Yea Forums said a game is amazing

>Yea Forums said a game is amazing
>buy it
>its incredibly mediocre if not borderline banal but is full to the brim with awkward poorly written stock fanservice shit that autists gobble up like cheetos

Attached: 1280w.jpg (1280x960, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You just have shit taste, for Yea Forums is ALWAYS right right.

>the vast majority of characters in the game are stock waifus that are exactly the same as the 500 other games they've been in but with different haircuts
>you know exactly what they're going to say before they even say it because the personality has to be the same or else autists get triggered
>retards on Yea Forums still gobble this shit up and make threads day after day just so they can post off model fan art of their cookie cutter "waifu"

Attached: STOP.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

>buy it
Why? If you want to try a game just pirate it then buy it later if you liked it, fucking underage

>having disposable income
Pick 1

What are parents?

Attached: pc-and-video-games-games-switch-xenoblade-chronicles-2-nintendo-1.jpg (600x600, 380K)

What kind of parent buys their kid a retarded anime waifu game?

I don't know, why parents buy violent games with 18+ tags for their children?

Yes, never listen to Yea Forums.

Simulated violence doesn't make you trans.

>Any BR

Where did I say that? Evading my question, I see

literally nier automata

>banal and full of fanservice
Excuse me?


Not even him, I don't need to answer your retarded question, but what would you prefer? A violent kid or a sissy?

Video game neither makes you a sissy nor violent, if that's what are you trying to say. Stop with this conservative shit, retard.

>anime doesn't make you gay
LOL, just look at any weeb, they are all faggots wanting to be the girl

>video games
Are you genuinely autistic? Just asking.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with weebs?
I don't even hate anime, I used to be a weeb myself when I was younger. But one day something just clicked and I couldn't not notice how fucking retarded these character archtypes are, I couldn't stop noticing just how stupid weebshit in general is.

It was never as bad as it is now though, I thought weebshit was stupid when I was 14 and growing out of it, but holy fuck weebshit sucks now.
Its like its all being made by boomers my age that never grew out of their retarded weebshit phase and brought that horrible autism with them into the industry so everything is being filtered through multiple layers of autism and weebfaggotry.

I genuinely don't understand how people can stomach shit like Idolmaster, Neptunia, Senran Kagura, or Gacha shit.
What the fuck happened to anime and japanese games?
When I was a weeb anime was at least cool, did that stupid moe fad really do so much damage that weeb culture just never recovered from being the gayest thing on the planet?

Attached: 1460764979449.png (474x311, 151K)

Based retard

Stop replaying to yourself OP, I can see the IP count is not raising

>Yea Forums said
Why do you listen to the mentally ill?

Its not my fault Nintendo released Xenoblade Chronicles X before releasing literal weeb trash.
We had better get a fucking XCX2 some day because XC2 was retarded

That's a video game. Playing video game has no effect in your life. If it does you're most likely a drug addicted shit and/or compulsory buyer, you know, actual disorders.

Keep lying to yourself.
Blame weebs.

Not an argument, good one OP