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Other urls found in this thread:

>healers have been doing this since ARR
>but suddenly now it's a problem

fuck you I replied to your shitty post in last thread before jannies deleted it
It's always been a problem

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One month for them to adjust the ridiculous SMN potencies but Faggyzaur probably sucked Yoshi P's cock to get it to be broken for another entire expansion.

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actually GNB

Oh gee, another expansion where BLM gets to be useless because they don't have a rez, THANKS YOSHI

>people actually think these two are the same character

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smn has been overpowered for like 3/4ths of the game's life but no one ever noticed or cared, dunno why you would expect a change now

>oh no no no look at this dood

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I fucking love Elezen!

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Why didn't you just look at the hair?

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show me your sam controller layout

if only elezen looked this good in game

>the WoL is a 5ft tall cat girl that wears glasses with the voice of a squeaky toy
why do so many people intentionally allow their immersion to be broken like this?


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>mfw it's another falseflagger shitposting episode

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noise is cheating

Both of them are secretly Zodiark

>5ft tall cat girl
But my WoL is a 4'10" lizard girl.

>guildless sprout with two 70lvl jobs in full Rakshasa gear
>with UCoB weapon
>has only story mounts and minions
What? No way

Why are they bringing him back? He was such a whiny Mary Sue faggot

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You can make Elezen look really good if you put in some effort

>tfw 13915 points

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It's no wonder LNC/DRGs on ARR release thought they were tanks.

>the WoL isn't a 3ft tall gnome
why do so many people intentionally allow their immersion to be broken like this?

this is bullshit, there's no way DRK does more damage than WAR with all the bs they got

can you fucking idiots stop posting tank dps comparisons if PLD geta nerfed before release I'm coming for you

Are there any Amano-esque armours in the game aside from the Elemental Armour sets? I want my PLD to look like Cecil.

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I love the beast tribes more.

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run seller

Every Labyrinth of the Ancients set, and the ARR EX primal weapons that were designed to go with them.

>dramatic waddle towards the boss
it will never not look incredibly fucking silly

It's an alt
Raid alts are a legit strat for serious players because it let's you your group get double gear.

Not at 2 seconds into the benchmark you didn't, which is when that pic is taken.

Like WAR and SCH, SMN has to be broken else its players will unsub.

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Is this the sluttiest slut NPC in the game?

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Not what I was implying but ok

war will get its traditional buff within the first month, it'll be back on top before long

I fucking love it

>story pointing towards the crystal tower, with the majority of all media showing reference to it as well as it being the new hub zone in the expansion
>the one character tied to the crystal tower being brought back is somehow confusing

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>not playing a Lalafell
>missing out on being amused every time NPCs are scared shitless of your anime gnome

It's Final Fantasy.

Wild Rose set, LotA set like it's been said. Not much else.

You shitpost like that, but there are some headasses that want a BLM rez unironically. I sure as fuck hope those aren't the same clowns that cry homogenization all the time. SMN rez was a mistake desu, and only happened because of the failed ACN experiment. What we need is phoenix down being usable mid-combat and having bigger inventory stacks.


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Look up the Armor of Light


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The difference is marginal. Watch WARniggers whine their way to 1K DPS above PLD before the first content patch.

>SMN rez was a mistake
Nah, SMN has had rez capabilities in every game.

I was tempted to be a mentor because I genuinely want to help sprouts, but the crown has reached a stigma of being awful at the game that I fear my help would be turned down outright because of it.


Having the crown and actually being good gets you more commendations

Either DRK and PLD will be nerfed right before release or WAR will be buffed to the top

Good thing you don't need a burger king crown to help anyone retard

I could accept lalafell being the WoL in the same way hobbits were the heroes in LotR

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you talking shit about my WoL?

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>not making a tomboyish dragon girl
Squeaky voices a shit though.
>mfw catgirl monk starts squeaking constantly

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I'd take a BLM raise but only if it was a necormency spell and put the Walking Dead status on whoever got rezzed and required an actual healer to top them off or else they'd fall back over within a few seconds

you don't need a crown to help people plus you can turn it off.

god i want to make her all kinds of happy

ARR SMN was garbage

Exactly, that's already what I do.
Still don't benefit from things like salvaging failed runs roulette or a direct line to their chat channel, though.

>DRK reduces party DPS
Excuse me what.

female miqo'te is canon WoL.

Should have stayed that way. But a slippery slope started, and now SMN won't have themselves be anything less than SSSSS+ tier for everything.

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Fray comes out and starts healing your enemy to spite you

Just do it faggot, if you're not a shitty player then you have nothing to worry about

my man

That's make sense.

I'd take people like you leaving the game and going back to wow.

>WoL hates himself for putting himself through that shit again

You can tell by his post he is a shitty player though. If he wasn't he wouldn't be so insecure about a fucking icon and he'd just let him skill talk for him.

Today I will remind them

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Now post the Michael Cera Roegadyn

I boot all mentor crowns from my groups on sight. It's the most reliable sign of being a total shitter and I won't have them waste my time.


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They actually considered exactly that but turned the idea down because it's garbage.

>SMNs get shitty chicken nugget summoms and DoTs
>they complain
>get sattelite Bahamut death beams
>they complain
>get to summon actual fucking Bahamut
>they complain
>alsp get Phoenix and have their pets integrated into their actual moveset so they're no longer unrresponsive pieces of shit

No you don't

>SSSSS+ tier for everything
You wish.

do you think they will change any of sam's numbers

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I fucking love this Elezen in particular

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How to be a mentor:
>Don't inject your shitty sense of humor whenever you type
>Be direct in your language, assume you're speaking to an autistic child always, but avoid sounding condescending
>Keep it concise, offer counterexamples as to why doing "x" thing is wrong/suboptimal. People don't like being told they're fucking stupid and stop doing what they're doing

Until egis are gone and they're just full-on summoning primals they will continue to complain

Are you completely unaware of the BLM lore in this game?

