I love mashing this button every 2.5seconds

I love mashing this button every 2.5seconds.

Attached: 1543822689202.png (43x43, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This but unironically

i can't put all of the important skills on the first fucking hotbar

Good thing you have about 10 of them then, you faggot.

>Wanted a Mountain in ShB for Stone V
>Instead get generic magic ball #3

Attached: 1549756582772.jpg (720x708, 243K)

Sorry, have to save that for GEO.

>When the Dalamud Jannie hangs over us all.

>He does it all for free

>other thread got deleted
Guess mods are making room for the wow classic threads

Too much game discussion in these threads, gotta make way for twitter screenshots

Going home lads

it feels so much better to have the important shit on one hotbar, i figured out a way anyway

The Crystarium...home...

Buy a macro keyboard, whoop-dee-do.

That's not the issue.

I just want to talk about this game, why are the mods being such faggots. I click on a thread, deleted. Explain yourselves faggot mods.

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It'd be really fun to naturally level and use my abilities instead of this jank back and forth of having them stripped away with roulettes/PotD but >DPS queues

To make trannies like you seeth.

There's just one faggot janny that loves WoW and hates XIV for some autistic reason.

They work for gookmoot AND blizzard for free

No one knows. Smash had like 20-30 threads up at one point, Classic wow generally has 2 or 3 for the past few weeks etc. The general is just for ERP

Then don't use roulettes and only queue for the highest level dungeon you have and do actual sidequests/FATEs and leves.

The thing I don't get is that WoW has literally 3 generals up on /vg/ and they can still have multiple threads up on Yea Forums.

need the space for off topic wojak blogging and politics threads

>"just go to /vg/!"
>goes to /xivg/
>literally just avatarfagging, circlejerking, and blatant ERP
What do lads? The jannies don't do their job there (or here for that matter)

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SE hasn't paid up like Blizz

Is that a viable alternative leveling path? I figure PotD/roulette was just the way to go.

>be blue parsing dps
>switch to controller
>parse fucking orange because I can actually hit all my buttons
Huh, go figure

janny is unironically a seething wowshitter doing his best to suppress XIV because ShB threads are moving faster than Classic threads and he's going to have a fucking breakdown if he has to confront the reality of wasting the past fifteen years of his life on a dead game

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It's okay to have baby hands, user.

Attached: alien.jpg (456x810, 94K)

Just keep making threads here until Janny gives up to go get more Hot Pockets

try making a good post in /xivg/

Enemies in level-appropriate dungeons actually give out a very decent chunk of experience, especially if you have rested experience. It's definitely one of the faster ways to level, assuming you can get good queue times.

Mods only allow Final Fantasy threads if it's clearly a flamewar thread like those FF15 threads. Actual gameplay discussion, deleted.

Who in their right mind would moderate this site? Do they even get paid?

why are scholar still complaining that they have to use broil more than just reapplying a dot?
it's not more engaging or fun at all

We just keep talking about the game here. Last time the janny shit his pants like this we just talked about xiv in classic threads until the retard accidentally deleted one of those. He had a breakdown after that and left.

How are they going to change Sacred Soil before release? It's simply too powerful

>do they even get paid
No, they do it for free

Which is interesting, since flamewars are supposed to be against the rules

How are you farming Moogle tomestone?

Yeah they get paid $0/hour lmao

I'm not.

I'm not. The amount of tomes you get for each thing is way too low to even bother with this.

Scholars got fucked. They simply have less things to do now

I was already farming Syrcus for glam, so getting mogtomes is just a nice little bonus

Tfw tried controller once and got spooked
Never again

you all cry about /xivg/ but don't actually post in it
maybe if you actually attempted some fucking discussion in it it wouldn't be so bad

Attached: cringo.png .png (272x230, 116K)

Yeah rules 2 and 3, but they barely enforce it.

What? Don't be stupid. Nobody would actually sit here and waste hours of their day moderating a website FOR FREE, right?

They are unironically paid by Blizzard, why do you think there can be like 4 obvious "We're going home" shill threads up at a time but they instantly delete FFXIV threads?

Go try it then you dumb nigger. The rest of us know it's futile. Also generals are a fucking cancer by their nature and they should not be contributed to. Generalniggers need to move to discord.

It's like pouring a glass of water into an ocean of piss. You will never clean that place up.

You brought this on yourself. Let's go see what /xivg/ is up to. brb

Everytime I try I get ignored while the trannies post their dumb cat in a sheet meme

for what?
>ARR primal shit
just farm it
chocobo is the best mount
Emperor's is the best earrings

>Blizzard did a free play event in WoW at the same time as FFXIVs fanfest
>Blizzard releases WoW patches around the same time as FFXIV is announcing or doing their patches
>Blizzard implemented some features in WoW people were begging for a long time prior just because FFXIV did it (eyes/head moving with target, relic progression based weapons, more cutscenes in quests, etc)
>Blizzard slashed BFA's price to $40 when Shadowbringers price was announced to be $40
>Blizzard is scrambling to release Classic WoW this late summer in order to compete with FFXIV Shadowbringers
>They're deleting positive threads about FFXIV on the WoW official forums but conveniently keeping up negative comments about FFXIV
>Even Blizzard community managers are going to FFXIV events to shill WoW

Why is Blizzard so afraid of FFXIV?

Attached: blizzard employee at ffxiv_fest.jpg (640x853, 98K)

what's the best katana with and without vfx

I do try it, I post there often without issue. Literally my main way of killing time between now and ShB is helping the WoWfugees in /xivg/ git gud.

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Shut the fuck up.
I have posted there numerous times. Even if you can actually get a reply or a tiny bit of discussion you are still forced to scroll through all the faggotry that takes place there.
Seriously, piss off to /xivg/ if you like it so much there.

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So go back and don't forget to dilate your rotting meathole.

>chocobo is the best mount
My nigga.

You fucking happy now? Look at it.

Attached: Untitled.png (900x130, 7K)

Alliance Roulette to level SAM.
I'll probably stop at getting the pegasus though. The tome droprate (ie. 2) for the amount of time invested is appalling, if it weren't providing fast queues I wouldn't even be bothering.

