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You're better than this, user.

it doesnt come with a month of sub time also just wait until the price goes down

It's probably cheaper on CD key sites.

Youre obviously going to regret it

just wait for a sale if anything, games shit

just fucking buy it you retard
if you're addicted enough to ask strangers to convince you otherwise, you have already solidified into the group that buys whatever blizzard will shit out
go right ahead

classic is not coming out in 2 months and you are not going to get into the beta.

classic ok

Literally less content than WoD and the story fucks your over regardless of which faction you play

You could get a prostitute to have sex with you with that much
Or you could get a whole year of twitch subscriptions, that seems much more up your alley you gravel mower

Its not fun. Thats literally all you need to know. Just buy a sub and play the stuff before BFA.

Do it dude. Take the Bfapill bro

You could've gotten the collector's edition for $40 at newegg like a week ago

You feeling ok OP? I always get tempted to resubmit when I'm depressed and need something to distract me.

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Its incredibly that they advertised allied races when its so hard to get them. Nearly a scam to be honest. Don't give them a fucking penny. The XPAC is mind numbing BS and nobody is playing it anymore.

Throw your money in the toilet instead, much better use for them

It's a shit expansion and every class has been gutted and plays like shit. If you do get it at least do the regular version. deluxe just gives you some stupid mounts and other useless items

just play on a private server for a few days lol

Eh, it's not bad, but not good either.
It's ok.

Just buy game time, it's what I do. Just put down some cash for a month or three, play for it bit, then drop it once I get bored.

You need friends to play with to enjoy the game. Playing with randoms suck ass.
No sense of community, people are just playing a singleplayer game a lot of the time.
Classes all feel the same.
World enemies are weak as fuck, but still feel like a nuicance to kill because you need to kill so many.
Dungeon enemies and bosses feel like damage sponges.
Dungeons are just mindless aoe fests.
Grinding for everything.
Slot machine/lootbox reward system.
Gear progression is shit. Mythic raiding gear is not that much powerful compared to casual play.

No MMO will ever return to any golden age you think it might have had.

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it's bad

I can still dare to hope

Your hope will always be wasted in this case.

Do it.
It's better to learn from your mistakes.

The regret you will feel after doing it will hurt more than any anons words.

Buy Digital Deluxe Edition. Trust me, its worth every penny.

Wait for Classic. If that's too far off, wait for 8.2.

bfa is lonely

>BFAcucks will defend this 'b-but it o-only takes like 3-4 weeks g-get gud bro'

It's an absolute scam. No returning player wants to fucking grind up to/purchase max level, grind rep, and THEN enjoy playing their brand new dark iron dwarf or whatever, as if the game is worth playing to begin with

you're better of getting FFXIV
t. wow refugee


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You're a blizzdrone who is actually considering BFA.
We already know what will happen.

Finally, someone had to make this post or I would have had to do it myself.
OP is already too far gone if he considers it in the first place.

Current wow is genuine shit and not worth it. Don't do it user

Play what you want, if you enjoy it then who cares.

you have two options

buy bfa
wait for classic

do whatever you want, nobody cares

BfA kinda sucks.
It's okay if you just want a fix of WoW, but it does not hold attention long because basically all of the new systems are unappealing as fuck.

Islands are a waste except for pet/mount grinding, but the islands themselves are not fun.
World quests feel watered down and less interesting somehow. Instead of improving the system (bonus objectives?) they just kept it the same but didn't put as much effort into the WQs.
Azurite gear is bland. All it does is make you upset that you're missing must have traits, especially if you need a number of the same trait. It's not exciting to get a new trait you didn't have because you'd already seen them all before you're even level cap, and they don't do much at all unless stacked. Having to stack three for a certain DPS spec is horrible, and arguably worse than the Legendary grind from Legion.
Warfronts just feel like a PvE Ashran. It does not feel like a seige at all, just a slow push forward with too many people for individual actions to feel like they mean anything. They seem basically impossible to lose, all that changes is that the push forward can get slightly faster. You don't actually attack and destroy walls even, like we did way back in WOTLKs Wintergrasp.

Resubscribe and leave Yea Forums forever.


Why? Is your money. Use it whatever way you want fag.

my *raiding guild* actively lets their subs lapse and drop b/c this whole expansion is not designed by people who know what makes mmos fun.
It's a dis-satisfying loot treadmill with a VERY STUPID plot and oboxious 'solved' content.

the game is basically an even more soulless Diablo 3 with some weird soap opera drama going on in the background

Not worth a monthly sub when it's effectively a singleplayer arpg.

