5 million dollars

5 million dollars...

Attached: bloodstained.webm (600x450, 2.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a beta

>less than three weeks
how do i cope, i havent felt this excited since dmc5

Nice using the Beta demo of a tutorial boss from 2 years ago as an example.
Really Batting 1000.

wow that looks bad.
Why not make sprites?

and it's gonna be trash, just like dmc5

Attached: __0023.webm (700x392, 2.65M)

just turn this into a bloodstained thread, no need to feed OP's autism further

>just like dmc5
what do you think is a good game

nah it wont, dmc5 was great and i enjoyed the bloodstained demo a lot
you realize in the end this game will be a success right? your little cucky shitposting is pointless and laughable

>just like dmc5
Subtle but not really.

Wow that's already aged poorly and it's not even out yet.

>just like dmc5
so its going to be great?

Dead Cells


he's not going to reply to this point, i can guarantee

Isn't this that like 2 year old E3 beta?

Money and man hours.
A model can be posed and altered to prevent errors such as in the video.
Making the game sprite based results in more work in either a best as a worst case scenario due to animations and co.

Hollow Knight.

Keep dreaming.

Don't summon him.

Not a money problem.

No spritemakers available. Iga wanted to make it 2D, but the couldn't get any artists.

>Keep dreaming.

Hollow Knight is boring trash.
You basically havo to be a bitch to enjoy it.
>Oh man, i'm a stupid bug, everyone else is a bug, i love when everything looks the same

5 mirrion dorrah ?

Art direction is fucking horrible.

Not him but Hollow Knight.
Nothing Iga or anybody else releases will be even remotely close to how good Hollow Knight was.
Hollow Knight basically solved the Metroidvania genre.

guys remember 3.3?

I didn't back this game, but I'm still going to buy it, and I'm gonna have fun.

Stay mad OP.

Attached: 1529093598650.jpg (1200x890, 123K)

how so? the new trailers looked alright
not like graphics are what matters, the demo played well

>Hollow Knight basically solved the Metroidvania genre.

I think it is Barry, he just has to trash all the games that aren't FFXV

what's so good about hollow knight? i tried it but could never get into it
didnt scratch my igavania itch at all

if he stays braindead in the full release i'll admit i goofed, but currently people are really desperate to latch onto any problem the game has to say it's gonna be shit when most of those clips are from a demo

>You basically havo to be a bitch to enjoy it.
So you dont have anything to complain about?

how can someone have such a grandiose but poor opinion?

Oh, it's another Barry thread, why am I not surprised?

This man is right

The artstyle of Hollow Knight is...hollow. I enjoyed it but I enjoyed every GBA/DS Castlevania way more than it. Hollow Knight is extremely overrated, and I'm allowed to say that without being a contrarian because it's not even that popular to begin with.

>castlevania with shitty combat

Because it isnt a Castlevania game?
Also Bloodstained probalby wont be great anyways.

What if he stays brain dead in the release but you fight him multiple times. each time being increasing more difficult to fight.
He is a tutorial boss.

not saying he isn't retarded but good lord did you even read your post before sending it mate?

Gameplay doesn't even look as polished as the GBA Castlevanias. What the fuck?

why is it being brought up in every thread about castlevania's successor then???
are HKfags just insecure?

HK is a great Metroid like game. You know when a game is good that no one has proper argument to criticise it.

It unfortunately starts off pretty slow.
It picks up a lot when you get the dash in Greenpath, then gets really good when you get wall jump.
Doesn't have the RPG mechanics of an igavania, but it has a sizeable map that's satisfying to fill out if you don't mind having to sit on a bench any time you want to add to it.

No. Only bitches do that

Then it won't be a problem. Tutorial bosses are usually a joke.

It´s just the idiot misundertanding that Metroid =/= Igavania.

>Doesn't have the RPG mechanics of an igavania
i think that's why i could never get into la mulana or HK, i love the rpg aspects of iga's games
nothing quite like autisticaly grinding 100% souls in the sorrow games, i love that shit

To me every boss before the Castle is a tutorial boss.

Also HK is more on the Metroid side than CV.

I could never get into hollow knight because it basically has no music.
I mean, why? It's a 2d metroidvania. It's just boring with no music.

Iga is the most overrated hack in the entire industry
>Make one sub-par vampire flavored Metroid game
>Rinse and repeat for 20 years

Why the fuck couldnt they just do 2D?HK is a Metroid like game. It has no Igavania elements, like RPG stuff.

So I dont understand the comparison.

his games are fun
i think sotn style games are my favorite genre

Ever since MN.9, everyone wants every Kickstarter game to be a complete disaster. Yooka-Laylee and Half-Genie Hero were decent 7/10s that people treat like colossal failures, and I have no doubt that Bloodstained and Indivisible or whatever it's called will have the same treatment. Bloodstained doesn't look like it's going to set the world on fire or anything, but it looks like its perfectly on-par with the GBA/DS Castlevanias, which is exactly what people should be expecting from it.

