*Ruins your game*
*Ruins your game*
>There must always be a lock king
It really did, huh.
That's not TBC ?
the downfall of WoW began with welfare epics, flying, and belfs with BC. wrath introducing LFG was the final nail in the coffin,
Now hold on just a m-
At the tail end? What about Uld-
>Ruby Sanctum
>Shitty, boring ass dailies through the entire expac
>There must always be a Lich King lmao
>Opening with a gutted, boring as sin and easy as shit Naxx with garbage recolors of T3
>Heroic spam as """"content"""" through the entire expac
Maybe BC wasn't so bad after all...
I loved most of the story of the expansion, and I adore the continent, but LFD really did hurt the game badly on a social level. Cataclysm made it even worse with LFR.
dumb bc zoomer
TBC was great.
LoTK was when casualization and babby mode hit
>TBC was great
I'm guessing you were an alliance player? blood elves completely ruined horde forever.
I hate WOTLK babies who keeps defending it because of muh lich king
>all this wotlk and tbc hate
Absolutely based. Hopefully we get different expansions for classic.
only bad aspect of wotlk was the prevalence of gearscore autism, which turned the entire community into retards forever
How can you ruin an already shitty game?
>you can ruin a shit gameplay skinnetbox
The love for Wrath was always people who started playing during it. I remember at the time people shit all over Wrath except for the Ulduar patch (which is still the best raid ever).
tbc had GS too? Classic would have had it too if you werent supposed to wear lower level gear for resist but chad leaders would still inspect you in org/IF
TBC introduced arenas ruining class design
2v2 balancing crap did more harm to WOW than anything WoTLK did
northrend was also vastly superior to outlands
real shame though that they didn't wait an additional 6 months to truly polish everything
>limited attempts
agreed, fuck wrath
>I'm guessing you were an alliance player
Of course
the game was ruined when WoW made more money than god for Blizz, the moment the community kept buying the shit blizzard peedled them. The same Yea Forums and casual community that shouted down any critical voice about the blatant powercreep already visible. The same community that shouted down anyone saying "shouldn't there be legacy servers?" that now praise classic.
You want to know who ruined Acti Blizz, it's you, it's me, it's all of us who didn't call out those CEO's and art directors enabling their blatant greed.
Classic won't change shit, simply delay the inevtiable
Hopefully we won't get shit
No, BC did that.
A man of exquisite taste I see.
Plus flying mounts are the most retarded idea in MMO history.
LFG good system
Moonkin and Destrolock was epic
The soundtrack was really nice.
Vanilla with TBC class balance would be ideal.
>dude what if we put you on a janky horse and you had to JOUST the enemies
fucking blizzard
honestly, wotlk had a lot of fun specs while homogenization hadn't completely overtaken the class design yet
>wanting to game to stagnate at Naxx
Doesn't necessarily have to be an expac but maybe patches with more content. There's a tonne of shit blizz wanted to add into vanilla: pvp/pve zones, completing unfinished zones, more raids etc. What's the fucking harm in adding a tier 3.5 and some balancing patches?
wotlk class balance > tbc class balance
>northrend was also vastly superior to outlands
It's still to this day the worst continent.
I played through vanilla and early-mid Wotlk was my favorite
>want to pvp
>he just respawns keks and flies away
Insta knocking players off their flyers with typhoon and watching them fall to their death used to be so fucking satisfying
>trusting nu-blizz to make good updates
lol. theres a reason people asked for no changes to classic bud
not saying it should stagnate, saying that Blizz is already downsizing heavily and you're a naive fool if you think they'll suddenly start developing 2 versions of WoW in tandem
yes, outlands was indeed quite crap
Classic with burning crusade class design would be the perfect WoW.
Here's hoping they end up dropping BFA then. But with all the money they make of their paypigs with cash shop shit it seems unlikely so I see your point.
gearscore wasn't a thing in TBC, that cancer popped in during wotlk
When Classic releases and blizz realizes how popular it is they'll dedicate a team to providing content past naxx.
>Worst continent
>Worst dungeons
>Easy as shit
Unironically the worst expansion. At least the little content we actually got in WoD was pretty decent.
yes, and they'll suddenly make Starcraft 2 a worthy successor as well right?