Attached: D29AguHU8AAQMrd.jpg orig.jpg (1446x2048, 364K)

Isn't this what any smart business would do?

the Answers orchestron roll because fuck that droprate

Pegasus or possibly Odin armor since I'm not in any linkshells

>he doesn't know

Regalia is best mount and Peach Blossoms are best earrings

Unsullied Skies for no vfx

>all four replies shitting on him

I'm surprised they're releasing classic so late compared to Shadowbringers. Normally they would want a closer release to compete.

Baldur Katana and Gordian Katana

just buy it nigga it's only 50k on my server

Seeing Horde Katana for vfx
Shad AF katana without vfx

Attached: SAM.png (1225x740, 1.48M)

Horde Katana and Martial Katana

Tell server, it's still 1mil here.

The 8.2 patch is going to be the same week as shadowbringers


>Odin armor
Farm his trial and get it for free basically. That version works for other DoW too instead of only tanks. If anything get the Odin's sword from those tomes.

They're gonna release 8.2 close to Shadowbringers, then classic little bit over a month later so current players have to resub again for it.

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Since when ARR beast tribes have 2 minions? I had to all all of them.

Since always.

What? It dropped literally runs 1 and 2. Either my FC are the luckiest people ever or the drop rate was increased.


There's usually one for maxing out their reputation and then another one when you do the Allied Beast Tribe questline.

Oh shit, I HAVE to find out what happens to Sylvanas! And THRALL!

Take the elezenpill

Attached: poor little elezenboi.jpg (1050x605, 120K)

>unironically telling people to post in a thread like this

Attached: general.png (590x438, 43K)

Why it doesn't sound good like the Stormblood one?


I was hoping for something more hyped up like the part of the trailer theme when WoL switches to DRG.

What do you think of the alternate Coerthas?

Attached: B518DEB8-E0F4-4DF5-A6EA-2B9F92A1F3A1.jpg (640x598, 22K)

I would rather fuck a dark chocolate lizard

i like how GNB unsheathed sprinting animation is SAM unsheathed walking

B-bros... the zone isn't going to be that small, right...?

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Unfortunately DPS are stuck yo-yoing between having their skills or not while they level.

elezen look like a mess ingame vs fanart, chief

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>playing giraffes when cute and smart bunnies are soon going to be playable.

Attached: __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_kz_oji__0ac106b2a1a31961331396a3f9bf3b8c.jpg (1500x1534, 608K)

It's just the tip of the iceberg. Literally just went there and yes you can find SOME discussion but you have to dig through 90% of cancer and shit to actually find it.

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Mor Dhona

Attached: C2892C62-69A9-4F63-B5E1-4C9D326266DA.jpg (640x660, 24K)

It's what a business does when they are scared of real competition. Blizzard hasn't gone the lengths they do for FFXIV for other MMOs.

Then just read MMO Champion and watch the cutscenes.

Play Classic WoW

Attached: asmon.jpg (2325x2870, 870K)

>someone whispers telling me my character is cute
>immediately log off for 2 hours

Attached: 1542920444871.gif (400x225, 379K)

i dont understand how his eyes are so dark. his mom and dad both have light eyes im pretty sure

Sorry about that user..

I solved my hotbar issues, I just shoved all the skills that will get pruned on the top right corner so it doesn't matter if I never look there or use those buttons since they won't exist soon.

Attached: 1551516931181.png (469x220, 239K)

Why are people saying DRK got cucked? Big whoop it lost its shitty enmity combo and gained a shitton of DPS in return

Sounds good me to. Can't wait to 5xBloodspiller some faggots

>someone looks at your characters and whispers you that it's cute
>pretend to be afk for the next 4h.

bro he looks so dirty. like you can tell he hasn't washed his hair in a week from all that grease build up and he doesn't brush his teeth because look at mug.

>smaller than real Mor Dhona
It's over bros...

Attached: 1540234823902.jpg (1010x810, 173K)

I didn't play Stormblood.
Explain Eureka to me.
Is Heaven on High just Deep Dungeon 2.0? Is it better or different in any significant way?

Attached: 1478373276411.jpg (457x306, 21K)

Why is their flop ear option so shit?

>Shift+key below key but
>status bars below hotbars, even though it occupies less of the screen
you make some interesting decisions.

It's just WARs desperately trying to get out of the shed.

You’re forgetting Underwater lolol

eureka is 'grind mobs to make NM's pop, kill NMs to get 1% progression on your relic per'

Shit grinding, almost no one liked.

Don't open this image.

Attached: D77m__aW4AIyRjL.png (363x55, 46K)

It doesn't really fit a tall and reserved race like Viera.

Having Scourge as a second combo would be a good idea.
I still miss it bros...

Attached: scourge.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

we've seen the zones explored thoroughly you inbred
they're the size of gyr abania zones only not brown

>"hey thanks bro, how does it feel to have good taste?"

Attached: 1558460803553.jpg (591x570, 74K)

>we've seen the zones explored thoroughly you inbred

I’d rather they were all their own buttons with same cooldown because mudra isn’t fun after a few times learning it. Also fuck the ping and clipping

>Than you!

If the ears move they would be great.

Based, true chad NIN that doesn't give a fuck

>remove Scourge from DRK
>give both PLD and now GNB a DoT
I don't understand.

they recorded video at the media tour you massive fucking retard

>it's a catboy player that complimented you
>he "flirts" with you if you respond to him

why are you not using mudfish already are you too dumb to set it up properly

>they recorded video at the media tour
not clicking on some weird links lmfao


Because I ain’t paying even more money.

They removed Scourge to literally just nerf DRK. It was 2gud.

fucking based

BASED. How do I macro these so I can play NIN?

it's $5 for enough credit to last you for 5 years. dropped my ping by 30ms connecting to amazon's servers.

It's been like that for years now.
The hp bar is there because everything else is stacked on top of the hotbars. It might be even a bit too compact.

Attached: 1533077937785.png (841x407, 725K)

Attached: shock.gif (267x200, 1.59M)

Is there a way to test how much of a difference you can get, I’m 27ms to EU server I play on.

