you dont cheat in online vidya, right Yea Forums?
You dont cheat in online vidya, right Yea Forums?
I just make up for it by praising the CCP afterward.
>Cheating in ONLINE videogames.
even chinese are less retarded than some people here
why does the image background look like toilet paper?
Because you're meant to wipe your ass with this capitalist propaganda, comrade
The project was outsourced to india
what's the point of cheating if it's not to make people mad online
to skip the grind in many games
>you need 200 iron to make these legs
how about i just pop cheat engine open and male them now
When does china get nuked? they're like asia's jews
What's with those arbitrary numbers? Why is it not -400 to 300 with zero as the start point?
or you could just not play a shit game
They are worst, they are comunists that openly embrace facism.
I wouldn't call games like Terraria shit but some of the items require a lot of fucking around and hoping to find mats.
honestly we need something like this
people have proven that they dont deserve freedom
or just enslave some group of people and see all problems disappear
In what way a paper meant to show the faults of a capitalist system is "capitalist propaganda", falseflagger?
Probably psychological reasons. My guess would be that 1000 makes it feel like you've already got points and makes you have a more positive outlook for the future of your social credit.
Dropping to 900 makes you feel like you can recover from it more easily than dropping from 0 to -100 since you've entered the negatives.
We don't. You don't need to be very smart to get how such a system can lead to complete totalitarism.
What are some video games about the glory and majesty of the Chinese Communist Party?
ok I'm a bit retarded but why is it always:
>some retard supports totalitarianism for some dumbfuck reason
>when they'd probably be the first person put to the wall.
the only reason you wouldn't support something like that is because you know you would be the first against the wall
Stop being a brainlet. Look at it really hard. Once you fall to the bottom there is no recovery. Your life is over. It's a bullshit system fit only for gooks since they are so inhuman only an equally inhuman system could work for them.
You're only this up in arms about it because you know you'd be killed under that kind of system.
They are useless after they bring the system to power but can't keep their mouth shut and climb its hierarchy like smarter assholes.
>capitalist system
>social credit system
u wot m8?
What's my social score now?
+1 social credit score
>Praising the government on social media
No, all you need to do is put it back to how it was where only property owners vote
Fake, chinese don't have nightmares or feelings at all and if they did have feelings theyd relish in torturing someone else
You would have to be retarded to get caught in cheating. I personally cheat in online poker and CS GO, earning like 500€ extra per month. Either I wall in CS tournaments or collaborate money off from idiots
Only a cuck or an idiot wouldnt cheat
>being Christian is at the bottom
I see Chinese government is preparing for Boxer Rebellion.
This is not an argument Chang.
imagine being asian lmao
have fun living in an Orwell story, you stupid chinks
>cheat in my government-issued copy of fortnite
>heart surgery pushed back by 2 months
this is the future mao would've wanted
>Mongols killed 20 million Chinese
>Manchus killed 30 million Chinese
>Boxers killed 50 million Chinese
>Japs killed 10 million Chinese
>Communists killed 50 million Chinese
Were these people made to be genocided?
>cheat in online game
>use cheats that spam propaganda when i kill someone
>credit actually goes up
>cheat my way to max credit
hahaha but i bet you think you deserve it
I'm white haired, 6'4 and blue-eyed and I still think nazis were wrong with their shit.
China is known for being blatant cheaters. But it's how or why you cheat.
Cheat so you get top leaderboards? Most would call you petty.
Cheat so you expose an Uyghur dissenting against the government? You're a national hero.
I would.
Well, you posted armies that really wanted to genocide people.
well you're wrong
I'm just gonna let this here but this what polfags think
if you still question why socialism is bad you have your answer
>minimum score isn't 0
>max score isn't 2000
>score is 1000 +300 / -400
Whoever designed this shit needs to get dropped to 600
>or doxxing of political dissidents
Anyways, nice of you to post your own twitter here for baiting purposes.