Name better vampire flavored Metroid game

Well there's a monster journal you can fill out. It gives you basic information when you first kill it and more info/lore if you kill a set number of them.

> no music.
Now I understand that you dont like the game but my god are you wrong. Or just baiting.

It perfected the genre. Everything else that will come after it will be a downgrade.

sotn did that already though

>Iga is the most overrated hack in the entire industry
>make one genre-defining game
>get ripped off for 20 years

it's like when people say ocarina of time isn't good at all, even though every single third person game ever made afterwards ripped every mechanic it could from it.

You have him confused with Inafune.
>Colors megaman sprite
>Hailed as father of the series.

Castlevania was better without when it tried to be a Super Metroid rip off anyways.

Wow I've never seen a video game with a bug/exploitable AI before.

oh you're just a contrarian classicfag, i mean they're good games and have sick music but that's about it

Fuck off falseflagger.

is there anything worse than that?

At the very least I have to thank you DMCfags and Sekirofags from keeping Barry away from infesting our threads. He did it once and it was horrible.

Attached: cursed image.jpg (223x226, 14K)

Oh no the OG Castlevanias were better.

Now we wait

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Game wont reach the expectations people have on this that ´s for sure. But at least it will be better received than the other two.


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>First area of the game
Nice cherrypicking but sure. Also it´s hilarious that you have to compare the works of a 4 men team and with a whole dev studio.


graphics don't matter only gameplay
>still complains about graphics
but the gameplay isn-
>it's the exact same as all the other igavanias

Actually Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night solved the Metroidvania genre. You don’t know much about vidya do you

Guy is a falseflagger from the way he wrote his post.

Also HK is a great game.

>Giant castle with copy-pasted rooms
>Piss easy gameplay
>Backtracking constantly
>Absurdly small drop rates
I bet you don't even know which Igavania I am talking about, because they are all the same fucking thing

your post is retarded, but invitation of a crazed moon is definitely a banger.

> Hollow Knight perfected Metroidvania's
When is this meme going to fucking die. Hollow knight isn't even a metroidvania, it's a soulslike, and a bad one at that

Attached: notshit.jpg (300x300, 32K)

I couldn't do hollow knight cause there's no rpg aspects
you have the same weapon the entire time i played
map system is trash
music trash
bosses easy

only forced myself to play for like 5 hours or so i really couldn't understand the appeal

I want to fucking smack you across your dumbass face

Not cherrypicking, i genuinely can't finish the first area because it's just so boring.
This is one of the few tracks i heard.
>Also it´s hilarious that you have to compare the works of a 4 men team and with a whole dev studio.
I don't care about that.

>it's a soulslike
Not it´s not. Salt and Sactuary is one.
HK is a Metroid like.

Like someone mentioned earlier, my expectations are it being similar to the gba and ds castlevania games, I don't know why anybody else would think anything different than that.

hollow knight really is just super metroid and dark souls. i wish "metroidvania" and "soulslike" would die, because these terms are used just as poorly as "doom clone".

You havent even played the game and then you keep talking? kek

Isn't HK more comparable to Dark Souls anyway? That doesn't have music either.

Why would i give more than two hours of my life on a game this boring.

>kek the game is just trying to be MUH SOULZ
That´s the typical argument people use to try to discredit the game without trying.

How horrible a nostalgia bait game ends being is directly proportional to the amount of embarrassing fanart depicting said game saving gaming.
Star Citizen has that comic where it saves the space sim genre, MN9 had that one with Legends Mega and the Gurren Lagann parody. Bloodstained so hard had almost nothing of the sort.

In what way

>Isn't HK more comparable to Dark Souls anyway
In tone maybe. But outside of that no.
It´s a perfectly fine Metroid like game. That´s all.

Bloodstained will probably be an okay SOTN inspired game. But it wont be groundbreaking.

This 2.5D style of animation always looks disgusting , why did they do this...sad face

Attached: wha.gif (262x200, 498K)

>no moving attacks other than a jumping attack
>all other moves are static/rooted
Fucking Double Dragon (1987) had dynamic attacks, so why doesn't this?

Then idk the game´s not for you. So dont judge like you know the game when you dont.


The absolute state of Hk haters. Learn what "atmospheric" is. The music is suposed to complement the gameplay, not be "catchy" or listenable in isolation.

Because they think 2D is cheap and not worth the money for the potential buyer of the game? I dont know.

I bought it, i gave it a try and it made a bad first impression.
I get to judge it.

anything indie with pixels graphics and without dialogue.

Ok then the game´s not for you. Opinion and all.

this, gonna buy it 1 day before release. God bless

this game needs a turbo mode.

Looks challenging

Money. 3D is cheaper than 2D will ever be.

