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>tfw people read the FF shorthand as effeff and not final fantasy
why would I care about some pleb's opinion who's only played 5 of the games?
10 at minimum, including mmorpgs
VII > X > IV > VI > V.
FF8 > FF10 > FF6 > FF5 > FF4 > FF7
Tactics series> All other FF games
>playing anything besides the first 6 and a few spin offs
fuck off
I wish they were remaking FF4 with the way they are remaking FF7. With an actual huge world like this tech demo
The DS version is good, but the cutscenes make me wish the game looked like that.
10 is dogshit.
If you have shit taste or are a brainlet you'll probably consider quite a few good games dogshit
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is dogshit though
This is why I quickly wrote in the "or are a brainlet" because I knew you were going to use that as your first "argument" while not knowing anything.
been playing FF7 for about 3 hours now it's so fucking boring. does it get better or just more of the same? seems like the only people who say it's good are nostalgiafags who haven't played the thing since the 90's. no idea how anyone could like playing this shit now.
Am I the only one who thinks that FF was dead after the VII (included). I've played every single main game and I have never understood why people enjoy VII
That wasn't me. FFX has numerous issues besides that scene which wasn't that bad. IT was the death of classic ff.
5 was always my favorite because it was such a novelty to play the japanese cartridge and not have any idea what was going on
but in retrospect its a very generic entry, and is noteworthy only because it really refined the character classes and still had the amazing soundtrack
FF7 is one of the better ones imo. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more once you get out of midgar
It gets better after Shinra building infiltration.
I wholeheartedly agree, ff peaked on 9 and then it was downhill. There are even two numbered games that are mmorpgs
>peak of anything
Why the FUCK is FFIX ignored
>I dislike mmorpgs therefor its bad
>muh classic FF
What the fuck is a classic FF anyway? light vs dark? the power crystals? black and white mage jobs? You can only rehash the same shit so many times before it gets stale.
Because it's shit game?
9 also had a painfully slow intro, thats the one where you also have to do tons of city crap and impress the nobles and so forth
and once you finally start doing dungeons the difficulty suddenly spikes up to normal level and it gets better
Pretty much yes. And a world map, and an airship, and exploration or side content that doesn't suck ass.
I can clearly remember how kids turned away from it because the game started out really slow, and very fairy tale like, which was a red flag for most boys. The game is really fucking good, but its problem is it starts way too cutesy unlike FF7-8, and you don't really understand the dark undertone until you get into the airship where the black mages die, and you reveal everything about them.
I played a little of XI, but I'm not really an MMO guy so I couldn't get into it. XII's placement is also pretty colored by personal opinion: Objectively it probably deserves to be bumped up a few places, but it didn't really grab me at all. I'd also like to check out Tactics someday.
I haven't played V mostly because i don't know what translation or version to play.