ceases to amaze me in how much of a failure of an artist he is
He's literally the kid in art class who only ever draws things anime style and thinks he's a good artist

Attached: 1444690155660.png (1220x616, 87K)

it's just like "cope" and "seething"
He either doesn't know or doesn't care what it actually means, he just knows it as "thing that you say to people who you don't like"

i've accepted that Yea Forums is reddit, but I realise to drive away reddit or threads you hate is to post cp or cunny in them.

Attached: 1557029421999.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)


Ha ha

Attached: 1555883218928.jpg (1302x1200, 450K)

I bet that you can't even define cope without looking it up

doing gods work user


>I'm too special for straight people
>I'm also too special for gay people

Attached: Dab.gif (232x279, 268K)


I want a Dobson thread RIGHT NOOOOW

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>calls "normal" a sexuality, therefore implying that all other sexualities aren't normal

*genuine laugh*

Attached: 1554001318900.png (500x500, 33K)

ho ho

Attached: d5e.jpg (625x685, 62K)

that's clearly an edit

Attached: pretty boy.png (618x8000, 1.21M)

>Give credit to Reddit

Can I really sample loli cunny before forcing them to marry me? Japanese are so advanced!

>I just want to fuck anything and everything

The sexual revolution was a mistake.

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me favorite vidya gaem is better than yours

Attached: tim-actually-said-this.png (650x740, 158K)


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kill all horny people

actually that's the only way it would count as a dog knot can't properly stay in a human vagina without a lot of squeezing

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That small loss edit caught me off guard

Attached: 1522088523808[1].jpg (1400x1762, 301K)

jesus christ it's a good thing I didn't drive into that comic or i'd be dead

why the fuck are lol threads allowed every fucking day?

Attached: open-borders-for-israel-comic.png (1000x500, 70K)

Oh hey I'm in this screencap

Attached: DIO_Awakened_OVA.png (270x256, 77K)

They're better than Twitter screencap threads

Attached: 22mesqvdclk21.png (796x588, 96K)

>gamers arent violent
>but if you keep fucking with us we'll kill you!
all these years later and its still just as stupid

Attached: 1554530706439.gif (320x180, 3.28M)

Did bioware ever respond to this

designated shitting threads, and at least there's a potential for decent funposting in them rather than morons screaming the same buzzwords at each other for 300 posts

Well every once in a while this guy actually makes a decent strip.

I don't get it

I don't get it

Anyone have the one that compares how dobson reacts to criticism versus an actual artist?

Does this guy even understand what point he's trying to make?


Attached: frrt.jpg (699x1004, 98K)

Video games like this?

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way to copy a classic and ruin it

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shieeet, is her height actually correct? I always thought she was midget-sized



god i wish that were me

LMFAO saved

He's implying something like wanting open borders is ok for jews unless you want to open them in Isral, which makes you antisemite.

I don't understand

Attached: 1556517714991.jpg (525x478, 72K)


Hey, now that you mention it the style is really similar.

Comic-Shadman can be pretty good sometimes

Attached: 1546482073628.png (1000x1000, 106K)

Everytime there's a comfy lol thread someone posts stonetoss and then the thread gets derailed.

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Last panel got a chuckle.

lol'd heartily

>ignored the most fundamental skill of drawing, that all the greatest cartoonist and animators (those he clearly admires) all adhered to.

Gotta love the dobs. It's like a stroke of statistics that someone could exist with so many incorrect concepts.

I get footposters but like what's the fantasy of giants? You couldn't even fuck one


Israel is one of the most closed-off countries in the world when it comes to immigration, considering the whole 'Jews only' thing, and of course if you criticize Israel in the American media you get labelled an anti-Semite by your typical news pundits

Wait. I thought when going to an art college you HAD to get into figure drawing at some point. How could he possibly not understand how to draw from life? I've been told time and time again that learning basic anatomy and drawing from life is what helps you learn the "rules" that you can then "break" after. Has he never attempted actually learn what the human body looks like?

