Should ever open world game have something like korok seeds?

It's an ingenuous way to fill out an open world. Imagine playing a game like Skyrim, and they place collectibles to find on most places on the map, that would otherwise be empty and serve no purpose. There wouldn't be anything there anyway, so it would be an improvement to put a neat little puzzle or collectible there to encourage exploration and as a little reward for going off the beaten path. I honestly wonder why it took someone so long to do something like this.

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how about not making it open world in the first place if you're only going to fill it with useless collectables?

Koroks only exist as a distraction and once you're done with them it's empty again.
The real issue is people expect open worlds that mimic the old age to be as populated as India where you can't walk down a road without seeing someone, when the literal point of the game was to not come across people all the time. You know, like in real wilderness.
Or people just learned the real wilderness gets boring and their illusions finally got shattered.

BotW's world does not feel like real wilderness. It is way too open for that. In real wilderness you won't usually be able to see most things from miles and miles away because your view will be obstructed by trees or mountains

Korok Seeds serve the purpose of how empty the game and world already is.
Same with Shrines.

Korok seeds are garbage content

Skyrim syndrome is far too prevalent in modern gaming

It's not a simple collectible. It's an upgrade. One with so much diminishing returns that the only reason there are so many is so that you can still find enough regardless of what path you take.

If it weren't for Korok Seeds how would nintendies be able to say there's thousands of things to do in BOTW even if those thousand things are Easter eggs and the same puzzle rooms over and over.

>It's an ingenuous way to fill out an open world

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small brain general

You know, it's really sad that my most vivid memory of playing BOTW was climbing the motherfucking PEAK OF AWAKENING only to find either a korok seed or fucking nothing at the summit.

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Korok seeds are a worse version of Riddler's trophies. At least with these last ones you unlock art, trophy models, challenges, etc.

I pretty sure Assassin Creed and other open world games before it had the same exact thing.

but the point is at least its CONTENT, otherwise there would be NOTHING there at all. Would you rather walk around a totally empty hill or forest, or a hill or forest with something like a korok puzzle?

im emulating this game on cemu now, 30 hours in and it still fucking sucks

I'd rather have a good zelda game instead.

how about not making a giant open world if you can't space out content appropriately and have to dripfeed tiny incremental rewards to keep people playing?

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Fucking GTA 3 did it with the hidden packages 18 years ago

>Shrines have a general "theme" by region (Gerudo Shrines are mostly lightning themed)
>Instead of putting them all together to make a mid-sized dungeon we get a bunch of 2-5 minute shrines that all use the shrine tileset
Using the ruins in the desert for a dungeon would be too interesting, this is made worse by all the bullshit to spawn some shrines.
>Do a puzzle involving a ruin with a aztec/tribal aesthetic
>A Magi-tech Shiekah Shrine pops up for some fucking reason

but the world does have content spaced out appropriately. its just in the places that are more naturally empty to give the world some room to breathe, they put koroks there, just for something extra.

thats a horrible example. reminds me of clones in smash bros. "its either a clone character or no character" i wouldn't want a useless collectible there and i wouldn't want an empty area. if theres no point to an area either delete it or give it a purpose. don't just leave it there with nothing

Breath of the Wild would be much better if every dungeon in the game was like Hyrule Castle except that you just stumble upon them while exploring.

It's been two years now and my brain is still rewired from playing this amazing game. Everything I do is determined by my experience in the game, it's so immersive that I can no longer differentiate it from reality.

Last night I had to cook dinner for me and my wife's son. I went to the store to buy some chicken and salt, as well as a couple apples. I lit a fire in my back yard and threw a pot on it. I combined the ingredients, threw them in it for a few seconds.

It turns out everything was "severely undercooked", and it put my wife's son in the hospital. Police men were there asking me questions, but I'm not really sure what they were getting at because I couldn't see any highlighted hints in the subtitles. I couldn't see any subtitles at all for some reason.

Suddenly they started to get aggressive and wanted to handcuff me. As one of them pulled out their night stick I couldn't help but think of the bokoblins in Breath of the Wild. I grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be an IV pole, and started beating him with it. It quickly broke as it had low durability, and they started beating me back. I was overwhelmed by the bokoblins and all I could think to do was to eat an apple to help recover my health, but it didn't work. I soon fell unconscious.

I woke up in a jail cell with my jaw hurting like hell and bruises all over my body. All I could think about was how Zelda must be in a similar situation in the castle. Maybe I was in the castle. I needed to find her.