This. If you're so tasteless and retarded you even consider playing an mmo in 2019 you absolutely should as you are the target audience. Do so and fuck off

wtf why is it $60? ffxiv's newest expansion is only $40.

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I wont my family made me play again recently

I’d just buy standard because they will probably require the latest version for classic. Other than that you probably won’t play it at all

this is gonna sound weird. but i feel like just walking around in WoW is more satisfying than most other games. there's something about the walking animation that is really satisfying


its terrible. just wait for classic

literally for what reason
if you really want to play wow, just buy the game time and farm gold in Legion or some shit so you can buy tokens
that's what I did and it's possible but I got bored out of my mind and wanted to blow my brains out after 2 weeks

Wait for the summer deal

I can give you my PayPal. That's roughly the same amount of fun you would get if you were to play BFA

Why even bother play this game when the company hate their own consumer?

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To put this as bluntly as possible. Yknow how LFR was a bad idea? They added Warfronts which are a second LFR. Do you enjoy farming trash and nothing but trash that? That's what islands are. Do you enjoy wasting a lot of time in boring hallway dungeons with tons of trash that becomes extreme cancer in mythic+?
Lastly all the classes are boring, lacking and dull. They consider an allied race to be content, releveling is CONSIDERED CONTENT.

I agree, I enjoyed exploring on my own a lot.
Not gonna pay $15 a month to do that though.

I've been subbed since the start of BfA and I only log in to farm mounts.

Don't do it user.

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>when your race gets nerfed
unless you're top 0.1% of either pve or pvp scenes these changes literally do not matter

This so much

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do you get it for free if you owned vanilla?

are you stupid?

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Why the fuck would you lmao

I bought this shit a decade ago, what am I paying for?

Put that money into commissioning porn instead

Its your money. Nobody can stop you from eating shit.

You're going to play it for two weeks max and then drop it. The leveling is decent and the endgame is one of the worst they've had. Even WoD was better ffs.

are you unaware of what an expansion is

I played both but hate the constant latency XIV has, even interacting with an item have a latency

Oh I thought this was classic and not bfa, never mind then

Wait for classic, it's cheaper (as you don't have to buy the game itself, i'm assuming you've played WoW before) and a vastly superior game. BFA is probably the worst WoW has ever been and feels almost pointless to play with the current design of content/progression and even whats there is not very good.

>t. zoomer who never played vanilla
bfa is better than classic, more content, better gameplay

You don't need to buy the game for classic, you only need an active subscription when it comes out. You're throwing your money out the window buying retail.

This, even WoD held my attention for longer with it's dogshit content and god awful class design.

>playing bfa
WoD was somehow better and it was so bad that the game lost 50%-70% of it's subscribers during its uptime. If that tells you nothing about how bad WoW has become then you are already too far gone.

ah yes fellow singleplayer gamer, bfa really is awesome

Don't do it. Pic related and resubbed last week, still no beta invite.

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Mythic+ is pretty fun. Nothing else is though. Normal and heroic dungeons are maybe the worst they've ever been. Strong contender for some of the most braindead 'gameplay' in any game ever outside of a literal slot machine.

>muh speedrun autism is fun
no, grinding dungeons is already boring enough, doing the same fucking ones endlessly but with mobs having some more health or some more damage doesn't somehow make it fun

what is fun in classic?

camping stv as max level

I resubbed & it's really not fun, i tried even leveling an alt, but heirlooms ruin that, you get a new blue drop but have to sell it, where is the fun in that?

dont use heirloom

NuBlizzard will give BfA free once 9.0 is out, so why bother paying for this shit?

>playing WoW
It was for fat losers in 2006 and it still is.

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wod wasnt bad because the content was bad, it was bad because it had literally no fucking content
bfa is filled to the brim with content that's incredibly unfun and repetitive with the worst class design in wows history

>Mythic+ is pretty fun.
It sucks fucking ass, just adding more HP and DMG to a mob does not make the already boring dungeons any better and the prefix system is woefully underdeveloped just like everything else in WoW since MoP.

Fuck sake, just running the same like 3-6 dungeons in vanilla endgame is more fun/engaging even if they are missing ''mechanics'' that all just boil down too don't stand in the fucking fire.

Why wouldn't he? If its available then people will use heirlooms. Nobody will play with normal gear when they have the choice to level up twice as fast and use bis items.