Attached: 1540650280036.png (1181x1200, 446K)

>non-vore giantess
You can stay for now but don't outstay your welcome.

Maybe they want to climb into a giant pussy as a form of unbirth.

these threads are made to be derailed by retarded bullshit
the only way to fix it is so post more retarded bullshit

It's a shitpost because it's based on an image that gets spammed on /int/
It's not a genuine fetish comic

that took a turn

>dios mio i want to draw a pokemone cooked into bread
>but i don't want to piss off any croatian gringos in the process

I have discussed it in threads before. A lot of them said it was a dom/sub power fantasy thing.

>not mini-giantess so you can't even fuck her
What's the pppppoint


Attached: 1547836273981.png (665x618, 123K)

Not an art major, but from what I have heard in interviews from artists is that a lot of modern art schools don't have nearly as intensive requirements as you might believe.

Attached: brad.png (1024x719, 806K)

dobson lol threads > pol lol threads

innocent and pure

Nobody has asked him this


Attached: LOL.png (651x1681, 440K)

Israel is known for being a super selective country, for example they literally spit on black jews and turn them away from Isreal. If you criticize that, you're an anti-semite. These same people then turn around and demand that the US and Europe open up their borders to let the 3rd world in.


People are posting loli, user, it was already being derailed.

I don't know how it is for colleges now, but drawing from life photo-realistically was literally the first class, with anatomy being the second.

Attached: 1322531081268.jpg (800x542, 89K)

horny people have no rights. horny people are not protected under the constitution. if you are horny i WILL find you and you will be sorry buster. unfollow me right fucking now if you are horny, have ever been horny, or ever will be horny. this is not a joke. please leave.

Life drawing isnt much of a thing taught in schools these days

Attached: 1557677080055.png (1752x6796, 1.31M)

What does that have to do with that comic
Where is the joke in that comic

Attached: 1558111039950.gif (300x300, 2.92M)

Giantesses are for loving regardless of size

Attached: IMG_20190526_212259.jpg (500x648, 51K)

im proud of you user

That's cute and way better than the original.

I like tall girls/mini-giantess, I agree actual giantess doesn't make a great deal of sense to me

you must be retarded if you cant see the joke by now.

this but unironically

>not "no homo tho"

Yeah but lolis are based

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thats just cringe
"fill me up" would have been better
adding swearing just makes it seem tryhard

>the same people
Daily reminder that /pol/ posters use these three words together about 250,000 times each day and it's always total shit


Attached: 1554163159168.jpg (148x127, 3K)

what in the everloving fuck


Or it's just an awful comic

>Vore giantess
>not giantess that gently pampers you and gives you gentle hugs between her breasts.
Your taste is bad and you should feel bad.

Attached: 1539338659040.jpg (1190x839, 157K)

This is what happens when you date redditors


You understand that the right are the ones who blindly support Israel, yes?

Imagine being Dobson

Attached: dobsonoldmac.png (649x605, 78K)

>That last panel
Whoever made this is an absolute genius.

Attached: 232.png (680x509, 321K)

Could someone give me a quick rundown on Schmorky?

Should post some prime cunny right now haha
To get rid of this thread I mean

FUCKING THIS. Studying animation at the moment and all we do is dick around "experimenting" with alternative animation. fukcing niggers i thought they would prepare us for the animation world. can't wait to not get a job because all i did these three years i had to teach myself. fuckkkc

Attached: helpp.jpg (322x268, 8K)

So this is the average undertale and modern nintendo fan

Imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food

It's the tried and true tactic of the right for years.

Usually they find someone utterly insane on the left, and then imply they represent the whole left.
Suddenly being concerned about healthcare is as insane as being a transdragon who wants to commit white genocide.

Or you are just awfully retarded
or jewish


I think his point was that vore is unwelcome

Attached: 1554755141139.png (638x900, 568K)

I am extremely anti-israel so that cannot be correct
Also I don't want my political opinions to be expressed as jokes

>the video of dobson playing skyrim on his dinosaur mac at 9 fps with his squeaky omega male voice is gone forever

I'm going to have to ask you for a source

Thank you, Anons. This info is really helpful. I'm going to continue drawing from life/figure drawing and see where it can take me. I suppose it's time to do some more digging with my local colleges.