>The music is suposed to complement the gameplay, not be "catchy" or listenable in isolation.
Actually, it's a fundamental difference between western and japanese game music composer.
In this case, it just mean you have a bias toward the western way of doing OST.

they literally stated that 2d is too expensive to be done right
and before you say blah blah X indie game here
those games yes 100% of them the artist worked for free over a long period of time before development on the game officially started
yes owl boy
yes dragons crown
yes literally anything you can think of it's always the case

Opposite. 2D is expensive as fuck to make, especially good quality 2D. 3D is the cheapest option.

>It's a HK fans try to stomp on another game episode
That's why I'll never touch that game.

Attached: 1559149027599.png (462x347, 193K)

How is it possible that a couple of western indies on a shoestring budget are able to make games that look and play way better than some industry veteran with millions of bucks and decades of experience?

Attached: 1528435105465.jpg (1278x1854, 174K)

>The music is suposed to complement the gameplay, not be "catchy" or listenable in isolation.

Attached: 1559176064410.webm (960x540, 2.06M)

Why is his opinion any less valid than yours? Negative opinions are just as important as positive ones.

Don't forget how said indies' pixel art is worse than the average arcade game pixel art; in some cases it looks worse than actual NES games.

Oh no it´s the falseflaggers. Look at how blatant the faleflagging is.
I´m a big HK fan bu I dont consider the game to be the epitome of gaming

>weapon that safely lets you attack from a distance with no risk
>surprised when the close range weapon is stronger


Japanese games also have ambient soundtracks. Would you call those catchy?

>Why is his opinion any less valid than yours?
Since when I said that in my post?

>Boring basic music
>Boring basic gameplay
I guess it works out.

it's a meme you dip

The only IGAvania games that don't have recycled sprites are the GBA games, they are a pain in the ass to make unless you want GBA resolution.

>7 million dolars

Attached: 7m Anal.jpg (312x542, 115K)

Just compare

Attached: 1528399026284.webm (726x466, 2.89M)

Where can I find the physical version?

>still posting the webm of one of the most inefficient fights of all time


Attached: angry kirb.jpg (480x360, 12K)


Hollow Knight only really has two bigger flaws IMO. The fact that the compass is a badge that you have to put on, and that getting around is more painful than necessary once you've explored most nooks and crannies. Everything else in the game is either good, or better.

Thats been patched already you misleading fuck. Game is great so far ( review copy )

>Kills everything in its path with one hit

Nice proof, liar

Attached: 1407108815513.gif (199x200, 37K)

Miriam's feet!

I'm not saying that japanese game will have a 100% catchy soundtrack in the same way western game can't have some track that are listeable on their own.
That's what you call a generalization because it is true as a whole.


>The fact that the compass is a badge that you have to put on, and that getting around is more painful than necessary once you've explored most nooks and crannies
That´s not so much of a big deal. The big one is that you have to find the guy for the map for each new area. That´s a bit annoying.

Guess I misunderstood the "Opinion and all" part of your post. My bad.


Attached: 1528948208172.gif (498x381, 776K)

>A 2d castlevania game has crap bosses
Wow it's almost like that's been the case for every castlevania game

Attached: mario sittin.jpg (196x197, 7K)

>bitching about shitty boss fights when SotN is chalk full of them and it's still considered one of the best Metroidvanias


Attached: 2345564.jpg (713x720, 92K)

Yoinked! from hollow knight


>that skirt movement

Attached: Lloyd #4.gif (250x250, 1.73M)

>perfected the genre
As someone who thinks the game is great that's complete horseshit, it didn't perfect anything it just did things fairly well

Attached: 1529074154986.jpg (1200x493, 105K)

Because the "industry veterans" are idea guys who only made classic games because there were men on their teams who knew what they were doing.

He´s either ignorant or just a troll anyways.

Attached: industrial_laundry.jpg (1600x900, 296K)

Alright. Well, I think catchy music wouldn't really fit for a game like HK anyway.

Even Night of Revenge that is an alpha hentai game made by literally one guy has a better boss fight than this. Fucking embarrassing.

That's probably the only good thing I've seen about the game so far.

no fucking combos, just like the old Castlevanias. But I don't like her passing through enemies.

The rumors that Konami has been saving a big Castlevania game to show at E3 is hilarious.

Even moreso considering that directors behind Castlevania games, even ones Iga worked on are still at Konami.

I actually really enjoyed that you had to find the map maker. There was always this sensation of anxiety while entering somewhere new since you had no map to go by, which made the map maker's humming become such a source of comfort when you finally found him. I guess if you didn't feel that same level of elation then it would go unappreciated.

As hilarious as this would be, that´s highly unlikely sadly.

Blasphemous looks a million times better and its made on 333.000$ and maybe a bit of private funding.