Attached: 1553447537845.jpg (1024x764, 63K)

It's not expensive at all and everyone should at least have 1 good VPN either for pirating games, privacy, or bypassing region locks for other shit.

I actually hate this


I have Mudfish, but it's not enough.
Cutting my ping down from 160 > 130 ms is fucking great, but you realistically need less than 100 (ideally less than 50) to play Ninja.

You don't need it then clearly. EU is a lot better pingwise since the server is so near to everyone playing from the region.

I'm too much of a brainlet for a hud where everything is spread out

I still dislike nin mudra system

>sit down next to a catboy to be friendly since he was off to the side by himself
>he asks to breed me
>stand over a lalafell to cover them with my dress
>they ask to eat me out
really wish people would take it back a notch with thinking everything has to be sexual

fast connect mode + connecting to closest node to the game server = the client auto accepts all inputs by proxying the server's packets to 0-2ms


These zones are so weird. It feels like they're walking through some kind of fantasy national park. I don't know how to describe it but it feels too 'orderly'.

always the thirsty fucking catboys

Attached: 1557387173318.jpg (612x719, 61K)

I got 86ms and I'm on east coast. I play Ninja just fine using Mudfish.

Attached: 3.jpg (88x25, 1K)

Your own fault for playing on balmung / crystal. That never happens to me

how do you wasd with your rotation skills on 12345

Attached: file.png (838x382, 562K)

That's what happens when you have no soul

yeah too bad the routing is fucking trash

it's better than brown, more brown, and a zone that's all water

based retard

i hold both mouse buttons if i need to move forward and attack

Does this game still have horrible ability bloat where every class has the same boring unnecessary filler attack? For example i remember when i leveled at level 6 or something every single melee class got the same kind of fucking DoT that lasted just long enough that you would refresh it at the end of your rotation again. Very boring. I'm not sure if i like this rotation system. Seems very outdated in comparison to a priority system.

Not him but use all your fingers.

why tho

Attached: why.png (779x499, 329K)

>not just enjoying the free panshot
The fuck is wrong with that lalafell

Don’t trust or play with anyone than needs a vpn, they are trash and always the ones wiping. Worst players in game.

gaijin you no use tornado kick

You're in for a nice surprise.

that's where VPNs come in.

Attached: routing.jpg (1552x386, 144K)

Why does it not say how long it lasts for?!?!?!?

there's weirdos on crystal but I'd rather deal with that than being stuck with lifeless raid bots on other servers.

you didn't play past level 30
every rotation is vastly different at max level and most use a priority system

is this the place with the cute lala butts

Attached: F29AAED7F8934C898B2BC13A03CC5DDB.gif (100x117, 5K)

because they don't set it up properly.

>lala butts
they're featureless dumpy potato people

literally the ugliest race in game

I played till level 56 when Heavensward came out.
Unfortunately i burned out while doing the level 50 story shit that's why i quit before hitting max level.
What kind of surprise?

i'm saying it's unplayable without

hear the same excuse from garbage linux users

LotA/ST with friends.

I'll get the earring both because I want to have it for the sake of having it and because I like goofy, dorky stuff.

Is there a way to check how less of a ping I’ll get without paying?

You could flip that argument around you know? They aren't just lifeless raid bots, although some obviously are.

so you never experienced max level play

Cause bosses jump if you play any content that isn't main story

>play through entire MSQ up to end of stormblood as WHM
>suddenly bored of the job, have no interest in playing it

Attached: mike2.jpg (418x420, 24K)


They give you trial credits. Follow advice if you want it to work.

Yes i did because i reached 50 before Heavensward released.
What are you trying to say? Level 50 is more than enough to have witnessed the insane amounts of button bloat this game suffers from.
Or suffered from (hopefully)


>check /xivg/
>someone just dumped a 2000-character blog about sucking futaroes off

>button bloat
wow is more your speed, brainlet

>say thanks and quickly queue into a dungeon so he can't respond
>spend 20 mins in there
>when I get out he's waiting there and instantly emotes me welcoming me back
holy fuck

Attached: 1547866189556.png (492x504, 356K)

>button bloat at level 50
have you ever played an mmo before

All the top percentile NA people use it because it's a borderline cheat by messing with how the client interacts.

What’s the duration of how long the recast for other skills last for? It only says how long each skill gcd will be, but for how long before it goes to normal?

salty aurafag detected

i do not like looking at this, and i should have heeded your warning

based retard

I had at least 30 abilities on my bars
That's bloat.
Can you retards just answer my question if something changed instead of defending bad game design?

Reminder if you want to play with Yea Forums that isn't the abomination in /xivg/, join the Yea Forums FCs on Ultros (NA) or Cerberus (EU)

Avoid ALL /vg/ shitters from balmung and mateus, and if EU, avoid "very cute" FC on Odin.

I do not care if you are angry at the truth.

Attached: DkWMe82XoAAh2Cq.png (800x680, 443K)

are you blind

There's something so strangely satisfying and old school about 2.x NIN icons.

>yoshi gives monk another tornado kick
for what purpose?

>want to play healer
>forced to DPS
>this is considered normal
wtf if i wanted to dps i would not be playing a healer job

Queue for Seal Rock.

Why is no one answering how long it lasts before gcd goes back to normal for other skills?

most jobs will have 25 ish buttons at level 80

>sending eu to chaos
mon dieu

ultros is a spic server

Meld sps and make it 2.1

I play on Odin and I can confirm this. Balmung and Odin are the (e)rp and degeneracy cesspools.

It doesn’t say when it reverts the recast of other skills.

Yes because pressing 1 instead of 2 twice per minute is so horrible
Seething healsluts found a reason to be angry, color me surprised

PLD had goring around the same time DRK had scourge though

>actually having buttons to press is bad game design
Go back. Stay there. Never return.