Attached: 1541303752542.png (451x458, 93K)

LOL > tranny twitter screenshot threads

I wish dobson would have a stroke so he could become a statistic and stop existing.


i want a tall girl to bend down to kiss me
i want to train hard so i can pick up the tall girl
tall girls are cute

Attached: 2019-05-15 18.47.18.jpg (720x540, 71K)

>tfw knew the image you were gonna post before i clicked on the
literal god

So you're retarded then, alright.

we need to rise up

My nigga

There aren't nearly enough tall qts in the world to go around, but I hope we both get one

He somehow took "I'm not good at drawing in that style" and turned it into levels of self-satisfied cuntiness I would never have thought possible


someone post the unedited version

So you're retarded then, alright.

Attached: 1554143060490.png (1000x1000, 488K)

sorry you made a shitty comic redpanels AKA stonetoss

it was determined he was lying about his OS since the last 2 vers at the time wouldn't do that ever.
how pathetic do you have to be to lie about that

Attached: IMG_20190403_072053.jpg (4096x1389, 795K)

Oh wow

Attached: 1554143329485.png (493x960, 267K)

My first drawing class consisted of still life exercises, drawing perspective, and figure drawing. While things didn't have to be "photo-realistic", the professor expected what we drew to look "real", as in have correct anatomy and proportions. If anyone wants to draw cartoons and have them look attractive or believable, they need to know how to draw things realistically.

I'm not an artfag what's the rule

i want to feel the embrace of a big woman

yfw you're not Dobson

Attached: Krrul.gif (321x262, 320K)

At least I got stuff and goals in my life unlike who is gonna kill himself from depression soon


seriously what's up with that ugly jean shorts-like fur? ruins the design for me, at least the mega fixes that

You think that I'm depressed because I don't find your comic funny? I think that you may just be projecting.

>Not taking a free computer with jizz on it
Absolutely retarded

Attached: 1598965479854.jpg (680x680, 72K)

God damn it, I got a chub.

Never forget there are literally brainlets on Yea Forums who became right wing because other anons would dump the same images of unattractive feminists again and again

Attached: 1559037517849.gif (480x270, 1.11M)

how do I get rid of a fat fetish


How the hell this video is not deleted by youtube already?

Attached: 323131.png (646x595, 269K)

wtf where are all the wojack's and pepe's

this is very cute

I might just take the BBW pill again, I love them.

lol'd, nice edit


Attached: 8.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>and Kisses

Attached: 1540161246292.jpg (184x184, 23K)

YouTube is controlled by Big Vore

Attached: 1559366040309.png (1118x707, 28K)

HOLY SHIT, user! What the FUCK did you just do to me!?

Attached: 1554779144213.jpg (274x396, 67K)

The cringe is unbelievable.

I wonder how many people like this had shitheel dads I know I did

literally came to post this image

What a strawman. Who wouldn't take any of those things just because of a little skeet. Stoneretard.

And yet no chubby gf

Saved. Thank you.

No I am thinking that additionally to your retardamnation you also suffer from depression because who the fuck tries to argue on Yea Forums instead of playing video games

I am here right now because I am waiting for my download to finish

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Why did this mediocre limmy sketch blow up so hard?

Attached: 1526668777872.gif (360x414, 1.99M)

I am literally playing a video game right now you utter cretin
You just keep making assumptions and then acting as if you truly know

Attached: 56.jpg (800x1232, 257K)

Attached: dps loss.webm (1920x1080, 1.37M)

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Attached: 57.jpg (800x1232, 243K)

good shit

Attached: 58.jpg (800x1232, 217K)

Daily reminder!

Attached: 1527109072817.png (1200x800, 1.81M)

Because "omg this is sooo meee" and "lol what's he saying!? xD"

Attached: 59.jpg (800x1236, 307K)


Attached: kodomo-no-jikan-4099765.jpg (800x1155, 199K)

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First time zoomers heard the joke

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Attached: fortnite funnies.jpg (789x960, 155K)

Attached: 63.jpg (800x1236, 286K)

Is colors good, unironically?

