>anime tranny good
>masculine shooty bad
Anime tranny good
Other urls found in this thread:
You made this thread earlier and it got deleted.
>trap = tranny
Where's the tranny?
/pol/kikes are low IQ like Resetera.
>le tranny meme
Not every cute anime girl is a fucking tranny you freak
That's right einstein, same shit
How many times are you going to make this shit thread?
Traps and trannies are two completely different things you autistic faggot. Lurk at least two years before posting.
glad you get it
keep deluding yourself, dilator
>anime tranny
make my ding-dong hard
>masculine shooty
doesnt make my ding-dong hard
They're both shit desu
Grow up
If its still has a dick and has no intention of getting rid of it its not a trany.
Girls whit penises > Men whit gaping crotch wounds we are supposed to pretend is vagina.
>anime tranny bad
>generic shooty bad
>"anime tranny good"
or even
>"tranny good"
Said no human being, ever.
lurk more, reddit
All these trannies seething lmao
CoD has become too sissified soi with its anti-war, anti-American bullshit to be considered masculine.
Lurk moar newfags. We don't use your reddit/tumblr terminology here. Traps a traps and trannies are trannies. Fuck off with your nonbinaryfluid whatever shit.
>potatoes are apples
>no, potatoes are potatoes
Read a book, nigger
>i-it's totally different!
it's the same mentally ill degenerate shit
What's her name? She's cute
>tranny coping en masse
Whatever makes you feel better about your degeneracy.
tranny meme isn't funny
>mentally ill abominations think they look like an anime girl
I don't like traps, 2D or otherwise, and I don't like masculine shooty.
What now, OP?
Guys quick!
Post cowtits to make trannies seethe
>it's ok to like trannies when they're japanese drawings!
"Her" name is astolfo
Then why does it keep getting posted despite being a desd meme?
Traps aren't trannies
Literally nobody in this thread is saying this, reddit.
Fuck off normalfag
This but unironically. Real trannies are mentally ill individuals who need professional help.
Dios mio....
El error de Dios...
Fucking pol posters man
I just don't want you newcancer to come here and redefine shit that originated in this place. I don't give a fuck if some 12 year old kid insulted your tranny bf by saying trap. Words have meanings and they don't change because the shithole you came from wants to define it as hate speech.
Why does Japan keep promoting traps through their games and cartoons?
What good will it do for them to confuse our heterosexuality?
Ugh get his pronouns right
>we're posting in an era on Yea Forums where newfags will unironically think traps, futa, gender bender and trannies are the same thing
bravo neo-Yea Forums
>what, you're not completely fucked in the head? you must not be from here!
I've been posting here for 4 years, get your facts right tranny
Zoomers are all worked up with the new CoD announcement.
They really need a timeout.
This, but unironically.
Let me explain in a very simple and brain-dead manner.
Pretty/beautiful/handsome = Good
Ugly vile looking abominations = Bad
Nobody wants to look at ugly people besides desperate ugly people trying to lower the bar.
all of them are mentally ill so yeah they're the same thing
They should be doing more doujins about tomboys
They need the shekels so they make ANOTHER trap doujin to sell in masses
Goddamn it Japan
They're overlapping categories
i mean...yeah
>Trap is a (usually gay) man who gets off on crossdressing
>Tranny is a deluded retard that thinks it's the opposite gender
They're not the same at all.
Peepee hard=good.
Peepee no hard=no good.
>all of them are mentally ill
3 of them are exclusively 2D drawings and can't be mentally ill
Nice videogames niggers
>one is a mentally ill faggot that dresses as a woman to be fucked by men
>the other is a mentally ill faggot that dresses like a woman to dilate
whats the difference?
>>anime tranny good
hah. anything anime is bad according to sjw. Hence they demanded the censorship of the tranny in Catherine. It's only acceptable if it's something made by their own group.
>corridors, heath regen, ads, lootboxes
>dieing for Israel
found the tranny, lmao
>trap/trannies are mentally deranged individuals who enjoy looking like women
yeah, vast differences
no. all traps take to calling themselves trans eventually. there is no difference.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Show me a real life trap that has small shoulders, wide hips, smooth thighs, and soft, feminine face like in your animeshit. And he also doesn't cake his face with 1kg of makeup. I'm waiting.
>shooting guns and war is the be all and end all of masculinity, because that's all americunts know
It's all comes from same trash bin.
Who cares, lol.
>you lived long enough to see redditors successfully subvert Yea Forums culture
Trap -> crossdressing anime character, can be straight or a complete faggot. doesn't claim they're the opposite gender. only exists in 2D.
Tranny -> Mentally ill 3dpd faggot who cuts their dick off and becomes an abomination. Barely exists in 2D.
okay you actual fucking morons listen carefully, I'm going to explain each and every definition VERY CAREFULLY so even a braindead retard like most of you can understand
Boys who dress as girls but do not identify as girls, most of the time they are gay
Girls who have dicks and identify as girls
>Gender Bender
Alternate version of the character who is purely male/female depending on the original version
person who mutilated themselves to become a new gender, or simply refer to themselves as a different gender than they are
>One doesn't think he's a woman
>The other does
/pol/, you're going full retard and just swinging blindly at people who hate trannies as much as you. Traps fucking despise trannies precisely because they're always put side by side with them all over a fetish like it's equivalent to a damaging mental illness.