Which brings me to today. I'm posting this from a contraband Sheikah Slate(that's what I call cell phones now). I'm still in jail. A man here says he can help me find Zelda if I bring him 15 packs of ramen. I don't have quite enough money in commissary for that, so I'll have to get creative. Fortunately Breath or the Wild has helped me prepare for that, so my quest will continue on.

Thank you, Nintendo.

most of open world garbage games have same useless shit to collect
BOTW open world has absolutely nothing unique or new

Hyrule Castle is only good if you go there without any stamina upgrades,zora suit or stamina potions. If you go through it like a normal Zelda dungeon its pretty good. If you use Botw mechanics you completely break it.

Even then it's still a massive step up from the Divine Beasts

>should more open world games have cheap fluff content like collectables


Open world is perfect for Pokemon-clones, and other monster collecting games. Prove me wrong.

Have 300-400 different monsters, and scatter them across the biomes of you world. Now you’ve created tons of meaningful content that incentivizes exploration, and replayability, as you can now b-line strait for the area that has your wanted mons right from the start, making each play through unique.

For difficulty, just make it so that the bosses or gym leaders or whatever all scale based on how many badges or whatever the fuck you’ve collected. And so people don’t overlevel, introduce soft caps on level based on badges.

I'm upset that they didn't actually do any real worldbuilding and most (all) of the optional quests are just fetchquests for random strangers and shrine shit. There is honest to god nothing interesting about BoTW's hyrule. All of the lore and information about the old world is spoon fed to you in a handful of story cutscenes.

I still don't think you get it. Every game world is going to have some areas that don't serve a super obvious purpose just because its a world. Like maybe there's just a small pond or some trees to give the area more character and make it more believable. The idea of korok seeds is to put fun collectibles there instead of just having them there for atmosphere or look.

Open world is a shit meme

No. It’s just misused.

>High level areas effectively bar off areas.
>Scale the lower level areas with the player so you can't cheese it.
>Plunge the world into hardmode hell after mains story
>Dragon's Dogma is the only game I can think of that does 2 at least 2 of these.

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every open-world """game""" is already padded with filler content like this, since most of the budget and time goes to making the big empty world.

I have unironically seen people praise Botw's open world because there were arrows in the old ruined horse archery range. Even though that is shit Bethesda has been doing for the last 15 years.

The Nintendo bonus is real.

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>Nirn roots.
You're like a little baby.

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i love how people say "but game X did thing before" "game Y did other thing" game Z did those two other things and nnothing else"
whitout taking in consideration that no game did the whole alphabet in one game before

cheese existed for ages before some one made a lasagna with it

>food analogy

iron existed for ages before some one made a car out of it

>car analogy

what if... riddler trophies.... made you do the half life "move the cement block with your gravity gun" thing

No, Gothic 2 got it right. Make a small but dense open world.

internet existed for ages before the first imageboard was made on it

what if you could actualy do stuff with the mechanics instead of using then only in one dungeon and never again?

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that implies imageboards were a good creation

It's a great concept in theory but the game relied a little too heavily on them and the shrines. Should have had more actual dungeons and cool discoverable shit like caves and the forgotten temple. But other than that there was nothing wrong with Korok seeds as a mechanic.

if you hate us so much why are you even here?

pretty much every open world game has stupid collectables everywhere. you probably just haven't played many games.

all the other sites are too slow

now imagine if they put korok puzzles in the places in the world where there wasn't anything. wouldn't it be even better?

do some drugs that slow your metabolism down and leave

they did that with gothic 3

>do some drugs

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this but Dark Souls 1

hit your head with a nail gun in the place that perceives time and leave

Korok seeds were a good idea once, but I don't think there would be any value in replicating them in the next game.

I want to see these mechanics develop, not stagnate.

Korok seeds are dogshit for several reasons.

>900 of them, more than any player could be reasonably expected to collect, punishing completionists
>the best method for finding them all is locked behind paid DLC
>the "reward" for collecting them all is a literal golden turd that does nothing, even the developers knew it was a waste of time.
>the cost of item slots scales dramatically
>the seeds reuse the same small handful of puzzles over and over (drop a thing in a place, shoot the target, chase the light, follow a trail of flowers), 900 times

Arguably one of the worst collectibles ever put into a video game. It doesn't "encourage exploration", if anything it makes me not want to explore at all.

