When playing games with multiple playable characters or games with custom avatars, do you choose to play as a boy or a girl?
When playing games with multiple playable characters or games with custom avatars...
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You're either some beta orbiter or a sissy faggot if you legitimately choose to play as a cunt in a video game.
Anything that looks like a goth or a vampire
Otherwise a dude
Eh, it depends
eeeeh? why have the colours changed?
>tfw a tranny who plays male because I want to stare at a man's ass
I play with both. Normally first the boy to self insert during the story and all, then play again with the girl to see if anything changes.
>lol I don't care what gender I play as
>n-n-no... you're g-gay for playing as a girl
ITT: faggots insecure in their sexuality
I want to stare at your ass.
depends on the game and which character i like more, for example i play as the girl on Wave Race 64, but i pick Chris on RE1 & 5 but i played as Claire first on RE2
depends how cute the girl is
I like purple and Yellow.
Dude, what if it was like, purple and GREEN? It'll be like that epic funny meme! LMAO
B-but user, doesn't that make you dysphoric? I struggle to play games with manly men as protagonists...
I play as the design I like the most, don't care about gender
But if there's romantic elements, then I play as a guy because I don't want to suck dick and girls are cute
Source nigga
desu i was originally going to make his shirt green but the green on the app i was using for coloring was so obnoxiously bright i just went for the more subdued yellow instead
females usually get way more costumes and customizable shit at least in fighters and (mmo)rpgs, I'll pick a dude if he has more than just generic shit
Whichever I feel like at the moment.
Normally i'd play as a girl, but leon is just too cute.
man, I started FF14 trial the other day but the early game is so fucking boring. Same old 2 skills to press. Zero people grouping up etc. I just want to be at end game and service my tanks and DPS but the slog is too much to bear
why are the colors of their shirts different?
Depends on what I want to make.
don't you sometimes just want to feel small and cute instead of a balding 200lbs dude in his thirties?
I'm a self inserting fag, so I generally always pick the boy.
Only exceptions I can think of were Splatoon, where I just preferred the design of the female inklink, and during some replays of Pokémon games, which I don't consider my "main" file.
I make my characters always females because I find it easier to customize them.I dont know why.They end up with in a weird middle where they have what I could want(like I make them have big boobs while im flat,curves while im like a plank,cute and petite while im tomboyish and tall) and things I find hot(red hair,green/blue hair,ass for days,nice thighs etc).
post the other one
Can has beard? Male
Can't has? Boobs.
I usually choose to play as a man but sometimes I choose to play as a woman if there is a cute character or art style. For realistic games I choose men because realistic women in games are usually ugly. If it is in a cute art style or possibly an anime style I might consider choosing a woman character.
>making a female character to self insert as rather than fap to
I don't understand anyone on this board
>play ff14
>make cute girl
>also make her hot
>constantly move camera around to get nice angles of her
Some great faps where had. An alisaie is fine too
If a female character's fun to play, I play them.
It's that fucking simple.
>not playing as both to experience everything the game has to offer
Usually I'll go with a guy, unless ot completely changes the playstyle, then it's a toss up.
For games where you create your character?
I always go male my first time around and make my shitty self insert OC that I use for every other game (pic related). On subsequent playthroughs though, I do try to mix things up and mess around with what I make.
On games with preset characters?
It really depends on the characters. Like if it's a fighting game, I typically choose whoever has the moveset I like the most.
Why do you fucking care faggot?
me on the right
Can I make the guy look cool? Guy
I can't? Then make a cute girl
Girl's aren't cute? Back to guy
That's funny, I'm on the left
There you go ladies and gentlemen, the correct answer.
I can never play a girl and complete the game, ill just end up making her too cute and fapping nonstop.
>dude why are you playing with barbies
>because they are cute
this is you, them being cute is irrelevant, if relevant it only makes you into a bigger tranny, most men aren't this much into "cute" shit like you trannies are
I only play as a girl if I can be a tough, cool looking one
miss me with the skinny thots and 3d facial caps
>rough sadistic sex
I don't know if I could jerk off to my toon. She's cute but not in an arousing way.
Good girl.
Imagine being so insecure that you have to edit an image that makes you seethe
if its a western game I play as an adult male and if its a Japanese game I play as the loli.
depends on who has the best outfit options.
You also like to dress up your sisters play dolls?
Fucking fag.
>Male dwarf if beards are good
>Female of everything else
>Male of everything else
>Male dwarf is beards are shit
The female screams in insurgency are actually pretty good. I would pick a guy if I was playing VR games though, or some nonhuman like model.
Males who self insert into female characters are weird
>always make a massive black guy with rippling muscles, a fine bulge and a muscular ass
>always put him in the skimpiest armor to get a good view of the goods
Good thing that according to Yea Forums that this is 100% straight and in no way homoerotic.
The boys look nice in those colours
YES. Post the other one pls
It’s okay it’s not actually like that. Once you see the other piece, you realize they happily take turns switching positions c:
I play as female to romance cute boys
self inserting as a pillar man is okay in my book
Nah, that's normal.
OP's OC forever tarnished
What's with all these insecure fags, that can't distinguish fantasy from reality? There's nothing wrong with playing as a girl.
Any games for this feel?
>his smile is gone in the third panel
user that's a girl... don't misgender my self insert...
Why did you fucking recolor it?
I just hate listening to dudes grunt, groan, and gasp and shit. I don't need to hear a dude beating off into a mic while I fight things.
I play as a gay woman, also known as a lesbian, whenever possible.
