*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Attached: cursed eye.png (122x191, 20K)

what was steakman thinking with this one?

>bomb every blue rock i see
>never get The Rock
It hurts, boyos.

Just keep restarting

>curse of the blind
>Bob's brain

>tfw Lump of Coal, Rubber Cement, and Pop

Attached: 13242983.gif (367x265, 558K)

>pick the lost
>first item is Death's Scythe

Attached: 1535524630674.jpg (1200x798, 257K)

Afterbirth+ was trash, literally everything bad about Afterbirth but doubled. I really hope Repentance makes the game good again, because playing it right now is a chore half of the time.

Attached: Thanks Dark Bum.png (1224x1080, 2.22M)

>open up cheat engine
>gain dice + max charge
>re-roll for a better start
must suck to suck

>Bob's brain

Attached: 04f27c8fe5dd42f999627e49fae66f7f.jpg (706x706, 44K)

>Technology Zero
>Cricket's Body
>Compound Fracture
>The Parasite
>Monstro's Lung
>Jacob's Ladder

Attached: 129371923.jpg (268x245, 59K)

git GUD

>can't play easy game
>think he belongs on Yea Forums and not as an IGN journalist team

I used to think I liked Binding of Isaac, but the endgame is so bad. Ultra Greediest is literally "hold R to win", Hush is tedious and every enemy encounter is a test of your endurance with endless respawns, multiple phases, etc. Every run where you don't get OP items is an hour long slog.

>Have Dr. Fetus and other good items
>Curse of the Blind
>My Reflection

>as Cain
fuck you steakmund

Attached: BindingofIsaacRebirthSoyMilk.jpg (267x237, 7K)

>he can't handle the zane


A shame that developer of this game is manchild that ruined any good synergies people would make because he doesn't like them. Or making bosses that scale. Indie devs are awful.

Protips for anyone who finds this game "hard";

-Move in a circular motion all the time
-Damage and tears (fire rate) are the only important stats, always pick up every dmg up item
-Don't waste your last bomb, if you don't have keys or bombs, this game LITERALLY KNOWS and reduces the drop rate to fuck you over
-Some items you NEVER want to pick up: Ex. Onions Milk, Cursed eye, Bobs brain, tiny planet
-Use the phone app as a quick item reference, some synergies are bad and don't make sense
-You can break the game with only Jera and Blank Card, so unlock those ASAP
-Unlock Azazel and get all his marks, he unlocks the best items in the game
-Orbitals (familiar whos circle you and block tears) are essential for beating Hush or other late game bosses
-Blowing yourself up is one of the most common way you'll die

Bob’s brain is a good item unless you’re an orbital brainlet

>Bosse health scale with damage
Pure cancer.
Smae with curses, long floors, annoying enemies and everything about Ultra Greed, The Lost and The Keeper.
Fuck you Edmund.

>Don't waste your last bomb, if you don't have keys or bombs, this game LITERALLY KNOWS and reduces the drop rate to fuck you over
Is this true

>game is intentionally designed with shitty items making the entire experience boring as fuck
>licking Edmund's boots this hard
lmao pathetic, re-rolling for a viable starting item is the only way to enjoy this shitty game

This is the best item ever for Lilith.

No charge rapid Triple shot


waste your bombs and keys, you will see 3x the chests and bombable rocks as normal, and drops ARE reduced, just to taunt you.

Unironically an amazing item how are you this dense

>Ragman first floor

Attached: 1493728201418.jpg (492x449, 48K)


>The Haunt on cellar I

Attached: 1558444741652.jpg (1012x1012, 73K)

>using the flash filter

> Restock
> Steam sale
> Steam sale

Attached: 1459825534916.gif (476x213, 1.85M)

To all you homos complaining about afterbirth, just play rebirth

>First floor
>Champion Ragman
>Champion any boss

Attached: Angry bedman.jpg (377x326, 43K)

How about they make the expansion good products instead of making them garbage.


Oh boy! A free small rock!

*Wrath of the Lamb

The Bloat

Attached: 1487017742350.jpg (504x470, 62K)

Actually works really well with Jacob’s Ladder causing every single tear to create arcing electricity.

I didnt buy any of the DLC. is it worth it? It's 20 fucking bucks total.

>Dark Bum as ???

Attached: 102301923.jpg (300x300, 16K)

>onions milk
>eve maskera

Wait, so if I drop myself down to 0 keys 0 bombs after getting a room with some keys and bombs on the ground, I could get a bunch of chests and tinted rocks? And then go back for those pickups and use them? It's on a room-by-room basis, right? Exploitable?

>Number One
>With Brimstone

Attached: chin.jpg (410x308, 27K)

the only good run is:
basement -> chest (mega stan if you can) skipping boss rush (unless op or have tele item for free item), skip hush, skip delirium.
unfortunately you have to do a lot of bullshit to unlock everything


Binding of Isaac used to be an amazing game until Edmund and team ruined it with Afterbirth and Afterbirth+, along with all his stupid terrible updates after that. The item pool is so fucking diluted with shitty items, and as you said, the end fights are so horrible and long, the game is hold R until you get good items on the first floor

>keep the wiki open: THE GAME

anyway I thought the game got oversaturated with WotL. The mechanics didnt seem as fun

My biggest gripe with isaac is how the later updates just got worse, a huge example of that is edmund continually adding enemies that spawn already existing enemies instead of putting actual effort into designing new attacks. Delerium is also just an awfully executed fight where it usually just comes doen to brute forcing with enough hp, the floor itself was very unispired as well with the copy paste of other rooms. I still like the game but it went downhill near the end, hooefully the next update doesnt disappoint as much.