>people with low social scores miss out on government support
>they become poor and are meant to be scorned
>score goes up if you help these people
this makes no sense
Is using glitches in online games cheating? Not that I do, but it's cheap as fuck.
I don't think so.
C&C generals
>current US system of "social credit?"
you mean people might say mean things or ban you online?
Truly a modern holocaust...
Mankind will soon be replaced by AI, so this system feels rather pointless.
It would be better to prepare our world for the time when we will pass the torch to our sucessors: the machines.
The chosen people of G-d are the robots, not the humans. Why bother trying to fix what is soon to be deprecated for a superior version?
Honestly, if it wasn't for the blatant propaganda elements embedded in the system I could see something like this being very positive. You'd need to do a lot of fine-tuning to make sure it's not too abusable, but still.
Imagine how much less assholes there would be if you could get a tax break just for being a decent person.
So, you're an old nigger with contacts?
That's why there's so many of them, for that sole purpose
>Start setting up cheat engine for Dark Souls 3
>Give up halfway through
I'm literally too lazy
Acting good in public doesn't mean they're a good person, user. And trying to apply that kind of social pressure in modern society is gonna fuck everything up, hard.
And who would decide what a 'decent' person is you dumbass, the state? Now you're bending over for gestapo to kill you for thinking wrongly.
Omg those are like the worst buzzwords around! Chinas so evil!
Nope, never cheated in vidya.
If you ever find yourself in a position of public office, please commit 40%
You're the exact kind of drone that ruins society
I cheated on sekiro's final boss and I feel just fine
i dont play vidya online
They forgot to say that you can just buy points with money.
>for being a decent person.
and what the fuck is a decent person? You?
Who get's to decide that?
Don't you fucking see the problem?
Because of this BUT ALSO, did you notice what you typed? The highest you can achieve is a net +300. BUT you can drop -400.
600-1300 slightly obfuscates that. You get a little more lost in the big numbers that you don't realize that everyone is NOT starting at the mid point and you have more to lose than you can gain. IE: The hole is deeper than the tower is high.
And that's just if they decide that "600" is the lowest they'll truly limit themselves to penalizing you, for those special cases that'll no doubt arise. A trap door pre-built into your pit.
you can straight up go fuck yourself i shouldn't have to go out and make friends just to not be a second class citizen i shouldn't have to socialize at all unless i choose to
They breed faster than you can kill them. The nips learned this the hard way.
>Acting good in public doesn't mean they're a good person, user.
Of course not, but as long as they're pretending to be a good person in public you'd already solve a lot of problems.
>And trying to apply that kind of social pressure in modern society is gonna fuck everything up, hard.
The complete lack of social pressure is a large part of why things are fucked up to start with. Used to be if you were an asshole everyone in town knew it and shunned you for it. Nowadays people can act like complete shitters and nobody cares unless it gets on the news.
>rewarding people for doing good things is exactly the same as killing people for thinking wrong things
>if you want to reward people for doing good things, you should die
Obviously, people like you would hate this system because you're exactly the kind of antisocial retards that would never be able to benefit from it. But you don't have a voice because society would be infinitely better without leeches like you.
>those newspaper "sources"
>not as commie as they come
I don't resent chinks as much as I hate communism. Commies managed to genocide chinese culture and folklore, If I poof anything out of existence it would definitely be communism.
>but as long as they're pretending to be a good person in public you'd already solve a lot of problems.
>"yeah just pretend bro as long as you don't get caught fucking people overit's fine"
Way to go Chang
>I shouldn't have to socialize but I still want the full benefits of being in a society
Nah, fuck you.
>Nowadays people can act like complete shitters
Fucking where? Nobody likes an arsehole. Also if a person helps out grandmas cross the street in public and then sodomizes babies in private, shit is still fucked you retarded totaliarist.
>be if you could get a tax break just for being a decent person
>most people are well-behaved
>raise taxes to compensate tax breaks
>do it again if needed
>now you more and more fucked if you don't get good goy points
>all people protesting against drop their social credit score and get harvested for organs as traitors
I see you are not familiar with how socialism works.