Oh, but I do.

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And she loves you, user!

until egis just do my entire job for me and I don't have to look at my screen at all I will always complain

sam is yoshi's favorite melee job. blm is his favorite ranged. those two are never going to be irrelevant.

The absolute STATE of monks
>lost their high damage and highly technical rotation
>lost their oGCDs
>lost their crit boost
>DNC would rather tether to SAM over them
>STILL do less damage than summoner, MCH surpasses them
What is the point of this job?

Yeah until they start moving then the shine comes off that apple real fast.

They're not necromancers.
Unless you seriously think stuffing a voidsent inside a party member's body would be a good res ability.

Eh, I got used to it pretty fast

Gonna get a PS4 copy when Shadowbringers is out to co-op with my bro. It has two of my favorite things in FF; gunbreakers and choco bunnies, though I've rumblings about whether it's a good DPS class or not.

Can someone enlighten me?

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>high damage

I started playing 3 weeks ago, please fil me in on the memes

i know about blm but i haven't heard about him loving sam, got a source on that?

>take brisk walks
>any other race

These look totally different.

Eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, face shape.

This looks alike at least.

When you fall in combat you're not dead anyway. It's K.O.

>we'll never get elves this cute in the game
instead of dusk elves we should've gotten small elezen that look like Alisaie. i know lorewise the twins are just young wildwoods but they should be a separate smaller cuter race of elves

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THM (the BLM base class) are though, at least to a limited degree. I'm not even saying I want BLM to have a rez, but if they DID get one I'd want it to be that way is what I'm saying.

It’s a tank

this is a standard wow-style holy trinity mmo and classes have no specializations. gunbreaker can only tank, if you want an armored melee dps your option is dragoon, samurai, or to go fuck yourself because yoshi-P is a hack

THM are priests of a death god but they aren't necromancers. They just perform funeral rites. Necromancy in XIV doesn't actually bring anyone back to life, it just animates empty corpses with void energies or with an actual voidsent. And if we're talking about THM lore then really they should have been the class that upgrades to WHM anyway. Not only are they priests focusing on life and death, they were the support mage in 1.0.

>I'm not even saying I want BLM to have a rez, but if they DID get one I'd want it to be that way is what I'm saying.
Just go away.

every job he cosplays as is his favorite one.

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gunbreaker is a tank but it plays like a dps with its combos

THM aren't necromancers either bro, all the necros we encounter tend to be fallen conjurers

>DRG was first
>SHC was second
>MNK yesterday
>SMN today
SMN is ruined. Phoenix is Baha reskin

>every job he cosplays as is his favorite one.
Not really. Aside for BLM he is just doing stuff for the new jobs. SAM then, GNB now.

This. The only time you are considered dead is when you're forced to spawn and in Qarn HM if you get buried in quicksand.

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I haven't played in a few years and only half-heartedly follow ShB news, what's that?

They are tanks

TK really boosted them
Nah, Elezen are great as they are. Everyone wanting petite elezen or viera are fucking gay

>implying you still won't either get ignored or chewed out anyway regardless of how nice or concise you are.

Last time I tried to help I was calmly explaining how the Black Mage rotation worked to a BLM in the sirensong sea, and then him and the tank who I assume he was premade with just left and ruined the run. This was a guy who was using Fire III as his main damage spell.

Lorewise we don't die tho. Just Echo showing us bad end

Don't forget MCH and ping dependency

But it does the least damage of tanks by a considerable margin so it's a useless job unless it's potencies get buffed

t. likes men

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You can be a mentor and not have the crown on dumdum

wait tll 5.0 for final adjustments. if that doesn't happen then it will be addressed on 5.05 when the raid tier releases.

>yoshi says he had the most fun working on monk
What the fuck is his problem with monk players?

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Elezen men are great too, but that's besides the point

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>tfw not wanting to play anything but GNB after finally seeing it in action
The fuck do I do for a month? Fishing seems nice, but none of the combat jobs are doing it for me anymore.

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THM can commune witn the dead, though it's an expressly forbidden technique.

Why so bitter? Is that limited rez thing from WoW or something? I've never even played that shit.

Just unsub till ShB.

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>dps is the only thing that matters.
>if a job isnt meta it's trash
piss off parseshitter.



it hurts my soul using hagakure now that I know about ikishoten


elezen men >>>> any other race >>>> elezen women

Tornado Kick. Dangerous parasite

help out new players. those people will become your future raiders.

*optimus prime voice* my fellow gamers

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but i need to grind for my storm elite set

I started playing because of the livestream being hilarious, I've never played WoW before. The last/only MMO I played before this was Star Trek and I never got to endgame.

I already put the money in for this month. Plus a friend of mine started getting into it and I'm helping him through the story.

>we were able to remove the TK tumor. >Unfortunately, we also removed half your brain. Please understand.

I mean pretty much any class can tank the intro dungeons. The issue is more holding hate than the damage by a huge margin.

>rematch with Zenos (falso) by the end of SO
>Dialogue choice
>*shake head*

I feel like Senei should do more damage than guren on 2 targets

Gunbreaker is a tank and you can only Job change to it at level 60.

I agree. We need to give SAM MORE potency.

>bugged TK that does 100 more potency for an entire expac gets abused to hell and back but MNK still isn't good
>just now realize they don't care about MNK at all

I'm starting to level SAM, it's fun

>post this same crop the other day
>it got deleted and i get warned

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personally I thought it was crap until you get the kenki mastery II passive then it opens up all your ogcds.


