What does Yea Forums think of GOG Galaxy 2.0 so far?

What does Yea Forums think of GOG Galaxy 2.0 so far?

Attached: GOG-Galaxy-2.0-01-Header-1-2060x672.jpg (2060x672, 113K)

I'm not going to use it.

It's out?

>What does Yea Forums think of GOG Galaxy 2.0 so far?
it's not out, retard

As out as you are from the closet.

You can't form opinions about upcoming things?

I like the concept and I like the company, I'll check it out because pointless shit like this always gets my attention.

>pointless shit like this always gets my attention.
Companies love spergs like you.

I mostly meant useless front ends where I never spend a dime anyhow.

A launcher for your launchers, fucking brilliant!

Attached: 1544439047689.gif (254x408, 122K)

Attached: Yo-Dawg-Heard-You.jpg (500x323, 18K)

what's this guy doing nowadays? pimp my ride ended ages ago right?

am I supposed to put all my different passwords in it, and five or six 2fa codes on every restart?
ginormous no for me

>multiple platforms
>unite all your games
I still don't know what the fuck this means, since it obviously won't mean that I can play my console games via GOG on my PC.

looks like he plays a character on the show Empire now.

For consoles it's going to be checking stuff like achievements and playtime, and I think friends too.


It would be dumb to do so.
This could be great. Not having to use multiple launchers to play everything.
Or it could be shitty. Opening a game in GoG 2.0 only to make you then open up Steam or Origin or what not to play the game.
It could either replace store fronts. Or just be a collection of them. Higher chance that it is a collection.

>It would be dumb to do so.
You just did.

And Was it not dumb?

No. But you capitalizing randomly is.

I am using Launchbox right now. Would be interested in switching for a better UI. but i don't think it supports emulators, and Id be paranoid of adding my pirated GoG games.

>but i don't think it supports emulators
It does. It's open-ended and supports user made extensions and plugins.

How is this gonna work? Like purchasing a Uplay game on steam?
>have game on steam
>link steam to gog
>use gog now exclusively
>start steam-owned game
>steam starts and starts the game
Like that? Then what's what's the point? Might as well have all the individual clients
But if you can
>connect Bnet/Steam/Uplay etc with gog
>start game via gog without the need for the other clients
then it'll be GOAT.

I assume it's the latter.

then you're an optimistic retard without any semblance of pattern recognition

So, never then.

I really don't see how it could be, but if it is, that would be amazing.

>from PC and consoles
how's that gonna work?

What pattern is there to recognize exactly?


ah. thanks.

I really need a steam interface to play beneath a steel sky and might and magic 4?


Bring gametap back pls

neat. going to be annoying as fuck redoing all my work on Launchbox. But I will be interested.

It will only be great if it automatically closes the launcher after you finish playing the game. Otherwise another pointless memory hog.

Does this let me play GOG games online or something or is this simply just a launcher for GOG games?

the former.
I already use it now. I generally dislike launchers and just run them in the background when I play games anyway. so It is out of sight out of mind.
it is either.
>launch steam
>launch game
>launch Galaxy
>Launch game
>steam runs in background
it is like Uplay or anticheat or whatever just a half second popup. hopefully it gives you the option to automatically close the launcher when the game closes. Tonnes of programs like this exist already. Launchbox and Playnite for example. And the appeal is having every game in one spot, with a better UI than manually adding to steam.
I have my game split between GoG, other DRM free options, pirated games, Steam, Uplay, Origin, EGS, Twitch, Battlenet, several stand alone launchers, and then tonnes and tonnes of roms that run with various emulators.
no it won't. Unless it is a DRM free Steam release.

If they can actually pull off making it a Trillian/Pidgin of storefront-launchers, that would be noteworthy and very useful. That said, I don't really give a fuck since I abandoned Steam, never touched the others, and will continue manually downloading my game installers off GOG's site.

It already does that now. But the point of the update in the OP is to make it like playnite where you add all your games from other launchers.