Why cant people in video games just be nice to each others
Why cant people in video games just be nice to each others
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because i want to win
Being ass blasted wont help you win.
Is that the Mercury Cigarette girl?
I know, and I usually try to keep my chill and give positive vibes. But when I play an online game, get addicted and play it a lot, it's inevitable I'll run into someone that either refuses to understand or wants to fuck with me and that'll make me at least somewhat mad.
I'm way below average when it comes to mads though. There's others who take out all their nerves in online video games, we've all seen them
There is no impulse to be nice when the person you're being an asshole too probably lives hundreds if not thousands of miles away. Even if he's a 6'8 World's Strongest Man contender.
Fuck you, why should I be nice?
You can just block these people user. Why let others choose your mood for you.
Trash talk is fun and doesn't always need to be malicious
I don't know. Some people can get incredibly angry over the internet.
>being nice
>Be a total piece of shit in real life
>Be as nice as possible with NPCs in video games
Why do i do this?
Why be angry tho? It costs a lots of energy, no one will want to talk to you after, its unhealthy and you are angry which isnt nice or comfy.
I can't get myself to do that and I think that's a problem with my personality. In both my daily life and vidya life I can't just dismiss people, I want to try to understand everyone, converse with everyone, solve every problem with everyone. I think there's something in everyone that's worthwhile and that no one is truly worth of a dismissal. It's just that in vidya, one can hide that quite well
literally everything men do is dick waving.
No. You have to acknowledge my superiority or face the consequences.
I'm a tryhard MUST WIN fag so if I think someone is getting in the way of that I inevitably get thrown into fit of rage
I wish you the best then!
Thats not tru! Dick ccompetition requires entropy and everything in this universe wants low entropy!
You sound like a cowardly girly man who can't handle confrontation
because its fun to jump between being nice and being rice
shut up twice
Thats very childish mindset anons.
There is no reason for it in the first place!
I like how Noa accepts her fate
People aren't nice to me. Why should I be nice to them. Why can't everybody else be the one that has to suffer for a change?
Because being nice feels nice
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
The what now?
That's Miyuki from Smile Precure.
I'm sure not everyone is mean to you.
Oh no
I’ll fucking rip your head off and punt it away for a field goal if you cross me IRL.
Vidyas I'm either calm or just write the game off as stupid
Maybe if they ran a train on all the Precure girls.
If you dont want to put effort into being nice, why do you put effort into being butt blasted.
She’s cute and Friendly
Find better friends
I’ll be nice to you
Because you're behaving like a faggot.
>There is no reason for it in the first place!
That is wrong, I am not obligated to be nice
You just don't like being called out for being shit
I bet you're a manlet irl, you type like one
FUCK society and FUCK niggers
And why do you choose to be butt blasted instead of nice or neutral then?
>he doesn't know
Why can't you handle banter?
Post a non panda please I'm on mobile.
is this the cute and funny thread?
You mean Glitter Force.
>on mobile
>that being a problem
Tsk tsk tsk.
I am genuinely curious why do people put the effort into being butt blasted.
100% same.
I don't like it and I want to fix myself but god damn rage sure is deep seated
I want femdom lolis and I want them now!
dilate tranny
its more fun to mess with people in modern games than actually play the games themselves now
I cant believe rustle is fucking dead
>I’ll fucking rip your head off and punt it away for a field goal if you cross me IRL.
I guess Yea Forums is /rp/ now?
So you enjoy messing with others?
The only tiems I feel something is when I'm angry as fuck or when I'm jerking off.
So I cultivate my anger and enjoy it.
Why cant people in 4chans just be nice to each others
yeah that sucks, he made some really good stuff
based and ragepilled
Though I do wish I could feel something other than perennial anger
Did he go blind or actually died?
Because they haven't penetrated Miyuki's butthole.
What are you on about? I'm plenty nice to people in video games.
we don't talk about glitter force
You just have to understand that the majority of gamers are the back of the classroom outcasts of society that are angry at the world for being born ugly, short, weak, asthmatics and this is their escape.
When Chad's get angry they take it out on the football field or go for a jog or workout and be over it.
Gamers take it out online, on image boards and gaming.
Remember this the next time you're told to kill yourself when you post your opinion online, or school someone in a game. It's just a bitter lonely outcast lashing out that he got the short end of the stick.
How do I stop her from biting my hot dog?
Well it's a problem for me.
there was a cheat code, home+something, W maybe? can't be assed playing it again to find what it was
It's impressive how much projection can be fit int one post
If I met you in video game I will be nice to you too!
That's pretty scary stuff user.
That's not how it works though, user. That's just how it works in your head. And sure it makes some sense theoretically, but all you have to do to debunk this theory is go to a local net-cafe where people play LoL and shit. You'll see the ones taking out the most anger, spitting our poison, wishing cancer on people in bronze V are actually real-life chads that are too self-righteous to blame themselves and try too hard to maintain a cool persona in their social life which might be part of what leads them to take out all their anger in a video game.
Who is at fault here then? Short, weak social outcasts sitting in the back of class or chads?
you don’t need to be nice if you’re all alone
Chads as usual.
>its unhealthy and you are angry which isnt nice or comfy.
says you
Is this the ERP thread? Does anyone want to add me on discord..
Yeah! Why!
But it's true
Neither. It's your fault.
Huh? Why? I am not angry at video game people.
Discuss Mercury and Suigin Cigarette.
Doen't matter. Take responsibility for your crimes, user.
I'm not into bondage
No, I am innocent.
I'm overly apologetic with everything I do and it makes people think I'm a doormat bitch
I don't know man, the misfortune of others is pretty comfy.
It is if you are mentlely ill or need to cope with something. Please don't hurt others.
that's kinda cute
R u cute?
Go back to discord freaks.
The solution is easy: play nice games to play with nice people.
it means I never appear threatening or domineering so I dislike it
It's not even a mental illness thing:
Sound like mentlel illness or coping to me
how come you post anime images with every post, EOP shitter?
Because I like anime ?
>tranny liberal niggers SEETHING that white men just keep winning
b-but at least we can b-ban them in our soiboi video g-games r-r-right based trannybros?
u gay?
Is this the tranny thread?
No idea, I'm always nice to everyone but then my friends jump the gun in voice chat and insult strangers for no reason.
Is this the failed NWO DiGRA tranny social engineering thread
what is this game
Does this stand for something or are you having a stroke?
triggered DiGRA tranny detected
Some people will do anything for even the possibility of an edge and some people don’t play games because they like playing games
That's disappointing.
kill yourself
I don't really understand it, but a lot of people can't have fun in online games unless they win. I think losing makes them embarrassed, which turns into rage as a sort of coping mechanism.
because you're a faggot and because I said so lol
Those aren't very good reasons.
they kinda are, sorry.
Not really though.
whatever helps you sleep at night fag. You'll die of aids someday while I live forever, so no skin off my back
That's not very nice.
okay, whatever
You must really like me to keep replying.
now you're just begging. Is this what all faggots do when they don't get their way?
Come on, no need to be so rude.