Attached: watermelon loli.jpg (320x320, 68K)

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It would be miles better if the animations were at least 1>2>1>2 instead of 1>1>1. It looks so choppy and goofy and jump canceling is cancer.

Attached: skss.webm (804x432, 2.75M)

I don't think it's an impossibility. The cartoon, the collection, the merchandise, the gacha game coming out later, a new game is certainly within the realm of possibility eventually.

Imran on ResetEra teased Castlevania last year and Vergeben said one was coming along with the collection.

Yeah, Konami traditionaly refused to make a big budget Castlevania and now it even more hard to believe
It would be worth it to see IGA's face, tho. It wouldnt take much effort to do something way better than Bloodstained

It's footage from literally years ago. Look at the new trailer.

I hope they die but first sell all their Ip's

Someone please show me some recent footage that shows this doesn't look so horrid anymore.

>passing through enemies
It's only Zangetsu though. Don't think that's the case with a single other enemy. From the demo that is at the very least.

>mfw you're a fan of the metroidvania genre as a whole and don't feel the need to compare games
I love Metroid, IGAvanias, and Hollow Knight, and I'm hyped for Bloodstained, stop being such sad fucks.

Also don't buy Gato Roboto because that shit lasts only 2 hours.

Attached: king_smoke.gif (360x238, 1.52M)


>I'm a fan that means I eat whatever shit they release with the name of the franchise stamped on it because that's what it means to be a fan and if you guys don't you guys are not fans

When the fuck is someone gonna capitalize on the need for a smallish 2D animation studio just for games? It feels like something like that is needed for games like this so they don't have to settle for upscaled PSP-era 3D when money isn't much of a problem.

it just has more contrast... you can barely tell the difference.


You´re talking about what game exactly?

He didn't mean that you asshole

Look at this sad fuck.
Have you been enjoying video games lately, user ?

>tards trying to troll with HK
You're all like little babbies. HK is old bait these days.

If you want to shit on Bloodstained's art and want to really bait people with what it should look like then use this trailer instead.

You know they didn't actually put all 5 million into the development of the game, right? When kickstarters go so stupidly far beyond their goals, they use the money for other shit, too. I mean, they shouldn't, but that's what happens.

>Also don't buy Gato Roboto because that shit lasts only 2 hours.
I am glad I didn't waste more than $6 on it.
It's kind of an ok game, but it's extremely easy. It controls well and has some neat tech like missile bouncing and shit, but none of the advanced movement options are ever needed.

One thing that soured me big time is also that at the spike wall boss chase room, after completing it, you can never return to the other side of the spike wall. Which is completely unprecedented in the game where it seemingly went out of its way in all other areas of the game to make them re-explorable. I got the suit powerup but I missed another item and locked myself out of getting a 100% because of it.

It doesn't look absolutely rancid like before, it just looks like shit now. Why are there so many giant empty backgrounds? Why do things not feel like they belong together? Look at pic related, is this a fucking joke?

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I'm sorry to hear about your blindness, user.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)

I doubt those threads will get any better once it releases. Why does everyone have to be such an ill-wishing cunt

Attached: potslime.png (118x115, 2K)

Yeah and can you guess just how short that game is going to be because the devs got bottlenecked by the art? At least Bloodstained will actually be the biggest igavania to date.

Whatever other game he wishes for you clowns to attack for him in defense of course.

Attached: 1426088283031.jpg (600x600, 25K)

Takes one to know one

If you want blind adoration for games and a echo chamber, Reddit is more your speed. Game looks bad, people will say it looks bad.

This is Yea Forums. You should know that by know.

Oh, I can't imagine a big budget game, but I'd get a kick out of it being a Mega Man 11 situation.

you do know that 5 million is a super low end budget for a 3d game right? more likely iga paid for a big chunk of it out of pocket or through loans

Game looks a bit rough yeah but the game isnt out yet so fuck off and come back when it´s out.

No so fun when YOU'RE the publisher, is it user?

Attached: iu[1].jpg (507x338, 50K)

Anyone watch the trailer for the game on PSN? That beginning, kek.

6 million dollars?

I'm getting triggered by the lack of in-between some of the sprite have.

This is a correct opinion and what I presume the dev was going for.

The only issue I personally had with it was wasting 30+ minutes trying to find the map-maker in Fog Valley as he was accessible in every previous area.

Briefly passing through endgame areas in the early game is great game design but in this particular case clashed with what they were going for with the map system.

The art for this game looks cool, that's about it...

>I can be excited and praise the game based on the so far released media
>you cannot complain and criticize the game based on the so far released media

>those games yes 100% of them the artist worked for free over a long period of time before development on the game officially started
>yes dragons crown
What are you talking about? The only person that worked 'for free' on DC was the dude that's the head of the company.

Game doesnt look like something that had a 5mil budget and years of development time. It looks amateurish and clunky.