Attached: 1559189352738.jpg (1000x1359, 337K)

You're in the wrong place asking such basic bitch questions. They pruned abilities in Stormblood and they're doing another pruning in Shadowbringers. There are now jobs that rely on a priority system more heavily, such as red mage and soon dancer. Overall the game is built around strict rotations with wiggle room here and there, so if you prefer something closer to GW2, XIV is just plainly not for you, my guy.

you are either very ESL or just a dumbass

Balmung is based if you like seeing other players in your MMO.

Chaos is faring SLIGHTLY better than light right now, but the split has fucked both unfortunately. They dont have much for Yea Forums fc options anyway.

what's the fc here so i can blacklist everyone

LotA as BRD right now to get the ballad hat to finish off the set. Then will probably switch to a caster or heaer for the royal/crimson gearset pieces
Also convenient poetics for relics

>more buttons = more deep
you wouldn't know the first thing about game design

Then tell me how long the duration lasts for. 30sec before my gcd goes back to normal?

>playing with Yea Forums or /vg/ at all

I've never seen another Coeurl player in these threads

Attached: 1536803266934.jpg (800x600, 198K)

>p-please don't find out about my proxy trick

>why i haff 2 push bottons?!?!?!

Attached: 1538910557457.png (621x702, 56K)

base Torigashira. Not the eureka version, just the ilvl 400 weapon

Thanks for at least giving a straight fucking answer.

wow I really wonder why it says 4.88s recast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

salut ^^

Does this mean coeurl is a comfy normie server?

>spamming 1 ability, then another, is better
As I said, go back. Don't infest this game with your filth.

Attached: 12135623dfr4t5.jpg (549x557, 39K)

So shoot 3 GCD at most? Fucking nothing.

There's a really cute catgirl poster from Coeurl...

Our mod is Asmongold.

mostly people just being mad about the haste buff on blood weapon being gone, along with the change to abyssal drain so you can't be literally immortal during huge meme pulls in dungeons. they also kinda didn't fix the problem of its missing mitigation in physical heavy fights but it may not matter a whole lot with all the off tank shit that exists now so who knows
it's (probably) going to be the highest damage tank by the numbers and it's mitigation is still good enough so it's fine mechanically, but it's going to play much differently than what people are used to


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Fanart elezen aren't game elezen bro.
They will always look like shit.

>Made perfect Hrothgar for my tastes
>Cant use him for a month
Welp time to play other games

i do not understand what that means


Attached: kbZmGHx.jpg (1680x1050, 793K)


>Nothing on JP
At least there's no one from this place on my server.

You're right user, I hear they get remuneration in the form of microwaveable junk food

at least on chaos the froggies are forced to speak english, unlike on light where the krauts outnumber everyone else so most of the party finder is in german and all that

Omega has a pretty great FC.

Attached: hopeless.png (1166x887, 1.15M)

never claimed it was better ffxivcel.
anyone with a brain understands that ffxiv's combo system is bloated and shallow

it was before the shift, now it’s another balmung JR with even more dogshit players

Attached: 4CFD8B21-AD1F-4238-83ED-C92A122F596B.jpg (500x336, 19K)

Then don't play this fucking game then.

How are the other jobs coping with their changes? Should we start a support group?

Attached: ripmnk.png (900x475, 471K)

Good to know, i'll keep that in mind.

i'm not, hence why i was asking for information on whether the issues have been fixed instead of loading it up

>i hate when other people have fun

Since the server split there have been degenerates hanging out in Coeurl Limsa way more than usual

Ninja got better. Sure you clip more but that's just something you have to get used to.

BLMchads couldn't be happier.

I'm so glad that I made cool friends on Primal that actually enjoy the game and discuss other games like PSOBB, MH, etc and I don't have to associate with Yea Forums or /vg/ in-game.

Attached: 10102017737.png (910x632, 924K)

At most it will affect 3 gcd?

then go fucking google it or find a video. would've saved you time.

you do? maybe you should seek therapy

(French language) (Please use the auto-translate function.)

Holy fucking christ are you actually this stupid? IT APPLIES THE 4.88 GCD TO THE NEXT SKILL YOU FUCKING APE

I love when people judge a job based on training dummy and not in the fights themselves.

It just looks like it'll be slow as shit. 20s of fun, two minutes of souleater with shadow/bloodspiller every 30s each
Tbn is a little too pricy as well
Better MP tools fixes 90% of that though

Why would you use it other than before a mob goes away?

Any Yea Forums FC's on odin?

Yeah I'm pleased.
I like how GNB plays. Might be the first tank of choice in ShB.

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To double weave without clipping.

I love when people theorycraft stuff based on watching videos of someone playing a months outdated beta build while connecting to a JP test server from NA.

Attached: viera.jpg (1080x1350, 91K)


>want a really tall female character
>midlander at max height is perfect other than being ~10% too short
>highlanders are ugly and brown
>roes are literally shrek
>elezen are subhuman
Why does Yoshi hate me?

Attached: 1548650964456.jpg (500x471, 67K)


I just realized that the furry race will look stupid as a dragoon or ninja. Guess I'll pass on the fantasia.

>months outdated beta build
Watch as things stay the exact same, just like in HW and SB.

Why not?

Ninja question:
How do you deal with Mudra desync?

People talk about trick attack like it comes out every 60 seconds on the dot. But (I at least) take probably 2400-3000ms to input Suiton, use it, and inflict TA. You can precast it during a boss pull when you have a countdown, but after that that's a desync of about 3 seconds every minute. And that's if TCJ/Kassatsu don't completely assfuck your Mudra cooldown from lining up.

Attached: 1471322704668.jpg (324x270, 37K)

not an exclusive Yea Forums FC

I believe it's .

Attached: 1558465143935.jpg (767x1000, 246K)

I'm mostly a happy AST. Would like seals to matter more and/ore Divination to be on a shorter cd; new/changed skills like Celestial Opp or Intersection look piss weak potency-wise, especially with sects healing potency buffs removed, but the media tour build's at least a month old, it's just a b-b-beta. I legit wish they pruned the cards to 3 - damage for melee, damage for ranged, damage taken reduced/convalescence card - with the current seals system but muh job identity.

