Emulation thread

>CEMU and CITRA are released

>rpcs3 is released
>everyone is happy and enjoying games like demons souls in higher fidelity and framerate
>no complaining and no corporate cock sucking

How can there be people actually defending corporations?

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don't cemu and citra cost money though

anyone complaining about an emulator is a guaranteed falseflag, nobody that comes to Yea Forums is against emulation and piracy

No they're free

It's just zoomers. Old Yea Forums was crazy about emulation, hacking and so on.

Does CEMU run games other than BotW yet?

Nintendo makes those games. Sony does not.
I personally am only salty because my cpu cant run cemu. But anything Id want emulated is on the switch so meh.

The cherrypicked instances of people seething at Nintendo Emulation being made is from young people who can't understand that corporations aren't their friends. As said, on Yea Forums, it's mostly just falseflagging. As an owner of multiple Nintendo consoles, I mainly see emulation as the expanding of a fanbase that potentially could work on mods & shit of the kind, and I enjoyed several modded Nintendo titles.

where should I download ps3 persona 5 from

There's always a group that's strongly against anything to do with emulation whether it's because emulators leads to more piracy, they're purists or just fanboys.

The reason no one gives a shit about RPCS3 is that it’s CEMU without BotW. PS3 is a 12 year old console with no games

PSN ;)

Check your PMs

To be fair Demon Souls is an old as shit game, if you didn't play it on ps3 now you'll never play it. There were people who would rather support CEMU's patreon than to just go out and buy a Switch to play BOTW

cemu is a fucking wii u emulator.

>bought a AMD graphic card for emulation
>then found out it runs OpenGL like shit
Fuck me

opengl on amd under linux is great


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welcome to N*ntendogaf

>nobody that comes to Yea Forums is against emulation and piracy
resetera cucks and trannies actually hate when people arent idiots with their money and dont give a shit about corporations. all those denuvo shill threads? trannies from resetera, because even reddit has piracy boards.

Call me when Yakuza 5 is playable

im kind of against yuzu, and i dont falseflag.
most companys are also not against piracy, despite what they tell the public. it usually allways was "aslong its old enough nobody bothers"
imt not saying piracy is evil, im pro piracy actually. im just sayin that yuzu is way to early.

nintendies are technologically disabled which is why they dont feel bad about paying $300 for 15-year-old hardware.

>No XC2 on yuzu

yea i don't give a single fuck

in a board where retards are keen to argue about trash, it's far more likely that those are falseflaggers fishing for (You)s

Is Cemu back at being a WiiU emulator now or it's still a BotW emulator?

>most companys are also not against piracy, despite what they tell the public. it usually allways was "aslong its old enough nobody bothers"
then why did disney fuck with public domain laws?

thanks bro

i honestly love pirating games. I have a huge collection of roms stored on a external hdd and almost all my games are pirated.

I know it is wrong. I just dont care.

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What are the best PS1 games to play.
Already played BoF4 and Crash Bandicoot games.

>To be fair Demon Souls is an old as shit game, if you didn't play it on ps3 now you'll never play it.
Based on what exactly? I play older games far more than I play modern ones. With how much Yea Forums complains about modern games being shit I would assume there are plenty of others doing the same.

Don't you get flagged if you use a pirated copy on the PS3 emulator?

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nah they're literally obsessed about piracy. they legit shill and waste hours upon hours being mad when people get some 0s and 1s for free

Good thing something like rpcs runs much better on vulkan then.

who gives a shit about disney.

normalfags. look at those marvel movies

"Most companies"
Disney is infamous for how over-protective they are over copyright. It's rare to see companies go that far.

>it usually allways was "aslong its old enough nobody bothers"
Guess that's why Nintendo went full gestapo last year.

I'm currently emulating TMS and there are basically zero problems

will n64 emulation ever be good

what are the optimal/required settings for emulating P5 on rpcs3?

This is why I keep shitting on cemu/yuzu.
They’re fucking cash grabs that faggots keep shilling daily with worthless updates about one fucking game that is still unplayable in yuzu’s case.

Also, literally no one gives a shit about citra, the console is cheap, the best games play like shit on pc, and it emulates every nes/snes/gameboy/sega game while also running 90% of ds games from the sd card.
You literally have to be a poorfag to settle on citra.