>leech cause i want to stick to myself most of the time and keep from being judged
no i just want to not be treated like a second class citizen for doing what comes natu9rally to me which is avoid people cause people are assholes who judge you
>the old days act like a shitter
>people just look away because calling out shitters would cause drama and you'd be called a disruptive element to the community or a commie or a witch or the person has the political or monetary power to silence you
>nowadays act like a shitter
>anyone googling you can find out you're a shitter no matter who you are
chinese folklore and culture was genocided at least 5 times
commies were just the most recent
Not all people are extroverts user.
>I want big daddy government to decide what a good go- I mean good person is
If you defend this system, you are a cuckold. Plain and simple.
How would you encourage people to be a good in a world where people increasingly no longer believe in a heaven or hell?
>Commies managed to genocide chinese culture and folklore
What about burial of scholars and burning the books starting 2000 years ago?
>you dont cheat in online vidya, right Yea Forums?
last time I cheated was back in 1.6 when I was like 12 or something
even then, after awhile I was only using them in hack vs hack servers
I play multiplayer games to get gud and then I quit when I'm better at the game than 90% of the people I play against because getting any better is either impossible cause im old or would take 1000 hours of investment
cheating would just take any enjoyment out of it
>t. cheater
Assholes would just vent their repressed toxicity much more violently behind closed doors.
>But you don't have a voice because society would be infinitely better without leeches like you
I work in public and private health service, I contribute way more than your retarded ass to society and I don't need chink bug brother watching over me to do it. If you need muh gubment incentives to act nice that's with you, but try to lick boots alone and not make other people submit like you did.
Good post, newfag image
Doing good deeds leads to a natural dopamine shot. I'm not sure why people need any more incentives than that.
Doesn't government already do that but to a less invasive degree by deciding who you can and can't marry, what you can and can't put into your body and at what age you can fuck someone.
>and what the fuck is a decent person? You?
Yes? It really is not that hard to point out the assholes. People act like all your actins have to be judged to a microscopical level and all of them have to be considered positive or negative, but 99% of what anyone does is neutral and doenst even need to be observed. Being an asshole actually requires effort, you need to go out of your way to be problematic to those around you, and it always stands out. The guy who instantly screams every time he doesn't get his burger in 3 minutes? not a decent person. The guy who just skips traffic lights just to get to the next stop 3 seconds earlier? Not a decent person. The guy who calls his friend in the government to skip ahead of the queue for some useless burocratic shit? Not a decent person.
People are really, really not that bad as everybody thinks, and I say this as someone who has worked for customer service for half of my life. It IS really easy to point out the assholes because once you actually crunch the numbers on how many people do certain things, they're very noticeable outliers.
How many passerbys act like shit to you? Most people still act good in public and will keep doing so because most people are taught that being an asshole means others are assholes to you and nobody benefits. The teachings of the bible have nothing to do with it.
Best cheaters don't get caught. Imagine how good Xi Jinping and his family is at cheating the system.
if people act like dicks to you all the time its probably cause you're ugly
sorry bro
You think people actually did good when the majority believed in religion?
Kids these days, man
So you don't believe in human rights and the existence of a justice system?
>Praising goverment
Holy shit, bros. Ez mode
you literally just have to download a cheat table and tick boxes
Chinks really are a lost cause.
>praising the government
>"illegally" protesting against authorities
>posting anti-government messages on social media
>spreading rumors on the internet
>participating in anything deemed a cult
As if it wasn't obvious already, it's totally transparent and easy to tell what the real purpose of this social credit system is.
They just want to make it less 'shady' and more legal to take care of people who want to change the country and it's shitty totalitarian dictatorship / general censorship of everything imaginable.
They simply want to kill any chances of rebellion by making life hell for those who call the government out for it's shit.