Nah, ulduar alone was enough to make wrath decent at least.
Anyone with half a brain knows TBC killed WoW, and not because of content. Because of fucking balance. Because Arena brought in the flood of competitards who whined and got entire classes rebalanced, along with gear, around their meta.
When it was just the 3 battlegrounds, you could contain the retardation. Once arenafags showed up, the game got hypercompetitive, and it bled over into other aspects of the game, even leading to the PvE aspect being neglected consistently and raiding builds getting neutered because some shit head whined that Rogues were doing too much burst damage/Warlocks were getting too much use out of DOTs.
Had TBC and WotLK proceeded without much PvP focus, the game would have stayed fine. But in drawing in the moron Cawadooty/Dota morons, they opened the floodgates for all the "gamuuuuurs", and turned the game into an amalgamated mess of easy mechanics and "Whine-to-win" shit.
The Chad BiS list vs the virgin gearscore.
>insanely op DKs is good class balance
imagine being this special
I'd say the rot didn't fully set in until Cata, wotlk managed to have what was my favorite spec in it's take on feral druid
Aint gonna lie. WotLK Feral was fucking neat as fun to play solo.
DK's were only op in the very first patch, and it's not like TBC didn't have a few complete bullshit classes at various points either
and it did have vastly more completely worthless specs than Wotlk had
>Made completely irrelevant by the single worst dungeon/raid in the entirety of WoW far too soon into its life cycle
Nah, it wasn't enough. Wotlk a shit.
Early Pandaria was a small renaissance for this game otherwise it's been a constant downhill.
Too real for Yea Forumsirgins.
I agree with you. WoW casualized and ruined the MMO genre.
The classes and specs were the best in the entire history of the game, that's what matters and that's what makes WotLK good.
Didn't resilience and overpowered healers shit up pvp?
>if you think they'll suddenly start developing 2 versions of WoW in tandem
Good point. Development on retail should stop
had fun with it at every point in the game myself, good for leveling, good for pvp and good for pve
TBC wrote all the game ruining checks, wrath just cashed them.
*lava bursts you*
Don't care
>yes, and they'll suddenly make Starcraft 2 a worthy successor as well right?
That's a bad analogy
Starcraft remastered was analogous to wow classic. So it's more realistic to compare it to the prospect of making an expansion to succeed brood war. However starcraft remastered wasn't massively popular, it just succeeded in being an apology to korea and life supporting brood war for a few more years.
If WoW classic is an easier and more popular starting point to continue development, they will attempt it.
Pretty much this.(and flying mounts+welfare epics)
>added holy power
Yep, shit
Cataclysm added holy power.
I always thought pre-firelands Cataclysm is really overlooked. Dungeons as a whole were really good and provided a great challenge at the time, and the levelling zones are some of my favourite.
WoW died post MOP.
I have a feeling that WoW will end soon. Azeroth is dying and they've exhausted almost all the lore they could use for expansions now. 1 More expansion and it might be done.
WoTLK had the highest player count in WoW history
Everybody but you seething classic boomers seems to agree it was peak WoW
Also real WC3 boomers appreciated it as well for finally tying up that storyline
how much of a mental drain on society do you have to be to call that open ended shit and established raping of characters "tying up a storyline"
You really think Blizz will kill WoW when they know theres millions of people who will consume any content regardless of quality? They could have players go to other planets, timelines or even outright reboot. It could be 1/10 storytelling and gameplay, but people will still tune in. And thats not counting all the money they get from their ingame services or store bought mounts. Never underestimate Blizzdrones.
you mean wotlk?
so this is the power
of illiteracy
the retards blew at least 4 expansions with EN, Argus, Azhsara land, and soon Nyalotha/Ryleth. Maybe they know the game will die before they get to the expansion they need
Fuck off faggot, everyone else knew what I meant, because they know how to context.
Spellcheck changed what I wrote and I didn't double check before I clicked post.
You made a typo, you're his bitch forever
northrend was ruined since they cut out all the spider stuff they were gonna have. there was going to be a all hole new zones underground.
then they ruined it since everyone complained it was too easy and cut content.
imagine being this wrong
WotLK was both the peak and the fall