Not in our lifetime

before that nintendo wrote nblog to delete 3ds games since they still support 3ds, but allowed them to have each other nintendo game older then 3ds.
but no, faggots on twitter had to yell pirate, spamm yuzu and stuff.
nintendo got literally forced to remove that, before normalfags (you know them) complain about "muh, why can people have something for free while i have to pay".
i think you can tell me the reason nintendo started to do that exactly around the time when yuzu became a popular topic on twitter.

It's immoral to develop an emulator for a console that is still selling because it can damage the industry. It's different when the console is done selling.

Citra is great, faggot. Why would I want to play with the shitty 240p ds screen when I can play it HD on PC?

>3ds games
Enjoy your disgusting upscaling filters, zoomer

Are there any good waifu games that I can emulate on Citra?

>nintendo got literally forced to remove that
Is that why M$, Sony or other companies didn't give a single shit to this day?
PSP suffered greatly from piracy, but you never saw Sony throwing a tantrum at sites hosting ISO links, yet Nintendo went as far as NES games.

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Piracy is the only reason anyone bought a psp

What the fuck is it about that console that's so hard to emulate?

i finished Bayo 2 on it last year. didnt try anything else. ran fine on 4k.

>PSP suffered greatly from piracy
piracy is what kept it alive, same for vita.
the issue is that if the general public is aware of them not caring about piracy, the shitstorm of normalfags complaining about it being unfair could actually cause damage

No, they just decided to use proprietary everything on vita and not invest any money into games for the thing, then shut down its handheld operation because it wasn’t worth it.

Retard. Confirmed for not actually using citra

>mfw friend's friend gets uppity when I mention emulation

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We'll get cemu with Vulkan soon brother, soon.

Is Citra able to play the FE games with battle animations yet or is that still shit

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All 5th gen consoles used extremely custom hardware inside them. N64's GPU in particular is tough to emulate properly due to this.

Just be glad it isn't the Saturn, that thing is a whole other level of complex AND the best emulator is closed source right now

Can confirm, it was based. Still bought occasional PSP games but come the fuck on, you could play almost the whole PS1 library, shit was made to be pirated.

I have, then I went and bought a 3ds for $100 because I’m not a poorfag hiding behind muh peecee and hacked it in 5 minutes.
Citra is fucking garbage for niggers with no money, deal with it, nigger.

Software sales before piracy say otherwise.
DS and 3DS weren't any different either, piracy was rampant in there too, let alone PC, yet Nintendo's the only one who threw a massive tantrum
>same for vita.
>When the console only opened up three years ago

>im just sayin that yuzu is way to early.
it's nintendo's own fault for lagging a generation behind on hardware. they only have their own cheapness to blame for why their consoles are so easy and quick to emulate. if they just made normal consoles with up-to-date hardware, nintendo emulation would have slowed to a crawl by now.

I remember seeing some dude trying to play lunatic permadeath FE Conquest a couple months ago and it kept crashing during that fucking Takumi port level, so probably not.

>speed = how easy something is to emulate
You couldn't be more wrong

Nintendo keeps killing sites and projects because it keeps paying off.
Sony doesn’t because they tried and fucked up so hard they made emulators legitimate forever.
MS doesn’t care because their gaming division is a irrelevant money sink side project, not the main reason for the company to exist.
Stop being retarded and thinking corporations are different and one of them is your friend and wants you to have free shit, imbecile.

look at how much progress has already been made on emulating the switch and then compare it to the absolute state of ps4 emulation. you're naive if you don't think nintendo is creating their own problems with emulation by sticking with outdated hardware.

Reminder that the GBA was emulated before it was released

No it wouldn't. N64 and GameCube had good hardware and got emulators quickly.

Is there any other emulator that went through such a satisfying redemption arc like Citra?

Maybe because the Switch uses an off the shelf TX1? And the PS4 uses a custom AMD APU? Meaning the Switch is much easier to reverse engineer than the PS4?

I'm not saying speed doesn't have any impact on difficulty of emulation, but it is far from the determining factor

>look at how much progress has already been made on emulating the switch
And yet yuzu still fails to boot many games which will run on a toaster. Great progress

I have a hacked 3DS but I just don't think it's very comfortable to hold desu

There was no better chip than tegra when the thing was made, retard. It got cracked because tegra is massively well documented and used in literally everything. That was also the reason the hackers got scared when they found the exploit, since it affected basically everything.
Nobody giving a shit about Sony games is the main reason emulators are sparse.

