Why haven't you hacked yours yet?

why haven't you hacked yours yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


But I have, user. I even went through the trouble of replacing the motherboard that came with the used Vita I bought so that I could hack it.

At this point I've played everything I wanted on it. Hacking took entirely too long to perfect.

I did. It only has 64gb sd card. Waiting on a 512gb to put every game I want on it.

>hack it
>still cant find anything I'd actually want to play on vita

mostly I've just been installing custom wallpapers

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I installed henkaku on 3.60 so it boots with CFW but now I'm running into an issue where certain saves that I had on my older console aren't working. Final Fantasy X and Jak And Daxter work fine but Killzone Mercenary and Persona 4 saves will not load. What happened bros?

check their directories

Too much work. I tried doing it, but it requires putting in IP addresses and networking, and it confused me. Just let me do it like I did with the PSP.

>but it requires putting in IP addresses and networking
the most you have to do is add a single DNS in your wifi settings, it's pretty straightforward if you use vita.hacks.guide/

Yeah, I couldn't really figure out how to do that with the current method at the time, which was like a year or two ago? It wanted me to use another program to change my network settings or something.

Even after spending all that time hacking it I still wouldn't actually bother playing anything on it. Too busy clearing out other shit from my backlog.

Sucks to be you.

Negro what? I didn't even have to do that with any version I hacked it on.

you have the choice to FTP or USB files from desktop, but that guide i posted tells you everything you need to do and it's quite detailed with those instructions, if you're on 3.70 it takes a little longer since you have to hack it with an exploit that has to be reinstalled each reboot but once hacked you can downgrade to 3.60~ which is more stable and won't need to be reinstalled upon reboots

Oh, so it's actually a lot simpler now? Nice, guess I will end up hacking my Vita, then.

Can someone tell me what the fuck I'm doing wrong?

I have Python 3.7.1 and FinTrinity 0.5. When I run GUI.py, I correctly receive a prompt for the game I downloaded and copied onto my PC, but upon clicking "Confirm", I get this.

There are other instances in the code in which the / operator is used on strings and works just fine, so what gives? I can't tell whether this is a Python problem or something else, because I don't know enough about it as a language.

Attached: trinity.png (1099x237, 20K)

>hack it
>still kept buying games
Vita is cute.


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did you follow each step prior to trinity here: vita.hacks.guide/preparing-for-trinity

Should I make a throw away PSN account for it or is my main one fine to use?

depends on how much you care for your current one and what you do on it, i'm using my main one but i don't have much worth on it so if i get caught and banned somehow for pirating then i don't care, there's even a utility for easily switching psn accounts once hacked

Yes I did. What's happening is that the Python runtime is reporting a type error, because an invalid operator is being used on two strings. I want to understand why it's breaking in this particular case, since the code contains other / operations on strings. Like I said, I don't know much about Python, so I'm not sure if this is a standard language feature or why it's breaking here.

Because my battery is dead and a few of the buttons don't work.

Why would I own one?

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If there's an easy switch I guess I'll do that. I don't really play online for anything, but still would rather have the option. Would it be best to make a new account for the entire process or just once I start playing the pirated games?

I did back when Henkaku came out but I got impatient waiting for decent game dumps and haven't touched it since. Handheld gaming also just doesn't appeal to me.

i don't really know anything about python either, sorry, though they encourage joining their discord cancer if you run into any issues

it really depends on how paranoid you are, seems like you'd just be more comfortable making an alt and starting from there

I just did last night, all the to the final step+adrenaline, not sure if I need to do any DNS shit since I got noupdates running. I didn't install the nopaystation thing yet, mostly cause it wasn't covered in the guide.

Is there a way to multiplayer ps1 games?

>Mfw hacked Vita 2 years ago
>only played 3 games

nps is pretty easy to get going, it's the same process as installing the other packages and apps during the hack, after that it's up to you whether you use the desktop version or the vita app docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18HHxaQhGgqDjH2mIgC3T1OVWNRr_4HHfuLsYmiKXnfk/edit#gid=597019973

How much harder is this to hack than a psp
Is it worth paying the 40 extra dollars
Esp if im gonna get a wii u and hack ot

depends on what you want to play, since there's quite a few emulators on top of the existing library, and if you like the size of the vita and its portability; the hacking itself is really easy though

>How much harder is this to hack than a psp
its harder if you compare it to a psp, but if you're not a brainlet is pretty easy

Hacked my Vita. Playing Digimon World: Next Order. Currently have a Lilimon and Skull Greymon.