Maybe its not total garbage like many say but it looks somehow off, and not only the visuals.

True. I should not to be pissy about that sorta stuff

Death Stranding, Resident Evil 2 remake, Ace Combat 7, Nioh 2, Code Vein, Bloodstained, all the threads about them have been nothing but relentless shitposting. That's why I decided to not discuss upcoming or recently released games on Yea Forums.

>HK is old bait these days.

No you're the weak master baiter here retard.
Hollow Knight will always and I mean ALWAYS piss Yea Forums off these days. It's going to be timeless bait in any sort of metroidvania thread.

Doesnt change the fact that the game still isnt out yet.

Instead you get blind hatred for games and an echo chamber. Welcome to Reddit but edgy.

Remake and Ace Combat were good though. Those other games aren't even out.

no, leave that shit for newgrounds

Graphics and movement look like a doujin game so far, it better have a fuck ton of content to make up for it.

Man at this point we wont be able to talk about the game. Fuck that.

This is Trine 2, a 2D sidescroller game released in 2011, made by a relatively small team of nobodies in Finland.

Compare with a game with $5.5mil funding and a big industry name at the helm.

Attached: 1539881985920.jpg (1024x576, 62K)

Looks like a shitty Castlevenia

TW3 cost ~11 million dollars for a fully 3d world, voice acting and models that aren't common on a 3ds. 5 million sure as fuck isn't a low end budget.

>using a spell you're not supposed to have at that point of the game without reading a manual

Hollow Knight. The clunkiness of La Mulana without any of the charm, level design, or brainbending puzzles.

>The clunkiness of La Mulana without any of the charm, level design, or brainbending puzzles
Where is the gameplay of HK clunky? Also the puzzles arent the point of the game so I dont see the point here.

>Hollow Knight being anywhere near as clunky as La Mulana
That you, La Mulanafag?

Attached: 1393712000894.jpg (472x400, 72K)

When has a mainline 2d Metroid or post-Iga Castlevania title had puzzles?

Puzzles are not part of genre gameplay outside of SM ROMhacks.

nope i am barry. sekiro sucked btw but dmc 5 sucked more.

God I want the game to come out already so people will be too busy playing it instead of shitposting.

this. A million times this.

kek are you saying that Yea Forums plays video games? lmao

>collision damage is even turned off temporarily during this animation
The fucking soul.
But why John doesn't get some female enemies doing this instead?

>God I want the game to come out already so people will be too busy playing it instead of shitposting.

It's literally the opposite. People who can't afford the game will be busy shitposting over something they don't bother playing.

Forever the worst meme of all time.

Ah, I just had a deja vu from the time people were defending MN9

Am I wrong though?

It's no meme, a lot of times it was proven people around here just shitpost about games they clearly don't know shit and are just parroting other posts to make their opinions sound valid.

I would have agreed with you years ago but these days Yea Forums is way too overpopulated to the point that the average user barely plays games at all and just shitposts here.

Even worse is the
>Yea Forums has better discussion about anime than Yea Forums
>Yea Forums has better discussion about vidya than Yea Forums
Yea Forums has the worst taste in anime this side of the culture war.

Luckily post-2016 /pol/ and the culture war shitshow has completely eliminated the
>Yea Forums when discussing politics

You're living in the Let's Player generation now my friend. The meme is reality.

Cave Story looks a million times better, and it's freeware.

This, there is no good discussion for upcoming games on Yea Forums anymore. This place is a fucking shithole that revolves around outrage culture and what's happening on twitter/reddit.

Games over 100 million dollars do this shit...you have no point nor intelligence.

If you take anything from this whole thread take this

Those make sense because the local board shitposting team doesn't usually show up when you talk about something off their native board. Taste has nothing to do with it.

Attached: 1426477180801.png (1089x648, 50K)

>Games over 100 million dollars do this shit...you have no point nor intelligence

Attached: soya.png (216x260, 17K)


Also those
The real meme is thinking Yea Forums plays videogames.

Shut the fuck up you faggots. This shit is the self-fulfilling prophecy that further kills a board.

I can't believe people are excited for this game. At least this should cement the fact IGA is a total hack and fraud for all those who were too blind to see it over the last 20 years.

>Yea Forums thinks single digit millions is enough to make a quality game in 2019
Don't even try to play the "Yea Forums is one person" card. This retarded hivemind consistently states otherwise.
Cuphead's budget exceeded double-digit millions, and that was before marketing/pr support directly from a first-party, costing untold millions.
The fact they got this far with 5m is incredible.

Attached: 1415174307371.jpg (236x234, 13K)

Taste has everything to do with it, mong.
Sorry your manime and shonenshit are shallow trash.

In what fucking way is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? The meme only exists because of behavior that's been observed, people not playing video games on this board is not happening because of the meme.