Who are you quoting?

Honestly I don't think console owners have to worry about piracy any more. So many games are online. Even with Nintendo you've got Mario Maker, smash, Splatoon and soon to be Pokemon.

This is the ultimate BTFO to this argument but nu Yea Forums is way too young to remember this.
>tfw playing roms on VisualBoyAdvance at school when I should be working

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>Sony doesn’t because they tried and fucked up so hard they made emulators legitimate forever.
it's not that simple. what pissed sony off was that bleem was selling their ps1 emulator on a rival platform (the dreamcast). they lost the case, but it's not hard to understand why they'd be angry about that.
what nintendo did to ultrahle was far worse. ultrahle was freeware, not available on rival consoles, and nintendo was still able to successfully bully them into taking it down just because the n64 was getting emulated too soon for their liking.

Nintendo niggers are children and cancer. They don't understand that Nintendo is the only gaming company to regularly shutdown fan based projects.

Not sure why you believe that changes anything at all regarding my statement.

>used in literally everything
Wat? Aside from the Switch and all two of the Nvidia Shields, nothing else uses a Tegra X1. Tegra as a whole can expand to some cars maybe, but otherwise it's not exactly used in much.

>It got cracked because tegra is massively well documented and used in literally everything.
exactly. it's nintendo's own fault for using shit that is so easy to emulate.
>Nobody giving a shit about Sony games is the main reason emulators are sparse.
and yet the ps1 and psp both have great emulators, while ps3 emulation is making progress. the ps1 even has it's own equivalent to bsnes in terms of autistic accuracy - xebra. huh, i guess people do care about sony games after all.

I don't think I'll ever met anyone against emulation. I always assumed people against it are falseflagging or actual retards. Like, seriously, people with some kind of disorder.

But that's as long as it's free and not done for a jewish porpuse and through ilegal means like CEMU did.

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Pixel C and some self driving cars use it too. And you can straight up buy development boards, which is how they dumped the boot ROM to find fusee

>exactly. it's nintendo's own fault for using shit that is so easy to emulate.
Well what else are they supposed to do? TX1 was THE best chip when they started designing the thing. People first bitch about how the Switch's graphics are so horrible, but now we've got people complaining Nintendo shouldn't have used the best chip available because its easy to emulate.

X1 itself is used in self driving cars, and some phones, but the exploit affects more than x1

the cars were the biggest issues tho

Yeah, a handful of different devices certainly, but it's no Motorola 68000.


because it's not just emulation in general that pissed sony off, it was specifically the fact that a company was selling ps1 emulation on a direct competitor's platform.
as far as i know, sony never went after the freeware emulators that were being made at the same time (psemu pro, psyke, adripsx, etc.) like nintendo did with ultrahle.

Is Cemu good for anything that isn't Botw yet?

>CEMU and CITRA are released

>Well what else are they supposed to do?
make a normal console with modern hardware instead of a weak bing bing tablet.

Currently amazed at how my shitty laptop runs Nier on a PS3 emulator at full speed. It’s fun bros.

What should i play on my lenovo that wont even run animal crossing

No can do. Nintendo didn't want to give up their handheld dominance but also wanted to merge development to a single platform. The only other option would be to make two different systems on the same arch, but doing that has it's own share of problems they weren't ready to tackle

>look, I’m projecting my emotions onto a business
Sony went after bleem for selling the pc emulator. not bleemcast, which wasn’t even usable and was never anything more than an attempt

>Already two consoles that are not just gimped PCs
>Want Nintendo to be just like them instead of taking the now open tablet computer spot that other companies left

Fucking retard, use your goddamn brain

is ps3 emulation on dolphin levels of good yet? can i play ps2 games on it? i heard some ps3 systems can play ps2 games since good ps2 emulation is impossible, idk i'm a nintendofag that want's to branch out to playstation games so i don't know much about the playstations.

>now just gimped PCs*

Early PS3 had a literal PS2 inside that played PS2 games, there’s no emulation or BC involved

i'll take gimped pcs that can actually run modern games over gimped tablets that can't any day of the week.

no, its not. the internet was that much of a widespread thing back then. and piracy was dealt different.
there was also sony vs emuscene war at th ps1 era, because they tried to sell a commercialised ps1 emulator for pc.

damn it, guess i'll have to get a ps2 then

then they can't complain when their weak hardware gets emulated quickly.