I don't get the "reset till you get good items" shit. Devil Room items are where its at by far. Most of the game breaking shit comes from those so it seems like rerolling on the first floor is dumb. Just stop getting hit on the second floor.

Just use the mod that tells you what the items do.
Otherwise is unplayable.

If you really like Isaac buy Afterbirth and see how that goes. If you still really like it buy Afterbirth +

Breadman has a tendency to difficulty spike with each new batch of content.

Oh also he turns the Lost from a fucking slog to one of the most fun characters once you get enough progress in Greed mode in Afterbirth.

I don't regret buying AB+. The External Item Descriptions and No Curse Floors mods make it worth the price alone.

Dude, I’ve put over 250 hours into the game, I have no problem not getting hit on the first two floors. When you’re doing a lost run, that’s literally what you do. You play the first two floors, hope for mom’s knife or brimstone, instead get shit like Judas’s Shadow or Lord of the Pit, or (like most times) a completely empty devil room so you hold R and repeat because you know the rest of the game is going to give you literally nothing and it’s not worth wasting time because you have to get through fights like Hush or Delerium

I only have Mega Satan left for keeper and seriously want to kill myself. Fuck this garbage character so fucking god damn much

If I max out my milestones as The Lost pre DLC, am I a true man?

>Devil Room items
Most of the time you get black hearts, red chests or a shitty item. I don't remember the last time I got something good like Brimstone, Abbadon or even The Mark.
You have more chance finding those items if you buy Chaos and play the game normally.

you're a masochist.

Anyways he adds an even worse character to play as to make up for it. Forgot that bit.

git good

Fuck you.

wow you nearly finished the tutorial.

Tips for getting to mega satan consistently?
Missing his hard mark on most of my characters along with greedier

>First Greed floor
>Double Red Champion Ragman
>suddenly 12 spiders on screen

Attached: blinking man.webm (200x235, 182K)

ragman and haunt have no business appearing on floor 1

Don't get hit and pray to RNGods

>literally blocks your path

Attached: fuck.jpg (894x574, 126K)

Real answer: blow up shopkeepers and don't get hit so that you can maximize your chance of getting a devil deal. I didn't know and maybe you don't either, but chance for angel rooms is directly tied to devil deals since it's a type of devil deal. If you don't get the key by the Womb you might as well restart.

and you know that you have to refuse any actual deals with the devil, right? Red chests or sin hearts are okay.

There is no consistent way to do it. 99% of the time i get the key from sacrifice rooms or you have to look out for Mr. ME and dad's key.

I did The Lost's milestones the day he came out, I'm the most hardcorest :^)

>playing as Lilith
gg no re.

walk into the first devil room on the second floor and walk out without trading anything. Before every boss remember to carry at least one bomb to blow up the angel statue in the angel room to get a key piece which increases angel room odds by about 20%

If you're gonna buy it buy Afterbirth+ all at once because it took until the later updates to unfuck the game from the initial afterbirth state. Otherwise just stay at Rebirth.

I did them on console where I only have Rebirth, meaning no Holy Mantle at the start. It usually came down to getting absurdly broken runs where I would 1-shot everything instantly, or gnawed leaf + auto-tracking follower runs


Attached: file.png (52x61, 8K)

I got platinum god in Rebirth and never bought afterbirth. Is it worth it?

>Dr. Fetus
>Inner Eye
>Mutant Spider
>Bomber Boy
>Mr. Mega

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Attached: i have become death, destroyer of basements.jpg (956x520, 115K)

>He hasn't picked up the D6

Attached: 1549307344571.png (846x900, 448K)


Attached: godhead.jpg (956x522, 163K)

Bob's Brain is the thinking man's item.

LCK chads win again.

sacrifice room + lots of red hearts

>in a recent stream he confirmed that it's very likely that his isaac series will end in the next 2 years
I might cry on the last episode bros
is his isaac series the longest running let's play of all time?

>Tech 0
>Piercing shots
>Lump of coal

Attached: 1559354781817.jpg (770x435, 51K)

>over 2000 episodes and not counting flash isaac
I'll definitely miss when he'd just rambling on his grocery anectdotes.

Just press R my dude

Attached: 1554547022122.jpg (469x400, 58K)

>The Ludovico technique

Attached: ce4.png (816x813, 567K)

use cheat engine

This along with Bob's Brain and Fruit Cake are unironically some of my favorite items in the game, fight me

Attached: 1538159937104.jpg (1024x888, 78K)

I'm trying to, but you keep teleporting out of the room!

I mean that'll still happen, just in enter the gungeon and his stream instead of in isaac

>Onions Milk + Libra

there's just something about Isaac that it goes so well with the flow of his rambling though, it's like his body split into 2, one just go and autopilot Isaac while the head keeps the talks goin.

I'm not a fan of holding R unless it's specifically for Keeper or garbage challenges. Outside those, almost every single run is winnable if you don't play recklessly and understand how enemies behave. And frankly, I find relatively weak runs to be more fun, as they make me actually fight enemies rather than let me hold one arrow key to win.

>Onions milk

I never bought another DLC after he nerfed the Stopwatch.

Post your all time favorite item.
This boy here is mine, never miss the chance to snag it. So fun seeing the lightning bounce everywhere and murder everyone.

Attached: j.jpg (800x800, 47K)

That was a good nerf, it was boring before.

>got all achievements a while ago
>after all updates i am now at 307/403

Motherfuckers ruined everything, i sure as fuck won't launch this game ever again.

>all these hold R to win faggots
After a long time playing I can clear 4/5 random Greedier runs with Eden.
Git gud.

just dont pick it up
problem solved

I like the item that shreds a heart container for +1 damage and a meat boy.

I don't like playing the slow ass boring first couple floors. Base stats is so dogshit. Edmund hasn't played a shmup in his life.