Kind of a shame RDM doesn't get anything noticeably interesting other than a much needed spruced up AoE rotation. Think I'll go back to BLM for ShB, stuff like Umbral Soul, Xenoglossy, 2 Polyglots looks dope.

it's fun and gives you an idea of stuff. people know shit can change. and what the fuck else is there to do?

remember drk's old darkside animation, remember flamethrower, remember earthly star, remember disembowel. all different

bigots only deserve the womanlet race, height is reserved for chads

>routing is trash
try living in a first world country

Attached: routing.png (646x285, 17K)

As far as i know the only "Yea Forums only" FC is the one on ultros, which is fucking surprising since they have over 200 people

I miss Stella.

>Kind of a shame RDM doesn't get anything noticeably interesting other than a much needed spruced up AoE rotation
The most insulting thing about what RDM got is that they used the same fucking spell names for their AoE versions. Why not Verwater and Verblizzard? Or Verthundara and Veraerora?

all of which were changed after the launch

You must not have been here for pre SB SAM talk.

>Verwater and Verblizzard
Requires effort in making new animations. These were probably unused or something.
>Verthundara and Veraerora
Requires Koji to allow it, but his massive fucking ego won't let us have anything other than numbers.

Attached: koji.jpg (234x215, 9K)

This double charge kassatsu going to confuse me even if it’s always going to be that one new ninjitsu if single target. And having to only be able to use bunshin when you have full
Mudra waiting because you want your clone to hit for all weaponskills

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I miss Disable more. At least you can use it in PvP.

It's just an error, lots of typos and errors both in the media tour build and in the job actions trailer, like mislabelled AST cards. It'll just be Verthunder II/Veraero II.

what will be the boss mechanics

Attached: yorha raid.jpg (1200x628, 76K)

I like big butts but that just looks awful.

there's not going to be some secret move that unlocks when you play like you're kirito and all the potencies of moves are out on the table. the devs aren't going to immediately know if some numbers are out of place and don't equal up compared to other jobs unless it's talked about. what better time to talk about it than now before the game is shipped out? this also could've been solved by a open test server but obviously that's not happening.

What is the name of the FC on ultros? I need to know so I can creep around the estate, find some players, not actually approach, and never apply.

TCJ helps you to line it up not make it worse

The final boss will be an Active Time Event where you have to play a 2-button rhythm game and if one person fucks up everyone dies.

Golden Ratio

Most people here are male, larger hands, smarter, they've learned to just swap the WASD fingers around as they press a skill once every 2.4 seconds

haha holy shit

how comes I imagine everyone's character on Yea Forums looks like a boring hyur or a dumb looking lizard

>red mage
>mage rouge
>only has like 4 spells that are actually colored red
>the vast majority are not red at all

>MTQ is married

Attached: 1551041513301.png (640x640, 408K)

Look to those who walked before to lead threads who walk after

I'm a min height lala. Game feels faster with a small character.

Is there a way to skip everything once Shadowbringers comes out and just go straight to 70?
Doing the story shit at 50 way back then almost made me wanna kms. Doing it again at 60 and 70 is literally out of the question considering how boring the story is and how trivial the content you have to clear.

>dumb looking
say that to my face

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One of the bosses is definitely going to have a mechanic that requires someone to sac themselves (and not be able to be raised) and it'll happen every 20-30 seconds.

>black mage
>none of its spells are black

I'm expecting a mechanic like Glasya Labolas from ST or triple Atomos lane from LotA/Mhach. Might even separate people per role instead of per Alliance.

How come every one of these threads has some faggot complaining that the threads are always deleted, but they never actually are? Stop your whining you piss ant.

You just don't bother trying to line it up.
New opener will likely have you delaying TA by 8-12 GCDs regardless and removing raid buffs means the group has to suck off the NINchad even harder if they want that padded parse

I do play a male hyur
and I wouldn't have it any other way

Attached: ffxiv_05252019_162104_981.png (1824x1026, 1.5M)

This is what my toon will look like when ShB launches. You won't see another one like it.

Attached: bun.png (629x729, 1009K)

Because Hyur players are well-adjusted, healthy, sane and handsome.

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roe ninjas only look kinda stupid, so hrothgar nin are probably fine
hrothgar dragoon is probably a step too far, yeah

Attached: check my 4.jpg (1200x900, 432K)

her face looks like a horse

Because you take everything you read here too seriously.

>Actually braindead as fuck

this isn't the game for you
the story is the most important thing
skippers are always retards who don't understand who anyone is or what's going on or even where a zone is geographically

mount do feel faster since they are smaller. also, the world and every other character appears larger from your camera angle.

all the thunder spells, foul AND nu-foul are all purple/black

They could maybe stop panicking about how their job is dead because something minor changes
A.K.A. Learn to stop being autistic retards.

based midlander post

Skippers usually quit too.

No one who play this game is well-adjusted, healthy, sane or handsome.

lmao get filtered you illiterate nigger

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There is, but if you're not liking the game by now you probably never will.
No, raids alone are not worth subbing for.

mandatory bullet hell sequence and 2d camera parts.

Yeah, the new jump potions will skip to the start of ShB.

No one who plays and actively posts here or on the OF. Plenty of normalfags pick it up.

why do i need to understand who anyone is or where a zone is geographically? that's just world building. information that doesn't impact the core of the game.

castum meridianum as healer, just browse Yea Forums the whole time, I already got 33 today

>minor changes
MNK main here. I'm literally shaking

>2d camera parts
Will there be jumping and pitfalls?

Thunder is purple and Fouls are gray

they never said they were putting in new jump potions

play a different game
50% of this game is story

Isn't it dead as fuck?

I like the game.
Emphasis on game.
The story is bad and boring.
Maybe it would be okay if it was paced better but you literally drown in 40 hours of story quests once you reach max level of an old expansion.

>he doesn't understand how certain mechanics fuck certain jobs
What's it like being permanently stuck at level 30?

don't listen to these retards
as soon as sbh comes out, jump potions to 70 and story skip straight to shadowbringers will be available.
ShB is gonna be this game's renaissance expansion, so whatever problems you had in the previous shittier installments probably won't be present once you get started in the new one

they 100% will, it's free income

whats this image?

you think this looks good huh

I have severe tank anxiety despite having naturally leveled my PLD to 70 and sitting at 64 on DRK right now. Should I just say fuck it and use HoH to blast to 70? I know dungeons would be faster but my anxiety makes me hesitate to queue which is making it take longer than it should.