They patched that bug, but that's not the point. Being the least thought of job by the devs is one thing, what yoshi did was a concentrated killing of monk. rip in peace.

Warned for what? Posting shoulders?

That's the way it should be though, not only for balance, but to keep the classes thematically consistent. PLD already has the best utility. Fuck I wish Yoshi P and the boys were good enough at math to get potencies right the first time.

Very wrong

Points are worthless because they scale with your settings, even a mid tier rig could set everything to minimum and still score like 15k points

Totally agree, I actually benched it for a time because it was too boring compared to Nin

>tfw this game is no longer made for you
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed

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If only frogposters were removed too

Tanking was removed when NIN came into existence and everyone got diversion and lucid dreaming

How is MNK back to playing like ARR? Wtf Yoshi

Global rule 3

>>tanking removed
Explain yourself.

Is BLM fun?

MNK is bad

At least in ARR we had IR and howling fist

Stupid frogposter that posts the same stale pasta

Stop trying to turn everyone into cat reskins.


Explosions is fun

He means that you no longer have to do an enmity combo at the start of a fight. It was the only hard part of tanking.


He thinks that because he doesn't do one aggro combo per fight anymore he's no longer a tank

Best job in the game
Part of me hopes that MNK will do a lot of damage to compensate, but I know it's not going to happen. The jobs lost it's identity and simply exists now

>Stop wanting characters that don't look like shit
sorry user, you're right. i'll stop

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Not really, but it is big dick damage.

yes it's incredibly satisfying to play and you can just focus on your own giant dps and not care about anyone else

>tanking was hard
I been tanking for 6 years and it was never hard.

why can't we go back to 2.3, where paladin was always mt and you literally only had the aggro combo so aggro was still a non issue
now THAT was real tanking

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What was MNK's identity?

consider this: it's good

The most fun job in the entire game, being the only person in the party that can visibly chunk boss HP bars outside of SAM's occasional crits is fun

>The jobs lost it's identity and simply exists now
MNK identity has always been GL and positionals. Don't know shit about 1.0 and honestly I don't give a fuck, but that was MNK in ARR. How can you say it lost its identity?

So it's just fun because of big numbers. Strange that nobody has mentioned the gameplay aspect.

How much knowledge of the fight do I need in order to be good? I've only played WHM so the game's been on easy mode for a while.

Wait is he casting enochian there at the end? Did he drop it?

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It's a caster job. You cast things. I smell the angry RDMlet

a lot, actually
it's what makes blm hard since it's a very static rotation otherwise

you pretty much need to know fights beforehand because you will be staying in place for 90 percent of them

>reading comprehension
You're just pretending right?

You need t I know fights so you know when to place leylines and where to place them.

You sit still and blow things up. Very basic rotation.

If you want to see big dick damage then you'll enjoy it. If you want something more complex that has more mobility then pick melee dps. (You).

Tank actually looking for a dps. But my you're defensive.

Yes, you can see he has no orbs around him showing his astral fire/umbral ice.

Well, I like big dick DPS and assblasting tanks so I'll definitely play BLM, htanks bros.

He's just another one of those people who were upset about elezen not being generic anime elves and about viera not being generic anime bunny girls.

>this is what you mutts look like IRL

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Shouldn't this not happen like ever?

it's a simple rotation where your main priority is to optimize your movements while maintaining maximum uptime and shitting out damage. In that regard there's plenty of fun to be had. What else is there to say?

>main WHM because I like having control over who lives or who dies
>they make it more boring each expansion

Female mooncat
Suncats are just whores.

describe effort? every race has only 4 faces, 2 out of them are unusable by default because they are butt fucking ugly. therefore, every player made character suffers from EXTREME same face disease

Can't wait for the updated version

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There was nothing interesting about a basic shield either. That's scholar's job anyway.

>>lost their oGCDs
>get even more chakra now
>Forbidden Chakra is on a 1 second recast
They lost two oGCD skills, but will be putting out the same amount of oGCDs.

Now every healer will play like WHM so stop crying.

>it's V4S

Man am I glad that shit didn't catch on

>it's not ok for WHM to have a shield
>but it is ok for SCH to have a big dick fairy regen

Is this game cool if I like rpgs but detest korean mmos

>get even more chakra now
I'm not happy about relying on one skill to generate chakra. And that skill still having rng.

it's japanese wow, it's not anything like a korean mmo

Ok I'll give it a shot doumo argoto

Yes they literally removed all identity and soul from the healer classes. There's no difference aside from what costumes you want to wear while healing now.

meant for


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Why should they?
They still don't have a guaranteed raid spot because logtrannies are obsessed with utility, even if stacking all the utility in the game was worse than just bringing a SAM and BLM.

I can't believe they increased AF/UI timers to 15 seconds! They're casualizing my job!

Nah, it's like anime wow as far as gameplay goes. queue for shit, turn in tokens, get gear.

Mentors are unironically worse players than sprouts. A sprout can be dumb but they're largely likable unless an aggressive lost wowrefugee and they actually try their best and can appreciate help. Mentor crowns have about as much skill but with less interest and a huge unwarrented ego. Doesn't help that so many of them are shitty miqo'te or trannies. I don't know what their deal is but they constantly die first and freak out if you tell them how to kill a boss/not die. Worst part is? Sprouts might think their Mentor Crown means something too and Mentorfags are more than happy to prey upon that. Disgusting.

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Nigga aether makes you powerful as fuck, who cares what you look like?

The 20% buff to deep meditation is there to compensate for the loss of Internal Release. We won't actually be generating more chakra.

