Shantae Redux

So, I just made a boxart of Shantae redux for the GBA.

I have an honest opinion, I pretty much find the GBC to be a really unfitting system, the character sprites look awful and poorly represented, especially Shantae herself, she looked nothing like herself, the screen is too small, there are no voice clips, no dialogue icons.

When the first game came out in June 2002, it flopped as the GBA was already out, a GBA sequel was planned but cancelled due to lack of publisher interest.

So would an enhanced port make more sense than a sequel or you find the GBA to be more fitting

Attached: Shantae_GBA_boxart.png (640x638, 549K)

A lot of people want a remake of the first game since it's only "legally" available on the 3DS VC. Unfortunately it won't happen anytime soon unless we go full HIRE THIS MAN.

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I think the GBC game aged really well, actually. I only played it for the first time a year or two ago and I had a great time with it, and it's pretty pleasant to look at too.

Thread needs more Shantae

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I think they will eventually just do a regular port to other consoles and pc at a later point, but also do an enhanced remake down the line.

Attached: shantae.png (900x1511, 1.18M)

maybe an idea with the enhanced remake is to include the ability to use remastered graphics/sound or original graphics/sound while having a bigger screen resolution, for the remastered graphics I'd go with the Shantae Advance/Risky Revolution art direction as it felt like a link between the first game and Risky's Revenge.

>Regular port
>of a GBC game


They'll most likely cobble together a remake using either RR/SatPC or HGH/5 assets.

not big enough

Attached: merm.png (1200x750, 1.27M)

The main problem with the og game is that it's too zoomed in and there are leaps of faith everywhere.

In the hypothetical GBA port, you can move the camera by holding R and pressing the D-Pad at the same time

>the character sprites look awful and poorly represented
Bullshit, those sprites are adorable, gorgeously animated and part of the game's charm. Literally the only thing holding the game back was the small resolution.

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honestly Shantae's hair looks disgusting and nothing like the GBC artowrk, they probably just used early drawings from the late 90s as a reference

Attached: shantae ealry concept.png (123x200, 32K)

Nice trips, OP
>tfw CSR still hasn't actually drawn Risky beyond this AFAIK

Attached: Risky.png (900x326, 305K)

its a large GBC sprite what are you expecting dipshit, they worked with what they had.

It's a giant fucking purple ponytail. What else do you want?

In Shantae's final design, the hair looked more like Leela from Futurama, that's my only gripe with the GBC sprite, i know this si the best they could have done

Also the night music overriding the unique music of any area.
I never beat the game for those two reasons but I'm pretty confident that a remake would easily be the best Shantae.

>sons but I'm pretty confident that a remake would easily be the best Shantae.
indeed, it's really a shame that they cancelled Shantae 2 Risky Revolution for GBA, it had alot of really cool ideas that were never reused in later games, the artstyle is cool, it reminds me of Scorpion King GBA also by WayForward. Instead all we got was Sigma Star Saga

Attached: risky1.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

>Shawnty made it into Smash in your lifetime
Probably never going to be an actual character but a trophy/spirit is more than I ever expected.

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Attached: risky2.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

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Attached: risky4.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

>E Triple in 2 weeks
>all 5hantae is going to get is a 1 minute trailer

Say what you want about HGH but I'm going to miss the punctual updates. At least RCG might get a demo.

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I hope they don't fuck up 5. It looked like there might be dungeons so that's a good sign.

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