>just don't use it bro

That's not how MMO's work

then dont complain about it

come play on a private server with the rest of us instead of playing bfa. it's very comfy

thats not how it goes
in my case, once I know that there's better gear that I can use and it's so simple to get I'd just feel retarded for not using it

Imagine paying $60 + plus a monthly subscription + tax + tip for fucking World of Warcraft in 2019

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What is a fun race/class to play mostly solo and with randoms on dungeon finder? I mostly play healers as the queues are shorter. I've played every Horde race so fancy trying Alliance, but on most servers Horde dominates.

tank so you can go fast

this, if you're going to pay that much on an MMO it might as well be FFXIV

at least only pay the sub for WoW and don't get BFA

He can complain about heirlooms while still using it. Its the same as complaining about the dungeon finder and still using it over manually finding a group and walking to the dungeon entrance with your character.

If it exists, people will use it. The only way to fix it is to remove it all together.

>use optional feature
>dont like it
>"wtf I hate this game"
the game is not forcing you to use it, if you dont like it dont use it

You're a dumbshit if you're planning on buying BFA. Don't fucking do it, it's fucking horrible. WoD was bad but BFA is fucking horrible. There's plenty of content but it all feels, and is, meaningless. Wait and see if 8.2 is considered a good patch, and maybe bite the bullet.

>Garrisons, Ashran, Rep-grinds with no rewards, absolute shit-tier PvP ''balance'', the ''PRUNE'' and alpha M+ dungeons
>Not bad

The only good things about WoD was that class design hadn't gone too complete shit yet and raiding was pretty good. The lack of actual content was just poop icing on an already shit cake.

Please understand that WoW is an MMO & not a single player game

garrisons were eons better than the fucking mission table we have in bfa, and challenge modes were better than m+ because you couldn't fucking outgear it. the rep grinds were exactly the same as they've always been, a mount a pet and a tabard and nothing else


Blizzard is dead. The money goes straighh to Cockticks pocket and not to future updates or development of new games. Dont support greedy suits who ruined your favourite dev studio.

>Fuck sake, just running the same like 3-6 dungeons in vanilla endgame is more fun/engaging
Agree, just trying to make the best of a game ruined by gradual dumbing down over the past decade. Mythic+ (and mythic raiding) is fun because you can actually fail, unlike every other part of the game nowadays. I never said it was mechanically challenging.

Its a game design, people will always use the best items they can find and the fastest way to the dungeon.

If the game let you use flying mounts in vanilla, every single player would ride around on flying mounts, even though the same players would agree that its a terrible addition to the game.

not him but
>bored as fuck, hot as fuck outside
>bought sub impulsively because I still nostalgia to MMOs
>never got into WoW
>know little about it
>been playing solo because I don't want to look like a retard

fucking kill me. why did i spend $16 on this

just play a damn private server of your favorite expack
do not
under any circumstances
play BFA


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It's sad that people like you work for Blizzard & lack critical thinking skills, you NPC fuck

I'm not even sure why the mission table exists in BFA. It gives you a completely unnoticeable amount of rep and gold, the missions and characters are completely forgettable. There's not even enough complexity to warrant an addon like there was in WoD.

if you have nothing to add to the discussion don't reply
"wow is a mmo thats why he's forced to use heirloom" doesnt mean shit

Why the fuck would you get a beta invite if you aren't a streamer?

>the game is not forcing you to use it, if you dont like it dont use it

The thing about heirlooms is that they are pretty much just normal gear with extra exp gain on them nowadays. The stat-squish fucked up every level up to 100 too the point of gear making NO DIFFERENCE WHAT SO EVER in how you handle leveling in retail. So why not just using the 15-20% extra exp to rush through what is essentially a broken game by design?

Wanna know what the difference between lvl 50 and lvl 90 gear is? +7 -> +12 too all stats on gear with the major difference being determined by item quality/rareity, that is how bad it is.

I remember those fun times when half the classes on mythic KilJaeden were just dead unless they were Goblins?

>Spend months going in with a generous druid friend to grind Ravenlord
>Thankfully it's WotLK so we can two man it pretty easy
Still a test of time and ultimate bonding with druid bro
>Think about coming back and see this shit
>Literally an upgrade that can fly
>Can just spend money on it like paying for some Chinese gold farmer to do your dirty work

Fuck this game and fuck anybody who still plays it.

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it literally exists to timegate a handful of war table quests that are required to unlock allied races. that's it. even the legion one which was a glorified timegate at least had the bare minimum troop customization and at least 2 characters per class were memorable. who the fuck remembers hobart grapplehammer?