>they've already done a version of this in byakko, and they like putting weird gimmicks in 24mans
the madmen will actually do it

should i fantasia to female if i have male character name?

>not playing with a gamepad
you fucking wow babies

one alliance will fall down a pit and have to do a 2d jump puzzle to climb to the top. if they don't make it in time then they die.

>worldbuilding doesn't matter in a story focused RPG
Minmaxing endgame autists should be gassed.

>fouls are gray

Attached: uhh.png (1281x691, 2.21M)

I just want to fight opera boss and have the nice ost of automata.

Nah, just relatively small compared to some giants like that 200 user FC posted earlier.

It's actually pretty comfy that way.

Attached: ice.gif (319x310, 540K)

i've tanked in MMOs for nearly 14 years. What part of tanking gives you anxiety precisely?

GAMEs are about GAMEplay
I don't give a fuck about fanfic tier writing.

Fantasia is literally a tranny potion

>i want to level a class i hate playing
for what purpose

What do you have to be anxious about? Worst they can do is kick you, but you're a tank and can just instantly jump into another one.

>playing a final fantasy game
>says story and world building don't matter
Go back.

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kys omega

The fuck? It's over 2 mil on Levi.

Looking more pointy hats

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>as soon as sbh comes out, jump potions to 70 and story skip straight to shadowbringers will be available.
they never said they were doing this and if they were then they would have done it by now since the expansion is coming out in 27 days.

thanks senpai. finally someone who gives an actual answer to my question instead of telling me how i'm not worthy of playing the game if i don't care to grind hours of old content.

jumps have been available at the start of every single expac, retard

>he thinks we play this game for four raid bosses every 8 months
Okay something else retard

Try to get to the level 60 MSQ. If you're not liking it by then I would suggest waiting for shadowbringers to launch so you can purchase a stormblood story skip and a level 70 skip.

Any time a DPS runs ahead to try and pull extra mobs which I have to pull off them leading to us almost wiping, or healers that let my HP drop to the 100-200 before healing me. It's like a constant state of thinking we're about to get wiped and waste everyone's time.

playing with primal datacenter friends and not Yea Forums or /vg/

>play this game for four raid bosses every 8 months
literally me


Whats the name of the Omega FC, i'll add it to the "not shit" FC's in my crusade to save souls from the balmongol horde

they matter if you care, but they're not imperative for enjoying the gameplay. i don't need to know why a raid boss is a baddie and what my motivations for killing it are. all i need to know is that it's an enemy i can hit.

here's my dumb cat

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final fantasy games have always had bad story, you idiot. Even the japanese fanbase constantly shits all over the writing, people plays these games for the combat and exploration
well, in xiv's case they play for combat and glamour

you're a literal faggot, open and shut.
you are just scared of confrontation by other players when anyone who bitches at you is a fucking loser anyway, grow up.

What skill are you referring from with that potency

heavensward didn't have jumps at all. if they were planning on making 70 jumps then they had 3 fanfests to announce it.

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>unironically paying 25$ to skip everything and then 13$ a month for 4 bosses every other patch or so
Why user? With how much you care about minmaxing, you can't SERIOUSLY think non-savage/ultimate is also worth your money.

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>Spends 20 seconds of darkside
>Does more damage, gives 10% attack speed for 20 seconds and recovers MP if it consumes darkside.
This would fix a few issues with DRK.
Darkside on ShB seems so pointless.

tl;dr duty finder heroes think that the only skill in the game is in dps actions

the striking dummy is the control you retard it's the best case scenario for your job, then afterwards it's tested on fights. if the control isn't good it's not going to suddenly spike up in a case by case scenario you expert roulette faggot. even then strats are built up around uptime for jobs who need it like melee or changing your opener if there's a break in the fight at an odd time.

correct tho, heavansward, stormblood and soon shb

that kefka isnt too bad

potency whining is stupid.
ability whining? completely valid because SE doesn't just remove/re-add abilities from a media tour build; all they do is adjust potencies and minor tweaks to some ability effects n shit

Boss fucks up interface for HP and MP as well as your combos just to mess with bad players and does bait aoes like Kefka for good measure.

If you can't understand how knowing those things can enhance the fight then you're probably a subhuman monkey that should go back to WoW or CS:GO instead of playing an RPG.


>I play a tank
>I play a job that makes me anxious
>I don't want to get better nor get over my anxiety

Either man up and deal with your problems or just play a DPS, what's the point of purposefully playing a role you hate

Or maybe I just got b8ed

doesn't matter how much you skip, its still the mediocre overwrought anime storyline/cutscenes in everything even after you skip

>>highlanders are ugly and brown
You can make a cute pale highlander, but only one face option really works and the nose is a little long.
She looks tired though which is 10/10, and Fordola's hairstyle is top cute

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hacking minigame just like o9s gameplay

People play mmo for combat? LMAO.

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>elezen are subhuman
You sound like a filthy fucking heretic.

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Jump potions didn't exist until Stormblood you dumb nigger.

Well for starters if DPS are pulling for you then there's a couple things that could be happening. One is you're not pulling the dungeon "properly", meaning you're not learned in which dungeons you pull wall to wall (all of them from HW on), or the other is the DPS is a shitter and you should either let him die or take it as he's being a fuckass and you're doing nothing wrong.
Healers SHOULD let you get low hp, that's how tanking in this game works. Healers have the means to burst heal you to full in 2 GCDs so getting you low isn't an issue.
As a side note, in low level dungeons pre-30ish the DPS pulling isn't an issue. Treat those as just a free for all with you being there as a backup.

why do you keep implying that i'm a min/maxer or something?
i did the story catch up at level 50 back when heavensward released and all the content was completley trivial and all i was doing was to tag along as all the enemies got killed within seconds and mechanics were ignored
this is objectively not a fun way of spending your time. what's wrong with wanting to skip to the relevant content? no, seriously, what's the problem? also why do you think i would stay subbed month after month instead of clearing content and then doing something else until the next patch drops? i don't live inside mmos.
no idea what you're feeling so smug about.