But the bigger question is why remove Monk's OGCDs at all but keep worthless shit like Fists of Earth? It's literally just removing buttons and dumbing down the gameplay. If their oGCD attacks weren't interesting then give them more interaction with the rotation somehow. Make them give you a guaranteed crit or a free chakra or something.

Learn to read, brainlet

Did BLM get cucked this expansion?

hitting hard and fast without slowdown or gay burst windows. Now MNK is burst, but not the good kind of burst like the tornado kick rotation was where you do one every 30 seconds and instantly your your stacks back. Why give the job a skill that uses it's resources if you never want them to use said resource 99% of the fight? Stormblood gave the hard hitting melee job to SAM and also made MNK slow down with Riddle of Fire, the tornado kick salvaged MNK by allowing it to go fast and hit hard even if it wasn't the intended design. Now with 5.0, MNK plays like it did in HW with less oGCDs and still with the gay burst window that slows you down.
>give GL4
>riddle of fire still slows you down
>six sided strike delaysyour GCDs by two presses
Yoshi has no idea what to do with this job and should never have touched it, let whoever handled it's 4.3 buffs have say on MNK because they clearly knew what they were doing.

scholar's regen is not only weak but also tied to a long cooldown compared to whm regens

Do I give him long or short ears Yea Forums?

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Bros... I'm sad that DRK is getting changed. I liked having 600 APM quadruple weaving abilities and spamming dark arts for that sick guitar rift. Why does it have to go away? Why do I have to become another slave to the 2.5 second GCD?

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>20 moogle tomes so far
>still need 30 more for Pegasus
heh... this game is so fun....

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You can play it long as story JRPG with dungeons that require being matched up automatically with party members. In fact it's kinda fun that way, that's how I played it all the way through the main stories of ARR, HW, and SB.

Long. Small ears = small penis

>what is Fey Union

Sacred Soil also gets a regen in 5.0 because why not

>short ears
might as well make a midlander

Elves need long ears

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Take it slow.

All these threads really make me wanna check out FF 14. Is this game fun for a solo player? I'm unironically into this for the story, nothing more. Which class excels at solo story mode? Should I do generic side mission / fetch quests as well?

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How long are these moogle tomes around for? I'm tired of alliance roulette being the ct shit.

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Respect the content.

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Any job playing like they did in Heavensward is a massive improvement.
Stormblood ruined so many jobs, but of course the usual Stockholm Syndrome kicked in.

until 5.0 launches

I think this might be a crossdresser but I would hit it anyways.

Are you implying Alliance Roulette was ever anything but CT before?

Any of them, but tanks will have easier times getting into dungeon queues
No, side quests are largely a waste of time

Always go long ears, might as well not play an elf if you're not going to max out the ears

you can play it solo for the story alone all you want. The game has an automatic party matching system for dungeons and other mandatory-multiplayer content so you'll be fine.

Red Mage is the best solo class but you can't unlock RDM until you hit lvl 50.

I want to kiss my Lalafell

I was having my doubts before the final version of the Shadowbringers trailer and the last 4.5 cutscene, but now there's basically no way it's not him unless it's going to be some dumb cat from the First that looks exactly like him but with crystal cancer for some reason.
CT should be fucking mandatory at this point before getting into 5.0

Maybe I was just a lucky shit, but before the event Return to Ivalice seemed to be the majority of mine

>I'm tired of easy clears

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cringe but redpilled

So WoW players can laugh at us again

The 2 people that actually played machinist in stormblood are shitting all over the shadowbringers version as if it's some step down

I'm honestly just perplexed

Don’t blame MNK, blame DNC for screwing over a ton of jobs, they took the crit buff from us. Although MNK is the optimal dance partner.

And Asylum gets Fey Illumination.

>Everyone bitching about how much their job got shit on
>SAM, which already just shits out damage, just keeps getting better.

I love this job.

The rest of the month, enjoy.


>Echo showing us bad end
It doesn't mean that though. Same with how having the Echo doesn't make it so you can see aoes. The game outright states you can see aoes because you can see the enemy preparing to attack.

>that guy who waits until the last second to roll on loot at the ends of dungeons/raids
>that guy is me

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>some dumb cat from the First that looks exactly like him but with crystal cancer for some reason.
its his ancestor

They are very boring fights and you're locked into level 50 rotations which is very bad as well. Then you got the funny retarded dps/healers pulling the nanosecond they get there while half the group is still walking to the boss. Those things are what I'm tired of.

>i'm tired of easy 50 genesis every day

Attached: 1555971878454.jpg (743x670, 21K)

>about to log out
>queue up as healer for level 60 24-mans to get Alliance Raid moogle autists in there
>exit game before everyone even loads in

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>My autism has grown so much that GNB's combat stance bothers me

They wield a mainly one-handed weapon with no off-hand and they hold the damn thing behind them. This bothers me for some reason.

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>mnk is optimal dance partner

also, should I go with the English localization or any other of the european ones. I heard ENG is somewhat meme-y, but maybe it's fun

like shoah doing more damage to incentivize shitters to use meditate and making senei do more damage than guren on 2 targets

>protagonist becomes a warrior of darkness
A-are we evil now? How chuunibyou can I be in this expansion?

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I cap genesis in like an hour in eureka.

Any Primal dudes here looking to level? Currently 56, got all my roulettes left to do.

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MCH looks like it's actually fun now, but it's also now even more ping dependent and its rotation doesn't automatically line up with burst windows so parsefags are having a conniption.

i've never been so glad i stopped playing that game, i miss lu and the new loli though

You know they aren't using the roulette to do the raids, right?

What type of sword will the next job get for the next expansion?

