You haven't uninstalled dmc 5, right?

You haven't uninstalled dmc 5, right?

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Why did they make vergil so ugly?

Why, did they update it to make it less boring?

wait a second... that's my screenshot

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Waiting for playable kantana man.

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Thanks for reminding me to uninstall it.
Haven't played it after the launch week.

Good shot, we just cut out the fat.

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No, but i don't have any motivation to play it

No playable edgebro
gonna wait for SE for them to have my money

What are the chances of vergil and ladies' night dlc announced at e3? Game is amazing but they can't not add that stuff.


No shame in that.
The game barely has enough content for one playthrough.

Never even installed it. The characters look awful.

I'm having a hard time playing other games. I just end up thinking about cool shit I could be doing in dmc 5 instead

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Because he literally is not ? You have to be blind to find pic related ugly.

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Thanks. My main problem isn't even with the content though, it's how the game feels in general. It doesn't feel nearly as fluid as DMC3 or 4 did

You need more power

Vergil announcement is incoming but who knows about trish and lady.

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>pop ragtime
>can watch bullets travel slow
That's neat.

>vergil announcement is incoming?

>friend was a huge fan of DMC
>tell him DMC5 is great go play it
>he dropped it, said it was boring

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Is the bayonetta tier boss fight with nero/v the only ai coop mission?

I hope Capcom releases more content

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you should use mods. really spices up the gameplay

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I would, but I'm stuck on PS4 lol.

they've already moved on to other projects. This has been stated by itsuno himself lads
it's a 0% chance

I haven't even gotten to play 1 second of it ever since I installed it.

hopefully they add turbo mode to 5SE if they release it down the line

How can I uninstall something I never bought in the first place?

They've lied before this isn't anything new.

No but I havent played in a while because I've been playing lots of slav kino recently like Darkwood and Pathologic.

>waste time making a co-op mechanic you use for only 2 missions
>don't even make a co-op bloody palace mode

probably in several years once people forget about dmc5, then they can make a SE. it's alwasys the best plan.

To be fair, I dropped it because I absolutely hate playing as V and I need to clear his missions on DMD so I can S Nero and Dante, but I don't want to play V so I dropped the game.

He is to DMC5 what Nero was to DMC4.
He makes the game a total slog, chore and a bore. I hate playing him. At least Nero is fun to play now where before he was boring.

Fuck V

He has like 4 missions it's not like he overstays his welcome.

Bruh it's capcom, they'll sell dlc separately at first and then sell a SE with dlc included. They'll probably sell dlc for a crazy price.

Is it enough to replay all missions on a different difficulty to unlock the achievement for completing the game on that difficulty or do you need to start a new game?

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You got to start a new game.

you need to play the entire campaign on each difficulty for the achievement
you can also clear any difficulty with all S ranks to get that achievement but to get the all S ranks on every difficulty achievement you need to do that (although you don't have to S rank with every character on every joined mission)