Kupo Corps

Good stuff.

Attached: Look it up.png (485x325, 165K)


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You guys know of any guilds that only keep one Race?

I don't want to be in a free company with furries or Fish men

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time to stalk like a pro, anons
/merror off

huh? i literally just said that they matter if you care. nice reading comprehension, user.
from the rest of your comment it's very clear that you're just desperately trying to make yourself feel superior to some random person on the internet.

>tfw job appropriate glamour male midlander
>load him up in the sbr benchmark and realise I've just been a taller derplander for the past 5 years

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Let's just be happy that it's the 24 man which can't actually be difficult

Lala Mafia on Ultros!

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i always grumble when i get praetorium in Main Scenario roulette but i turn the sound on for Ultima every fucking time

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>which can't actually be difficult
these are the people I play with?

>no hips on the cat
Is it a dude? I think I see an adamsapple.

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>do expert roulette with a Machinist in the party
>doesn't AoE the trash pulls even a single time
>doesn't have the bishop turret down
>ask him to start using AoE, he ignores me
>wastes our LB2 on the last 3% of the third boss
This sort of thing really shouldn't still piss me off after 3 years, but I can't help it

Attached: whatever.png (533x744, 848K)

Reminder that playing with Yea Forums is no better than playing with /vg/

Primal is a good Data Center though.

I'm in Coeurl
But only during the ShB honeymoon phase so I can play with friends. Once raids start dropping i'm moving back to Jenova.

It's 赤魔道士 or あかまどうし in hiragana



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>third boss
>meant the second one, fug

New player here

How come there are like 20 dps classes but only 3 tank classes and 3 healing classes?

Attached: jeff.png (736x415, 560K)

People play video games for the gameplay? LMAO.

Because tanks and healers are harder to balance

Do you have something to say, anonymous?

Attached: FFXIV_Zenos_Throne.png (1920x1080, 3.64M)

nobody knows

They don't know how to balance tanks and healers to make them unique so they don't bother with them.

I think you're really cool, Lord Zenos. Forgive my earlier comments.

>Tanks and healers harder to balance
>NIN has been meta pick since introduction
>DRG has been oppressive since HW
>BRD has been oppressive since midway HW
No, pretty sure it's just SE being incapable, not actually harder to balance like said

There's only 9 DPS classes, 10 if you count Blue Mage, and it's harder to balance Tanks and Healers. That, and a majority of players naturally gravitate toward dps, so having more of them is good while having fewer of the other classes is fine.

God the animation as so fucking hot.

i want to suck your possessed dick

DRG/BRD synergy is about to be broken for the first time in 6 years

Prove it

But they're adding another tank

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>Yea Forums fc is on the resetera server
makes sense

Go back to /vg/ you dirty degenerate

trying to come up with a ninja glam that doesn't clip regardless of race
it's impossible

>Stone V
>They have to figure out a new suffix for japanese

>almost everyone in this thread started in Heavensward or Stormblood
crazy to think that 2.x players are the oldfags now, not the 1.x players.

Attached: ffxiv 2015-04-02 00-54-35-68.png (1600x900, 2.07M)

Was resetera even a thing 6 years ago ?

>lahabrea literally warned us about Light fucking up the planet's aetherial balance back in ARR


You're a massive fucking faggot, Zenos. Fight me.

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well thats what happens when a game continuously grows overtime instead of stagnating like WoW, where every person started at least 6 years ago

Post the date of your first achievement

Gunromaru / Bokuto for no glow.

Seething Horde Katana / Ifrit's Katana for glow.

Imagine the sort of person who plays this game lmao

I wish I had started sooner than 3.1 I thought the game was shit simply because it was an mmo.

Attached: hello i am dodo.png (278x226, 14K)

It turns out Hydaelyn isn't so good after all.
Elidibus was a fool who's only now seeing the value in killing the WoL
Based Lahabrea was right all along.

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my man, I'll help you out bro

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Man, I wish I didn't delete all my ARR screenshots. But then, I was taking screenshots of literally everything.
Every new place I went to, random NPCs I spoke to, dungeon runs and cutscenes and shit.

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i got in when glamours were introduced and i 100% dont feel like an oldfag

Haven't played since HW. Please give me a quick rundown of shit I need to be aware of. I saw that cross-class skills have been removed?

>"wow user, you jobbed to zenos in front of everyone"
>"you should gather your friends before trying to fight him again. he's so powerful"

easier to make fun of them

And that basically proves the point. It only took them looking at benchmarks and finally listening to the player base to remove the piercing debuff. Nothing's keeping them from doing that for healers and tanks as well. The fact it took them 6 years to do something so trivial only proves their ineptitude to balance, not the difficulty of doing it.

Accidental quote but I'm still less gay than you fags

i wonder how many current wow players have been around since vanilla, i'd be curious to see how that compares to 2.x and 1.x players

Bullet hell

You and what rotation, dickless?

t. DRK main:(

Attached: I tire of this charade.gif (500x400, 1.37M)

I started like a month or so after 2.0 launched.
The first job I leveled up was DRG.

i mean i played 1.0 but i dropped that shit after a few days fuck the idiots who stayed for a tattoo

I was doing that too. I stopped because looking back at them didn't feel memorable anymore.

Normally you'd have a case, but mmo gameplay is fucking ass. People tolerate it at best.

man he's been trying to
like he gets resurrected and the first thing he does is try to find you to get into a fight

Attached: Ya boi Fray.png (1241x1232, 46K)

People are so retarded to fall for this shit and get their account stolen that Square Enix has to warn them about it.


you're still somewhat gay then lmao

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I've started playing at 2.1 and I still feel like a newfag

-da is used for healing magic in some games, might as well steal it and put it on stone. Could have given them some trait that heals someone for a small amount when you use it to justify the nomenclature

questing is ass in all MMOs but fighting relevant encounters is not.