I recently reset my hacked Vita to factory settings. The sticks were fucked up and i felt that my shit was outdated (i was still using maidumps and shit). Anyway I thought it'd be a long fucking process to re hack it but surprising it only took like 2 hours. Mostly cuz I was making sure i didn't fuck anything up. So what are some essentials for a hacked Vita?

NPS, VitaGrafix, Manga Reader if you're a weeb

>mfw /vitagen/ whenever someone even posts a png screenshot

I guess this will do for now, I'm kinda juggling a few things right now so I cant put my full attention to read and properly doing an install or file transfer like last night.

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the app on the vita is pretty good if you don't mind dealing with the vita's long downloads, so you're good for now

Why would I still own one in the same timeline where the switch exits?

I sold mine because the last remaining game worth playing on it is Persona 4 Golden

boku girl was really good

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I already updated my PSTV and Vita like an idiot.

thats illegal

because being a sonybro weeb isn't as bad as consuming copious amounts of onions

Just hacked my vita. Give me some games to put on it please and thanks. Anything from original psvita titles to ports to emulation.

You can still hack it dummy

I just got a new update today and now I cant play online. Should i update or hack it?

I have a hacked PSP, played every game on Vita I care about, and everything else is available on other platforms.

why can't you play online?

I don't have one.

>hacked vita
>nothing to play on it
Can someone give me a working tales of phantasia eboot?

Should I play X Men Legends 2 or Ratchet and Clank next? Played X Men Legends 2 as a kid and loved it. I've never played any of the ratchet and clank games.

I got fucking memed on.
Everyone was like ALL OFW IS HACKABLE!!
So I bought a Vita and hacked it.
Got a big card and a some accessories.
Got Enso and all that.
>nothing to play
WOW thanks, guys!

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because their's nothing worth doing with a hacked vita
switch tho..

I can only recommend Ratchet and Clank since I've never played X Men Legends 2 or related games. The R&C series changes a bit after the first game, so if you don't really like some parts of it, then you shouldn't worry too much when continuing with the series. Personally, I think it loses its charm a little after it hits the PS3, but a lot of the games I played in that series were really fun games.

there's a ton of games, with emulation and without emulation, user, it just depends on what you LIKE and WANT to play

Slap some PS1 or PSP games on it. It also has other emulators, too.

I just hacked my vita. Recommend me some games to put on it. Psvita releases, ports, emulators, you name it.

nps desktop for all the vita, ps3, psp, ps1/2 games and their dlc, then just download whatever the fuck you feel like

My vita isn't connecting to QCMA from the content manager. What I do wrong?

Disregard, I am literal retard

But I already did.

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vita.hacks.guide/installing-trinity-(windows) follow this, keep trying, it was a bit weird with me at first too

My issue was I just closed out of it instead of keeping it running

Source on original picture please.

no idea, i've had it for years and i think it's the first time i've posted it, sorry user

The only games I've installed is miku games and personas. I think that's it. God I'm so bored

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i'm a collector that the only reason

I have hacked it. Now it's sitting in my closet collecting dust because my PC can do anything it can do but better.

Funny how you double standard having faggots cum buckets and post anime ahegao pics over vita hacking but shit on switchlets for playing on a handheld.

No clue.

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nice projecting user, have fun with your pc

Yeah, my favorite part is how /u/fags got blown the fuck out. But really though, there's something about this mangaka that makes every characters he draws really attractive. I can't watch any chapter of Boku Girl without getting a boner.

Boku no Pico.

Thanks i'm having a blast. Have fun coping.

Can i get psp games to be in a bubble like vita downloads? It kinda irks me having p4 golden and all the dancing games one one page, but having to go into adrenaline to play(look at) the others.

Eh, until PC has Oreshika, DT2, Shiren, or P4G I can't ever agree with that sentiment. If they were all ported with Switch or PC I would play it on those but I don't see it happening for any of them.

Haven't bought one yet even though I kinda want to. It's just hard to justify buying one because they're still too expensive and all I would be doing with it would be playing ps1 games while traveling, and my old and busted psp can manage to do that fine still even though the screen is dogshit compared to the vita screen.