>Iga wanted to make it 2D, but the couldn't get any artists.
Except, you know, the first company he hired for Bloodstained which is specialized in 2D sidescrollers.

The difference is he was ripping HIMSELF off, copying and pasting the same SoTN sprites for all the GBA and DS games with barely any new content. At least every mega Man came up with new enemies aside from a couple staples like mettools.

But that´s truth whether it´s self fulfilling prophecy or not. There´s a shit ton of proofs everyday.

>h-hurr durr

Attached: h.png (1248x680, 971K)

If you combine Shovel Knight, Hat in Time, and Hollow Knight's kickstarter budgets (ignoring other external loans) they still wouldn't have reached a million bucks.

And I know Bloodstained gave us Curse of the Moon but still.

How does taste have anything to do with good discussion? You can have good discussion about a shitty show. You just get less people who dedicate their time to intentionally shitting up discussion on different boards.

>Curse of the Moon
Literally a glorified demo, but a very good one at that. Awesome music, nice graphics, good gameplay, they should have basically made that their main project to begin with.

They said in their kickstarter campaign that they werent working from scratch though. They already had something before Kickstarter.

Yea Forums is already dead, you niggers are worthless.

user said quality, not garbage.

Besides: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_Knight
>Development was partially funded through a Kickstarter
The non-partial part went into a fuckhuge marketing campaign, for sure.

Attached: 1459661793587.png (615x387, 481K)

This would look fine if it weren't for the fact you can just walk through the boss with no contact damage. Dodging through them would be fine but straight up WALKING through them?

As far as we know, it might have been self funded in some parts.
Also HK isnt garbage faggot.

>fuckhuge marketing campaign
>Hollow Knight
You seriously don't believe that two aussie shitposters paid people to shill on Yea Forums?

>citation needed
Blows my fucking mind what you underage shitposters think. What are they teaching in schools these days?

Attached: 1532929540321.png (600x315, 142K)

>thinking HK isn't quality

Attached: 1514718308934.gif (340x246, 2.78M)

Some people do. And it would be possible, But when the game came out, It wasnt shilled that much from what I remember.

They still did a much better job managing their resources than the jews who made Shovel Knight and started complaining that they'd run out of money and they can't give themselves $5k a month anymore.

>You seriously don't believe that two aussie shitposters paid people to shill on Yea Forums?
I don't. That's why I'm so sure it had a massive marketing budget if they paid people to post on an anonymous venomous snake dancing enthusiast BBS.

Unless you are a fucking newfaggot you have to be extremely blind to not see the shills the previous months here.

That doesn't surprise me, Sotn, GBA and DS metroidvanias did exactly the same with human bosses.

Why don't you google it then you lazy fuckwit?

>14,749 backers pledged $311,502 to help bring this project to life.
>9,169 backers pledged $296,360 to help bring this project to life

That´s a dumb comparison since Cuphead wasnt crowdfunded iirc.

If it's anything like DMCV I'll be overjoyed

As cited here Crowdfunding campaigns are usually just to peddle partial funding from the public. that's why they're considered scummy to begin with.
Actual dev funding usually comes from outside investor groups you never hear about. Unless you believe We Happy Few was just a really good game, and it's pure coincidence Gearbox came from the shadows to fund a failed indie game out of the goodness of their hearts? In which case, your mental condition can't be helped.

Attached: 1506915545408.png (500x500, 94K)

You're a retard, thanks for sharing.
Go back to your fucking Call of Duty nostalgia threads.



>Crowdfunding campaigns are usually just to peddle partial funding from the public. that's why they're considered scummy to begin with.
Do you have facts to justifiy generalizing shit? Of course there´s scams but this happen with everything. So dont use this shitty argument.



looks like a fucking flash game

lmao I was here when the very first threads for HK popped up back in 2017 mate. Where it got released right between Breath of the fucking Wild, Nier, and Horizon Zero Dawn. We all shit on it because the pacing of the first half was awful and it was a genuine unoptimized mess.

Literally the very first time the game actually gained small traction was when Dunkey mentioned it in one of his videos. And from there it got buried again by Cuphead that came out later that year.
And no, I seriously hope you don't tell me that all the endless reverse troll threads started up by the LaMulana autist counts as shilling.

Fuck off falseflagger.

>It's just naturally talking about games bro!

>Every thread follows the same post structure:
>Game is out
>What game?
>Non-shitpost answer
>What's it about
>Non-shitpost answer
>Where can I get it?
>Non-shitpost answer
>*Asks if anyone is at particular part 8 hrs into the content, 2 hrs after release*
>Non-shitpost answer
>Marketing images posted every post
Yep, totally organic threads.

>T-that doesn't happen
Look at the Outer Wilds thread right now, fuckwit,

Attached: 1554702003521.jpg (379x250, 15K)

Stupid point, you think a game headed by Iga isn't going to secure more funding through other channels than games like HK.

