Can we go back to discussing Smash

Look Death Stranding and Kojima was cool for a few hours, but give it a rest will we?

Let's speculate on the next DLC fighters, thanks

Attached: aaa.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No, fuck off.

Sam Bridges should be in Smash. Name one reason why he shouldn't.

OP is a faggot, Smash has their moments, let Death Stranding have their's.

Crash and Spyro.
See you at E3, fagnuts.

Joker ruined everything. Fucking hype killing faggot.

Yea Forums has been full of your shitty fucking Roster threads lately, maybe you give it a rest Smashfag.




I think OP is being sarcastic.

You fags NEVER discuss Smash, just spam threads about muh roster.

if he is and i took the bait i'll suck your cock user.

take a shower fat fuck

successful troll is successful

Do I have to friggin say it?

Attached: rash for smash.png (394x308, 241K)

Steve can suck off his square tranny dick for all I care

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Hes in

Attached: 3ea.png (200x200, 35K)

You mean like make the same thing this board's been doing for the past two fucking years? A process that has no basis in reality because no one here knows absolutely anything? I love Smash but these threads are the definition of pointless.

Back in the villagers' rapeshed with you, seethey Stevey.

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where are these renders from? They keep popping up.

Christ OP you could have put THIS IS BAIT in all caps in the subject line and people would still fall for this shit.

based Chaddletoad

Suck my extraterrestial space probe Microshits. He's in.

Attached: tom-carruthers-invaders-blankztools-cu01smaller.jpg (935x633, 158K)

>killed hype
>acting like it wasn't just the steve circlejerk before

some user posted it randomly for others to use for trolls

a literal Discord tranny furry made it

Holy based

Reminder that cereal mascots have no right to join Smash.

Attached: Say NO to Cereal Mascots.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

>people replying to bait thread
you're all just as braindead and retarded as OP holy shit

Space Invaders?
More like "Gape in vain, derps."

Attached: 1547939881325.gif (601x338, 1.71M)

He's in

Attached: billy smashes his foes.jpg (2216x3000, 1.19M)

less than two weeks for the shitstorm to unfold.

hey fuck you Plok and Gex are based
the rest can go fuck themselves, though


literally who

Black Billy, from the classic alternative rock band The Pixies

Not him but Billy Corgan, lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins. Random ass post, but yeah that's who it is. Heard he's a big asshole.

>western franchises

Im sick of speculation and just want a new fucking character that isnt goddamn shit at this point just fucking something fuck the plant fuck joker the only fun thing with joker is his stand ability that is a reflection of all the whores he fucks.

Sparkster should be in

No matter what happens at e3 there will be more nonstop smash threads.
> They said something about smash at e3
>They didn't say anything about smash REEEEEE
>This person got in FUCK YOU I HATE IT/ FUCK YOU I LIKE IT
>More Rosterfag threads for the remaining spots if anyone gets confirmed.

Well the new fire emblem has the main character and the heads of 3 different houses. That’s 4 fire emblem characters. 4 slots. Simple

Who the fuck has asked for ty since like melee when the fuck has a ty game came out in 10 years. And who the fuck besides the gaming historian would ask for Rat with Sword. Phoenix wright would be a more likely pick than those chuckle fucks and that guy just lost his badge.

Weeeell, A yo-ho-ho and a yupity-dum
My I.Q. is very low, I'm a pirate and I'm dumb
Well I might be hiding in a barrel in the dark
Or I'll walk you down the plank, and I'll feed you to the sharks
I could cut you down to size if I catch you by surprise
I could get you with my sword, or from a barrel throwing knives
Well you got a incel's butt, and a big block head
But if you draw for me a mermaid I'll be watching her instead!

You could try to write me off, but you'll be busy enough
With the cannonballs a-droppin', and the parrot's eggs a-poppin'
You can jump over the fire and the ropes could take you higher
But the only way to win is to complete what you begin!

Attached: pirate.gif (350x350, 132K)

So are they supposed to tell us about one or about two season pass characters?
It's been half year since they revealed shit

No. One. Knows. These threads mean nothing.

See you soon. Don't listen to Suda's lies

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Chosen Undead

Literallly on the same level of delusion as Sorafags right now

I know he's not in but it's fun to hope for an ultimate surprise

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If Travis makes it into Smash I will straight kill myself. NMH1 is, and I'm not exaggerating, the worst fucking game I've ever played.

Just a reminder

Attached: sorafags.png (1346x746, 903K)

Absolute shit tastes bro


Attached: nako.png (564x809, 261K)

The game was a disaster and anyone who isn't a flagrantly insufferable weeb knows that.

those characters are wack but don't hate on rocky rodent and earthworm jim

Someone post the smug gif this bitch has

based pirateposter

That is a cosplayer of Nakoruru, not her herself.

Attached: smugruru.gif (533x300, 2.02M)

Attached: kYsJ5WU.gif (533x300, 2.02M)

This but unironically.

Attached: DOA6_Beta_Hayabusa_C1.jpg (920x1080, 166K)

You forgot King Cereal (Crash) himself

Attached: Chara02.png (444x853, 117K)

These lips are made for big blocky cock.

Any porn of smug?

Doesn't matter, she's smug as fuck

Not that user, but the missing spirits theory was way more enjoyable than the entirety of the half-year after the game's release. Fuck Joker, his inclusion is completely pointless.

She needs to know her place
That way she won't act like that again

just want him and banjo

Yes, the name of the character that cosplayed her is Ayako Kouchi, there are several doujin of her getting fucked in the Nakoruru getup

Bet she won't be that smug after that

what a salty sea dog

Based as fuck

Attached: 1528140745871.jpg (990x1400, 602K)

sorry, but ruru is already taken by galford's bwc

>Getting mad at cartoony characters
Imagine being this retarded.

Attached: Laughing.jpg (1600x900, 655K)

Off. No idea who this person is, and I hope for you that it's a cute girl.

Batter confirmed

Leave Jim, Buck Bumble, Gex & Sparkster out of this.

True but Banjo was at least a Nintendo character at one point.

Considering how consistently good of a third party partner Tecmo have been to Nintendo it would be criminal if Ryu Hayabusa doesn't make it in.
Tecmo didn't abandon them when the WiiU and 3DS had an awful launch.

how do we make spirits interesting besides making them into trophies/3D models?

Next to their names put (deconfirmed)

make the most powerful spirits summonable in battle while the lesser spirits have like a button that activates a spirit ability or something. also add smt demon spirits in so you can fuse them to make the fused demon spirits in that crafting section of the game

This image is pure concentrated cancer. Who cares about these abominations?

reveal their sexuality

You made me laugh OP, good job

Furries and faggots

Short info snippets, like trophies but less personalized.

Let players use any spirit as a profile icon

reminder banjokes he's deconfirmed

Attached: Screenshot_20190601-092650_Chrome.jpg (1080x1114, 364K)

>the composer of one game whose series was moved to Microsoft without knows anything about their dealings

Someone make an arena

Obama should be a smash character

I wonder, how will Banjo boiz react if Battletoad cucks them completely and steals the Microsoft/Rare spot?

I mean, they DO have a new game coming.

Attached: battletoads.gif (106x132, 16K)

IMAGINE hating Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

Attached: Ty Freg.jpg (1600x1200, 96K)

>I mean, they DO have a new game coming.
Apparently, so do we.

Attached: 1356822140754.gif (333x194, 1.78M)

You know what they say Banjie:

Don't count your Kazooies before they hatch~

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Cringe and copepilled