It really is lovely when their goverment gets to decide what's an "illegal" protest, what's a "rumor" and what's a "cult"
- oh, hey Chang! we noticed you said you don't llike your authorities? let me just put you on the back every single queue you can think of, lock you out of schools, licenses, services and essentially hold you hostage in this shithole by preventing you from leaving :)
- oh, we also put your face and name on TV so people think you're some kind of rapist murderer.
All this for just having wrongthink, imagine if this shit spreads to the west
Yeah, let's bring over millions of black slaves, what could possibly go wrong
>eople act like all your actins have to be judged to a microscopical level and all of them have to be considered positive or negative
Not being able to avail of major social networks and payment processors is basically a modern Holocaust yes.
Explain the Tiananmen square meme to me, its a historical event, but how is it used in the meme?
ESL nazi go home
Google "great firewall of china"
People are still encouraged to be courteous in the public eye yes (for fear of being shamed or whatever) but it isn't a replacement for an omniscient deity that'll punish you for shit you do privately. Though I think the chinese are getting close to that since they monitor your online presence and few things are private there
>Being an asshole actually requires effort, you need to go out of your way to be problematic to those around you
You actually don't. True assholes act that way because that's hows they were raised.
By the by, you don't need to justify your latent desire to ostracize people by supporting an overly convoluted social value system as supported by a terrible government. Nobody really gives a shit.
The CCCP are scared as hell right now. Their economy is inevitably slowing down hard, their middle class is getting restless and might start demanding some changes.
The worst part is if they disobeyed they would be fucked. Even well-intended person would need to cheat and lie to avoid retarded commands from the government. Tyrannical government taught them to cheat for centuries.
Hold on, so what you're saying is the people of the old didn't do bad shit in private because they believed God would push their shit in? Seriously?
They didn't though
>Charity work
>Positively influence one's neighborhood
The world is more irreligious than ever and crime rates are drastically lower than during peaks of religion
Even god would say you're being retarded
Sure stopped those thousands upon thousands of years of Civil war in China, Hong.
>whitey mad that asians are finally getting their turn as world leader
It's okay guys, you had a good 300 years. Stan aside and watch as a true civilization takes the reins.
Looking at how many losses that happen in some of their historic battles and all the genocides make me think the muso games aren't too far off from reality.
If not Trolling, Tiananmen Square was the site of a big protest and the Chinese government deployed their military to go murder all the protesters. Lots of footage and articles about it went to the wider world, but at some point China tried to cover it up to their own citizens. Trying to internet search Tiananmen Square or a few other keywords in China gets your internet access immediately shut down. Winnie the Pooh is also banned in China since people compare
President Xi to the character and he had the character banned. The meme is that posting both will automatically cause any Chinese visitors to 4Channel to get banned and arrested.
I didn't say I support such a system. I actually don't. That doesn't change the fact that assholes are really easy to spot, which is what I'm talking about. Respond to actual arguments made instead of what you thought I was doing.
China is very old and it has large quantities of farm-able land and rivers which helped greatly in increasing the population of the region in the past. So when the population boom came with improvements in technology, China already had quite a sizeable population, therefore they grew tremendously to over a billion people. Since they had so many people, any silly fight that would happen there millions would die. WW1 and WW2 for example were pretty much typical just typical in-fighting between European countries, but they had much larger populations and better weaponry, so loads of people died.
>soulless robots dog eaters dolphin killers and polluting retards
It really makes you think
Eat shit, Canadian.
>chinese need a fucking reward system to learn empathy and behaving like decent human beings
Man, I'm somewhat glad the west had Christianity.
Dropped funbucks for people in GTA V
Apparently that's worse than blowing everyone up and ruining other people's experience because it got me permabanned.
If they ever surpass burgerland as world leader, it will not be because they surpassed it legitimately through scientific and economic gains, but because the former was overrun by shitskins
oh boy i cant wait for everyone to starve to death
>be china
>have thousands of years of culture
>nuke all your culture in the '60's
>have to resort to social credit to bring back semblance of human decency
I sure love needing to wear a mask constantly because the air is toxic, and needing to enter a lottery to get a driver's license.