GNB's combat stance is how I always felt the DRK one should be, what it is now looks like it'd put unnecessary strain on the wrists.

Nobody in their right mind is using the roulette to grind the event.

two swords

elezen golden rules
- max height, always
- 75-100 ear length, always
- (for males) no facial hair unless you use the old man face
- (for males) don't use the prompto face

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I got my Xaela right where I want it but I want to try out a elezen. Do I make the dusk or the regular one for a drg.

>literally named shadowbringers

you can go 1000% chunni

DRK's combat stance is a somewhat exaggerated version of a real longsword stance that was actually used

>Delete Aero 3
>Replace with a complete overhaul of the Lily system that actually looks good
Whatever, I'll take it. WHM can only get better from here. Sucks for Scholar though.

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getting some auron vibes from this coat. but a shame we can't flip off the right side like him.

>DRG gets to keep B4B
>BRD gets to keep Raging
>PLD gets to keep FoF

Meanwhile Internal Release is just fucked. Why is this allowed?

i always thought it looks stupid. it should have been idle pose instead

>take off all healer gear except weapon and earrings to get my item level to ~i80
>queue for roulette
>get LotA or ST guaranteed plus my 50 genesis all in an instant queue

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in my 4 years playing i've been in 0 fc and have 1 person added who quit the game after i added him. it's pretty fun for a solo player. i'd recommend either white mage or black mage till 50, then switching to red mage at 50.

Double-bladed sword

That's right. The time of the White Mage is now. White Mage Power!

Holy shit this game is still alive?
Lu and Eve are miracles in the wrong game

God fucking dammit the new SAM artifact is fucking GOOD.

Wildwood, you don't want to be a filthy cavenigger

Because RoF bro, the iconic Monk skill!

Garlean gunspear/gunhammer&gunshield

Easier to balance flat damage CDs than crit i'd wager.

Stop playing MNK

>226 more for CRP
>180 more for BSM
>147 more for ARM
>176 more for GSM
>274 more for LTW
>287 more for WVR
>260 more for ALC
>161 more for CUL
>1711 more unique recipes to make for "I Made That VI"

Why. Why am I doing this?

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with the removal of tp will sks build be a thing

You want glowing tools.


More explosions, bigger numbers, we get to cast opposite element spells for free, and Enochian might as well be permanent now. BLMs are happy.

reinstalling atm boys. Gonna take some time to catch up from 340.

Good lord why.

For older tanks the Damage is negligible but Gunbreakers damage is actually too low. How the fuck is the new job not doing any damage at all ?

Not long enough.

>want to get the "Master ______ " titles
>feel like macroing a million level 1 crafts would be cheating so I'm just slowly trudging towards the requirements

nice, this is really good to hear, it shows me there's lots to do and to grow your character you're not necessarily required to join a FC, thanks user for giving me hope. I'll consider your starting classes hints as well.

That being said, is there any class storyline that's exceptionally well done (out of the starter options). I saw some video where someone started as arcanist and i really liked their look and "profession" as some sort of tax/mathematician kind of guy?

Why are you even queing for roulettes then?

Do people really think they are going to make healing a priority? Your damage is getting nerfed and healing will still be easy as fuck

why doesn't tsubame gaeshi just trigger on the same button as iaijutsu if you have to use it right after

It's actually Δ4S

welcome to why healer design in ShB is a problem

Maybe they'll make shit hit harder?

From the media tour shill videos I've seen, healing requirements do seem to have been increased, but probably not so much that you won't still be DPSing the majority of the time. Tate said that the mobs in the lvl 73 dungeon "hit like a truck" and his heals felt weaker than normal even though he was synced down from 80.

Cause it's an ability (OGCD)
N64 rimitations prease understandu

>higher potency, single target Flare and Foul
>can stack two Polyglots
>0MP AF/UI swap
>full aoe rotation that doesn't require server ticks
>Enochian is 15%
>Enochian is also practically undroppable
>all without changing BLM's identity or core rotation

I didn't think they would be able to do it, but they managed to work in all/most of the QoL a BLM could ask for, while also adding new things, all without changing anything substantial.

You lads think i could run this game well enough on my surface pro 6?
I'm often tempted to resub but lets be honest this game is casual as fuck so I'd like to be able to get some grind done at work or in between classes, or while chillin on the couch. It's just not worth it to play a subscription game because i don't get enough time to be at my actual computer desk, I'd like to save that for dungeons and raids or whatever
Im at work right now or I'd just install it and try i guess

Because ivalice roulette is fun. And I still need the tank coat

I'm the warrior of light and you gotta deal with it!

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I don't know, but I'm really mad that the TG iaijutsu have the same animations as the regular ones.

The greatest thing PSO ever did was remove the dedicated healer role. FF14 should have done this too.

tfw mentor with ultima weapons and help new players

thaumaturge is pretty good
rogue too, which isn't technically a starter class but it may as well be considering how early you can get it
of the expansion classes, drk is generally considered to have one of the best questlines in the game so consider it if you make it to heavensward

dark knight is generally considered top tier, but out of the starter options i'm not sure. i'm pretty sure either pugilist, arcanist (it technically has two as it splits into summoner/scholar), or maybe gladiator? i'm not super well-versed on the stories though, it's been a long time

What happened to the server, bros?

How do blm's do things like Addle and Mana Shift if their rotation requires to be constantly casting?

>alt tab and do something else
>look at my phone
>chat with people in FC or LS

I know you're trolling so here's your (You), but people that think they're being clever by not rolling are wasting literally nobody's time but their own.

We don't

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But user, WoL is a rank and file male midlander with black hair and brown eyes.