40 hours played, got the master sword, and I think I found 3 of them. Kind of redundant in my opinion

>more than any player could be reasonably expected to collect, punishing completionists
Developers and most gamers don't care about completionists and speedrunners. It might be high-functioning autism, but it's still autism.

Being a jack of all trades is not a good thing for a game. That's called mediocrity.

I can't because you're absolutely right. The problem is that out of all these fucking companies that do open world, game freak is the only one that everyone essentially agrees should, but they don't because either they're too cheap or legitimately incompetent.

speak for yourself. the open-world cancer would ruin pokemon just like it ruined final fantasy, zelda and mgs. i want content, not big empty worlds padded out with collectibles.

even GTA 3 had hidden packages, it's not some revolutionary new thing, stupid.

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The thing is that in previous Zeldas (except Wind Waker), getting 100% was not that much of a hassle, and the side content wasn't as boilerplate. LttP was the first Zelda to really have significant side content in the form of heart pieces and optional items, and not only is its content nowhere near as samey as BotW's, it also only takes 2-3 hours at most. Wind Waker added a shitton of filler content to its world, and BotW doubled down on that design philosophy. Frankly, designing your game around the idea that the player will not want to complete all of it is garbage. There is no good reason there should have been 900 korok seeds beyond a cynical desire to fill out the world. The content is not good on its own merits.

Literally every fucking open world game has something like this.

Fucking delusional Nintendo fan boys. Holy fucking shit.

I wouldn't say that every open world should have them but any open world that does should have a way to carry them over when you start a new game. What the fuck were they thinking? The fact that BotW doesn't have any sort of NG+ that carries over your stats, equipment, and collectibles makes me fucking furious.

>Would you rather walk around a totally empty hill or forest, or a hill or forest with something like a korok puzzle?

I'd rather Nintendo build a world that isn't empty and lifeless.

>It's an ingenuous way to fill out an open world.
Not really. They don't "fill out" the world at all, they're just a chore after a while.

>Would you rather walk around a totally empty hill or forest, or a hill or forest with something like a korok puzzle?
I'd rather walk around a hill or forest with something meaningful on it. Why are the only choices a pointless collectible or nothing?

And this boys and girls is the epitome of brainless Nintenfag.

Jesus fucking christ, go out side or play something that isn't fucking Nintendo. Holy fuck you are so delusional it's absurd.


>have a huge open world
>put a bunch of shit in it so that the player always has something to do

>wah but I can't do everything
Then either don't try to 100% open world games, play something else, or step your autism up. The vast majority of modern gamers don't care about completionism. It's a niche. A valid one, but still a niche. If Koroks weren't in the game, or even half of them were, you'd see a 90% increase in people complaining that it's empty. Most people just want to play the game, experience the world, and put it down. You have to understand that most people don't share your compulsion to do absolutely everything. And I agree that the game could use more meaningful things. But someone like you would complain that it's just more shit for you to waste time trying to find every bit of.

>have a huge open world
That's the whole problem.
Which wasn't a problem in previous games (except Wind Waker). It's shit design that plagues the genre and now plagues Zelda.

That's fair, but that's not the point. If you are going to go down the open world path, Koroks are one of many good ideas you could use to populate said world. BotW absolutely needed more unique shit to do, but Koroks weren't inherently a bad idea. If you want to make the argument that Zelda shouldn't have gone open world, that's a different discussion entirely.

>ore deposits
>mini-bosses and enemy outposts
>hidden chests

Honestly, I'm largely fine with BotW's open world. I just wish there were more smaller NPC settlements for mini-games like the Flight Range. That and maybe less shrines and consolidated them into a full dungeon in the Labyrinths.

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And that's why people keep saying BotW is a Zelda game only in name, and they could've pretty much renamed everything the last month before the first public build. Personally I'm gonna give them slack on it since it's their first attempt and they probably fucked up somewhere during development and had to rush, but Tarrey Town and the four Sacred Beasts are the only interesting lore parts, and none of them really have any character development besides the Goron guy. The rest of it is too tied to the past which is a difficult angle to pull off if you aren't going for it 100%, and BotW always seemed stuck in either being half in the past, and half in the present, with 99% of all character development and story shoehorned into the past segments (which make up what, 5%-10% of the game?)
Someone else mentioned it before, but I really hope they'll pull another "Epic" Zelda the way they did Twilight Princess and take the combat and difficulty of Breath of the Wild, and do something with it, and add both character development and story building into the active world, and a little less focus on what is effectively a collectathon platformer disguised as an adventure game.