Because the Scottish are basically the clowns to the entire world because they talk funny. You either sound stupid, drunk or both with that accent

I want to sleep in a warm bed next to a half-naked loli

But that includes everyone on Yea Forums as a whole.

So did they fucked or not
I forgot if it's finished or still ongoing

Attached: 64.png (798x1236, 925K)

A talking mimic character would be cool, you go up to open him and he gets all pissed. Eventually you become friends and he gives you tips along the way while he's somehow is placed everywhere you go.

if you're in the US and are a good self-motivator look into local live model sessions, and get the loomis books on drawing and perspective. US art college is a giant scam that will sink you in debt for the rest of your life

Attached: 65.png (796x1230, 936K)

>that feel when I miss rage comics and Yea Forums over current Yea Forums
This place fucking sucks.


Not me

>someone was paid to make this

Attached: 1534434411117.gif (782x543, 5K)

Come down here and say that to my face

Attached: IMG_20190503_123515.jpg (800x1116, 72K)

Attached: 66.png (796x1235, 1.03M)

rockthrow is literally the stereotype seething incel and he's not even trying to pretend otherwise anymore

Attached: 67.png (800x1233, 953K)

Honestly the look of pure confusion on Limmy's face over such a simple concept does the whole thing, Limmy is brilliant. Glad it got popular otherwise I never would have heard of him.

>>someone was paid
I think this is precisely the issue.

Attached: 68.png (796x1231, 1.04M)

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is boy cunny allowed on Yea Forums(nel)?

Attached: siblings.png (631x718, 637K)

see you tomorrow

Attached: 69.png (797x1232, 812K)

Attached: 70.png (800x1237, 1007K)

Me too user

Attached: 75s418q2sf001.png (804x858, 406K)

It's funny to see people shit on Richard Williams and The Animator's Survival Kit, and while it does have a ton of problems, most of the people doing the shitting are calarts tier retards.

Attached: 71.png (800x1237, 850K)

There's different circumstances with US and Israels border policy and if fail to not mention them then you're being intentionally misleading and distorting the truth

Attached: benantoka.png (409x520, 118K)

How would you know this? Unless...


Attached: 72.png (800x1237, 778K)

>pretends to be abused by his family so moves in with a fan
>pretends to be sexual abused so he moves in with lowtax
>starts making a bunch of animations with lowtax's daughter
>turns out shmorky is a diaperfur
>becomes a tranny despite being in his late 30's
>Wears a knitted wig because he's bald
>Dates a schizophrenic and convinces her to get off her medication
>records himself getting yelled at by his schizo girlfriend for sympathy
>Shmorky's pedo drawings of his characters get leaked
>People find out shmorky has been paying an underage girl to voice a character that's into piss play
>Chat logs of shmorky soliciting underage girls for sex surfaces
>Shmorky goes nuclear and is now in a mental asylum

Attached: The Smorks.png (480x270, 87K)

absolutely, yes

>gets digested through the vagina

Attached: 73.png (800x1237, 833K)

>people shit on this
What problems do they have with it?

Attached: It was THREEEEEE.png (375x324, 77K)

[glass her]

Attached: 74.png (800x1237, 828K)

>refusing a free computer because it at one point had semen touching it even though it almost undoubtedly got cleaned off afterwards
are normalfags really this irrational

Attached: 75.png (800x1237, 839K)

The girlfriend has presumably taken a shower between the skeeting and the selling.

>Make it really fun game
>Ruin it with vore

Attached: saber.png (445x408, 371K)

absolutely seething

Attached: 1540357291372.png (2048x1738, 1.3M)

reminder that as long you're able to improve you're leagues ahead from dobson, and no artfag wants to be dobson tier

>Had to do Life Drawings I and II.
And they were all either ugly old or fat. I want a refund.