Why not both good?
or both bad?
>haha SHE better have a BULGE, amirite? no bulge no go, must be a penis in there for me haha
>what, it's a girl? ugh fuck off
sick of this shit
They are two very similar things and the distinction is blurred.
seething tranny
This one is accurate.
It’s epic n funny lmao remember Yea Forums?
kill trannies and niggers
>we live in a time where tumblr convinced everyone that the two are one and the same
I don't even care for traps and I'm upset. Can't we just go back to it being gay again
>using a translation from one source instead of the japanese right from the direct source
okay NAZI
It doesn't matter how the trap identifies, which is often unknowable. It matters how you identify the trap.
You are very rude so why should I share my fapfolder with you?
Trannies, traps, crossdressers, all the same degenerates and deserve to be beaten to death.
stop making these threads before I tell activision what shit shill you are.
it's japanese so it's ok
No they're not you dumb faggot, traps are an anime fetish and trannies are real mentally ill people.
The distinction is only blurry because of newfags trying to project their politics onto anime character designs.
>hurr durr this trap character is a tranny, they're SO ME UWU
>hurr durr this trap character is tranny, fucking gross
They're both wrong.
Its still a dude in a dress. You might as well go full homo instead of being a faggot in denial. You might meet a handsome man who will get you fit and plenty of frens.
>attractive GOOD
>ugly BAD
show us your face then, basement sperg :^)
Tranny also applies to trasvestites aka crossdresers, and you cannot change that you sad oldcel tranny
>muh pol
Just stop posting
>crossdressing anime characters
>Anime girls that have dicks, balls, vaginas and breasts at once
>gender bender
Anime characters that revert between genders
Mentally ill faggot, not an anime character.
No better than furries or bronies, in fact I guarantee that most of the trannies here are in fact some manner of furfag or brony.
Just like with that lame /mlp/ mass shooter
Right after you take your pills John
>traps are an anime fetish
That's factually wrong.
>anime tranny good overages
>masculine shooty bad underages
dilate tranny
>roleplaying as a super duper mega nazi soldier, murdering innocent people
show us your facts
>a trap = a tranny
>cod = good
Yea Forums has sunk to a new low. Not even in your shitposting is that even remotely correct.
That's literally how the term originated 15-20 years ago when people would post anime boys who looked like girls and people got off to it. Yea Forums used to even have Trap Thursdays back in the day.
Imagine being someone who throws money at gacha shit for their trap waifu. The men who buy tranny hookers are miles more alpha than you extremely online fags.
the appeal of anime traps is that they dont exist in real life you retarded faggot
I actually can't think of a legitimate tranny anime character
And on Yea Forums it referred to real people just as much as anime people.
FUCK trannies
FUCK niggers
FUCK kikes
and FUCK jannies
steins gate shrine boy i think but i never finished that game
user I...
>I hate everything waaah
Advanced autism
>muh degeneracy
Lurk 2 years before posting, only newfags use this normie shit term
I'm still waiting for real life monster girls
linetrap was a tranny the whole time
this, based homoposter
There were more actual trannies in 90s anime.
Now it's all traps so otaku can say "Well technically it's not a tranny because they still say they're guys"
Both are good
Newfag plz leave
That's gender bender, not a tranny. He doesn't deny being a guy in the main timeline
>You're not a long time poster unless you like gay shit
Fuck off lol
Everyone I disagree with is a TRANNY and you can't convince me otherwise.
Thank you, have a good day.
>frogfucker immediately telling us to fuck trannies
normalfags were a mistake
Seethe more trannies
>h-hurr t-traps are like us too! w-we can be hot! P-please accept our trans rights!!
I see what you're doing you retardera fags
Mobile phones were a huge mistake
>Incels and Trannies love anime as it caters to their shitty fetishes
>Both cannot stop thinking about sex if their life depended on it, trannies usually fap to gay hentai shit before chopping their dicks off
>Both hate COD and try to ruin it by interjecting their shit into it
>Based red-blooded god fearing chads shit on both of them
What's wrong with that
you're a literal retard with no reading comprehension
>god fearing chads
>playing the devils spawn (video games)
yeah you're deluded
Both are shit, but one of those can be enjoyed without ever touching the game they come from.
good bait, made me reply
t. ranny
This isn't your safe space sweetie, fuck off and join the 40%
normalfaggotry is what all men should strive for.
How's another year of being a wagecuck looking, user?
Nobody is talking about trans rights you smooth brain, just calling trannies the way they are, crossdressers=trasvestites=trannies
Reminder that trannies hate the military because of chad. They're no different from incels except they bask in defeatism and see any kind of self improvement as toxic masculinity. To them, people who make a difference other than online bitching is braver than the troops
Share if you think it should be legal to throat punch a civilian who spits on a man in uniform.
>trying to force everything under the blanket-term of tranny to make yourself feel attracted
No one will ever see you as a woman you abomination
That's a trap, at least post an actual anime tranny
>One makes you want to touch yourself and be a homo
>The other is just fun to test your reflexes
How come every tr4nny I see has wh*te skin?
Explain yourselves white bois