Way more likely that the West will fall because they elected retards because there were a little too many browns for their taste
>and needing to enter a lottery to get a driver's license
What? I never heard about that. Is it for real?
>Social credit will be corrupted by both sides anyway
China is doomed, they only thing we could do is stop Tencent to spread their bullshit over the world
>the former was overrun by shitskins
What are adaptive birthrates?
I dont see a problem with this.
And OPs pic actually promotes people to work towards abetter society, so it actually looks good. Chinks on their own are heartless insects, if you don't promote acting like a human being, they'll never will.
If they live in a orwelian nightmare, they should at least live in an orwellian nightmare where people actually help each other.
My mistake. Personal licenses are easy, but License Plates are extremely rationed to keep down traffic and pollution.
>300 years
More like 2500
How are these "priorities" going to work when everybody has them? You aren't earning squat, you're just going to get pushed into the dirt because you didn't chat with Granny enough.
This art style reminds me of youtube heroes
What is it really? Are you speaking of slave replacements?
>I dont see a problem with this.
It's against fundamental human rights.
This is so fucking dystopian.
If China weren't such a big country capable of taking out a few of our citizens or soldiers with a retaliatory or preemptive nuclear strike I'd be 100% okay with their entire government being firebombed. This is absolutely unacceptable.
>systematically encouraging virtue signaling
yeah, nothing bad will come out of it
I sincerely hope you don't live in the USA, because that would mean you don't understand why the First Amendment is a thing.
>human rights
user, they are chinese.
I'm speaking of birthrates adapting to new environments over the course of 2 generations. /pol/ kinda ignores the subjects because it contradicts their fear mongering theories.
If this was implemented in the west, it would make the chink version seem like a utopia. "It appears you haven't consumed your weekly McDonald's quota that's -5 social credit citizen". "Where's your corporate brand loyalty tattoo? Hiding it is blatantly anti social behaviour -20 social credits". "You missed the annual holocaust remembrance pilgrimage off to "sensitivity training camp" ". Adultery wouldn't be considered anti social behaviour, but piracy would put you alongside cartel members in social standing.
At least chinks aren't inflitrated by a foreign race of people who despise them. Their government looks out for number 1, as does everyone in a position of power, but they won't fuck their own people for no purpose. As long as their profit and power is maintained policies would be for the benefit of their people. The United Corporations of Israel would make life a living hell to anyone not a pawn of the (((chosen people))).
The constitution is a meme.
And if politics needs to amend it, they do and they do whatever they want.
based retard
israel's in asia
I might sound like I'm joking, but in spain you get fined if you spend too little electricity.
No fucking joking, not blowing it out of proportion, it's literally like that.
Every expresident and high ranking politician has a position on one of the big electric companies of the country.
What a coincidence.
>birthrates adapting to new environments
What birthrates? Importing fresh batch of poorfags which breed a lot for 1-2 generations before slowing down and getting replaced by new wave of foreigners?
Please explain what led you to this conclusion.
Every part, every single part of this post is the most absurd and naive shit
the dankest meme juice at 180 proof
The average Yea Forumsirgin would NOT survive in a society like this.
Who is importing foreigners?
Germany imported a shitload of Turks in the 70s and it still has below average fertility rates. Clearly immigration is not the answer, actually.
People who let them stay and work and handle them visas.
The left want to play the savior card and bring loads of immigrants because they deserver a better life.
The right just crunch numbers and bring loads of immigrants because they want cheap labor.
There is no escape.
How is that the same as importing?
>chinks start collectivization in the 60s
>troops go inside homes and seize all the food
>destroy kitchens too since private cooking is a sign of selfishness
>forces everyone to eat at communal dining halls
>since food is now "free", everyone eats as much as they want, leading to overconsumption and food waste
>several years supply of grain mysteriously depleted within a few months
>country endured one of the worst famines in history
I keep telling myself it would be different if the west had done the same thing. I want to believe so badly.
