why Yea Forums hate us bro?
Why Yea Forums hate us bro?
cuz Yea Forums has better taste than Yea Forums
because Yea Forums crossboarders are cancerous cucks, but also i will never understand why the board is so obsessed with kyoani but shits on Trigger
Yea Forums are elitist assholes who watch seasonal anime seriously
Yea Forums fucking hates kyoani
you've clearly never been there
just like how they "hate" popular shonens
Yea Forums has standards and wouldn't watch seasonal harem romcom #294 to pad their MyAnimeList
Because weebs and their faggotry aren't welcomed here.
>Yea Forums
>hating kyoani
have you even been on the board? The amount of times they've shilled VEG as the greatest anime of all time is enough to churn my stomach
kyoani's the one studio the board loves and it's for all the retarded reasons
>Yea Forums has standards
because the kind of retard that browse both can't help themselves to be as obnoxious as possible in both boards
why is Yea Forums allowed to post animu outside their board, but no one is allowed to post other things in Yea Forums?
Because Yea Forums is a cancerous board.
name one board who doesn't hate this shithole
fotm moeshit is the anime equivalent to the latest lootbox shooter. Yea Forums realizes both are lowest common denominator trash, and this upsets Yea Forums. Yea Forums is the anime equivalent of fortnite zoomers.
we act like a bunch of retarded chimps
all that happens on here is shit-eating, shit-flinging, and weird psyop grooming experiments
that said, it's fun to talk about vidya with you niggers sometimes so it's alright
Because Yea Forums is a fucking anime image board you absolute newfag cocksucker. If you don't like both video games and anime you genuinely do not even belong on this website.
I think he means for anime, which is true. Most boards have better taste in anime then Yea Forums
Because Yea Forums is an anime website.
Yea Forums hates spoonfeeding ie giving people basic information about things and feels Yea Forums does this too much.
Yun Yun is for anal
I don't watch a lot of anime but I've been exposed to the culture. My understanding is that anime is mostly a seasonal medium, new shit comes out in waves. Why is it considered a bad thing to enjoy anime that comes in these waves? What's the alternative?
>Yea Forums is an anime website.
1 FROG THREAD ON Yea Forums right now and it's from Yea Forums TARD
/pol/ is the worst board on this site. More cancerous than Yea Forums ever was, and that's saying something.
Yea Forums is anti-anime now
In our younger years Yea Forums was our brother board, now /pol/ is
I do like anime, tho
we wouldn’t have non-anime boards if that was true
kill yourself libtard
more like anti-tranny, but those are both the same thing at this point
Because Yea Forums is full of underage retards and manchildren who can't discuss anything without it devolving into low-effort greentext shitposting.
I think both boards are full of faggots with shit taste, I don't know why anyone still likes to think they're better than the other.
u 1st
I have that nendo. She cute.
Yunyun is cute
ebin :DDD
/pol/ since 90% of the posters here are also from there anyway
/pol/ hates this shithole too.
It is a know fact that each board has the worst taste in their subject