>high allagan tank coat is kino on women
>costs 1m gil
>can't dye away the red parts
why doe Yoshi hate me

Attached: 1531280413959.jpg (655x703, 128K)

Download benchmark and see for yourself.


>this dungeon is hard
People use to say that about stormblood.

Can't do a full pull bcuz its too hard xD

It's a basic bitch craft and mats are easy to get.

>brown eyes.

Excuse me? The warrior of light is akchually a 6ft tall female highlander.

>Are you a boy or a girl?

FUCK this is a hard choice. On one hand, I don't wanna seem like a tranny, but on the other hand, girls in MMOs always, 100% true, have the best fashion choices

Unless you're crafting like 10-20+ HQ items on every job every single day you'll never get it without deliberate grinding. I've been playing for 4 years, have all crafters at 70 and don't even have 2k HQ crafts on any crafter.

You do them when in Umbral Ice, try to do them when Triplecast or a proc is up, or you just accept the clipping because losing a third of a GCD matters less than keeping the raid alive.

Alternatively, make someone else do it.

how would you have made them look, i'm thinking blue midare and higanbana but i have no idea about tenka

rdm cuck does it for the blm

>have been increased
>literal bot could heal dungeon now

Fucking damn it, user.

WOL is canonically a 7'2 bunny girl

That's true. Also if they add a seventh tier in Shadowbringers hopefully it too will have a new tool that will have some solid stats for it.

>Have BTN and MIN
>Need 597 more unique fish for "I Caught That VI"

I remember when picking a girl just made people think you were an overly horny virgin first.


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>a direct line to their chat channel
You don't want this. The novice network chat is 99% the mentors attention whoring.

Manashift in umbral ice. Sometimes server ticks are merciful and you can start the next astral fire phase with full mp anyway. I have never used addle in my entire time playing this game, and I don't think I ever will.

we'll get through this

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Its default state is the best appearance, not whatever faggy color you want to dye it.

You know why you're doing it.
The same reason I'm doing it.

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I think those new maps will come back in ShB as FATE rewards. Hell, the entire point of the Mooge event seems to be a test for the new FATE stuff.

All 3 Tsubame iaijutsu have different colors in their icons.
Literally just change the colors or at least add more particles to Kaeshi Goken and Higanbana.

>idiot dies because they're too busy tunneling to do a mechanic
>healer wastes MP ressing them
>no MP for raidwide+tb
>"BLM it's your fault we wiped!"

Typical physical dps scapegoating poor innocent BLMs. Don't ever fall for their tricks and ruses.

The best I have is 2500 HQs on Goldsmith and 2000 on Weaver. I just kept sending out my retainers so I had hundreds of materials for various ingots and threads so I'd set Quick Synth to 99 and I'd play another game, watch a movie or go get food. I almost have a "A ______'s Life for Me" on a few professions as well, mainly the 41-50 ones are holding me back.

I used a 7 day returning free trial thing to catch up with the MSQ.

It's bad, everything post 4.0 is bad, save for the fact that your best friend is back in a Giraffe body

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Is that actually max height? Good god.

You will forever regret not picking the character you want because of stupid shit like actually listening to trannyposters. If you want to play a grill than you should.

No, the tallest you can make a Viera is 6'3". Femroes can go up to 7'3" though.

What class do I want to level next in anticipation for expansion, SAM, SMN, or finally for the first time since WotLK level a tank?

Just do whatever you want. It's your character

i don't think they will change that since it's already in the ability preview

what are those shorts next to the leopard thong? asking for myself.

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>black hair and brown eyes
coping amerimutt

If you haven't done the DRK story yet, do that now.

I know, that's what pisses me off.

just play as a girl since this game is designed around fashion trannys. playing as a guy is even gayer because all the armor makes your toon look like big homo.

They swear their ears count as part of their height

>starting as an archer
is this a good choice?


ARC/BRD is one of the more active jobs early on and they're a pretty good job all around. You can also change to whatever other ARR class you want to when you hit level 10.

>literally manlet maneuvers

it's fine, i hear it's fun and people will want you if you decide to raid.

at least until the expansion is out and dancer becomes everyones sex toy


all the classes in this game are viable outside of super high level speedrun bullshit, just pick whatever class looks the coolest to you

Addle and Mana Shifter are OGCDs. You should be able to find plenty of time to weave them between your GCDs.

Yes, Gridania is the best starting city. Comfiest by far

start as war if this is your first day in the game
it is easy and braindead and has zero mechanics to worry about
just unga bunga smash for high dmg

It's all so tiring

Arcanist is probably the best option as you get both a healer and a DPS in the time it'd take to level one class.

My WoL is an 8ft tall adorable femroe. She is friendly and sweet, and heals her comrades, and she has a cute little sister voice and a pixie cut.

How is your progress going? I've been primarily saving ALC and CUL for last since they generally need the smallest amounts of the most unique materials. WVR in Heavensward sucks because of all the mats and crafting around Holy Rainbow Cloth.

well theoretically they only showed midare so they could change the other two, i don't into programming but i don't think changing some colors is that hard if we make a stink about it

>25ft tall goth loli
More, please.

"He has brown eyes, black hair like me! They'd give him a black man's nose and reveal his mixed heritage if they could"

Attached: Cope more amerimutt.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

take off your wig, wash out your make up and stop htr. And then call your parents and apologies.

>one post out of almost 400 actually worried about trannyshit
>all the replies basically told him to get over it
Quit trying to force shit.

>And then call your parents and apologies.
Did you sperg midway through typing that?

I have green eyes and brown hair though.