I'm not a pirate fag so none of this applies to me. I'm going to play Persona 5 legit. Whether it's Royal on PS4 or an(unlikely)unannounced version on Switch, I will play Persona 5 and the others in due time. P.S. what advantages does the PS4 Pro version of P5R have over the slim?

Either go to sleep or stop shitting up Gotham City.

mb, replied to the wrong guy

What is increasing internal resolution? Works for 3D games like MH4.

They do exist, and they come up with every excuse in the world as to why you can't enjoy it like they did on their original hardware because it's just not the same.

>can run modern games
Inasmuch Switch can run D44M, yeah.
You’re fucking retarded if you think your happy meal toy was in any way a modern machine at any point in time, and not just a fortnite station marketed to children too stupid to understand 24fps 1080p isn’t 4K.

best working games are (obviously) botw then games like mario maker
xenogears chronicles x got all the audio issues fixed not too long ago and is now completely playable, in fact, i managed to play it at a constant 60 fps and 4k graphics pack on my 8600k, but this was only for the first 5 or so hours of the game, although i did explore quite a bit and never dipped below 60

Uhhh you do realize a pc that can run citra smoothly costs way more than 100$

It uses the MIPS instruction set which is an expanded version of the instruction set that old powerpc cpus use (RISC).
Modern CPUs use an x86 instruction set and ARM CPUs use a version of RISC.
The custom shit they shoved into MIPS that isn't in regular old RISC is what causes a lot of the problems, but it also doesn't help that they use really janky proprietary processors/chips for sound, graphics, and memory.
The reason the gamecube/wii are so easy to emulate is because they used regular old ATI graphics cards, so those emulators can basically offload the graphics card emulation to your PCs graphics card without having to change the instructions. But with the N64 you can't really use the graphics card for anything, and despite what you might think, modern CPUs haven't really gotten any faster in terms of instructions per cycle.
A large amount of the performance improvements we've seen in modern CPUs is because they can do multiple instructions per cycle (this is wasted on emulators most of the time) And they also have predictive algorithms that sort of guess what the next instruction will be(out-of-order execution) This is why the meltdown bug could reduce the performance of some intel cpus by upwards of 40%*. (*They've sense found ways to use out-of-order execution without the meltdown bug causing issues, so much of that performance was brought back after some patches.)

In a way you can see that out-of-order execution was responsible for a huge amount of the performance improvements we've seen in modern cpus. And because old console emulators can't really utilize that, they're basically relying on the clock rate of your cpu, which if you haven't noticed, hasn't gone up at all for the last 10 years. (Basically all cpus are stuck at around 2 to 4 GHz)

back then it was less accessable and emulators were a niche thing, not available for each single smartphone on the local playstore

Besides stuff like draw distance, LoD range, filters and removing of cel-shaded styles from BotW in CEMU, we've actually reached a point where some form of ray tracing is being implemented into an emulated and "new" Nintendo game.
Pretty exciting stuff, I just wish the Yuzu emu would hurry up.

>buy Ayyymd

The custom dungeon editor is exciting

>remove the motion control puzzles
>Make the divine beast dungeons actually good

>bought amd card for emulation
>every emulator runs flawless in dx and opengl
>all the demanding emulators have vulkan
dont know about cemu though, didnt actually test it.

Internet may be more common now, but most people still have toasters that can't run Yuzu or even cemu well. People keep forgey Yea Forums is anything but representative of the throngs of normies that drive the Vidya market. Few have the hardware and many who do still don't understand emulation no matter how easy it becomes.

>But with the N64 you can't really use the graphics card for anything
Every N64 emulator ever uses OpenGL, Direct3D and Glide for the graphics. There's no way it would have been emulated without HLE.

nintendo has the worst fanbase by far

free version is the unfinished and laggy version

paid is the complete version

Can you at least answer my question about what the PS4 Pro enhancements are for P5R?

the switch barely "runs" doom at 20fps, 540p. you've been spending way too much time on /r/pcmasterrace if you think that's even close to the ps4.