>be part of the apparatus destroying the white population with opioids, antipsychotics, superfluous vaccine use, superfluous antibiotic use, and other unneccesary daily medications with deleterious side-effects.
>get on a moral high horse about it
The only thing worse than a lawyer or a doctor is one that's actually convinced he is anything more than a groomed elite born into a position working a job that destroys the middle and working classes.
>the west is worse in my fantasy world
No I do that when I'm having a real good shit. Nothing beats having a good shit.
It helps no one to be reductive.
Basicaly tanks were driving back and forths so long that the bodies of dead unarmed (mostly young people: students from universities) turned to mush. The protests were across many cities of china and all demonstrants simply "vanished". Their families never heard about them ever again.
Chinese google shows pictures of smiling people celebrating random hooliday while any other language version shows photos of tanks. And the term is hard filtered on iphones. Its two specific symbols and you literally cannot type them on chinese iphone. The keyboard for the moonroones will outright pretend these two characters dont exist together.
I'll bite, and ask why is that whenever someone says the government is absolute shit, which it is, some bootlicker materializes and screams about muh submission to corporations? Libertarians shit on corpos as much as the government because they enter collusion with the state to forge monopolies and cartels.
Wow, you proved me wrong by... oh wait a second you didnt.
You almost got it right, almost, but you're obviously naive. What you stated is the motive of the pawns, not their masters.
The left wants to shift demographics to have a permanently left voting society. Both political parties will end up left of centre or they die off.
Right wants more debt free citizens, because production is a meme. Money at the top is through assigning debt to those without it.
I can't prove you wrong, because you already made up your mind, so I'm just spouting Xavier Renegade Angel quotes at you for my own amusement.
Your words are as deep as soup, and your tongue is as sharp as a soup spoon.
What happens if I drop under 600??
based and redpilled
>Help someone out
>Marginal dopamine shot, the person probably doesn't even say thanks
>Likely ends up backfiring on me anyway
great job
Nice projection. At least has some points.
>The left want to play the savior card and bring loads of immigrants because they deserver a better life.
No, they want a permanent underclass that they can rely on as a voting block through wedge issues, as well as cheaper labor.
Only the bottom line (read: human beings, not politicians) care about better lives for third worlders.
The right also want a permanent underclass, and are making the motions for an uneducated white underclass to support them as opposed to hordes of invaders as they've been harshly politically outmaneuvered by academia and tech company think tanks. In the event of a populist uprising, however, neocons will hold the greater bulk of underclass loyalty.
Only way to win is to destroy both.
organ harvesting, and your family goes to reeducation camp
Death squad.
Man am I glad I don't live in the USA.
Even OP's image obfuscates the difference between the pit and the tower, by making the tower look taller than the pit is.
>friend asks me to help him move
>carry a shitload of junk for him
>get nothing in return
>"but that's what friend's are for, am i rite? don't you feel good knowing you helped? :^)"
Imagine if this was implemented in Europe. All muzzies and gypsies would drop to 600 in a matter of weeks lol
He has a point though, which you're only furthering with these posts.
No, I'm not chinese, russian, or brazilian
>online poker
Dropping funbuck on gta5 online is the worst thing you can do: it prevents people from buying shark cards, literally stealing rockstars profit and iniciative to keep multiplayer alive and it bans innocent players. Shame on you.
I still remember how i was working on cheevo: rob every store on map while some script kiddie like you teleported and started dropping cash bags on my head. I lost like 10 minutes before game found new lobby.
It's gonna end up like the OPM system where people try to grind their way through the system and the system is flawed anyways.
That worked great the first time, right?
Then maybe those fags should have actually given people a way to earn a lot of money and people wouldn't cheat. Oh, but then they wouldn't buy the precious shark cards.
Rockstar is a shitty company and shills need to fuck off.
China is unironically a dystopian nightmare