Attached: 76.png (800x1237, 879K)

the irony of this is incredible

only if its not /ss/ though

>tripfag enters the thread

>cunnyposting trannies

fucking top kek

>boy cunny

Attached: Edogawa Roman.png (512x670, 242K)

Be a bro and pass the sauce.

Wouldn't she just be pansexual then?

That's so Kafkaesque.

it's SS

Holy shit man, I remember watchng his flash animation and liking a lot of them.
I hope he rots

>implying animators know how to draw well
fucking with graphs and settings in maya
has nothing to do with the fundamental skills of drawing. and if you are doing 2D character animation you arent getting a job unless you go to cal arts anyways. if you animate for motion graphics its much better in the long term

>bbws will never be this cute in real life

Attached: 1547246830723.gif (404x347, 1003K)

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This is your brain on children's cartoons

Attached: 1555113331737.jpg (237x232, 8K)

Special effects animation is a lot of the time done in 2D even for 3D productions, and requirest skill on drawing.

God, is there anything worse than art school? Everybody who graduates from there is a twat and in horrible debt unless they live in a first world country and 90% never get a proper job.

Improve yourself to the point where you don't have to delude yourself into thinking landwhales are attractive becuase that's all you can realistically get.

Attached: 1558742561756.png (1516x1086, 123K)

>wedding ring
Made my heart flutter there.

Attached: 1528570730229.jpg (680x383, 17K)

I'm an artist and I'll sorta play Devil's Advocate here. Dobson is a hack and should start doing studies of real life; however, he's HARDLY the only artist who thinks like this and actively only draws one way. At least he has the stones to admit he's a fraud instead of acting he's doing everything right. What's embarrassing though is he went to art school, has decades of experience, and has already committed so many other art sins.

Despite this, there's a good chance y'alls favorite artist hasn't drawn a proper portrait, landscape, or even filled out a sketchbook in a while. Difference being there's a point where you've covered the basics well enough that you just don't feel like the need to do it anymore if you don't enjoy it. That doesn't apply to Dobson.

Attached: Shake.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Little girls are the best fag

fuck me have you been spying on me

except it's /nightbike/

Thanks for the hard truths Shake.

Attached: 1544801045539.png (910x322, 570K)

the chad dad

It's like im on twitter!!

Attached: 1553211437970.png (751x572, 384K)

ebin :DDD

Attached: 1529347340306.jpg (600x616, 132K)

Yeah, everyone knows this is actually Limmy's best sketch.

someone edit this so the bullies they invited to their wedding kick their ass there too

I'm from Texas

Attached: Texas.jpg (300x154, 15K)

if you want to draw people for a long long time then sure. ive had an instructor who was a pretty succesful illustrator and he had a whole career doing illustrations for rolling stones and doing backgrounds and layout for animation. he was a master at understand form of objects and perspective and conposition as well as scale, but he said he has never done a single good figure drawing or colored piece. you can definitely get by not knowing figure drawing if you can draw amazing vehicles or backgrounds or hell even creatures


Yes and I'm from Ohio but I don't type "pop" or "ain't"

sorry mate but coastal cucks have stolen your peoples' greeting.

Attached: sponge kinect.jpg (844x3657, 1.02M)

Post rifle and cowboy boots, then you are free to go.

Attached: 1546846897865.png (994x999, 294K)

Attached: rescue.webm (1920x1530, 1.73M)

You mean you guys don't?

Attached: EARLIEST ACCESS.png (663x868, 889K)

>That comic in the previous drawthread about the old man cat in a "variant city"
FUCK it was getting interesting, can somebody post it/give a source?

Attached: hubert-tan-marine15.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

Attached: 1432690959865.gif (500x223, 495K)

>spongebob's reaction isn't animated
fucking dropped

Attached: 1540931018583.png (1527x884, 359K)

I don't associate or identify with the subhumans who just happen to exist within my vicinity.

holy shit hahahaha

Attached: IMG_20190516_150535.jpg (672x713, 56K)

It took me a good 5 seconds to even comprehend that the figure was supposed to be a person