>There were people who would rather support CEMU's patreon than to just go out and buy a Switch to play BOTW
I can somewhat understand that, though I've paid for neither and haven't touched BOTW at all. Switch is a very unappealing console for anyone who wants the best at-home experience possible, it's full of unpleasant compromises for the sake of portability. If they wanted to support something which would result in them getting the best experience with the game they possibly could, the emulator makes sense since Nintendo themselves most certainly won't deliver a console capable of running the game at high resolution and high FPS.

The problem is the GPU used ancient instruction sets that really don't translate directly to modern GPU instructions. So you end up needing to use your cpu to translate everything for the GPU, but you're also using your CPU to emulate the N64 CPU, and the various other chips for sound and memory.
Keeping that in sync is the challenge.That's why N64 games don't usually have framerate problems as much as they have graphical/sound glitches.

Continuing on this, that's why if you turn the sound emulation off on the PSP N64 emulator you see such big frame rate improvements.

You can play the whole wiiu/switch/3ds catalog for FREE and 4K faggot

I don't see Nintendo complaining
If anything I see them throwing in the towel as they closed down their anti piracy site

Why is it always nintendolads?

There is not a single switch game that runs well yet.

works on my machine

The ps3 isn't still on the market and even if it was its not snoys focus brainlet

I just came here to call you a retard, free version is always some older paid version that will get updated 2 weeks later.

>meanwhile in the real world: yuzu-emu.org/game/
>metal slug can't get past the title screen
>fucking N++, what is basically a flash game from 2004 won't even boot

>ps4 doesn’t run multiplats at 20 fps, shitty resolutions and minimal settings

Anyone know why everytime i try to use rpcs3 my cpu gets too hot and my computer turns off? Im not playing on any cheap shit either what settings should I mess with

I just want Hyrule Warriors to not need me to switch to single core emulation right before the end screen so it doesn't crash.

Answer right there, retard, ps3 old enough. Cope harder. (wii u is fine, since its dead on release, though)

monitor your cooling and cpu temps

I just hate cemu and rps3 because of the fact that you have to complete the game first to play it stutter free because of the cache meme.

>That many anime/cartoon profile pics

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idk how it works for citra, but for cemu everyone gets the same build. patreons get it 2 weeks earlier but that's it.

Does Nintendo Switch have games other than BotW yet?

Closed source, donation begging emulators are shit.

wish my pc wasn't a fucking potato so I could run some emus (CEMU mostly, since I have PS3 and 3DS)

I played Samus Returns on a Citra with slowdown only occurring during loading a save, and teleportation. Game runs like a dream; I didn't even know there was a paid version. I don't suppose it matters since my unpaid version updates extremely regularly.

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is there anything i can do for botw on cemu to ease minor stutters and dips?

just download caches in cemu's case

Not even Yuzu is getting that projection, my tranny pansexual xe/xer anonymous poster friend.

Those minor stutters are necessary, as the game is saving those shaders to your pc.
Best thing to do is play through the game.

wait people actually get pissed about advancing emulation on Yea Forums now? I dont remember ever seeing this

does citra have CPP support yet?

>Cemu is a Closed source Wii U video game console emulator

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how about dips though? is there anything i can tweak for that? towns for me usually do not stay above 60. im also at around 60+ hrs into the game too

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*botw PC port

>pirated copy on the PS3 emulator?
As opposed to what? Putting a real PS3 disc in the BR drive your PC most certainly has?

I have only ever seen retards complain about Wii U/Switch emulation who try to justify with complete utterly retarded "reasons". Everything else is dandy.

Can you speak in perfect english and not buzzwords? Thanks.

I finished Mario 3D world on it. Shit was rad.

I just realize that the name I had for a joke in a dead thread the other day is still there. God damn it I swear I'm not a fucking trip fag.

instead you spent $100 on nintendo's absolute shit hardware that might as well be a game ruiner. most of these games are only playable once you bump internal res unless they are completely 2d.

I already reported three pirates to Nintendo today
Stay seething

What's your PC specs? Probably the only game I wanna play on the peeyew.

i've read that 6 months ago user
they don't fucking care

I like the kitty.

Because this is a Nintendo board or why do you think you have threads talking about a casual game like smash and some literally who characters

Just google it bro
Also dont forget that the dlc is out there too, ready to emulate

get a better cpu or OC

Consolewar shitstains are not people

Imagine having this much of a cognitive bias because there are some threads you don't like.