How do you beat this fucker without Kuro’s charm? I’m attempting him on ng+5 and no charm and he’s killed me at least 50 times
How do you beat this fucker without Kuro’s charm...
hesitation is defeat
There's literally only a dozen people that bothered to play NG+ Sekrio so you're out of luck asking for advice here.
Startine from the second form just turtle his ass don't even bother deflecting his visually confusing bullshit
How did you get to NG+5 not knowing how to beat him?
How did you get to him in the first place?
When I played NG+ charmless I beat him in like 30 minutes but had to spend fucking 4 hours on Owl 1.
I beat owl 1 in probably 30 minutes or so. But true corrupted monk penetrated my asshole for over an hour.
Look up all memories speedruns for the cheese strats.
if you've gotten to ng+ fucking 5 then you should have already developed the strat you need
His phase with the spear is so hard to deflect perfectly though
do you know what kuro's charm is?
i dunno, i didn't find charmless that hard since i never adopted L1 spam on my first playthrough
only boss that really fucked me was true corrupted monk
Just run around in Phase 2 and 3 baiting for only the jumping attack
That’s some pussy shit
Perfect for a sissy ninja
You don't ever have to deflect/parry any of his moves. Just run away and bait punishable attacks like the overhead spear slam.
It's in the game. It's not cheating. The goal of this game is to beat it by its own rules, not to be some kind of untouchable stylish god. The same goal applies for charmless+demon bell runs. You beat it by any means necessary except for cheating (like god mode).
>NG+5 and still not a god at deflecting
Why didn't you just git gud? At that point I'm literally just standing still and deflecting everything.
firecrackers and ash
unironically turn off the music, applies to every other bosses too