Is Vita the ultimate emulation machine?

what am i supposedly coping with?

Because I don’t fucking have one

yes, vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/ just search for bubbles

no because GBA and SNES run like shit.

But I did

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the live tl threads on Yea Forums were great times
it’s because he did porn, you can tell by the lips

im pretty sure that's just poor emulation, not the hardware fault

correct. the vita in theory would be the ultimate emulation machine but it isn't because the majority of emulators for it aren't very good.

it's only a matter of time until things pick up, given how much the homebrew scene for it has improved over the last year

Apart from roms, PSP emu, and free games is there anything really cool/must do on a hacked Vita?

I use it to read shitposts while shitting and I don't really care to do anything else with it to be honest.

I hacked mine, played P4G for 20minutes and haven't touched it since. Totally worth it.


I did

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depends on what you like doing, there's improved camera apps, free crunchyroll premium, a manga reader/downloader, music, improved graphics/resolution

Free crunchyroll and improved graphics/resolution is the shit I was talking about, that sounds cool. What are those called?

In process right now. molecularShell is saying it is installed but I don't have the bubble. Tried doing the R1 thing a couple times

Random Trivia;

Muramasa Rebirth saves not only the Save Data but also the DLC to the grw0 partition on the game itself.

God Vanillaware is the coolest, though I'm guessing that more stems from Muramasa's smaller file size.

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already did, but pirating soul sacrifice delta made me thinking of buying it for the additional contents

VitaGrafix, can't remember the crunchyroll name has it worked yet? pressing the right buttons for the install? it didn't work for me at first and then i realised i was pressing circle instead of cross and not actually installing it like a brainlet

I got it. I spammed R1 when it was opening from Henkaku. Guess it only give you 2 seconds for the input

psp go is the comfiest

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>that stick

are you saying its bad or dirty? It looks clean to me and I mostly play retro games with the dpad.

Fuck, I really want a Blue slim Vita before it completely sells out. Hope it's still there by next month when I get my paycheck

vita is now wide open with the latest soft you don't need 3.65 nor that dns shit

By far the least comfy. The higher ppi is nice, but the controls are way too cramped, like a GBASP.

But I have. Even updated to a 256gb card so I can fit as much stuff as possible to make it the ultimate handheld.

Never used it before, does it actually use memory stick?

Where do you all download your vita games from? I'm not finding what I want on thepiratebay. I'm looking for the persona dancing games.

Are you fucking retarded, user?

NPS nopaystation.com/

I will forever be mad that he was such a bitch and stopped tling.

Thanks, user.

There's a version you can install on the Vita itself too. The new version even uses the native download manager for Vita games and DLC.

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It sucks though. The downloads are really slow. Must be because of the old wifi card. NPS is better but a little inconvenient

I still have an 8GB card from when the vita came out. Why the fuck are cards still so expensive? I figured people caring less about the vita over time would make the price drop.

There is literally no point in buy the proprietary cards retard. SD2VITA exists

>why are limited run proprietary cards expensive?

I'm pretty sure they stopped producing and shipping memory cards to the west even before they stopped shipping consoles to the west, and they stopped that over 3 years ago now.

how do i know if mine is hackable? is it a specific version, or any of them?

all versions are fine, but there might be a motherboard thing that makes it impossible, just go through the process and it should tell you early on if it's possible or not

The Slim is better, downloads max out at around 2mb/s. And since the biggest game is only 3.6gb, it's really not that big a deal.

ok thanks!

we lost him

Trying to copy the files from ux0 onto my new SD card but I'm getting a write protection popup. What happened?

Nigga, you can use PSP emulators with Adrenaline

thanks, am retard

Did you properly format the SD card?

Now when I try to format it, it says write protected

Is toukiden good ?

Attached: toukiden kiwami.jpg (1360x768, 237K)

So no. Plug it back into your PC, flash the image you were told to flash, and format it again.

>stripped a screw on the back of my vita trying to open it up for my psvsd



find out what kind of screw it takes and just get a cheap bundle from chinks

I tried. Wasted a whole day.

when? what was the issue?

Are you dumb?

I've got asian english physical copies of soul sacrifice delta and oreshika tainted bloodlines.

I also have physical USA copies of muramasa rebirth and EDF Portable 2

if i hack my vita, can i get the dlc for them on my EU account?