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In the wiki the post cites, brainlet.

and this is why you make enemies deal damage just by touching them

its not "immersive" but its practical

The point is Yea Forums brainlets think 5m is overkill for a game like that. It's a drop in the ocean.

So just generalization? Ok then nevermind for the waste of time.

>Unironically citing wikipedia
>Not even posting the fucking citations, just pointing at a wiki article
Probably shouldn't be calling others brainlet when you're missing one yourself, fyi.

It absolutely is overkill for a game that looks that shit, shill.

I really really like Hollow Knight
the platforming is shit
there is not weight or momentum
and while I understand the gameplay and especially lot of the bosses with tighter windows to dodge attacks were designed around this kinda platforming and it feels kinda nice to learn those bosses
its total fucking shit

Fucking this.

I preordered this game.

Attached: EF26D980-CEDD-4D61-BCD2-9D131C805B65.jpg (730x1095, 90K)

Five million is a drop in the ocean for titles that look like modern games, for something like this 5m is a fucking insane amount.

agreed 100%
HK movement is shit
HK map is shit
HK upgrades / abilities are shit
still neat game tho.

game looks like absolut trash. from graphics and character designs all the way to the gameplay and animations.
Iga should be ashamed (and i'm pretty sure he is).

Looks like a perfect and comfy castlevania to me. Only thing I would have liked more would be the ability to gain levels and a male protagonist.

Attached: tumblr_n2af5uURYz1r7epm9o1_400.gif (360x240, 788K)

With the exception of hold moves, you can have any spell at any point in the game "without reading a manual" as long as you have enough MP and somehow luck into the move by flailing your fingers like a spastic. And stumbling into "up then fireball motion" isn't exactly a complex thing.

Lmao loser

50 million dum dum

based and redpilled
cringe but redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled
based and redpillled
la mulana pilled
based and SMpilled
cringe but salt and sanctuary pilled

>cringe and redpilled
Is this some reddit shit?

it may not look as good as hollow Knight (if you are into dark pastel blobs for backgrounds) but at least it will be fun

Wow it's almost as if this should've been fucking fixed, and SotNiggers should be put in their fucking place because the game is completely fucking 100% cheeseable unless you intentionally hamper yourself, SO FUCKING PATHETIC that no one has done better in 20+ years

Everyone who hails Super as some masterwork also seems to completely miss how it fucked up the sense of discovery and difficulty of the first Metroid game, but it's all watered down for the mid-90s retarded SNES crowd, so of course every dipshit millenial here loves it, and zoomers love zero mission and fusion

>hollow turds at it again
Stop shilling that shit.

It still looks like shit.


Why does Yea Forums hate Hollow Knight?

This actually looks good though.
This post is true. HK will always meme the fuck out of Yea Forums
Great post. Trine 1/2/3 all look a lot better than this soulless shit.

>I posted a thread about a game on a public discussion forum and not everyone praised it, how could this happen to me?

Oh fuck off. I like HK and there´s some fucker ruining discussion with his falseflagging bullshit.

The H-Game is better

>puzzles arent the point of the game
>"It solved the Metroidvania Genre!"
pick one and only one
if you want a beat'em'up level-up garbage factory why aren't you just playing warframe?

Even 1 looked way better than Shitstained and I assure you it was made on a much smaller budget than Shitstained, and by some Finnish randos.

You have to hold the left trigger to summon him. It's really contextual tho

It got popular. Also I never said it doesnt have flaws cos it sure has.

>not like graphics are what matters
Well, they do for a Metroidvania. I'm not about to backtrack my ass off through some ugly shit-colored corridors for hours.

>user said quality, not garbage.

That game was definitely shilled here, whether they were paid by the two aussie devs or by george soros i don't fucking know or care, but it was DEFINITELY shilled.

Them overly smooth animations. I wonder why Tecmo hasn'r made a new 2.5D Ninja Gaiden. Like Katana Zero but without the shitty gimmick. Basically like that new Strider.

You both have him confused with Kojima. Where the fuck do you think he learned it all from?

It's a cycle. There are days when Yea Forums will enjoy talking about it there are days when it's worse than the devil.

You eventually figure out when and how to talk about the game after years of shitposting from both sides. And fuck, that doesn't just go for HK. That goes for any relatively popular game.

>it's another "Shitty game that is about to come out has threads full of people defending it who will vanish the day after release" episode
We all know you're paid shills, this happens every time with every shitty game: as soon as launch day is over your contract ends and you disappear.


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The only people who actually shilled Hollow Knight were the switchcucks. But that's because the switch has fuck all games so they'll shill anything that comes to it.

Nintentards are that desperate.



outed as a facebook cuck mongoloid you literally got btfo and proved to be a downy newfaggot that doesnt know shit. I hope something terrible happens to your life soon.