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Why would oldfag status be determined by the amount of players that remain, unless that number is 0 of course. 1.0fags are still the oldfags.

>false Zenos gets destroyed like a punk
>Saved by a shitheel catboy dialing SOS at a very inconvenient time

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How long until my green leaf wears off?

I despise this mark

You sure it's not a precaution thanks to the thousands of scams out there for other games?

Are there even any good suits for Reisen?

What's a rotation?

Just natural selection running its course

enjoy it while you can

It's rare to see so much jealousy in a single post. Imagine missing the best period of XIV. Maybe in your next life you'll make a better decision.

When you're good enough, faggot. Keep being a shitter.

Attached: ayyymeric.jpg (400x505, 124K)

I want that kefka to femdom me

that mark is protection from people harassing you for being bad

it automatically makes people treat you better

you will miss it

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literally forever, i've seen people in sb areas with it on
you can turn it off manually, but i forget the command so just look it up

Attached: sprout2.png (320x322, 166K)

you can ban anyone for bullying you with that leaf alone use that power wisely

The difference is I can respect people who played in 2.0. Anyone who brags about playing the abomination that is 1.0 which might as well be an unrelated game is just a weirdo.

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1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

>"I know fighting is literally your entire life and you're stronger than everything on this planet and beyond, but STOOOOOOOOP FIGHTING PLEASE"
I hope Tataru gets fucking murdered. Spent the entire expansion being a money grubbing jew now suddenly she cares about something other than her shekels?

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>jobs in 5.0 have less abilities and gameplay possibilities than in 4.0
>this is somehow advancement
We're entering BFA territory too soon

Attached: cyanide gas.jpg (600x560, 68K)

3 more weeks

what did I miss and why can't I remember this even though I did this very recently

The optimal order and timing in which you press your buttons to get the best results. Not just your 123 combos, but of your entire skillset, to make sure your buffs are used at the right time to maximize damage and line up with others. For some classes a single "rotation" is simple and doesn't take very long, but for others with bloated skill lists and multiple timers to cool down and line up with eachother, they can be lengthy and complicated.

>That son of a gun that pats you while you are checking stuff on the menu
If you want something from me then say it pussy boys

highest dmg tank? please make way for the PLD chads

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>remove useless abilities
>every job still has 25+ abilities

Look man, I agree I don't want 10 ability classes like BFA, but this is nowhere near it.

"Your character's cute!"
there, simple

>thread is on autosage
we did it Yea Forums

Which classes have the most complex rotations and which have the simplest?

right click character -> edit search info -> change the leaf icon

2.2 bab here

>Alisaie sees the WoL fighting everything for everyone all the time
>Disappears to train for an entire expansion to ease the burden

Attached: 1543984339409.jpg (981x1080, 300K)

The alliance is watching you fighting not-Zenos
After you strike him down the first time, he gets back up to fight you again
Catboy forces you into one of the seizures that hit the others, effectively losing you the fight in front of everyone and forcing someone to rescue you
Now no one thinks you can handle him, so you need to cure your friends for your next attempt

you're about to dunk on elidibus (in zenos' body) but then a catboy sucks you into a void and tells you to pick up his mail from the crystal tower, knocking you unconscious in the process
meanwhile estinien shows up and princess carries you to ishgard

>6 fucking years
Holy fucking shit.
I always forget I started playing on my birthday.

Attached: 6.png (462x115, 9K)

>Alisaie dies in ShB protecting the WoL
>Prompts Alphinaud to become Elidibus

>reading comprehension

>remove 5 abilities
>add 5 new ones
>somehow retards think this means there are less

but then who is this

Attached: DyZDa_tWoAAMYVQ.jpg (1200x675, 100K)

>your cognitive reasoning skills

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I love my wife so much.

Attached: alisaie3.png (649x575, 389K)


We go out to the field to do battle with the Empire's hottest coolest strongest warrior possessed by the final boss. Raubahn tells us beforehand that everyone will be watching so that when they see him fall, morale will be boosted. We get there, start kicking his ass, when suddenly we start losing consciousness because our faggot cat is calling us, and Estinien has to bail us out before we get killed.
So now we look like huge jobbers and ended up losing a fight we could've easily won because some interdimensional dickhead needs us to pick up his UPS package, and everyone was watching so now the Empire probably feels like hot shit while the Alliance can't depend on their most powerful weapon anymore.

>try game out with all the hype
>it's a tranny dressup game
yikes lads

Alisae summoned a Primal to eat some of the overflowing aether of the First

King's honor, friend

reminder that this is frowned upon heavily in the game world

As someone who mained BLM in ARR and will main BLM in ShB I find it funny just how simple things were back then. No enochian no leylines no polyglot just fire 1.

why did you pick the wrong datacenter

>WAR cucked
>GNB fucked
Welp, the two tanks I wanted to play are trash...

What is this autistic number crunching? It takes no raid buffs into account so it's beyond worthless. DRK will outperform PLD since they have a better burst window within trick and their burst also works with RDM's (often used in prog) Embolden unlike Holy Spirit/Confetti. Who even gives a shit about dummy damage jfc

I'm still confused by
because I assumed Enigmatic Figure was the WoL

Potency values from the media tour are not final and may well have already been changed


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Sweaty GNB detected

Look at this baby

>I assumed Enigmatic Figure was the WoL
The only way you could possibly think that is if you play a catboy so that's a big yikes

It's the cat that locked himself in tower from the raid series from ARR

It's time to break the mold.

Attached: the truth.png (1219x446, 194K)

there's an error in that, cns is now 600 potency so drk is just barely under pld (16494 vs 16456). i'm also 90% sure he fucked up the number of edges you get to cast per minute so it should be very slightly higher than 4. that's enough to put drk over the top

Attached: get carved on nerd.jpg (246x62, 9K)

Except unless it's virtua fighter with contextual buttons yes. By definition having more options in a game lends itself to deeper game play.

wash yer back

they always have the media tour 1-2 months in advance because it allows them to gauge balance discussion online and make last minute adjustments. that's why earthly star went from being 900 potency to 720 potency.