What are the best MH clones on the VITA?
Bonus points if you can do all of the game's content solo.

you can download and play dlc from any region providing there's been a dump of that game/dlc, download the desktop version of nps and search for it

Nobody played it, I guess ?

Alright user, you've motivated me to hack my vita.

There's toukiden but idk if it's good or not, nobody answered my post.

Soul Sacrifice Delta by far, it's possibly the most meaty content wise and actually has writing worth shit. Music is good, combat is fast paced and fun, and it has enough unique mechanics to differentiate itself.

There's some post-game shit that is absurdly hard solo but still doable with optimized builds.

If I remember right it was considered middle of the pack for vita monhun clones. Not the best, but nowhere near the worst. I think people bitched about it being a bit content lite though?

What's with all the psp/vita threads lately? Did something happen?

one thing that's worth noting is that you do get trophies from games but i believe they may not always appear when you get them due to the region, but they do count and will be visible if you go to trophies
better cfw and more improvements as a result

IS there anything wrong with hacking a vita emulator on pc?

Latest version can be hacked, doesn't look like it'll get any future releases outside of Uta 1 next year so people are grabbing them now before they get any rarer or more expensive, and vitagen doesn't like homebrew talk.

How good is Freedom Wars?
I got it when I bought my VITA way back when.

it's good but from what i remember, the servers went offline

Latest firmware is now hackable and considering Vita's as good as dead it should stay hackable forever.

so since modoru only goes back to stock firmware, is it possible to buy a vita from japan that does not have the ability to have permanent cfw without reactivating it every time?

Vita won't charge after hacking?

I heard the kiwami version adds a lot of content.

My opinion of it differs from most Vita diehards: I think it's fucking terrible. I'll start with the positives then tell you what ruins it.
>Combat is pretty decent. Weapon combos are simple and gunplay lacks punch, but you're very mobile and the way enemies can have bodyparts destroyed selectively works with this - it's more about avoiding attacks and focusing specific parts efficiently than intricate melee/shooting. There's some tech involved and consumables you can get a bit creative with, but you're not going to be "learning" weapons like you would in MonHun.
>Visually for the platform it generally looks nice. Environments are a tad empty but textures and model quality are both good and the trade-off for the maps being empty is that they're big and well suited for the mobility you have.
>Good character customization, very /fa/ if you're into that.
>Story mode has a larger and more distinct cast than most huntan games manage
>Basic story ideas are cool and sometimes implemented into the mechanics

Now why it sucks:
>Weapon crafting and modding is RNG dependent. You have facilities that make or improve shit in real-time (mobile-tier timegating with microtransacitons) and the result is random though improvable with better/more expensive resources, so you're not guaranteed to get optimal results and will be grinding or resetting a lot for them.
>Gear system fucking sucks, impact damage is king and elemental stuff is basically irrelevant next to it. Many weapons are strictly outclassed by others and the damage scaling curve can be fucked if you don't craft or improve shit right, and modding something all over again takes ages if you fuck up so you can't afford to experiment and must use a guide.
>Fuck all enemy variety compared to most huntan games, fuck all endgame content in particular
>Story is mediocre and ends on a blatant sequel hook that resolves almost nothing

why is this a question?
no idea but from what i know any version can be downgraded/updated using modoru, only 3.70 is a temporary cfw

Ran out of space
>There's mandatory missions for the story that have nothing to do with huntan that are just boring fucking stealth/human killing shit and they fucking murder the pacing whenever they crop up

I just finished with everything and now it won't charge. Is this something that is known to happen?

>rng gear crafting
I'll stay clear of it

what're you using to try to charge it? the vita won't charge depending on where the power is coming from if it's not enough

I still need to get it out, though.

It's the usb power cord I got when I bought it. I can just try a different wall charger to see if that works

my vita doesn't charge at all if it's not drawing enough power, even with the official usb, but in the event that it's caused by the hack, just chill out and go through the process again, the exploits used use the same methods as sony when it comes to upgrading/downgrading so there's very little room for permanent errors

Anyone else hacked this thing but still can’t find a reason to use it?

me, I like to talk about games but I don't play them.

if anything this opened the vita up to me after owning one for years, mostly because of the region bullshit and how expensive many of the games were for what they are

Same. I just wanted homebrew and plugins.