>now faggot brings console war to the mix
Ok now I´m out.

it's a good game with good ideas worth talking about that has been flanderized to death by inane fans. in that regard it's exactly like undertale although i will probably get shit for saying so

Oh boy here we go.
Now this thread is going places.

This may be an alien concept to you, user, but usually when a game people are excited for comes out, they actually play it instead of post about it

This thread is getting good now

t. seething snoyboy

Valdis Story >> Hollow Knight

Cope and cry more about it my love.

Good games yeah, shit ones that look like shit? No. I assure you there won't be threads about this piece of shit a week after release, because the shills will be gone and the few that did get duped into it will have given up.

Please die soon and let Sega, Capcom and Nintendo buy off your IPs for cheap.

Not him but for me, what makes Hallow Knight so good is that it ditches the RPG mechanics of stats and leveling up. Those mechanics that SotN popularized broke the genre. They always result in the same difficulty spike one or two bosses in that immediately goes away once hit the next few levels and pick up a particular piece of equipment. From that point on, the rest of the game gets easier and easier and every confrontation can be demolished with brute force because nothing poses any risk to you anymore. Hollow Knight has charms, health increases, and attack increases but none of these negate the risk of taking a hit. You're still required to learn boss and enemy patterns because taking a hit actually puts you closer to death. The Castlevania brand of the genre, and nearly every game inspired by it, always introduces stats and items that are easy to obtain and break the game, removing all challenge and ask nothing more of the player beyond moving from room to room and mashing attack. Hollow Knight feels more like a Metroid game than a Metroidvania. The charms even feel like an evolution to Super Metroid's items in that they add functionality to your abilities instead of straight up stats and you can mix them up to produce different effects but unlike SM, there's so many more of them allowing for customization of playstyle.

Dont bother wasting you time here. This thread isnt about discussing anything. Look at OP.

1$ has been deposited to your emu account ;v


Guess who has P5R and can actually run online games properly? It's not shitposting if it's the truth because you cucks will eat up anything that gets released on the Switch. I can practically smell the regret from here. Hell. I'll even do you faggots the pleasure of shooting the bullet first and replying to this post with a wojak.


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I don't hate it but I think it's very overrated.
I unironically think that Guacamelee was a better metroidvania.


Attached: Not Bad Uh.webm (298x298, 192K)

I never personally played Metroidvania type games for a challenge. I just enjoy the gameplay and plotting fun routes and trying out glitches and stuff. You can always impose limitations on yourself to make the game as hard as you want which I also enjoy doing

No you won’t bro because this is an anonymous imageboard and no matter what anybody says they’ll never say it to your face which is what counts

is she hiding a femme penis beneath her skirt?
its the only way that movement makes sense

Guys check out this amazing boss battle

Attached: aa.webm (740x416, 2.44M)

It might be shitty. Or it might be good. I’m gonna give it its fair shot

wtf bros you can kill bosses in seconds by extremely overlevling them...I can't believe it...

I got 6~ hours out of the demo alone. I am really excited for the game.

Using a powerful weapon on a boss kills it quickly. Who would've thought.

Eh, not that big of a fan.
They look ok for indie releases and in still screenshots, but cluttered and floaty in motion.



Trine looks like a phone game that is trying its hardest to look amazing.
Bloodstained meanwhile looks like they sacrificed detail somewhat in order for the player to keep better track of the action.

What level is that?

God I want to black Charlotte

what game is this?

I tried Valdis Story, it crashed my computer so hard that I haven't experienced anything like that ever since. Literally the only time my rig crashed in 4 years.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

>it crashed my computer so hard
Really? I've got some awkward issues with the game for sure, but no performance related ones.

What language version of the game do you think will be better? Hayter's in it so english might be worth giving a shot

i know this is bait but at least post something i can disagree with. i dont see whats wrong with this gameplay.

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it's a shame there are close to zero doujins with her.

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Silksong is my most anticipated game, but I still have an order for Bloodstained and I am extremely excited for it too and looking forward to it.

The problem with KS games is that they're inherently supposed to be these "games done right" with no constrains or producer interference, noone breathing down the dev team's neck to do it this or that way, diluting the pure vision.

And yet we got mediocre-to-good games at best. None of them are particularly notable and they decidedly look like bargain bin games.

The platform, as whole, is a failure.

The game is just that good I guess. You were deemed unworthy.

>no bra in a white blouse
That's that good shit.

Attached: titty.png (264x140, 50K)

Yes, it got a fucking blue screen of death (haven't seen it ever before) and immediately restarted the system. When the game worked, it ran properly, I still can't wrap my head around why it did it, but it was consistent, not just a one-time thing.

Well, fug :DDDDD

Kickstarter in general makes games development too open ended and unfocused. There's a reason publishers and execs put these constraints on developers, and most of the time it isn't that they just "don't understand game development".