Are you thankful that Yea Forums made you contrarian and jaded about video games or unhappy?

Are you thankful that Yea Forums made you contrarian and jaded about video games or unhappy?


You’d have been less likely to look for the negative if not for surrounding yourself with a vicious cycle of bitterness.

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Is that game good?

Disappointing games and the overblown internet hype cycle have made me way more jaded than Yea Forums ever has.

She has a fucking band-aid on top of her stockings, what do you think?

user, those of us that are boomers seen games go from plug and play, to creating an online account before we could even use our system, then downloading a patch the size of the game itself, in order to not have the game lock up.

Not really, play Final Fantasy XV if you want a better fishing game.

doesn't answer my question

Fucking this, Yea Forums is just a channel to display all of this bullshit, not an influence, there is so much hype train a man can take before he realizes how much bullshit modern videogames truly are.

>She has a fucking band-aid on top of her stockings, what do you think?
I'm not sure. That's a fishing game for vita, right?

How's the fishing?

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Imagine actually taking this board seriously


>Are you thankful that Yea Forums made you contrarian and jaded about video games or unhappy?
Yea Forums hasn't made me anything but angry with the state of this website. I still love and have fun with video games. I ignore and don't talk about things I don't like.

No, Yea Forums made me hate myself and most people on the internet and I hate it but I still can't stop coming here since it's been a part of my life for over a decade. It's so fucking depressing to see the change in the quality of the board over the years and when you don't think it gets worse, it gets worse.

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Yea Forums didn't change me because I can think for myself and am not a moron.

This is why Yea Forums is shit, thinking like this.

So you're saying the fishing gameplay is a decent time waster?

Fuck you I'll play it myself.

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I'm saying she has a fucking band-aid on top of her stocking, why the fuck no one listens? This is fucking important goddammit.

Reminder that more often than no people haven't played any of the video games they post about so just play it yourselves.

>I can think for myself
No you can't.
>and am not a moron
Yes you are.

>band-aid on top of stockings apologist
You disgust me.

I'm thankful to Yea Forums, because now i'm free of the gaming media, and as a result end up playing a lot of good games by digging up a bit instead of letting they shove shit on my face.

Whats wrong with it?

naw, I mainly come here to laugh at the animals in the zoo
Yea Forums hates everything so there's no point in trying to have any sort of discussion or get recommendations
the only recommendations you're going to get are nintendo shit or pedoshit

It was well-earned.

>band-aid over the clothing
god artists are fucking retarded

You have to go back.

I don't take the board seriously, I just get my news from here and if browse on the off-chance that I might find an interesting game to try.

I'm pretty sure Yea Forums is shit because everyone's a faggot with a superiority complex

That too. No one can let anything go and decide to make it their life mission to derail and shitpost certain threads all the time.

>draw band aid
>draw clot over it
>you can't see band aid anymore

what's the point? this way you see it

Don't know bros, I really like her design, might pick up this game some time.

I might because I like Mitcher.

I'm not glad at all.

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just read Grisaia and have sex with her design

I love good videogames. What I don't like is the shitposts on this board though. Good threads without retards or trolls invading are hard to get but they do happen and they're worth coming back to this board for.

>>In a different timeline Mass Effect 3 didnt piss everyone off and /v is a far less jaded place that still enjoys vidya

Why is Mitcher fishing?

I want to bully Fish Mitcher

If you don't like what is being discussed here, you are more than welcome to go to a site that would better accommodate your tastes. Sounds like you be more comfortable at resetera.

There's nothing this place has done that other places haven't managed already.
don't feel special.