Attached: shrug.gif (300x271, 943K)

>its the hourly episode of an obsessed yurotard complains about america

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>expecting people who play catgirls and au ra to put effort into anything

i've never crafted before, what should i be doing to level them? i just keep crafting new recipes and i feel like this isn't exactly optimal

looking at god awful animations truly takes effort

>making senei do more damage than guren on 2 targets
What would be the point of this? Senei is already the superior choice for single target, and does more damage than a Kaiten'd Midare. Upping its potency wouldn't make it any more of a superior choice over Guren.
Who gives a shit, it's just an ability you'll use straight after a boss jump.

I haven't looked at any job videos about 5.0 yet, give it to me straight: how fucked is BRD?

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At least you're no longer entirely dependent on crit chance.

not at all
mostly the same.

Lore wise it does.


Literally nobody cares. Everyone is talking about every class but BRD and BLM.

In that case I'm not sure why you'd think he has brown eyes. Just a mistake I guess?
Justice demands no less.

Leves + Ixal dailies

>dancers on your grave

Attached: 1556556913151.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

>hrothgar have really animated, fun emotes
>viera have really dull, stiff emotes
You can tell which race the devs had more fun with.

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BLM is the most rewarding job in the game for feeling your improvement, it's why it's Yoshi's main.

When you start a fight for the first time, you will get shit on, maybe die a few times, and be pretty fucking useless. You eventually learn where to optimize, where to play chicken with your cast times, dodging AoEs at the last second, and then you hit crazy numbers. They have a relatively simple rotation, but learning to play around mechanics keeps the job very fresh and satisfying.

A lot of people prog with RDM and SMN and then switch to BLM when the training wheels are ready to come off, but in ShB they got so many QoL changes I won't be surprised if people try to prog with BLM anyways.

I just started, made a male character because I didn't think playing a female in an MMO would be a good idea. I played for five minutes and realised my character looked lame, restarted and made a cute/ugly fishtroll girl instead.

They obviously began working on Hrothgar after Viera but Yoshi did say they had Hrothgar in their mind for longer

>MNK is so reliant on crits it has an entirely other rng factor if it even lands a crit
I want an emergency rework of this job and I dont care if we lose GL4 from it

>literally human women with bunny ears
>versus lionmen
Yeah, who wouldn't.

bard is smooth brain tier now, crit fishing with ij is completely dead, straight shot/crit is gone
even fucking foe is gone
you still dont hear your own bv and the 2% crit on the songs is also gone
oh and fishing for ref arrow barrage is also gone becase barrage grants you a ref proc
it was already bby tier but at least you could have some fun with iron jaw
time to dance lad...

For a job called "dancer", they aren't very good at dancing.

>lanky bunigger flailing around like a retard
no wonder the audience has no reaction

>Race that is copied 95% from an existing race has more fluid animation than a race that is copied from another roughly 50%

Just mod the mentor crown into the poop emoji

Check your eyes. Hrothgar's bodies don't look anything like Roegadyns.

>oh and fishing for ref arrow barrage is also gone becase barrage grants you a ref proc
Is this real? That sounds broken as fuck

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yes, but at the same time you can end up having issues weaving ogcds, especially double weaving. It'll be more viable though

>other western lionmen

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BLM can be really great in prog for those exact same reasons. If you're ever up against an enrage or phase push, BLM can get you through it in short order. And it kind of forces every one else in the group to play better or at least more cautious, since there's no caster rez to fall back on.

is this a shitpost or are you still stuck the era before the benchmark? it's already confirmed Hrothgarr aren't reskinned Roes if that's what you're implying.

that's fine for the first few levels, actually. you want to save as many leves as you can
leves, specifically the delivery ones for 1-50, and crafting beast tribes are what you want. collectables are fine too when you get to them

They've been considering Viera since ARR, they were originally going to be the new race for Heavensward but Yoshi thought the males didn't look tough enough.

Viera are just hyur/elezen with bunny ears and prettier faces

>always seen as serious Amazonian tribe women with previous background of being a serious Amazonian tribe women.

Not too surprising honestly.

Hrothgar are rekinned roes
Viera are reskinned elezen, but they get a pass because they existed in other games

Bless doesn't deserve to be in this image

i don't think it's gonna be an issue on sam

Alisaie is for _________

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you didnt even look at the tooltip overview?

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my below average penis

elf torment.

tummy licks

>he didn't play the alpha test

check out that server tick

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oh and emp is no longer a weaponskill, still has the trait for the song procc but you cant even barrage that anymore
so you dont even need to think about when to use it since yo ucan weave it with barrage too :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I'm aware that they share the same body model, just like Au Ra and Miqote are reskinned Midlanders. That doesn't mean they look anything alike.

her male au ra husband.

ignoring to talk to her brother instead!

hugs and eventually fugs, but primarily hugs

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spit roasting and eating

Thanks, I'm just about 20-25 across all crafters. Would it be better to start leves when I'm between 30-40?

Well you're losing out on the straight shot buff since straight shot isn't a thing any more, so even if you can do some nice burst every 80s you're losing out on a lot of damage thoughout the fight. The rest of BRDs potencies seem a bit weak too, probably gonna get buffed before the expansion comes out

You think that mentally ill blob of lard Ranier posts here?

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Everything lines up, really. He just thought male rabbits were weird

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imagine being stupid enough to think afflatus misery is a dps loss over glare, when if you weren't casting glare in the first place you've lost no dps

Wait there are people who don't think it's him or something?

Having missionary sex with for the sole purpose of procreation

its his ancestor

how easy is current drk to play as if it's my first tank in a literal decade?

There's series precedent in fairness, too, viera males have only appeared in Tactics Advance as a quest NPC for one or two hunt-board jobs and every other game only refers to their existence.