You're about to play WoW at it's lowest point ever. Play FF14 instead and then sub at august to play Classic.

t. homeposter

It really sucks i have to explain it but here we go, in a single player game, you can play at your own pace & how you like, but WoW is an MMO, intertwined with a massive community & a sense of competition, good luck telling your guild your not going to use heirlooms or dungeon finder, taking twice the time to reach max level & you will have worse loot to boot, that just doesn't work out

do it and enjoy the beautiful vistas

Kul Tiras is gorgeous. Zandalar is unfortunately ugly, though.

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its been a while and not sure if this is just another bait thread, but what class/spec do you usually play?
raids are very good and fun, m+ is ok, i liked legion's more
everything else is the same as before no matter how much autists screech

we're not talking about some dude competing for world first though

i heard that ff14 is fucking boring

you can do all the story and raids and 1-2months and then its over, no more content

you mean TBC, bitchboy

I'm playing BfA right now.
And i will be playing it after classic release.
And you can't do anything about it.

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As someone who doesn't outright hate BFA like many people on here, I will let you know that I just don't think it's worth it, especially if you're looking for a long term time-sink. I won't lie some of the content is fairly fun with the right people but once you realize that said content is basically all you are gonna get out of BFA you will regret the purchase trust me.

I have that mount (yes I unfortunately bought collectors edition buying into the hype of WoD). It's much worse than Raven Lord visually, don't be upset.


tonnes of regular players got invited too.

If you haven't gotten laid yet you definitely won't be getting laid now

>wow is still have the best environment
Why the fuck locations in every other MMO are just flat square pieces of land with trees and mountains slapped on top?

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I started a run where I also can’t use quest rewards, heirlooms, the auction house, or mailing anything to myself. I can only use monster loot or items I craft with resources I gather or trade for in person. It has been challenging and pretty fun

>garrisons were eons better than the fucking mission table we have in bfa
They are the exact same thing, just like command maps in legion, the difference is that the mission table forces you to play the game instead of rewarding you for doing nothing. It doesn't make Garrisons better or worse in any way, shape or form by comparison.

>challenge modes were better than m+ because you couldn't fucking outgear it
You can't do that in M+ either, once you reach a certain milestone, gear just stops scaling. The only real difference between them is that M+ has a lot more grinding associated with it and it also has the (shitty) prefix system.

>the rep grinds were exactly the same as they've always been, a mount a pet and a tabard and nothing else
Way to out yourself as a fucking wrath baby. In Vanilla, you were rewarded shit like gear, enchantments, recipes, MATs, unique quests and access to certain legendaries, alongside all of the shit you already wrote down.

>People who defend heirlooms

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People who want to go back into the past are failures. If your life isn't materially better than it was ten years ago, I don't even know what to say to you.

I caved in and resubbed for classic access. Don't even have access now because I assume they only do it in waves, and even then it's random. Don't be stupid like me.

>want to drop wow and play another MMO
>can't do it

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Heirlooms have been the #1 feature that I thought I wanted but didn’t

there aren't any other mmos that are good tho

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Just wait for Classic you fag

Instead of heirlooms they should give us enchanting that gives xp boost to that specific item slot and some stats
but never ever

Join us user

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I played on nost/ely/lh and don't see any point of doing same shit again.

well I hope you're at least having fun, wish I could do the same

Wait a year until it's on sale for like 20 dollars on the last few patches of the expansion, that's what I did with Legion and I enjoyed it.

Are you gay or a homosexual?

The orc racial was huge in pvp before BFA gimped it, really notable at all ratings above 1500.


>I lost all those ranked matches because I wasn’t an orc!! That’s all!!

>40% off all stuns is somehow balanced

Just wait for classic to come out and then pay for only the sub you don't have to buy their shity game please don't buy the game it's so terrible it's literally a mobile phone game on the PC

If you can afford it, try it. You might have fun

>willing to pay $63 dollarydoos on the contender for being the worst expansion to date
>fishing for excuses to justify a retarded decision
>will probably blame all of Yea Forums if he regrets it because it somehow wasn't his fault
Yeah nah, go to hell buddy, by which I mean buy your stupid shit game and leave us the fuck alone with your retardness.
Don't forget buying the pig or else you'll miss out on all the cool stuff this game has to offer!

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the only ones worth a shit are Kul Tiran and Zandalari, since they have actual different animations to set them apart, the rest are just fucking voice lines and a dance and some different hair options, everything else about them is recycled and lazy asset flipping.

You guys can shit on BfA all you want, but kicking back and enjoying myself while exploring the world and doing old content for mounts + transmog on my Demon Hunter is peak comfy.

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