I have a jp vita. Those can have permanent cfw as long as you install enso on it. You're gonna need the proprietary memory card if you have a 1000 model though.

Hacked it back on 3.60 but don't have the motivation to use it. Mostly my fault as handhelds just aren't my thing so anything I try to play I would just rather do on PC with a large screen and more comfortable controller. That leaves the Vita exclusives as the only reason to use it and they're not really anything special too.

I miss my Vita....why did I had to sell her

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Just hacked my 3DS, shit's cash.

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buy another, user, they aren't too pricey depending on where you look

I miss you user, please come back.

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Is there a guide for NoPaystation?

the link is in this thread

I've been thinking about getting a PSP because I really like some of the games it has to offer. If I get a Vita, can it run PSP games just fine? And if not, anyone know any neat PSP special editions I can get exclusively just for them looking nice?

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There's not much on a Vita I can't just play on PC, PS3, or PS4.
Maybe if Sony did a better job locking down exclusives.

depends on the games but the vita can run some psp games perfectly without needing a hack/installed emulator, whereas others will need the emulator due to sony being shit and not providing the entire library

Does the emulator at least run them well? If I have to use an emulator for some of them, I'm not asking for near perfection like VisualBoyAdvance, but something with little to no hiccups.

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given that sony itself uses an emulator to run them, i'm sure the added emulators with cfw work moderately well with most games, although i can't say because i haven't tried a whole lot of psp titles

Vita has all the PSP hardware inside of it minus the sound chip which it emulates in software. As far as I'm aware it'll play PSP games exactly the same as a PSP will.

So if I have an sd card and SD2Vita all set up and recognized on my system, can I just put downloaded games onto the SD card?

yep, nps works like that, you just move the games to the game directory on the sd if you're using the desktop one

A bit of conflicting information, but overall I'm guessing it should be fine. I'll consider investing in a Vita soon then. Thanks for the help.

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Is there a guide for retarded people?

go to /hbg/ in /vg/ the guides are in the op.

every guide for downgrading from 3.70 or hacking from 3.60 is enough for retards to understand, it's so simple

>you can actually run english translations with your physical JP carts
>you can run uncensor/nude mods with your physical game carts
>adrenaline runs psp games in full screen while also including graphics options
Henkaku is just about the best fucking thing ever. I have breathed new life into my vitatv

just needs a little more refining and it could top the psp

My sd card is showing up in my vita (system memory 119 GB), but when I go to transfer stuff over, it's showing as the internal system memory of like 2 GB

Are you using Vitashell for that?
One of the options on Vitashell lets you select which partition to mount when transfering via USB
Instead of "Memory" select "SD2Vita"

Is Metal Gear 1 on vita? There's 2/3 but I can't seem to find the first one

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Right now I'm trying to move it over using the FTP in Vitashell. I think I mounted it right since it shows up in the system. It was when I tried to connect the system to my PC with the USB that it didn't show up.
Is it possible just to put the SD card into the PC and put the games on that way or do I need to use the shell each time?

You can.

Kind of wish I would have bought this when it happened but I didn't get a vita until recently. I feel like lrg won't do another run of it either which means now I gotta deal with scalpers if I want a copy of it.

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PS1 version nigga

Just use your main account. No one's ever been banned for having a hacked Vita. The only real risk of banning would be if you do retarded shit like use cheats in online multiplayer or use a trophy unlocker.

The PS1 version requires a PS3 to transfer it over due to licensing reasons.

>no ps3
pretty sure I can get ps1 games without a ps3 right?

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limited run is cancer

Oh well that'd make it easier. Will the bubble for the game just show up then when I put the card back in?

You have to go into Vitashell, press Start and select "refresh LiveArea"

Download the eboot from a rom site.


I remember playing Twin snakes ON GC years ago should I bother replaying mgs1 or just go straight to 2?

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No games that I want. That I don't already have

If you're playing in release order, play the MSX games first.

>want to wait until I have homebrew is more stable
>every day the vita will just go up in price because it's no longer in production

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homebrew is pretty stable at this point, it's great

>want to wait until I have homebrew is more stable
What the fuck does this mean?

Now to figure out how to get the english patch for omega labyrinth

Why'd you sell your Vita? What are you, poor?



never ever

Is there anyway to play gba stuff multiplayer? Im using gpsp kai and I wanna play some advanced wars 2 with a bud.