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A bit more cerebral than the other two tanks in its current state, but nothing you won't be able to get the hang of. It's pretty similar up until lv. 50 where it branches out more.

aww man i thought we were going to be able to barrage emp with the rotation of wanderer's for instant pitch perfect
the rotation lines up perfectly and everything fuck

Pixies to turn into a primal!

Larryzaur is the last shill I see for content. He sucks on every content creators cock and pops up on comments to other content creator video's annoying as fuck. Not to mention his channel is nothing but meme's and contains no important or relevant information. Don't even know why he went to that fucking media summit for.

Basically anyone who commissions a lot of ffxiv art posts here. Yes even that person.

Fairly easy, just remember to never go full unga and spend all your mp. You always need some extra in case something happens.

All the tanks are easy, but DRK has it a little rougher than PLD and WAR.
At 56 you unlock Abyssal Drain. Abyssal Drain is your best friend when pulling lots of enemies.

If I could have the cool facial hair and ronso horn at the same time I'd actually consider one.

What the fuck kind of ability is glare? A carebare stare?

>inb4 it's someone else who is blood related to him or an allagan who stopped aging

mating press

Stone upgrade

what if it was a BLM who refused to get out of ley lines

MNK is unsalvageable, Yoshi ruined the job out of spite.

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there's a pvp aiming head gear that's a unicorn horn. not sure if hrothgar will be able to equip it though

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MNK is fine.

That's what I've been trying to say for the last several days. It's not hard to imagine that in a 90s period, you'll need to cast at least three GCD heals. Just swap a Cure 2 with Solace or Medica with Rapture, if fairy shit and regens aren't enough.

>that tick rate
>effect when gaining and losing sprint
Holy fucking soul.

Stop feeding bread to birds, they can't digest it....

Every job is fine except SCH and AST, if you play those you should kys

I just got into this game and I'm a roegadyn THM any tips bros.

You guys think we will have as charming a party of npcs as had in HW this time around? I really missed that feel we had then in SB.

never do a mechanoc, and if anyone says you should tell them to shut the fuck up and do it themselves

I wanted to main gnb either way

Sounds like it's going to be the Scions again, so no.

Make me

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It's salvageable, I could fix it with maybe 4 or 5 changes, but the devs seem to just not have a fucking clue what to do with the job so it'll never be fixed.

yeah the problem is they're thinking in terms of it being a striking dummy where of course you're not going to be casting any of the afflatus heals, when that's not how any of the healers work. if you're casting one of the procs for afflatus misery you weren't casting glare to begin with and you've lost no dps. if your cooldowns are gone or not useful in the current situation (ie tetragrammaton is down and all you've got at the moment are asylum and assize and you need big dick heals NOW) there's no reason you wouldn't be reaching for solace, and that'll lead to a free misery over time which is a 600 potency gain over the glare you were just about to cast

>CT should be fucking mandatory at this point before getting into 5.0

that's kind of why they're doing this event. bringing old players in to help new people clear CT.

>WHM never ever getting Flood or Tornado now
Kinda sad. I guess it's fine that they're doubling down on the holy magic, though I don't really care much for the lilly theme.

GEOcucks don't even reply to this post. If we're getting another healer it should be chemist, and I'm not sharing any more caster gear.

>roegadyn THM
SE should honestly lock roes from playing anything other than tank roles. they look fucking ridiculous in DoM gear

Attached: 1533782736541.gif (250x233, 1.5M)

Never cast Fire 3 unless you're switching to fire from ice or you have a Firestarter proc

ha ha ha

>The Twins are the only Scions worth adventuring with
I will forever hate Lyse for ruining my trip with Alisaie.

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Step off nigga or I'll Fire IV your shit up.

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it's just going to be ARR party again
I think trusts are a really cool system and give a lot of character
going to be interesting to see what happens to minfilia
I would personally like to find out minfilia is the one behind the light being spread on The First, and we instead get to party up with the Warriors of Darkness

unimaginative faggot

I wish it was possible to find this little cunt and cut it in two

Urianger, Thancred and Y'shtola will actually get some screen-time this expac. It won't be full-on /comfy/ like Heavensward was, but we'll actually get to see the Scions in a regular capacity this expac. We didn't even get that in ARR when they were at the forefront.

holy fucking CRINGE. literally worse than lalafell players trying to look badass in full plate armor.

Hardly ruined.
>Alisaie talking shit all the time
>Get to kill a bunch of smelly Kojin with her
>Lyse gets little presence while she keeps fist clenching

They look like shit until you're out of the burlap sacks they stick you with.

>waddles around with an axe out like they're about to shit their pants
They should just delete them entirely honestly

GEO should be the 4th caster dps, fuck the "water is for healing" meme, i wanna flood and quake niggas

Did you know that Alphinaud can't swim?

GEO should be either a caster DPS with a bell or a melee DPS with a hammer.
I want a chemist healer with a magic rifle. I just want one healer job that males can use without looking like a flaming homo.

Not getting Tornado confuses me but I guess we'll see it come 6.0. Friggin' Conjurers had it in 1.X but we never got it as an "Aero IV".

They look great in BLM af1 faggot

Fuck off pedo

Attached: ffxiv.png (363x866, 636K)

The boy just isn't very buoyant

Attached: 1535579624945.png (500x368, 221K)

AF1 doesn't look good on any of the races, begone

But the nuThancred and Y'shtola are among the dullest characters in the game, so seeing more of them is only marginally better than Lyse.

Looks fine desu. Reminds me of the black mages in FFIX. Just a big ol' construct filled with mist and magic.

Attached: FFIX-BlackMage-Concept.jpg (684x564, 198K)