What does that make me?
Post the porn one of these two
to get rid of the tr*ns reference
Always, I enjoy watching women get hurt and eaten
nice trans rights palette
What kind of male avatar are you supposed to pick?
If I pick a male avatar that is less cool than me, it's basically an insecure meme choice.
If I pick a male avatar that is like me, it's unsettling and anti-privacy.
If I pick a male avatar that is cooler than me, it's pathetic LARPing.
real version
fake tranny version
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Why do humans choose to play as orcs?
This user gets it.
find some frens to guide you
A person of very fine taste.
i know its supposed to look like he has an hourglass figure, but I cant shake the feeling that he looks fat instead
i mostly play a character that i think looks cool
Fag in denial
>covering the butt
what a fag
How do i become the one on the left?
You have to be cute and feminine looking.
Having gender dysphoria is not necessarily indicative of having an abnormal sexuality.
Trannies might think they're women, but it doesn't necessarily mean they want to have sex with men. They may still be attracted to women.
Pick who you want. No one really gives a shit.
Well next life i guess, i look like a bear
Imagine being obsessed with trannies on a Madagascan basket-weaving forum.
wait there's a full pic? i thought it was just a joke image.
Here's the rule: if there are good romantic options then play as a guy, if not play as a girl.
If the character creator is good then play as a girl.
I exclusively play male characters, except when it comes to porn games where I very much prefer female protags.
>naturally have his body type
>take care of yourself and your body properly
Good luck
That's the full image, it's still a joke
Reminder that transsexuality and homosexuality are mental illnesses caused by childhood molestation. They can not feel love like normal, healthy people can.
>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
>Homosexuality is 65% environment, 35% genetics
>In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9)
>In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13.
>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
AGP is sexuality
But what if you can romance girls as a girl?
Cute! Thank you both! :3
Imagine being this obsessed.
>Play as a girl in single player games
Not gay
>Play a female in MMOs
Massive gay
>Play and roleplay as a female in MMOs
not gay
You are literally obsessed with a fantasy reality in which you're a woman, and demand that others participate in your fantasy. You are sick. Join the 40%.
I wish that was me
it feels so good knowing trannies will never, ever, ever get what they want. for all their petulant whining and emotional outbursts they will NEVER be anything but freaks wearing wigs. i can't wait for the next war so i can "accidentally" friendly-fire my tranny squadmate and watch his brains leak out onto the soil
Absolutely obsessed.
>I am having bottom enhancements
>chopping your dick off
dont waste your time, alice
oh nononono
That image is absolutely hilarious.
What kind of fucking retard CUTS THEIR PENIS OFF without realizing it's going to be a disgusting, horrific wound - not magically turn them into a cute anime girl
>Spend your life making hundreds of copy pasted posts about trannies on Yea Forums.
Always remember that someone else is doing worse than you.
Rent free? Of course the rents free, the landlord killed themselves before hitting 40!
>What kind of fucking retard CUTS THEIR PENIS OFF without realizing it's going to be a disgusting, horrific wound
Jewish Rabbis?
He does it for free!
Trannies, I want you to sincerely realize: there is no happy future for you.
You can't run away from your problems by escaping into a new fantasy identity.
You're going to have all of your old problems except in a mangled effigy of your former body.
It's never too late to turn back and go down the right road. You don't have to double down on the wrong one.
You don't have to join the 40%.
imagine if all incels were cute like that
the worst thing about this image is people being dumb enough to go to Red Robin
Everyone I've seen who prefers playing as a woman has been a clear closet homosexual. Egoraptor being a prime example.
>fat girly thighs and ass
>slim belly with nice abs
>boyish face, carded at every bar
>zero urge to be a tranny
unfortunate. any 6'4 tranny want to trade bodies with me?
when you are cute like that you get hit on by both girls and boys, even if you are autistic
>Thinking that the character you play in a video game matters at all
Imagine being this insecure
Female because its the only way for my shitty self to interact with women without them being disgusted
>Tfw always play as the robot or eldritch abomination
I don't think this is accurate. Every asian male looks like that, and they're not exactly top-shelf dating material. Even asian girls don't want them.
maybe in Asia
girl because i am a girl
trannies arent girls
>The second on the left.
It never not disgusts me. I hate looking at it.
in Canada (inb4 its so chinked it could count as asia)
cute asian boys are popular but there are plenty of nerdy uggos no one wants
Transsexuality maybe but not homosexuality.
Women love cute men just as much as rugged men.
There was never anything "Closeted" about him he literally crossdressed for fun on several occasions.
women love prettyboys, not femboys
This thing people have about the gender of the protagonist is very autistic and it comes from a place of being self centered enough to believe your answer is the only answer. The truth is that all possible answers to the situation are real and which one is or isn't true varies for the individual person. A person may pick the female character because he likes looking at the cute girl. For someone else it might be some stealth tranny feelings.Someone could pick the male because he likes staring at the male ass, someone else does it because he sees the character as an extension of himself and he is male.
I have played both in mostly equal measure. I pick based solely on which gender I think will fit the tone/story of the game better. I don't understand people who assume playing as a boy or girl says anything about yourself - they're characters you make as actors in a story, not literally meant to be you. Why would you treat them as otherwise?
Guy. I'll always pick the female option when playing erotic games though.
Based and doggypilled.
>There was never anything "Closeted" about him
Ah, so he's come out then? Or is the guy who made a dick club to prove how straight he was somehow NOT in the closet in your retarded mongoloidian mind?